Shared-Data Overlay Network (SON)

P2P Share

Download the demo at:

The demo require

  • Java 1.6
  • Any browser

How to run the demo?

Follow these steps to quick start the demo (same machine):

  1. Execute (linux), run.bat (Windows), or run.command (MacOS).
  2. Open Taran's web interface .
  3. Wait and enjoy Taran's life for a moment.
  4. Execute (linux), runClient.bat (Windows), or runClient.command (MacOS).
  5. Open Alic's web interface.
  6. Play.


How about the distributed mode

  1. Change in the configuration file {config-client/config.ini} the option with the IP adress where you run the first p2pshare (use ifconfig,?)

How to change the number of peers

  1. Change in the configuration files {config.ini} the two options p2pshare.firstuser and p2prec.nbofuser

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