Samir M. Perlaza | INRIA | Permanent Member of the Scientific Staff
I am interested in theoretical and practical aspects of game theory and information theory. The application domains that motivate my research include statistical machine learning, decision making, communication systems, and electric power systems.
Recent / Upcoming Events
Talk: ‘‘Variations of the Expectation due to Changes in the Measure: Applications to Generalization and Game Theory’’.
Tutorial: ‘‘Characterizing the Generalization Error of Machine Learning Algorithms Via Information Measures’’. IEEE Information Theory Workshop (ITW2024), Shenzhen, China, November 24, 2024. Jointly with Gholamali Aminian (The Alan Turing Institute, UK), Yuheng Bu (University of Florida, USA), and Iñaki Esnaola (University of Sheffield, UK).
Slides Part I (Yuheng Bu), Slides Part II (Yuheng Bu), Slides Part III (Samir Perlaza), Slides Part IV (Samir Perlaza)
Talk: ‘‘Generalization Error of Machine Learning Algorithms’’ Foundations of Communication Networks Seminars, October 25, 2024. Watch Video
Selected Publications
Statistical Learning Theory
‘‘The Generalization Error of Machine Learning Algorithms’’, with Xinying Zou.
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, submitted in November 2024.
‘‘The Worst-Case Data-Generating Probability Measure in Statistical Learning’’, with Xinying Zou, Iñaki Esnaola, Eitan Altman, and H. Vincent Poor.
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Information Theory, vol. 5, pp. 175–189, Apr., 2024.
‘‘Empirical Risk Minimization with Relative Entropy Regularization’’, with Gaetan Bisson, Iñaki Esnaola, Alain Jean-Marie, and Stefano Rini.
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 70, no. 7, pp. 5122 – 5161, July, 2024.
‘‘Asymmetry of the Relative Entropy in the Regularization of Empirical Risk Minimization’’, with Francisco Daunas, Iñaki Esnaola, and H. Vincent Poor.
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, submitted in February 2024 (Reviewed October 2024).
Data Analytics and Data Integrity
‘‘Stealth Data Injection Attacks with Sparsity Constraints’’, with Xiuzhen Ye, Iñaki Esnaola, and Robert F. Harrison.
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, vol. 14, no. 4, pp. 3201 – 3209, Jul., 2023.
‘‘Stealth Attacks on the Smart Grid’’, with Sun Ke, Iñaki Esnaola, and H. Vincent Poor.
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 1276-1285, Mar., 2020.
‘‘Robust Recovery of Missing Data in Electricity Distribution Systems’’, with Cristian Genes, Iñaki Esnaola, Luis F. Ochoa, and Daniel Coca.
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, vol. 10, no. 4, pp. 4057-4067, Jul., 2019.
Information and Energy Transmission
‘‘Simultaneous Information and Energy Transmission in the Two-User Gaussian Interference Channel’’, with Nizar Khalfet.
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 37, no. 1, pp. 156-170, Jan. 2019.
‘‘Feedback Enhances Simultaneous Information and Energy Transmission in Multiple Access Channels’’, with Selma Belhadj Amor, Ioannis Krikidis and H. Vincent Poor.
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 63, no. 8, pp. 5244–5265, Aug 2017.
‘‘Approximate Capacity Region of the Two-User Gaussian Interference Channel with Noisy Channel-Output Feedback’’, with Victor Quintero, Iñaki Esnaola, and Jean-Marie Gorce.
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 64 no. 7, pp. 5326-5358, Jul., 2018.
Game Theory
‘‘Leveraging Noisy Observations in Zero-Sum Games’’, with Emmanouil-Marios Athanasakos.
Research Report, INRIA, No. RR-9538, Sophia Antipolis, France, May., 2023.
‘‘2 × 2 Zero-Sum Games with Commitments and Noisy Observations’’, with Ke Sun and Alain Jean-Marie.
Research Report, INRIA, No. RR-9505, Sophia Antipolis, France, May., 2023.
Academic Appointments
Permanent Member of the Scientific Staff, INRIA, Sophia Antipolis, France. Dec. 2013 - present
Visiting Research Collaborator, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Princeton University, Princeton NJ, Jan. 2013 - present
Associate Researcher, Université de la Polynésie Française, Laboratoire de Géométrie Algébrique et Applications à la Théorie de l’Information (GAATI), Faaa, French Polynesia, May 2021 - present
Postdoctoral Associate, Princeton University, Princeton NJ, Jan. 2012 - Dec. 2013
Postdoctoral Associate, Alcatel-Lucent Chair at Supélec, Orsay, France. Jul. 2011 - Dec. 2011
Research Engineer, France Télécom - Orange, Issy les Moulineaux, France, Jan. 2008 - Jan. 2011
HDR, Université de Lyon I and INSA de Lyon, France, 2021
Ph.D., Télécom ParisTech, Paris, France, 2011
MSc., EURECOM, Sophia Antipolis, France, 2007
BSc. Universidad del Cauca, Popayán, Colombia, 2005
Editorial Boards
Area Editor (Information Theory), Polynesian Journal of Mathematics, 2024 - Present
Editor, IEEE Transactions on Communications, 2017 - 2022
Editor, IET Smart Grids, 2018 - 2021
Associate Editor, Frontiers in Communications and Networks, 2020 - 2022
Guest Editor of the IEEE Internet of Things Journal, Special Issue on ‘‘Artificial Intelligence Powered Edge Computing for the Internet of Things’’, 2020
Leadership in Research Projects
European Projets
National Projets
Acknowledgments and Awards
Early Years
I began my undergraduate studies at Universidad del Cauca in Popayán, Colombia, at the age of thirteen. This unusual start to university life was noted in a national newspaper article, which momentarily shifted focus from the challenges of Colombia's internal conflict. The article was titled: “The Genius of Santander de Quilichao”.
In my hometown of Santander de Quilichao, the City Council Agreement No. 028 of 1999 established the Ciudad de los Samanes - Samir Alberto Medina Perlaza award. This recognition is given to local students who excel in national higher education entrance exams, as well as those who achieve distinction in sports and the arts. The award is presented during a ceremony at the City Hall, serving as a source of encouragement for young achievers. I have had the privilege to participate in some of the first editions.
At the national level, the Ministry of National Education of Colombia awarded me an ‘‘Honoris Causa Diploma de Bachillerato’’ in December 2000. This was a meaningful acknowledgment of my educational efforts at that time, most of which were made autonomously at home from a very young age.
More recently, in July 2023, I was included in the ‘‘Salon de la Excelencia’’ in my hometown, a space dedicated to recognizing individuals from the community who have made contributions in various fields. It is an honor to share this space with others who have positively impacted our town through their work in the arts, sciences, and public service. While these recognitions are local, they are deeply meaningful to me as reminders of the support I have received from my community and the importance of striving to contribute in return.