ENS Research Course | INFO5147 | Academic Year 2016-17INFO5147: Network Information TheoryÉcole Normale Supérieure de Lyon (ENS de Lyon) Course DescriptionThis course builds upon the course on fundamentals of information theory. Using these foundations, which are reviewed in the first two lectures, this course explores the fundamental limits of data transmission in several canonical multi-user channels: (i) Multiple Access Channels; (ii) Broadcast Channels; (iii) Interference Channels and (iv) Relay Channels. In all these scenarios, the notion of achievable, converse and capacity region are thoroughly studied. The analysis focuses mainly in the blocklength asymptotic regime. Thus, most of these results are studied using classical methods based on typicality. Two lectures are devoted to the study of tools that allow the analysis of these canonical channels from a non-asymptotic block-length point of view. In the last part of the course, more advanced topics such as channel output feedback, highly dense networks and simultaneous information and energy transmission are studied. Lecturers
Teaching Assistant
Final Exam