My research interests lie in the field of surface processing, in particular when the surfaces are represented as point clouds. It includes surface denoising, meshing, scan merging and surface segmentation.
I started working on those topics during my PhD with Jean-Michel Morel at CMLA (ENS Cachan). My PhD defense took place on 2010, November, the 23rd.
I am now a post-doc at the INRIA Sophia Antipolis (Geometrica team) with Pierre Alliez.
Starting October 2012, I will be at LIRIS (équipe Géomod) as a CNRS permanent researcher.
PhD thesis
- Inverse Geometry: From the raw point cloud to the 3D surface - Theory and Algorithms
defended on 2010/11/23 at ENS Cachan webpage
- Feature-Preserving Surface Reconstruction and Simplification from Defect-Laden Point Sets, Julie Digne, David Cohen-Steiner, Pierre Alliez, Mathieu Desbrun, Fernando de Goes, INRIA Research Report 7991, June 2012. HAL version.
- Similarity based filtering of point clouds, Julie Digne, Proceedings CVPR2012 (International Workshop on Point Cloud Processing), 2012. pdf
- A numerical analysis of differential operators on raw point clouds, Julie Digne, Jean-Michel Morel (submitted paper) preprint CMLA-2011-03, 2011
- Mesh Segmentation and Model Extraction, Julie Digne, Jean-Michel Morel, Charyar Mehdi Souzani, Claire Lartigue,Lecture Notes in Computer Science,Springer, 2011.
- Scale Space Meshing of Raw Data Point Sets, Julie Digne, Jean-Michel Morel, Charyar Mehdi Souzani, Claire Lartigue, Computer Graphics Forum, 2011, Volume 30 - Issue 6, pages 1630-1642. webpage
- Neighborhood filters and the recovery of 3D information, Julie Digne, Mariella Dimiccoli, Neus Sabater, Philippe Salembier, chapter in Handbook of Mathematical Methods in Imaging, Springer Verlag, pp 1203-1229, 2011.
- High Fidelity Scan Merging, Julie Digne, Jean-Michel Morel, Nicolas Audfray, Claire Lartigue, Computer Graphics Forum, 2010, Volume 29 - Issue 5, pages 1643-1651, Proceedings Symposium on Geometry Processing 2010 webpage
- The Level Set Tree on Meshes, Julie Digne, Jean-Michel Morel, Nicolas Audfray, Charyar Mehdi-Souzani, Proc. 3DPVT 2010. webpage
- Feature extraction from high-density point clouds: toward automation of an intelligent 3D contact less digitizing strategy, Charyar Mehdi-Souzani, Julie Digne, Nicolas Audfray, Claire Lartigue, Jean-Michel Morel, 10th International Conference on Computer Aided Design, June 21-25, Dubai (UAE), 2010
IPOL Publications
- Farman Institute 3D Point Sets - High Precision 3D Data Sets, Julie Digne, Nicolas Audfray, Claire Lartigue, Charyar Mehdi-Souzani, Jean-Michel Morel, Image Processing On Line (IPOL), 2011 (view the article)
Technical Reports and communications
- Segmentation de maillages et extraction de primitives géométriques simples, Julie Digne, Nicolas Audfray, Charyar Mehdi-Souzani, Claire Lartigue, Jean-Michel Morel, actes de GTMG 2011 (Mars 2011)
- Fusion de MNE issues de données InterAtlas, rapport CNES, Pascal Monasse, Julie Digne, Jean-Michel Morel, mai 2011
- Traitement des données issues de la numérisation 3D pour des applications en métrologie, Nicolas Audfray, Charyar Mehdi-Souzani, Claire Lartigue, Julie Digne, 15ème congrès international de métrologie, Paris, 3-6 octobre 2011
- Invited presentation for a published paper Symposium on Geometry Processing 2012, Scale Space Meshing of Raw Data Point Sets, July 2012
- LJK seminar (Grenoble), 2012, March 29th
- IMAGINE seminar (Ecole des Ponts), 2012, March 16th
- GREYC seminar (Caen), 2012, February 23rd
- Conference at Mathematics and Image Analysis 2012 (MIA 2012), January 2012
- Remote sensing meeting seminar (Keck Institute for Space Studies, Caltech), November 18th 2011.
- Presentation at INRIA Sophia Antipolis, Scale space for point clouds and applications, May 23rd 2011.
- Presentation at Heidelberg University, April 21st 2011.
- Presentation at GTMG 2011 2011, March 30-31
- Présentation at the Paris VI image seminar, Scale Space for Point Clouds and Applications. 29 Mars 2011.
- Presentation at "Géométrie complexe et riemannienne": Flots géométriques, CIRM, February 28th - March, 4th, 2011
- Presentation at Oberwolfach Workshop, Trends in Mathematical Imaging and Surface Processing. Title of the talk: Scale Space for Point Clouds, January 30th - February 5th, 2011.
- Presentation at Paris 5 University, Groupe de travail Modélisation numérique et Images, January 14th, 2011.
- Oral presentation at the Symposium on Geometry Processing, Lyon, July 5-7, 2010
- Oral presentation at the 7th Curves and Surfaces conference, Avignon, June 24-30, 2010
- Oral presentation at the 3DPVT 2010 conference, Paris, May 2010
- Oral presentation at the "Image, EDP et Géométrie" (Image, PDE and Geometry) conference, Institut Fourier, March 19, 2010
Oral presentation at the Journées de Géométrie Algorithmique 2010 (algorithmic geometry days), CIRM (Marseille), 8-12 Mars 2010. The Level Set Tree on Meshes: Application to the Mesh Segmentation Problem
- Oral presentation at the Workshop Recent Advances on Topological and Geometric Data Analysis Institut des Systemes Complexes (Paris, France), July 8-10 2009
- Oral presentation at the 4th congress of SMAI (May 23-29, 2009), summary of the talk