97 références sur: Micro Robot
- 1
Ando N., Ohta M., and Hashimoto H.
Micro teleoperation with parallel manipulator.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS),
Takamatsu, Japan, 30 Octobre-5 Novembre, 2000
Keywords: haptic device,micro robot,master-slave.
- 2
Ando N., Ohta M., and Hashimoto H.
Development of the parallel manipulator workspace display system for
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS),
Maui, Hawaii, 29 Octobre-3 Novembre, 2001
Keywords: haptic device,micro robot,master-slave.
- 3
Arai T., Stoughton R., and Jaya Y.M.
Micro hand module using parallel link mechanism.
In Japan-USA Symp. on Flexible Automation, pages 163–168, San
Francisco, 13-15 Juillet 1993
Keywords: micro robot,mechanical architecture,6 dof
- 4
Arai T., Larsonneur R., and Jaya Y.M.
Calibration and basic motion of a micro-hand module.
In Int. Conf. on Indus. Electronics, Control and Instrumentation
(IECON), pages 1660–1665, Hawai, 15-19 Novembre 1993
Keywords: micro robot,mechanical
- 5
Arai T., Hervè J.M., and Tanikawa T.
Development of 3 dof micro finger.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS),
pages 981–987, Osaka, 5-8 Novembre 1996
Keywords: mechanical architecture,hardware,3 dof
robot,stiffness,micro robot.
- 6
Bamberger H., Shoham M., and Wolf A.
Kinematics of micro planar parallel robot comprising large joint
In ARK, pages 75–84, Ljubljana,
26-29 Juin 2006
Keywords: micro robot,passive joints,planar robot,performance
- 7
Bamberger H., Wolf A., and Shoham M.
Architectures of translational parallel mechanism for MEMS
In 12th IFToMM World Congress on the Theory of Machines and
Mechanisms, Besancon, 18-21 Juin 2007
Keywords: structural synthesis,3 dof robot,micro robot.
- 8
Behi F., Mehregany M., and Gabriel K.J.
A microfabricated three-degree-of-freedom parallel mechanism.
In IEEE Micro Electro Mechanical Workshop, pages 159–165, Napa
Valley, 11-14 Février 1990
Keywords: planar robot,micro robot.
- 9
Breguet J-M., Pernette E., and Clavel R.
Stick and slip actuators and parallel architectures dedicated to
In Microrobotics: componants and applications, SPIE Photonic
East, pages 13–24, Boston, Novembre 1996
Keywords: hardware,applications,design,optimal design,micro
- 10
Burisch A. and others .
Analysis and inverse dynamic model of a miniaturized robot structure.
In 3rd European Conf. on Mechanism Science (Eucomes),
Cluj-Napoca, 14-17 Septembre 2010
Keywords: micro robot,planar robot,2 dof robot,dynamics.
- 11
Bütefisch S. and others .
A new SMA actuated miniature silicon gripper for micro assembly.
In 7th Int. Conf. on New Actuators, pages 334–337, Bremen,
19-20 Juin 2000
Keywords: actuators,planar robot,piezo-electric,asssembly,micro
- 12
Callegari M., Gabrielli A., and Ruggiu M.
Kineto-elasto-static synthesis of a 3-CRU spherical wrist for
miniaturized assembly tasks.
Meccanica, 43(4):377–389, Août 2008
Keywords: wrist,micro robot,statics,kinematics,optimal design.
- 13
Callegari M. and others .
Analysis and design of a spherical micromechanism with flexure
ASME J. of Mechanical Design, 131(5), Avril 2009
Keywords: wrist,micro robot,passive joints,mechanical
- 14
Chung G.B. and others .
Design and analysis of a spatial 3-dof micromanipulator for
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS),
pages 337–342, Maui, Hawaii, 29 Octobre-3 Novembre, 2001
Keywords: 3 dof robot,kinematics,design,isotropy,micro robot.
- 15
Clavel R. and others .
High precision parallel robots for micro-factory applications.
In 2nd Int. Colloquium, Collaborative Research Centre 562,
pages 285–296, Braunschweig, 10-11 Mai 2005
Keywords: micro robot.
