99 références sur: Isotropie
- 1
Alici G. and Shirinzadeh B.
Optimum synthesis of planar parallel manipulators based on kinematic
isotropy and force balancing.
Robotica, 22(1):97-108, 2004.
Keywords: planar robot,optimal design,isotropy.
- 2
Allais A.A., McInroy J.E., and O'Brien J.F.
A new class of locally decoupled Gough-Stewart platform
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS),
pages 1301-1306, Vilamoura, 7-12 Octobre 2012
Keywords: decoupled robot,isotropy.
- 3
Allais A.A. and McInroy J.E.
Locally decoupled micromanipulator using an even number of of
parallel force actuators.
IEEE Trans. on Robotics, 28(6):1325-1334,
Février 2012
Keywords: decoupled robot,mechanical
- 4
Bandyopadhyay S. and Ghosal A.
An algebraic formulation of exact force-,moment-isotropy in spatial
parallel manipulators.
In 12th IFToMM World Congress on the Theory of Machines and
Mechanisms, Besancon, 18-21 Juin 2007
Keywords: isotropy,statics.
- 5
Bandyopadhyay S. and Ghosal A.
An algebraic formulation of kinematic isotropy and design of
isotropic 6-6 Stewart platform manipulator.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 43(5):591-616,
Mai 2008
Keywords: isotropy.
- 6
Bandyopadhyay S. and Ghosal A.
An algebraic formulation of static isotropy and design of statically
isotropic 6-6 Stewart platform manipulators.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 44(7):1360-1370, 2009.
Keywords: statics,isotropy.
- 7
Baron L. and Bernier G.
The design of parallel manipulators of Star topology under
isotropic constraint.
In ASME Design Engineering Technical Conference, Pittsburgh,
9-12 Septembre 2001
Keywords: 3 dof robot,isotropy.
- 8
Baron L., Wang X., and Cloutier G.
The isotropic conditions of parallel manipulators of Delta
In ARK, pages 357-366, Caldes de Malavalla,
29 Juin-2 Juillet, 2002
Keywords: 3 dof robot,isotropy.
- 9
Bhattacharya S., Hatwal H., and Ghosh A.
On the optimum design of a Stewart platform type parallel
Robotica, 13(2):133-140,
Mars- Avril, 1995
Keywords: mechanical architecture,optimal
- 10
Carretero J. A. and Pond G.T.
Quantitative dexterous workspace comparison.
In ARK, pages 297-306, Ljubljana,
26-29 Juin 2006
Keywords: 3 dof robot,isotropy,performance analysis.
- 11
Carricato M. and Parenti-Castelli V.
Singularity-free fully isotropic translational parallel mechanisms.
In ASME Design Engineering Technical Conference, Montréal,
29 Septembre-2 Octobre, 2002
Keywords: design theory,3 dof robot,isotropy.
- 12
Carricato M. and Parenti-Castelli V.
Singularity-free fully isotropic translational parallel mechanisms.
Int. J. of Robotics Research, 21(2):161-174,
Février 2002
Keywords: design theory,3 dof robot,isotropy.
- 13
Carricato M.
Fully isotropic four-degrees-of-freedom parallel mechanisms for
Schoenflies motion.
Int. J. of Robotics Research, 24(5):397-414,
Mai 2005
Keywords: design theory,4 dof robot,isotropy,structural
- 14
Chablat D., Wenger P., and Angeles J.
The isoconditionning loci of a class of closed-chain manipulators.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, pages
1970-1975, Louvain, 18-20 Mai 1998
Keywords: isotropy,planar robot,2 dof robot.
- 15
Chablat D. and Wenger P.
A new three-dof parallel mechanism: milling machine applications.
In 2nd Chemnitzer Parallelkinematik Seminar, pages 141-152,
Chemnitz, 12-13 Avril 2000
Keywords: 3 dof robot,singularity,optimal
- 16
Chablat D. and Angeles J.
The computation of all 4r serial spherical wrists with an isotropic
In F.C. Park C.C. Iurascu, editor, Computational Kinematics,
pages 1-10. EJCK, 20-22 Mai 2001
Keywords: spherical robot,isotropy.
