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Publications of O. Dalle
Publications of O. Dalle
O. Dalle and G. Wainer, editors.
SIMULATION: Transactions of the Society of Modeling and Simulation International. Special Issue on Software Tools, Techniques and Architectures for Computer Simulation,
volume 86.
O. Dalle,
J. R. Heath,
and G. A. Wayne, editors.
Mobile Networks and Applications (MONET) : Special Issue on Development Tools and Techniques for Mobile Telecommunications.
Springer Netherlands,
December 2009.
Note: Online publication.
] [bibtex-entry]
O. Dalle,
L.-F. Perrone,
G. Stea,
and G. A. Wainer, editors.
2nd International Conference on Simulation Tools and Techniques (SIMUTools 2009),
Rome, Italy,
March 2009.
O. Dalle and G.A. Wainer, editors.
1st International Conference on Simulation and Techniques for Communications, Networks and Systems (SIMU Tools 2008),
Marseille, France,
March 2008.
T. Ören,
L. Torres,
F. Amblard,
J.-P. Belaud,
J. Caussanel,
O. Dalle,
R. Duboz,
A. Ferrarini,
C. Frydman,
E.-A. M. Hamri,
D. Hill,
A. Naamane,
P. Siron,
E. Tranvouez,
and G. Zacharewicz.
Modeling and Simulation Dictionary: English-French-Turkish.
Prof. Tuncer Ören,
O. Dalle,
S. Frénot,
and M. Riveill, editors.
Cinquième Ecole d'Hiver des Télécommunications,
Golfe Juan, France,
December 2002.
INRIA - CNRS - Univ. de Nice,
O. Dalle.
Techniques et outils pour les communications et la répartition dynamique de charge dans les réseaux de stations de travail.
Thèse de Doctorat,
Université de Nice - Sophia Antipolis, École doctorale Sciences Pour l'Ingénieur,
Janvier 1999.
G. A. Wainer,
K. Al-Zoubi,
O. Dalle,
R.C. Hill,
S. Mittal,
J. L. R. Martin,
H. Sarjoughian,
L. Touraille,
M. K. Traoré,
and B. P. Zeigler.
Discrete-Event Modeling and Simulation: Theory and Applications,
chapter 18 - Standardizing DEVS Simulation Middleware,
pages 459-494.
Taylor and Francis,
] [bibtex-entry]
G . Wainer,
K. Al-Zoubi,
O. Dalle,
R. C. Hill,
S. Mittal,
J. L. R. Martin,
H. Sarjoughian,
L. Touraille,
M. K. Traoré,
and B. P. Zeigler.
Discrete-Event Modeling and Simulation: Theory and Applications,
chapter 17 - Standardizing DEVS model representation,
pages 427-458.
Taylor and Francis,
] [bibtex-entry]
O. Dalle.
Should Simulation Products Use Software Engineering Techniques or Should They Reuse Products of Software Engineering? -- Part 1.
Modeling & Simulation Magazine,
07 2011.
Note: Online publication.
] [PDF
] [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]
O. Dalle.
Should Simulation Products Use Software Engineering Techniques or Should They Reuse Products of Software Engineering? -- Part 2.
Modeling & Simulation Magazine,
10 2011.
Note: Online publication.
] [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]
O. Dalle,
Q. Liu,
G. Wainer,
and B. P. Zeigler.
Applying Cellular Automata and DEVS Methodologies to Digital Games: A Survey.
Simulation & Gaming,
December 2010.
Note: EA DISSIMINET (Associated Team).
] [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]
M. Becker,
A.-L. Beylot,
O. Dalle,
R. Dhaou,
M. Marot,
P. Mussi,
C. Rigal,
and V. Sutter.
The ASIMUT Simulation Workshop.
Networking and Information Systems Journal,
O. Dalle and E. Mancini.
Integrated tools for the simulation analysis of peer-to-peer backup systems.
In Proceedings of the 5th International ICST Conference on Simulation Tools and Techniques,
pages 178-183,
March 2012.
ICST (Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering).
] [PDF
] [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]
O. Dalle and E. Mancini.
Traces Generation To Simulate Large-Scale Distributed Applications.
In S. Jain,
R. R. Creasey,
J. Himmelspach,
K. P. White,
and M. Fu, editors,
Winter Simulation Conference,
Phoenix, AZ, États-Unis,
pages 10p.,
December 2011.
] [PDF
] [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]
O. Dalle and J. Ribault.
Some Desired Features for the DEVS Architecture Description Language.
In Proceedings of the Symposium On Theory of Modeling and Simulation -- DEVS Integrative M&S Symposium (TMS/DEVS 2011),
volume Book 4 -- Symposium on Theory of Modeling & Simulation - DEVS Integrative M&S Symposium (TMS/DEVS),
Boston, MA, États-Unis,
pages 258-263,
04 2011.
] [PDF
] [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]
J. Ribault,
O. Dalle,
D. Conan,
and S. Leriche.
OSIF: A Framework To Instrument, Validate, and Analyze Simulations.