- 16
Company O., , Krut S., and Pierrot F.
Analysis of a high resolution planar PKM.
In 12th IFToMM World Congress on the Theory of Machines and
Mechanisms, Besancon, 18-21 Juin 2007
Keywords: planar robot,micro robot,flexible robot,singularity.
- 17
Culpepper M.L., Anderson G., and Petri P.
Hexflex: a planar mechanism for six-axis manipulation and alignment.
In ASPE 17th Annual Meeting, St Louis,
20-25 Octobre 2002
Keywords: 6 dof robot,micro robot.
- 18
Culpepper M.L., Araque C., and Rodriguez M.
Design of accurate and repeatable kinematic couplings.
In ASPE 17th Annual Meeting, St Louis,
20-25 Octobre 2002
Keywords: 6 dof robot,micro robot.
- 19
Culpepper M.L. and Chen S-C.
Design of precision manipulator using binary actuation and
differential compliant mechanisms.
In ASPE 18th Annual Meeting, Portland,
26-31 Octobre 2003
Keywords: 3 dof robot,planar robot,binary robot,micro robot.
- 20
Culpepper M.L. and Anderson G.
Design of a low-cost nano-manipulator which utilizes a monolithic,
spatial compliant mechanism.
Journal of Precision Engineering, 28(4):469–482,
Octobre 2004
Keywords: 6 dof robot,micro robot,actuators,design.
- 21
Culpepper M.L. and Kim S.
A framework and design synthesis tool used to generate and evaluate
and optimize compliant mechanism concepts for research and education
In ASME Design Engineering Technical Conference, Salt Lake
City, 28 Septembre-2 Octobre, 2004
Keywords: design,micro robot.
- 22
Culpepper M.L., Kartik M.V., and DiBiasio C.
Design of integrated mechanisms and exact constraint fixtures for
micron-level repeatability and accuracy.
Journal of Precision Engineering, 29(1):65–80,
Janvier 2005
Keywords: 6 dof robot,micro
robot,actuators,design,hardware,performance analysis.
- 23
Dagalakis N.G. and Amatucci F.
Kinematic modeling of a 6 degree-of-freedom tri-stage
In ASPE 16th Annual Meeting, Cristal City,
10-15 Novembre 2001
Keywords: 6 dof robot,micro robot,calibration.
- 24
Davis C.M., Park K., and Desai J.P.
Design and analysis of an under-actuated xy-theta stage for automated
tissue indentation.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS),
pages 4331–4336, Hamburg, Germany,
28 Septembre-2 Octobre, 2015
Keywords: 2 dof robot,micro robot,medical,applications.
- 25
Dong J., Salapaka S.M., and Ferreira P.M.
Robust control of a parallel kinematic nanopositionner.
ASME J. of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control,
130(4):041007–1/15, Juillet 2008
Keywords: micro robot,3 dof robot,control,passive
- 26
Dong Y., Gao F., and Yue Y.
Modeling and experimental study of a novel 3-RPR parallel
Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 37:115–124,
Février 2016
Keywords: planar robot,micro robot.
- 27
Dong W., Du Z., and Sun L.
Conceptional design and kinematics modeling of a wide-range flexure
hinge-based parallel manipulator.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, pages
4042–4047, Barcelona, 19-22 Avril 2005
Keywords: micro robot,passive joints,6 dof
- 28
Ejima T. and others .
Development of microhand utilizing singularity of parallel mechanism.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS),
Tokyo, 3-7 Novembre 2013
Keywords: micro robot,singularity,mechanical architecture.
- 29
Fazenda N. and others .
Calibration of the 6 dof high-precision flexure parallel robot Sigma
In 5th Chemnitzer Parallelkinematik Seminar, pages 379–398,
Chemnitz, 25-26 Avril 2006
Keywords: calibration,micro robot.
- 30
Ferraris E. and others .
Development of a mini PKM.
In 5th Chemnitzer Parallelkinematik Seminar, pages 695–710,
Chemnitz, 25-26 Avril 2006
Keywords: micro robot,3 dof robot.
- 31
Fettig H., Hubbard T., and Kujath M.
