Scribe sources can be automatically generated from
Texinfo by the scribeinfo compiler.
They can also be typed in. For this task, it is highly recommended to
use GNU Emacs or Xemacs.
These editors provide parentheses matching and Scribe expressions
The Scribe distribution contains a fundamental mode dedicated to
Scribe edition. This mode provides fontification and
indentation of Scribe programs. In this manual, we present
the three most important key bindings specific to this mode.
- M-x describe-mode Describes
the Scribe mode.
- tab Indents the current line.
- M-C-q Indents a whole Scribe
In order to install the Scribe emacs mode, you need to:
Specify that when emacs is to edit a Scribe file it must
switch to Scribe mode. For this, add the following expression to your
.emacs file:
(setq auto-mode-alist (cons '("\\.scr$" . scribe-mode) auto-mode-alist)) |
Specify that when the emacs Lisp scribe-mode function is needed
it has to be loaded from the scribe.el file:
(autoload 'scribe-mode "scribe.el" "Scribe mode." t) |
The scribe.el file must in the path described by the Emacs Lisp
load-path variable.