6. Scribe User Manual -- Bibliography

6. Scribe User Manual -- Bibliography


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6.1 Bibliography
6.2 Print-bibliography


1. Getting Started
2. Syntax
3. Standard Library
4. Hyperlinks and References
5. Index
6. Bibliography
7. Computer programs
8. Graphical User Interfaces
9. Customization
10. Scribe style files
11. Editing Scribe Programs
12. Compiling Scribe programs
13. Compiling Texi documents
14. Using Bibtex databases
15. Functions and Variables


Home page:Scribe


Scribe supports bibliographies. In order to use bibliography references it is needed to:

  • Provide a bibliography database.
  • Load the database by the mean of the bibliography Scribe function call.
  • Reference to a bibliography entry, with a ref Scribe function call.

Scribe bibliographies can be customized in different ways. They are described in the Scribe Programming Manual.

6.1 Bibliography

(bibliography entries)Scribe function

Loads bibliography entries into the Scribe memory. An entry is either a list representing one entry (such as an article or book reference) or a string which denotes then a file name that contains several entries. All the entries loaded in memory are available for references. A bibliography database must be loaded before any reference is introduced. It is advised to place the bibliography Scribe function call before the call to the document function call.

The Scribe bibliography database uses a format very close to the Bibtex one. It is a parenthetic version of Bibtex. Here is the syntax of an entry:

<entry>  -->  (<kind> <key> <field>+)
<kind>   -->  techreport | article | inproceedings | book
<key>    -->  <symbol>
<field>  -->  (<symbol> <string>)

Bibtex files cannot be directly loaded in Scribe but the tool scribebibtex can be use to automatically convert Bibtex format to Scribe bibliography format. Here is an example of a simple Scribe database

(book ieee
   (title "IEEE Standard for the Scheme Programming Language")
   (author "IEEE Std 1178-1990")
   (publisher "Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, Inc.")
   (address "New York, NY")
   (year "1991"))

(misc r4rs
   (title "The Revised4 Report on the Algorithmic Language Scheme")
   (author "Clinger, W. and Rees, J.")
   (month "Nov")
   (year "1991"))

(article r5rs
   (title "The Revised5 Report on the Algorithmic Language Scheme")
   (author "Kelsey, R. and Clinger, W. and Rees, J.")
   (journal "Higher-Order and Symbolic Computation")
   (volume "11")
   (number "1")
   (month "Sep")
   (year "1998")
   (url "http://www.inria.fr/mimosa/fp/Bigloo/doc/r5rs.html"))

(book sicp
   (author "Abelson, H. and Sussman, G.")
   (title "Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs")
   (year "1985")
   (publisher "MIT Press")
   (address "Cambridge, Mass., USA"))

6.2 Print-bibliography

(print-bibliography [:all #f] [:sort biblio-sort/authors])Scribe function

Displays the bibliography. The arguments are:

:allIf the argument :all is #t all the entries of the loaded database are displayed. If :all is #f only the entries referenced to by a ref function call are displayed.
:sortA procedure that sorts the entry. Currently two procedures are provided: biblio-sort/authors and biblio-sort/idents.

The example:

(font :size -1 (print-bibliography :all #t))


[1] Abelson, H. and Sussman, G. -- Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs -- MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass., USA, 1985.

[2] Clinger, W. and Rees, J. -- The Revised4 Report on the Algorithmic Language SchemeNov, 1991.

[3] IEEE Std 1178-1990 -- IEEE Standard for the Scheme Programming Language -- Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, Inc., New York, NY, 1991.

[4] Kelsey, R. and Clinger, W. and Rees, J. -- The Revised5 Report on the Algorithmic Language Scheme -- Higher-Order and Symbolic Computation, 11(1), Sep, 1998.

This page has been generated by Scribe.
Last update Wed Dec 18 09:23:02 2002