Simulation and modeling of compliant micro-mechanisms.
In IX Int. Microscale System Symp., pages 12–18, Floride,
8 Juin 2000
Keywords: micro robot,planar robot,3 dof robot.
- 32
Gan J. and others .
Full closed-loop controls of micro/nano positioning system with
nonlinear hysteresis using micro-vision system.
Sensors and Actuators A, 257:125–133, 2017.
Keywords: mechanical architecture,planar robot,micro
robot,control,forward kinematics with redundant sensors.
- 33
Geng R.R., Mills J.K., and Yao Z-Y.
Design and analysis of a novel 3-DOF spatial parallel microgripper
driven by lums.
Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 42:147–155,
Keywords: 3 dof robot,micro robot,actuators.
- 34
Geng R-R., Mills J.K., and Yao Z-Y.
Design and analysis of a novel 3-dof spatial parallel
micromanipulator driven by LUMs.
Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 42:147–159,
Keywords: 3 dof robot,micro robot.
- 35
Guo K. and others .
A monolithic adjusting mechanism for optical element using a modified
6-PSS parallel mechanism.
Sensors and Actuators A, 251:1–9, 2016.
Keywords: mechanical architecture,3 dof
robot,applications,micro robot.
- 36
Hao G. and Li H.
Design of 3-legged XYZ compliant parallel manipulators with
minimized parasitic rotations.
Robotica, 33(4):787–806, Mai 2015
Keywords: micro robot,3 dof robot.
- 37
Hao G. and Yu J.
Design, modelling and analysis of a completely-decoupled xy compliant
parallel manipulator.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 102:179–185, 2016.
Keywords: 2 dof robot,decoupled robot,micro robot.
- 38
Herpe X. and others .
On a simplified nonlinear analytical model for the characterisation
and design optimisation of a compliant XY micro-motion stage.
Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 49:66–76,
Keywords: 2 dof robot,micro robot,optimal design.
- 39
Jensen K.A., Lusk C.P., and Howell L.L.
An XYZ micromanipulator with three translational degrees of
Robotica, 24(3):305–314, 2006.
Keywords: micro robot,hardware,3 dof robot.
- 40
Jin M. and Zhang X.
A new topology optimization method for planar compliant parallel
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 95:42–58, 2016.
Keywords: optimal design,micro robot,planar robot.
- 41
Kallio P. and others .
Position control of a 3 dof piezohydraulic parallel micromanipulator.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS),
Victoria, Octobre 1998
Keywords: micro robot,piezo-electric,hydraulics.
- 42
Koseki Y. and others .
Kinematic analysis of translational 3-dof micro-parallel mechanism
using matrix method.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS),
Takamatsu, Japan, 30 Octobre-5 Novembre, 2000
Keywords: micro robot,flexible robot,kinematics,stiffness.
- 43
Lai L. and others .
Design of a decoupled 2-dof translational parallel micro-positioning
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, pages
5070–5075, Shangai, 9-13 Mai 2011
Keywords: 2 dof robot,piezo-electric,micro robot.
- 44
Larsonneur R., Arai T., and Jaya Y.M.
A six-degree-of-freedom micro-manipulator using a piezoelectrically
driven parallel-link mechanism.
In 10th Robotics Society Japan Annual Conf., pages 863–864,
Kanazawa, Novembre 1992
Keywords: micro robot,applications,actuators,piezo-electric.
- 45
Lee K-M. and Arjunan S.
A three-degrees-of freedom micromotion in-parallel actuated
IEEE Trans. on Robotics and Automation, 7(5):634–641,
Octobre 1991
Keywords: mechanical architecture,3 dof robot,micro
- 46
Lenders C. and others .
Three-dof microrobot platform based on capillary actuation.
IEEE Trans. on Robotics, 28(5):1153–1161,
Octobre 2012
Keywords: planar robot,3 dof robot,mechanical
architecture,micro robot,actuators.
- 47
Li Y. and Xu Q.
Optimum design and development of an XY flexure micromanipulator
for micro scale positioning.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, pages
3112–3117, Pasadena, 19-23 Mai 2008
Keywords: micro robot,optimal design,performance
analysis,flexible robot.