- 17
Chablat D., Wenger P., and Merlet J-P.
Workspace analysis of the Orthoglide using interval analysis.
In ARK, pages 397-406, Caldes de Malavalla,
29 Juin-2 Juillet, 2002
Keywords: 3 dof robot,workspace,isotropy.
- 18
Chablat D. and others .
The isoconditioning loci of planar three-dof parallel manipulators.
In ASME Design Engineering Technical Conference, Montréal,
29 Septembre-2 Octobre, 2002
Keywords: isotropy,planar robot.
- 19
Chablat D., Wenger P., and Merlet J-P.
A comparative study between two three-dof parallel kinematic machines
using kinetostatic criteria and interval analysis.
In 11th IFToMM World Congress on the Theory of Machines and
Mechanisms, pages 1209-1213, Tianjin, 1-4 Avril 2004
Keywords: jacobian,isotropy,performance analysis.
- 20
Chablat D.
Contribution à l'analyse et à l'optimisation de mécanismes
poly-articulés, 31 Mars 2008
Habilitation à diriger les recherches, Université de Nantes.
Keywords: isotropy,design,optimal design,singularity.
- 21
Chung G.B. and others .
Design and analysis of a spatial 3-dof micromanipulator for
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS),
pages 337-342, Maui, Hawaii, 29 Octobre-3 Novembre, 2001
Keywords: 3 dof robot,kinematics,design,isotropy,micro robot.
- 22
De-Juan A. and others .
Multi-objective optimization of parallel manipulators.
In 3rd European Conf. on Mechanism Science (Eucomes), pages
633-644, Cluj-Napoca, 14-17 Septembre 2010
Keywords: design,isotropy.
- 23
Fassi I., Legnani G., and Tosi D.
Geometrical condition for the design of partial or full isotropic
J. of Robotic Systems, 22(10):507-518, 2005.
Keywords: isotropy,optimal design,design.
- 24
Fattah A. and Hasan Ghasemi A.M.
Isotropic design of spatial parallel manipulators.
Int. J. of Robotics Research, 21(9):811-824,
Septembre 2002
Keywords: isotropy.
- 25
Fattah A. and Agrawal S.K.
On the design of cable-suspended planar parallel robots.
ASME J. of Mechanical Design, 127(5):1021-1028,
Septembre 2005
Keywords: planar robot,wire robot,workspace,optimal
- 26
Fenyi S.E.
Die Stewart platform als kraft-und momentensensor, das modilisierte
Föppl fachwerk als kraftsensor.
Research Report 52/01/02P10A, Kernforschungzentrum Karlsruhe,
Mars 1993
Keywords: force sensor,statics,isotropy,applications.
- 27
Frindt F., Kerle H., and Plitea N.
PENTA- Vorstellung eines parallelen maschinenkonzepts mit
fünf bewegungsfreiheiten.
In New machine concepts for handling and manufacturing devices
on the basis of parallel structures, pages 15-34, Braunschweig,
10-11 Novembre 1998
Keywords: mechanical architecture,5 dof
- 28
Gao Z., Zhang D., and Ge Y.
Design optimization of a spatial six-degree-of-freedom parallel
manipulator based on artificial intelligence approaches.
Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 26(2):180-189,
Avril 2010
Keywords: optimal design,stiffness,isotropy.
- 29
Gao F. and Liu X.
Performance evaluation of two-degree-of-freedom planar parallel
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 33(6):661-668,
Août 1998
Keywords: planar robot,2 dof robot,isotropy.
- 30
Gogu G.
Fully-isotropic three-degree-of-freedom parallel wrists.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, pages 895-900,
Roma, 10-14 Avril 2007
Keywords: 3 dof robot,wrist,isotropy,structural synthesis.
- 31
Gosselin C. and Angeles J.
The optimum kinematic design of a spherical three-degree-of-freedom
parallel manipulator.
J. of Mechanisms, Transmissions and Automation in Design,
111(2):202-207, 1989.
Keywords: spherical
robot,workspace,isotropy,singularity,design,3 dof robot,wrist.
