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Migration and Mobility: Semantics and Applications
-- Scientific foundations

Semantics of mobility

Mobility has become an important feature of computing systems and networks, and particularly of distributed systems. Our project is more specifically concerned with the notion of a mobile code, a logical rather than physical notion of mobility. An important task in this area has been to understand the various constructs that have been proposed to support this style of programming, and to design a corresponding programming model with a precise (that is, formal) semantics.

The models that we have investigated in the past are mainly the π-calculus of Milner and the Mobile Ambients calculus of Cardelli and Gordon. The first one is similar to the λ-calculus, which is recognized as a canonical model for sequential and functional computations. The π-calculus is a model for concurrent activity, and also, to some extent, a model of mobility: π-calculus processes exchange names of communication channels, thus allowing the communication topology to evolve dynamically. The π-calculus contains, up to continuation passing style transforms, the λ-calculus, and this fact establishes its universal computing power. The Mobile Ambient model focusses on the migration concept. It is based on a very general notion of a domain -- an Ambient --, in which computations take place. Domains are hierarchically organized, but the nesting of domains inside each other evolves dynamically. Actually, the computational primitives consist in moving domains inside or outside other domains, and in dissolving domain boundaries. Although this model may look, from a computational point of view, quite simple and limited, it has been shown to be Turing complete. In the past we have studied type systems and reasoning techniques for these models. We have, in particular, used models derived from the π-calculus for the formalization and verification of cryptographic protocols.

We have studied how to integrate the model of reactive programming, described below, into a "global computing" perspective. This model looks indeed appropriate for a global computing context, since it provides a notion of time-out and reaction, allowing a program to deal with the various kinds of failures (delays, disconnections, etc.) that arise in a global network. We have designed and implemented a core programming language that integrates reactive programming and mobile code, in the context of classical functional and imperative programming.

Security of concurrent and mobile programs

We are studying security issues, especially those related to concurrent and mobile programming. In the past we have developed methods and tools for the verification of cryptographic protocols. We also work on secure information flow. This is motivated by the observation that access control is not enough to ensure confidentiality, since access control does not prevent authorized users to disclose confidential information. We use the language-based approach, developing static analyses, and especially type systems, to ensure that programs do not implement illegal flow of information. We work particularly on specific confidentiality issues arising with concurrent and mobile programming, but we also work on more general questions, like how to allow some pieces of code to declassify some information, while still ensuring some confidentiality policy.

We also use static analysis techniques, namely polynomial quasi-interpretations, to ensure that programs do not use computational resources beyond fixed limits. Again, a special effort is put here in finding methods that apply to reactive and/or mobile programs. This could also have applications to embedded code.

Reactive and functional programming

Reactive programming deals with systems of concurrent processes sharing a notion of time, or more precisely a notion of instant. At a given instant, the components of a reactive system have a consistent view of the events that have been, or have not been emitted at this instant. Reactive programming, which evolves from synchronous programming à la Esterel, provides means to react -- for instance by launching or aborting some computation -- to the presence or absence of events. This style of programming has a mathematical semantics, which provides a guide-line for the implementation, and allows one to clearly understand and reason about programs.

We have developed several implementations of reactive programming, integrating it into various programming languages. The first instance of these implementations was Reactive-C, which was the basis for several developments (networks of reactive processes, reactive objects), described in the book [Bou96]. Then we developed SugarCubes, which allow one to program with a reactive style in Java, see [Bou00]. Reactive programming offers an alternative to standard thread programming, as (partly) offered by Java, for instance. Classical thread programming suffers from many drawbacks, which are largely due to a complicated semantics, which is most often implementation-dependent. We have designed, following the reactive approach, an alternative style for thread programming, called FairThreads, which relies on a cooperative semantics. Again, FairThreads have been integrated in various languages, and most notably into Scheme via the Bigloo compiler that we develop. One of our major objectives is to integrate the reactive programming style in functional languages, and more specifically Scheme, and to further extend the resulting language to support migration primitives. This is a natural choice, since functional languages have a mathematical semantics, which is well suited to support formal technical developments (static analysis, type systems, formal reasoning).

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