- 48
Li Y. and Xu Q.
Design of a new decoupled XY flexure parallel kinematic manipulator
with actuator isolation.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS),
pages 470–475, Nice, France, 22-26 Septembre 2008
Keywords: micro robot,optimal design,performance
analysis,flexible robot.
- 49
Li Y. and others .
Design, analysis and simulation of a novel 3-dof translational
micromanipulator based on the PRB model.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, pages 235–258, 2016.
Keywords: 3 dof robot,micro robot,mechanical architecture.
- 50
Liang Q. and others .
Six dof micro manipulator based on compliant parallel mechanism with
integrated force sensor.
Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 27(1):124–134,
Février 2011
Keywords: micro robot,piezo-electric,force sensor,stiffness.
- 51
Lin L-C. and Tsay M-U.
Modeling and control of micropositioning systems using Stewart
J. of Robotic Systems, 17(1):17–52, 2000.
Keywords: control,micro robot,actuators,piezo-electric.
- 52
Liu X-J., Wang J., Gao F., and Wang L-P.
On the design of 6-dof parallel micro-motion manipulators.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS),
Maui, Hawaii, 29 Octobre-3 Novembre, 2001
Keywords: micro robot,mechanical architecture.
- 53
Lubrano E. and Clavel R.
Thermal calibration of a 3 dof ultra high-precision robot operating
in industrial environment.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, pages
3692–3697, Anchorage, 3-8 Mai 2010
Keywords: calibration,accuracy,micro robot.
- 54
Lubrano E., Bouri M., and Clavel R.
Ultra-high-precision industrial robots calibration.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, pages 228–233,
Shangai, 9-13 Mai 2011
Keywords: calibration,accuracy,micro robot,3 dof robot.
- 55
Martin ., Th and others .
Silicon linkage with novel compliant mechanism for piezoelectric
actuation of an intraocular implant.
Sensors and Actuators A, 188:335–341, 2012.
Keywords: applications,medical,piezo-electric,2 dof robot,micro
- 56
Merlet J-P.
Les Robots parallèles.
Hermès, Paris, 1990.
- 57
Merlet J-P.
Les robots parallèles, 21 Juin 1993
Habilitation à diriger les recherches, UNSA, Nice.
- 58
Merlet J-P.
Les Robots parallèles.
Hermès, Paris, 1997.
- 59
Merlet J-P.
First experiments with MIPS 1 (Mini In-Parallel Positionning
In ISER, pages 372–379, Barcelone,
15-18 Juin 1997
Keywords: mechanical architecture,applications,micro robot,3 dof
- 60
Merlet J-P.
Miniature in-parallel positionning system MIPS for minimally
invasive surgery.
In World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical
Engineering, Nice, 14-19 Septembre 1997
Keywords: mechanical architecture,applications,micro robot,3 dof
- 61
Merlet J-P. and Dahan M.
Un micro-robot parallèle pour l'inspection industrielle et
l'endoscopie médicale.
In Troisième Journées du Pôle Micro-robotique, Cachan,
27-28 Juin 2000
Keywords: applications,micro robot,design,medical.
- 62
Merlet J-P.
Optimal design for the micro robot MIPS.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, Washington,
11-15 Mai 2002
Keywords: optimal design,micro robot.
- 63
Mou J-I. and Chin C-T.
Micro parallel kinematic mechanism design and fabrication,
24 Septembre 2004
WIPO Patent
WO 2004/081991, A2.
Keywords: planar robot,micro robot,patent.
- 64
Niaritsiry F-T., Fazenda N., and Clavel R.
Simulation analysis of the source of inaccuracy of a parallel
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics, Intelligent Systems and Signal
Processing, pages 266–271, Changsha, China,
8-13 Octobre 2003
Keywords: passive joints,accuracy,micro robot,hardware.
- 65
Niaritsiry F-T., Fazenda N., and Clavel R.
Study of the source of inaccuracy of a 3 dof flexure hinge-based
parallel manipulator.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, pages
4091–4096, New Orleans, 28-30 Avril 2004
Keywords: passive joints,accuracy,micro robot.
