Ecole Polytechnique, City University of Hong Kong,
and INRIA have created the
Following P-L. Lions and D. Talay's visits in Honk Kong,
City University of Hong Kong signed an
in June 2000 with the Institut National
de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique (INRIA) and the Ecole Polytechnique
to jointly establish the France-Hong Kong Research Centre for Finance and
Insurance Engineering. The Centre is based at the City University of Hong Kong.
The objectives of the Centre is to promote interaction and collaboration between the scientific community and financial institutions in France and Hong Kong; to develop and conduct research projects of mutual interest; to train students and specialists in the area of financial engineering; and to establish exchange programmes for researchers and students. |
- Mr Jean-Luc
Maslin, Conseiller de Coopération et d'Action Culturelle, Consulat
Général de France
- Mr Anthony
Chaumuzeau, Attaché de Coopération Scientifique et Universitaire,
Consulat Général de France