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Bio of Martin Avanzini

I am a researcher at INRIA Sophia Antipolis Méditerranée within the FoCUS research team. I graduated from the University of Innsbruck, where I was a member of the Computational Logic and Computation with Bounded Resources groups. My thesis was concerned with the automated complexity analysis of rewrite sytems and supervised by Georg Moser. I spend two years at the University of Bologna, working with Ugo Dal Lago on the complexity analysis of higher-order rewrite systems.

I am an enthusiastic functional programmer, have a look at my software page.


  • INRIA Sophia Antipolis Méditerranée 2018 – now
    Chargé de Recherche.
  • Universities of Bologna and Innsbruck 2014 – 2017
    FWF (Austrian science fund) Schrödinger Fellow.
  • University of Innsbruck 2008 – 2014
    Research Assistant.

Higher Education

  • PhD Degree in Computer Science. 2013
    Institute of Computer Science, University of Innsbruck, Austria.
    Thesis Verifying Polytime Computability Automatically, supervised by Georg Moser.
  • Master’s Degree in Computer Science. 2009
    Institute of Computer Science, University of Innsbruck, Austria.
    Master Thesis Automation of Polynomial Path Orders, supervised by Georg Moser.
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science. 2007
    Institute of Computer Science, University of Innsbruck, Austria.
    Bachelor Thesis Termination Analysis for Scheme using S-Expression Rewrite Systems, supervised by Nao Hirokawa and Scheme Programs with Polynomially Bounded Evaluation Length supervised by Georg Moser.
  • Diploma Höhere Technische Lehranstalt. 2001
    Civil Engineering, Htl Trenkwalderstraße, Innsbruck, Austria.


  • Proposed for the Heinz Zemanek Price. October, 2016
    The Heinz Zemanek price is awarded every 3 years by the Austrian Computer Society (OCG) to young researchers for outstanding PhD dissertations. I was nominated by the University of Innsbruck for this price, and also passed the final selection (8 persons) from the OCG.

  • Kurt Gödel Medal. August, 2014
    Our Tyrolean Complexity tool was distinguished with the prestigious Kurt Gödel Medal as best tool for the complexity analysis of term rewrite systems at the FLoC Olympic Games, held during the Vienna Summer of Logic.

  • European Summer School in Logics, Languages and Computation. August, 2008
    My work received second place in Springer best paper awards.

Scientific Activities

Scholarships and Projects

Software Development

The following gives a short list of most important software projects that I was involved in. If not mentioned otherwise, I am (among) the main developer(s). Details can be found at my software page.