- 66
Ojala P., Arai T., Tanikawa T., and Koivo H.
Motion optimization and control of the 7 d.o.f micro manipulator.
In Scandinavian Symposium on Robotics, pages 132–136,
4-6 Octobre 1994
Keywords: micro robot,mechanical architecture,redundant
- 67
Ojala P., Arai T., and Tanikawa T.
Kinematic analysis and motion control of a redundant micro
In 2nd Japan-France Congress on Mechatronics, pages 473–476,
Takamatsu, 1-3 Novembre 1994
Keywords: micro robot,mechanical architecture,redundant
- 68
Peirs J., Reynaerts D., and Van Brussel H.
Design of miniature parallel manipulators for integration in a
self-propelling endoscope.
Sensors and Actuators, A(85):409–417, 2000.
Keywords: 3 dof robot,micro
- 69
Pernette E. and Clavel R.
Parallel robot and microrobotics.
In 6th ISRAM, pages 535–542, Montpellier,
28-30 Mai 1996
Keywords: micro robot,state of the art.
- 70
Pernette E. and others .
Design of parallel robots in microrobotics.
Robotica, 15(4):417–420,
Juillet- Août, 1997
Keywords: micro robot,hardware.
- 71
Portman V.T., Sandler B-Z, and Zahavi E.
Rigid 6x6 parallel platform for precision 3D micromanipulation:
theory and design application.
IEEE Trans. on Robotics and Automation, 16(6):629–643,
Décembre 2000
Keywords: control,micro
- 72
Rabenorosoa K. and others .
Squipabot: a mesoscale parallel robot for a laser phonosurgery.
International Journal of Optomechatronics, 9(4):310–324, 2015.
Keywords: mechanical architecture,micro robot,medical,2 dof
- 73
Rouhani E. and Nategh M.J.
An elastokinematic solution to the inverse kinematics of microhexapod
manipulator with flexure joints of varying rotation center.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 97:127–140, 2016.
Keywords: micro robot,inverse kinematics.
- 74
Schöttler K., Raatz A., and hesselbach J.
Parallel manipulators, Towards new applications, chapter Size
adapted parallel and hybrid parallel robot for sensor guided micro-assembly,
pages 225–244.
ITECH, Avril 2008
Keywords: planar robot,passive joints,3 dof robot,4 dof
robot,micro robot,hybrid robot.
- 75
Shi H., Duan X., and Su H-J.
Optimization of the workspace of a mems hexapod nanopositioner using
an adaptive genetic algorithm.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, pages
4043–4048, Hong-Kong, 31 Avril-Juin, 2014
Keywords: micro robot,workspace,optimal design.
- 76
Stoughton R. and Arai T.
Kinematic optimization of a chopsticks-type micromanipulator, 1991.
Keywords: mechanical architecture,optimal design,micro
- 77
Stoughton R. and Arai T.
Kinematic optimization of a chopsticks-type micro-manipulator.
In Japan-USA Symp. on Flexible Automation, pages 151–157, San
Fransisco, 13-15 Juillet 1993
Keywords: mechanical architecture,optimal design,micro robot.
- 78
Tanaka W. and others .
Calibration method for parallel mechanism using micro-grid pattern.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, pages 763–768,
Orlando, 16-18 Mai 2006
Keywords: calibration,micro robot.
- 79
Tanikawa T. and Arai T.
Development of a micro-manipulation system having a two-fingered
IEEE Trans. on Robotics and Automation, 15(1):152–162,
Février 1999
Keywords: applications,hybrid robot,workspace,calibration,micro
- 80
Teague E.C.
1/n Feynman machines as a path to ultraminiaturisation?
In Proc. of the SPIE Conf. Microlitography and Metrology in
MicroMachining, pages 82–88, Austin, 23-24 Octobre 1995
Keywords: micro robot,design theory.
- 81
Wan S. and Xu Q.
Design and analysis of a new compliant XY micropositioning stage
based on Roberts mechanism.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 95:125–139, 2016.
Keywords: 2 dof robot,micro robot,mechanical architecture.
- 82
Wang R. and Zhang X.
