Publications tagged "OCaml"
Automation CPS Certification Complexity Analysis Constraint Systems Cryptography EasyCrypt Expectation Transformers Functional Programming Graph Rewriting Hardness Haskell Higher-Order ICC ICCT Imperative Imperative Programming Interpretations Invariance Layout-Randomization Memoization OCaml Path Orders Predicative Recursion Probabilistic Program Analysis Quantum Runtime Complexity Analysis Security Sized-Types TCT Term Rewriting Termination Types
M. Avanzini, U. Dal Lago and G. Moser. “Higher-Order Complexity Analysis: Harnessing First-Order Tools.”. 6th International Workshop on Developments in Implicit Complexity, (2015).
Martin Avanzini, Ugo Dal Lago and Georg Moser. “Analysing the complexity of functional programs: higher-order meets first-order”. Proceedings of the 20th ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Functional Programming, ICFP 2015, Vancouver, BC, Canada, September 1-3, 2015, pages 152–164, (2015). ACM.