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Alexandre Fournier

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Former PhD Student, Supaéro / ENSAE

motcle Keywords : Markov Random Fields, Texture, Segmentation, Classification

plus Contact :

Mail :AlexandredotFournieratinriadotfr
Phone :(33)4-92-38-77-73
Fax :(33)4-92-38-76-43
Postal adress :INRIA Sophia Antipolis
2004, route des Lucioles
06902 Sophia Antipolis Cedex
Webpage :visit !

plus Abstract :

My research goal is to detect and distinguish targets from the changes between a pair of remotely sensed pictures. First, the changes are detected through an iterative principal component analysis. Then we use an entropy K-Means algorithm followed by a Markov Random Field segmentation in order to classify the changed zones on the picture. Later, we will use a higher level approach in order to recognise some patterns and discard false positives.

plus Short Bio :

2005-2008 : Doctorat au sein du projet Ariana, INRIA Sophia Antipolis ;
2002-2005: cursus d'ingénieur à SUPAERO (Toulouse), specialisations en traitement de l'information et Imagerie Spatiale ;
1999-2002:classes préparatoires mathématiques supérieures et spéciales au Lycée Marcelin Berthelot (St Maur).

plus Teaching :

2005-2007 : Encadrement du Projet d'Imagerie en cinquième année à l'EPUNSA (École Polytechnique de l'Université de Nice-Sophia-Antipolis )

plus Last publications in Ariana Research Group :
On the Illumination Invariance of the Level Lines under Directed Light: Application to Change Detection.
P. Weiss and A. Fournier and L. Blanc-Féraud and G. Aubert. SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, 4(1): pages 448-471, March 2011.
Keywords : Level Lines, topographic map, illumination invariance, Change detection, contrast equalization, remote sensing.
A contrast equalization procedure for change detection algorithms: applications to remotely sensed images of urban areas.
A. Fournier and P. Weiss and L. Blanc-Féraud and G. Aubert. In International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), Tampa, USA, December 2008.
Keywords : Change detection, Level Lines, remote sensing.
Copyright : ©2008 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE.
Détection et classification de changements sur des scènes urbaines en télédétection.
A. Fournier. PhD Thesis, Institut Supérieur de l'Aéronautique et de l'Espace, October 2008.
Keywords : détection de changements, Satellite images, lignes de niveau, Classification, Urban areas, statistiques directionnelles.
publis All publications in Ariana Research Group
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