Selection of publications
Neural networks dynamics
A Markovian event-based framework for stochastic spiking neural networks, J. Touboul and O. Faugeras, Journal of Computational Neuroscience, vol. 30 (2011)
A view of Neural Networks as dynamical systems, B. Cessac, International Journal of Bifurcations and Chaos, Volume: 20, Issue: 6, pp. 1585-1629 (2010)
On Dynamics of Integrate-and-Fire Neural Networks with Adaptive Conductances, B. Cessac, T. ViƩville, Front. Comput. Neurosci. 2:2 (2008)
A discrete time neural network model with spiking neurons. Rigorous results on the spontaneous dynamics, B. Cessac, Math. Biol., Volume 56, Number 3, 311-345 (2008)
From Neuron to Neural Networks dynamics , B. Cessac, M. Samuelides, EPJ Special Topics "Topics in Dynamical Neural Networks : From Large Scale Neural Networks to Motor Control and Vision", Vol. 142, Num. 1, 89-122, (2007)
Random recurrent neural networks dynamics , M. Samuelides, B. Cessac, EPJ Special Topics "Topics in Dynamical Neural Networks : From Large Scale Neural Networks to Motor Control and Vision", Vol. 142, Num. 1, 7-88, (2007)