Nicolas BAJEUX

(+33) 6 25 76 47 35
2004, Route des Lucioles
I am a PhD student in BIOCORE Team at INRIA of Sophia Antipolis.

My research focuses on population management for conservation biology. I especially study introduction strategies of non-native species. For this, I use a semi-discrete modelling framwork in which Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs) represent population dynamics while the repeated introduction events are modelled by a discrete-time difference equation. Using this formalism, I studied the introduction of biological control agents for an augmentative biological control scheme and the introduction of individuals for reintroduction issues.

I attempt to design the best release strategy to establish the non-native population or to efficiently remove a pest poulation from a targeted environment. A possible cause of failures during the introduction process is that the released individuals suffer from a positive density dependence or Allee effects. My works consist in determining how such effects among the non-native population influence the release strategies.

My PhD thesis is supervised by Olivier Bernard (INRIA), Frédéric Grognard (INRIA) and Ludovic Mailleret (INRA).