- 32
Gosselin C. and Lavoie E.
Spherical parallel manipulators: dexterity and isotropy.
In ARK, pages 143-149, Ferrare,
7-9 Septembre 1992
Keywords: mechanical architecture,3 dof robot,spherical
- 33
Gosselin C.M and Lavoie E.
On the kinematic design of spherical three-degree-of-freedom parallel
Int. J. of Robotics Research, 12(4):394-402,
Août 1993
Keywords: mechanical architecture,3 dof robot,spherical
- 34
Gosselin C. and Hamel J.-F.
Development and experimentation of a fast three-degree-of-freedom
spherical parallel manipulator.
In ISRAM, pages 229-234, Hawaï,
14-18 Août 1994
Keywords: spherical robot,isotropy,workspace,optimal
design,mechanical architecture,3 dof robot,wrist.
- 35
Guo J. and others .
Analysis and the processing of the dexterity of parallel robot based
on Matlab.
In ICIRA, pages 208-215, Wuhan,
15-17 Octobre 2008
Keywords: isotropy.
- 36
Hay A.M. and Snyman J.A.
The optimal synthesis of parallel manipulators for desired workspace.
In ARK, pages 337-346, Caldes de Malavalla,
29 Juin-2 Juillet, 2002
Keywords: planar robot,isotropy,optimal design,workspace.
- 37
Hong K-S.
Kinematic optimal design of a new parallel-type rolling mill:
Advanced Robotics, 17(9):837-862, 2003.
Keywords: applications,isotropy,design,optimal
- 38
Hong-Zhou J., Jing-Feng H., and Zhi-Zhong T.
Characteristics analysis of joint space inverse mass matrix for the
optimal design of a 6-dof parallel manipulator.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 45(5):722-739,
Mai 2010
Keywords: dynamics,isotropy.
- 39
Hong K.S. and Kim J-G.
Manipulability analysis of a parallel machine tool: application to
optimal link length design.
J. of Robotic Systems, 17(8):403-415, 2000.
Keywords: mechanical architecture,optimal
- 40
Jiang H-Z. and others .
Dynamic isotropic design for modified Gough-Stewart platforms lying
on a pair of cicular hyperboloids.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 46(9):1301-1315,
Septembre 2011
Keywords: dynamics,isotropy,6 dof robot,optimal design.
- 41
Jiang H-Z. and others .
Dynamic isotropic design of a class of Gough–Stewart parallel
manipulators lying on a circular hyperboloid of one sheet.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 46:358-374, 2011.
Keywords: dynamics,isotropy,6 dof robot,optimal design.
- 42
Keler M.L.
Dual expansion of an optimal spherical platform device.
In ARK, pages 79-86, Strobl,
29 Juin-4 Juillet, 1998
Keywords: isotropy,wrist,spherical robot,design theory.
- 43
Kong X. and Gosselin C.M.
A class of 3-dof translational parallel manipulators with linear
input-output equations.
In Workshop on Fundamental Issues and Future Research Directions
for Parallel Mechanisms and Manipulators, pages 25-32, Québec,
3-4 Octobre 2002
Keywords: mechanical architecture,3 dof robot,isotropy.
- 44
Kong X. and Gosselin C.M.
Kinematics and singularity analysis of a novel type of
RR 3-dof translational parallel manipulator.
Int. J. of Robotics Research, 21(9):791-798,
Septembre 2002
Keywords: 3 dof robot,isotropy,workspace.
- 45
Krut S., Company O., and Pierrot F.
Velocity performance indices for parallel mechanisms with actuation
Robotica, 22(2):129-139, Mars 2004
Keywords: redundant robot,performance analysis,isotropy.
- 46
Legnani G. and others .
The point of isotropy and other properties of serial and parallel
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 45(10):11407-1423,
Octobre 2010
Keywords: isotropy.
- 47
Legnani G. and others .
A new isotropic and decoupled 6-dof parallel manipulators.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 58:64-81,
Décembre 2012
Keywords: isotropy,mechanical architecture,6 dof
robot,decoupled robot.
- 48
Legnani G. and M. Tiboni.
