
Member of Titane
Geometric Modeling of 3D Environment

Mohammad Rouhani, PhD

Postdoctoral Researcher

Titane team, INRIA Sophia-Antipolis
06420 Nice, France
mohammad.rouhani [at] inria dot fr

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    I am a computer vision scientist with a major background in applied mathematics. My research fields overlap computer vision, graphics and machine learning. I had the chance of working on 3D computer vision since 2008 when I started my PhD in the Computer Vision Center in Barcelona. With the recent development of affordable sensors, I am very motivated to taking the computer vision techniques out of the labs and into the real world for developing useful applications.

I have worked on various topics of computer vision in the prestigious labs in Europe such as Imperial College London in UK and INRIA Grenoble and Nice in France. I have been involved on different projects including 4D motion capture, surface reconstruction, deformation modeling and real-time machine learning for object detection and semantic segmentation. In addition to 2D images, I have also enjoyed working with the 3D meshes obtained by multi-camera platform and structure-from-motion.

(cc) Mohammad Rouhani 2008-2011 (Last update July 2012).
All materials can be used under Creative Commons Licence Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0.