Optimal design of a planar parallel 3-DOF nanopositioner with
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 112:61–83, 2017.
Keywords: planar robot,micro robot,optimal design.
- 83
Wendlandt J.M. and Sastry S.S.
Design and control of a simplified Stewart platform for endoscopy.
In 33nd Conf. on Decision and Control, pages 357–362, Lake
Buena Vista, 14-16 Décembre 1994
Keywords: applications,micro robot,wire robot,3 dof
robot,inverse kinematics,control,dynamics,medical.
- 84
Wu T-L. and Chang S-H.
Mechanism design of multi-degrees of freedom nano-positioner.
In 12th IFToMM World Congress on the Theory of Machines and
Mechanisms, Besancon, 18-21 Juin 2007
Keywords: micro robot,piezo-electric.
- 85
Wu Z. and Xu Q.
Design, optimization and testing of a compact XY parallel
nanopositioning stage with stacked structure.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 126:171–188, 2018.
Keywords: micro robot,mechanical architecture,optimal design,2
dof robot.
- 86
Xiao S. and Li Y.
Model-based sliding mode control for a 3-dof translational micro
parallel positioning stage.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, Hong-Kong,
31 Juin-Juin, 2014
Keywords: micro robot,3 dof robot,control,dynamics.
- 87
Xu Q. and Li Y.
A novel design of a 3-PRC compliant parallel micromanipulator for
Robotica, 24(4):527–528, Juillet 2006
Keywords: 3 dof robot,flexible robot,micro robot.
- 88
Xu Q. and Li Y.
Dahl model-based hysteresis compensation and precise positioning
control of an XY parallel micromanipulator with piezoelectric actuation.
ASME J. of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control,
132(4):041011–1/15, Juillet 2010
Keywords: planar robot,control,piezo-electric,micro robot.
- 89
Yang S.Y., Mac Lachlan R.A., and Riviere C.N.
Design and analysis of 6 dof handheld micromanipulator.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, pages
1946–1951, Saint Paul, 14-18 Mai 2012
Keywords: optimal design,micro robot,piezo-electric.
- 90
Yi B-J. and others .
Design and experiment of a 3-DOF parallel micro-mechanism utilizing
flexure hinges.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, pages
1167–1172, Washington, 11-15 Mai 2002
Keywords: micro robot,3 dof robot,passive joints.
- 91
Yi B-J. and others .
Design and experiment of a 3-DOF parallel micromechanism utilizing
flexure hinges.
IEEE Trans. on Robotics and Automation, 19(4):604–612,
Août 2003
Keywords: micro robot,3 dof robot,passive joints.
- 92
Yong Y.K. and Lu T-F.
Kinetostatic modeling of 3-RRR compliant micro-motion stages with
flexure hinges.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 44(6):1156–1175,
Juin 2009
Keywords: planar robot,3 dof robot,micro
- 93
Yue Y. and others .
Relationship among input-force, payload, stiffness and displacement
of a 3-DOF perpendicular parallel micro-manipulator.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 45(5):756–771,
Mai 2010
Keywords: 3 dof robot,micro
- 94
Zhang D. and Gao Z.
Performance analysis and optimization of a five degrees-of-freedom
hybrid parallel micromanipulator.
Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 34:20–29,
Keywords: 5 dof robot,hybrid robot,optimal design,micro robot.
- 95
Zhang X. and Xu Q.
Design, fabrication and testing of a novel symmetrical 3-dof
large-stroke parallel micro/nano-positioning stage.
Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 54:162–172,
Keywords: micro robot,mechanical architecture.
- 96
Zhang Y. and Hesselbach J.
Piezoelectric rotary-linear-actuators for miniaturised or micro
parallel robot.
In 7th Int. Conf. on New Actuators, pages 371–374, Bremen,
19-20 Juin 2000
Keywords: actuators,piezo-electric,micro robot.
- 97
Zoppi M., Sieklicki W., and Molfino R.
Design of a micro-robotic wrist for needle laparoscopic surgery.
ASME J. of Mechanical Design, 130(10):102306–1/102306–8,
Octobre 2008
Keywords: medical,applications,3 dof robot,micro robot.
J-P. Merlet