Optimal design and application of a low-cost wire-sensor system for
the kinematic calibration of industrial manipulators.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 73:25-48,
Mars 2014
Keywords: wire robot,applications,isotropy.
- 49
Leguay-Durand S. and Reboulet C.
New design of a redundant spherical manipulator.
In 6th ISRAM, pages 365-370, Montpellier,
28-30 Mai 1996
Keywords: mechanical architecture,redundant
robot,design,spherical robot,isotropy.
- 50
Leguay-Durand S. and Reboulet C.
Optimal design of a redundant spherical parallel manipulator.
Robotica, 15(4):399-405,
Juillet- Août, 1997
Keywords: mechanical architecture,design,redundant
robot,spherical robot,isotropy,optimal design.
- 51
Li W. and Angeles J.
The design for isotropy of a class of six-dof parallel-kinematics
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 126, 2018.
Keywords: isotropy.
- 52
Liu X-J. and others .
Mechanism design of a simplified 6-dof 6-RUS parallel manipulator.
Robotica, 20(1):81-91, Janvier 2002
Keywords: design,mechanical architecture,6 dof
- 53
Liu X-J. and others .
A new approach to the design of a DELTA robot with a desired
J. of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, 39(2):209-225,
Juin 2004
Keywords: 3 dof robot,workspace,optimal design,isotropy.
- 54
Majou F., Wenger P., and Chablat D.
Design of 2-dof parallel mechanisms for machining applications.
In ARK, pages 319-328, Caldes de Malavalla,
29 Juin-2 Juillet, 2002
Keywords: 2 dof robot,machine-tool,isotropy,optimal design.
- 55
Mendes Lopes A. and Gomes de Almeida F.
Manipulability optimization of a parallel structure robotic
In 2nd Portugese Automatic Control Conf., Porto,
Septembre 1996
Keywords: optimal design,design,isotropy.
- 56
Meng Q. and others .
An evaluation approach for motion-force interaction performance of
parallel manipulators with closed-loop passive limbs.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 149, 2020.
Keywords: kinetics,statics,isotropy.
- 57
Merlet J-P.
Les Robots parallèles.
Hermès, Paris, 1990.
- 58
Merlet J-P.
Les robots parallèles, 21 Juin 1993
Habilitation à diriger les recherches, UNSA, Nice.
- 59
Merlet J-P.
Les Robots parallèles.
Hermès, Paris, 1997.
- 60
Merlet J-P.
Getting exact information from the inverse jacobian matrix of
parallel and serial robots.
In 11th IFToMM World Congress on the Theory of Machines and
Mechanisms, pages 1951-1955, Tianjin, 1-4 Avril 2004
Keywords: jacobian,isotropy,performance analysis.
- 61
Merlet J-P.
Jacobian, manipulability, condition number and accuracy of parallel
In ISRR, San Francisco, 12-15 Octobre 2005
Keywords: performance analysis,jacobian,isotropy.
- 62
Merlet J-P.
Jacobian, manipulability,condition number, and accuracy of parallel
ASME J. of Mechanical Design, 128(1):199-206,
Janvier 2006
Keywords: accuracy,isotropy,jacobian.
- 63
Müller A. and Maisser P.
Kinematic and dynamic properties of parallel manipulators.
Multibody System Dynamics, 5:223-249, 2001.
Keywords: dynamics,stiffness,isotropy.
- 64
Müller A.
Manipulability and static stability of parallel manipulators.
Multibody System Dynamics, 9:1-23, 2003.
Keywords: statics,isotropy.
- 65
Nawratil G.
The control number as index for Stewart-Gough platforms.
In ARK, pages 15-22, Ljubljana,
26-29 Juin 2006
Keywords: performance analysis,isotropy.
- 66
Olds K.C.
Global indices for kinematic and force transmission performance in
parallel robots.
IEEE Trans. on Robotics, 31(2):494-500,
Avril 2015
Keywords: isotropy,performance analysis,accuracy.
- 67
Orozco-Muniz J.J., J.D. aned Cervantes-Sanchez and Rico-Martínez J.M.
Dexterity indices for planar parallel manipulators.
Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 46:144-155,
Keywords: planar robot,performance analysis,isotropy.
- 68
Park M.K. and Kim J.W.
Kinematic manipulability of closed chains.
In ARK, pages 99-108, Portoroz-Bernadin,
22-26 Juin 1996
Keywords: isotropy,jacobian.
- 69
Pashkevic A., Wenger P., and Chablat D.
Design strategies for the geometric synthesis of Orthoglide-type
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 40(8):907-930,
Août 2005
Keywords: optimal design,3 dof robot,isotropy.
- 70
Pham H.H. and Chen I-M.
Optimal synthesis for workspace and manipulability of parallel
flexure mechanism.
In 11th IFToMM World Congress on the Theory of Machines and
Mechanisms, Tianjin, 1-4 Avril 2004
Keywords: optimal design,isotropy,flexible robot,performance
- 71
Pittens K.H. and Podhorodeski R.P.
A family of Stewart platforms with optimal dexterity.
J. of Robotic Systems, 10(4):463-479, Juin 1993
Keywords: optimal design,design,isotropy.
- 72
Pond G. and Carretero J.A.
Quantitative dexterous workspace comparison of parallel manipulators.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 42(10):1388-1400,
Octobre 2007
Keywords: jacobian,isotropy,3 dof robot,performance analysis.
- 73
Pond G. and Carretero J.A.
Parallel manipulators, New Developments, chapter Quantitative
dextrous workspace comparison of serial and parallel planar mechanism, pages
ITECH, Avril 2008
Keywords: planar robot,workspace,isotropy.
- 74
Qu H., Fang Y., and Guo S.
A new method for isotropic analysis of limited parallel manipulators
with terminal constraints.
Robotica, 29(4):563-569, Juillet 2011
Keywords: 3 dof robot,4 dof robot,isotropy.
- 75
Rao A.B.K and others .
Workspace and dexterity analyses of Hexaslide machine-tool.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, pages
4104-4109, Taipei, 14-19 Septembre 2003
Keywords: workspace,performance analysis,isotropy.
- 76
Schönherr J. and Weidermann F.
Bewertung und optimale auslegung von bewegunssystem mit
In New machine concepts for handling and manufacturing devices
on the basis of parallel structures, pages 35-49, Braunschweig,
10-11 Novembre 1998
Keywords: 3 dof robot,6 dof robot,isotropy,planar robot,optimal
- 77
Schreiber H. and Gosselin C.M.
Analyse et conception d'une manipulateur parallèle à cinq
degré de liberté.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 38(6):535-548,
Juin 2003
Keywords: 5 dof robot,mechanical
- 78
Shin S. and others .
Kinematic optimization for isotropic stiffness of redundantly
actuated parallel manipulators.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, Shangai,
9-13 Mai 2011
Keywords: isotropy,redundant robot,stiffness,mechanical
- 79
Stamper R.C., Tsai C-W., and Walsh G.C.
Optimization of a three dof translational platform for
well-conditionned workspace.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, pages
3250-3255, Albuquerque, 21-28 Avril 1997
Keywords: isotropy,design,optimal design,3 dof robot.
- 80
Stoughton R. and Arai T.
A modified Stewart platform manipulator with improved dexterity.
IEEE Trans. on Robotics and Automation, 9(2):166-173,
Avril 1993
Keywords: optimal design,mechanical
architecture,isotropy,inverse kinematics,inverse
- 81
Tsai K-Y. and Huang K.D.
The design of isotropic 6-DOF parallel manipulators using isotropy
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 38(11):1199-1214,
Novembre 2003
Keywords: isotropy.
- 82
Tsai K-Y. and Lee T.K.
6-dof isotropic parallel manipulators with three PPSR or PRPS
In 12th IFToMM World Congress on the Theory of Machines and
Mechanisms, Besancon, 18-21 Juin 2007
Keywords: isotropy,mechanical architecture,6 dof robot.
- 83
Tsai K-Y., Lin P.Y., and Lee T.K.
4R and 5R parallel manipulators that can reach maximum number of
isotropic positions.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 43(1):68-79,
Janvier 2008
Keywords: isotropy,planar robot.