In In Proc. of 3rd Intl. ICST Conference on Simulation Tools and Techniques (SIMUTools'2010),
Torremolinos, Spain,
15-19 March 2010.
] [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]
P. Uribe,
J-C. Maureira Bravo,
and O. Dalle.
Extending INET Framework for Directional and Asymmetrical Wireless Communications.
In Proc. of the 2010 Intl. ICST Workshop on OMNeT++ (OMNeT++ 2010),
Torremolinos, Spain,
pages 1--8,
15-19 March 2010.
O. Dalle,
F. Giroire,
J. Monteiro,
and S. Pérennes.
Analyse des Corrélations entre Pannes dans les Systèmes de Stockage Pair-à-Pair.
In Augustin Chaintreau and Clemence Magnien, editors,
11ème rencontres francophones sur les Aspects Algorithmiques des Télécommunications (Algotel'2009),
Carry-Le-Rouet France,
pages 4p,
Note: Best Student Paper Award.
] [PDF
] [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]
O. Dalle,
F. Giroire,
J. Monteiro,
and S. Pérennes.
Analysis of Failure Correlation Impact on Peer-to-Peer Storage Systems.
In Proceedings of the 9th IEEE International Conference on Peer-to-Peer Computing (P2P),
pages 184--193,
September 2009.
] [PDF
] [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]
J. Himmelspach,
O. Dalle,
and J. Ribault.
Design considerations for M&S software.
In D. Rossetti,
R. R. Hill,
B. Johansson,
A. Dunkin,
and R. G. Ingalls, editors,
Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference (WSC'09),
Austin, TX,
pages 12p,
December 2009.
Note: Invited Paper.
] [PDF
] [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]
J-C. Maureira Bravo,
D. Dujovne,
and O. Dalle.
Generation of Realistic 802.11 Interferences in the OMNeT++ INET Framework Based on Real Traffic Measurements.
In Second International Workshop on OMNeT++,
Rome, Italy,
pages 8p,
March 2009.
] [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]
J-C. Maureira Bravo,
P. Uribe,
O. Dalle,
T. Asahi,
and J. Amaya.
Component based approach using OMNeT++ for Train Communication Modeling.
In Proceedings of 9th International Conference on ITS Telecommunication,
Lille, France,
pages 6p,
October 2009.
] [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]
J. Ribault and O. Dalle.
OSA : A Federative Simulation Platform.
In Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference (WSC'09),
Austin, TX, USA,
Note: Ph.D. Colloquium.
] [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]
O. Dalle,
B.P. Zeigler,
and G.A. Wainer.
Extending DEVS to support multiple occurrence in component-based simulation.
In S. J. Mason,
R. R. Hill,
L. Moench,
and O. Rose, editors,
Proceedings of the 2008 Winter Simulation Conference,
pages 10p,
December 2008.
] [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]
J. Ribault and O. Dalle.
Enabling advanced simulation scenarios with new software engineering techniques.
In 20th European Modeling and Simulation Symposium (EMSS 2008),
Briatico, Italy,
pages 6p,
] [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]
O. Dalle.
Component-based Discrete Event Simulation Using the Fractal Component Model.
In AI, Simulation and Planning in High Autonomy Systems (AIS)-Conceptual Modeling and Simulation (CMS) Joint Conference,
Buenos Aires, AR,
pages 213--218,
February 2007.
] [bibtex-entry]
O. Dalle.
The OSA Project: an Example of Component Based Software Engineering Techniques Applied to Simulation.
In Proc. of the Summer Computer Simulation Conference (SCSC'07),
San Diego, CA, USA,
pages 1155--1162,
July 2007.
Note: Invited paper.
] [bibtex-entry]
O. Dalle and C. Mrabet.
An Instrumentation Framework for component-based simulations based on the Separation of Concerns paradigm.
In Proc. of 6th EUROSIM Congress (EUROSIM'2007),
Ljubljana, Slovenia,
pages 10p,
September 2007.
] [bibtex-entry]
O. Dalle and G. Wainer.
An Open Issue on Applying Sharing Modeling Patterns in DEVS.
In Proc. of the DEVS Workshop of the Summer Computer Simulation Conference (SCSC'07),
San Diego, CA,
July 2007.
Note: Short paper.
] [bibtex-entry]
O. Dalle.
OSA: an Open Component-based Architecture for Discrete-Event Simulation.
In 20th European Conference on Modeling and Simulation (ECMS),
Bonn, Germany,
pages 253--259,
May 2006.
] [bibtex-entry]
O. Dalle and P. Mussi.
Cooperative Software Development and Computational Resource Sharing.
In NMSC System Simulation Workshop,
ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands,
March 2003.
European Space Agency.
O. Dalle,
J. Radzik,
C. Rigal,
F. Rodière,
and C. Saroléa.
ASIMUT: An Environment for the Simulation of Multi-Media Satellite Telecommunication Networks.
In 19th International Communications Satellite Systems Conference (ICSSC),
Toulouse, France,
April 2001.