- 84
Tsai K-Y. and Lee T.K.
6-dof parallel manipulators with better dexterity, rotability, or
singularity-free workspace.
Robotica, 27(4):599-606, Juillet 2009
Keywords: isotropy,6 dof robot,optimal design,mechanical
- 85
Tsai K-Y., Lin J.C., and Lo Y.
Six-dof parallel manipulators with maximal singularity-free joint
space or workspace.
Robotica, 32(3):401-411, Mai 2014
Keywords: isotropy,6 dof robot,optimal design,mechanical
- 86
Tsai L-W. and Joshi S.
Kinematics and optimization of a spatial 3-UPU parallel
ASME J. of Mechanical Design, 112(4):439-446,
Décembre 2000
Keywords: 3 dof robot,kinematics,isotropy,optimal design.
- 87
Wenger P. and Chablat D.
Kinematic analysis of a new parallel machine-tool: the Orthoglide.
In ARK, pages 305-314, Piran, 25-29 Juin 2000
Keywords: 3 dof
- 88
Wenger P. and Chablat D.
Design of a three-axis isotropic parallel manipulator for machining
applications: the Orthoglide.
In Workshop on Fundamental Issues and Future Research Directions
for Parallel Mechanisms and Manipulators, pages 16-23, Québec,
3-4 Octobre 2002
Keywords: mechanical architecture,isotropy,3 dof robot.
- 89
Wu J., Wang J-S., L-P. Wang, and Li T-M.
Dexterity and stiffness analysis of a three-degree-of-freedom planar
parallel manipulator with actuation redundancy.
Proc. Instn Mech Engrs, Part C: J. Mechanical Engineering
Science, 221(8):961-969, 2007.
Keywords: planar robot,mechanical
- 90
Wu J., Wang J., and Wang L.
Optimal kinematic design and application of a redundantly actuated
3dof planar parallel manipulator.
ASME J. of Mechanical Design, 130(5):054503-1/5,
Mai 2008
Keywords: planar robot,machine-tool,optimal
design,isotropy,redundant robot.
- 91
Xi F. and others .
Global kinetostatic modelling of tripod-based parallel kinematic
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 39(4):357-377,
Avril 2004
Keywords: 3 dof robot,stiffness,isotropy.
- 92
Yao J. and others .
Isotropy analysis of redundant parallel six-axis force sensor.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 91:131-150, 2015.
Keywords: force sensor,isotropy.
- 93
Yi Y. and others .
Generating classes of orthogonal Gough-Stewart platforms.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, pages
4969-4974, New Orleans, 28-30 Avril 2004
Keywords: structural synthesis,isotropy.
- 94
Yi Y. and others .
Optimum design of a class of fault tolerant isotropic Gough-Stewart
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, pages
4963-4968, New Orleans, 28-30 Avril 2004
Keywords: mechanical architecture,isotropy.
- 95
Zanganeh K.E. and Angeles J.
On the isotropic design of general six-degree-of-freedom parallel
In J-P. Merlet B. Ravani, editor, Computational Kinematics,
pages 213-220. Kluwer, 1995.
Keywords: jacobian,isotropy,design.
- 96
Zanganeh K.E. and Angeles J.
Kinematic isotropy and the optimum design of parallel manipulators.
Int. J. of Robotics Research, 16(2):185-197,
Avril 1997
Keywords: isotropy,design,optimal design.
- 97
Zhang Y. and Duffy J.
The optimum quality index for a redundant 4-4 in parallel
In 12th RoManSy, pages 289-296, Paris,
6-9 Juillet 1998
Keywords: redundant robot,isotropy.
- 98
Zhang Y., Duffy J., and Crane C.
The optimum quality index for a spatial redundant 4-8 in parallel
In ARK, pages 239-248, Piran, 25-29 Juin 2000
Keywords: redundant robot,isotropy,design.
- 99
Zhao Y.
Singularity isotropy and velocity transmission evluation of a three
translational degree-of-freedo parallel robot.
Robotica, 31(2):193-202, Mars 2013
Keywords: 3 dof robot,isotropy,singularity.
J-P. Merlet