O. Dalle,
P. Mussi,
and C. Rigal,
and V. Sutter.
ASIMUT: An Environment for the Simulation of Multi-Media Satellite Telecommunication Networks.
In Proc. 6th ESA Workshop on Simulation in European Space Pragrams,
ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands,
pages 285--288,
October 2000.
European Space Agency.
] [bibtex-entry]
O. Dalle.
MPCFS : un exemple d'intégration transparente de mécanismes de communication multipoints dans les systèmes UNIX.
In Dominique Méry and Guy-René Perrin, editors,
10$^e$ Rencontres Francophones du Parallélisme (RENPAR'10),
Juin 1998.
O. Dalle.
MPCFS : un système de fichiers virtuel pour communications multipoints fiables entre systèmes UNIX.
In Deuxièmes Journées Doctorales Informatique et Réseaux (JDIR'98),
Avril 1998.
F. Baude,
F. Belloncle,
J.-C. Bermond,
D. Caromel,
O. Dalle,
E. Darrot,
O. Delmas,
N. Furmento,
B. Gaujal,
P. Mussi,
S. Pérennes,
Y. Roudier,
G. Siegel,
and M. Syska.
The SLOOP project: Simulations, Parallel Object-Oriented Languages, Interconnection Networks.
In 2nd European School of Computer Science, Parallel Programming Environments for High Performance Computing ESPPE'96,
Alpe d'Huez,
pages 85--88,
April 1996.
] [bibtex-entry]
O. Dalle.
LoadBuilder: A tool for generating and modeling workloads in distributed workstations environments.
In K. Yetongnon and S. Hariri, editors,
Proceedings of Parallel and Distributed Computing Systems (PDCS'96),
volume 1,
Dijon (France),
pages 248--253,
September 1996.
International Society for Computers and their Applications (ISCA).
P. Uribe,
J-C. Maureira Bravo,
and O. Dalle.
Extending INET Framework for Directional and Asymmetrical Wireless Communications.
Research Report RR-7120,
03 2010.
] [PDF
INET Framework,
Directional Radios,
Asymmetrical communication.
[Abstract] [bibtex-entry]
J-C. Maureira Bravo,
D. Dujovne,
and O. Dalle.
Network Provisioning for High Speed Vehicles Moving along Predictable Routes - Part 1: Spiderman Handover.
Research Report RR-6850,
] [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]
O. Dalle,
F. Giroire,
J. Monteiro,
and S. Pérennes.
Analysis of Failure Correlation in Peer-to-Peer Storage Systems.
Technical report RR-6761,
December 2008.
] [PDF
] [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]
O. Dalle.
OSA: an Open Component-based Architecture for Discrete-Event Simulation.
Technical report RR-5762, version 2,
February 2006.
] [PDF
] [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]
O. Dalle and C. Rigal.
Exemple d'utilisation de l'environnement de simulation ASIMUT.
Rapport technique ATF-SB-1-0043-CNES,
Mars 2000.
O. Dalle and V. Sutter.
Spécification technique de besoin logiciel de l'environnement de simulation ASIMUT.
Spécification ATF-SB-1-0029-CNES,
Mars 2000.
O. Dalle.
Etat de l'art sur les couches MAC.
Contribution du C.N.E.S. au rapport d'avancement de la Convention 2 du projet R.N.R.T. <>,
Juin 1999.
O. Dalle.
MPCFS : Un exemple d'intégration transparente des mécanismes de communication multi-points au sein des Systèmes d'Exploitation UNIX.
Technical report I3S/RR97-10,
F. Baude and O. Dalle.
Analyse des performances de communication du protocole PVM.
Rapport de recherche 96-08,
Laboratoire I3S, UPRES-A 6070 CNRS-UNSA,
Mars 1996.
O. Dalle.
LoadBuilder: A tool for generating and modeling workloads in distributed workstations environments.
Rapport de recherche RR-3045,
Octobre 1996.
Note: Version longue.
J. Ribault,
F. Peix,
J. Monteiro,
and O. Dalle.
OSA: an Integration Platform for Component-Based Simulation.
Second Intl. Conf. on Simulation Tools and Techniques (SIMUTools09),
March 2009.
Note: Poster abstract. [PDF
] [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]
S. Jafer,
G. Wainer,
J-C. Maureira Bravo,
and O. Dalle.
Event Behavior of Discrete Event Simulations in CD++ Vs. NS-2.
2008 Spring Simulation Multiconference (Spring Sim'08)- Poster Sessions (SCS-Poster sessions 2008),
April 2008.
[Abstract] [bibtex-entry]
J. Monteiro and O. Dalle.
CORRAL: Stackable Copy-on-Write Versioning Device using Linux Device-Mapper.
USENIX Annual Technical Conference (USENIX'08),
June 2008.
Note: Poster.
O. Dalle and O. Françoise.
Building High Performance Communications Through the Virtual File System API.
Solutions Linux International Conference,
February 2003.
Last modified: Thu Oct 10 14:10:01 2013
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