171 références pour: 2010
- 1
Abdelaziz S. and others .
Combining structural and kinematic analysis using interval analysis
for a wire-driven manipulator.
In ARK, pages 147–156, Piran,
28 Juin-1 Juillet, 2010
Keywords: wire robot,planar robot,medical,performance analysis.
- 2
Abdellatif H. and Heimann B.
Experimental identification of the dynamics model for 6-dof parallel
Robotica, 28(3):359–368, Mai 2010
Keywords: dynamics,calibration.
- 3
Abdellatif H. and Heimann B.
Advanced model-based control of a 6-DOF Hexapod Robot: A case
IEEE/ASME Trans. on Mechatronics, 15(2):269–279, 2010.
Keywords: dynamics,control,calibration.
- 4
Abtahi M. and others .
Experimental kinematic calibration of parallel manipulators using a
relative position error measurement system.
Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 26(6):799–804,
Décembre 2010
Keywords: calibration.
- 5
Achili R. and others .
A robust adaptive control of a parallel robot.
Int. J. of Control, 83(10):2107–2119, 2010.
Keywords: control.
- 6
Alizade R, Selvi O., and Gezgin E.
Structural design of parallel maniulators with general constraint
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 45(1):1–14,
Janvier 2010
Keywords: mechanical architecture,structural synthesis.
- 7
Alizadeh D., Angeles J., and Nokleby S.
Optimum design of a pan-tilt drive for parallel robots.
In ARK, pages 169–176, Piran,
28 Juin-1 Juillet, 2010
Keywords: 2 dof robot.
- 8
Amine S. and others .
Singularity analysis of lower-mobility parallel robots with an
articulated nacelle.
In ARK, pages 273–282, Piran,
28 Juin-1 Juillet, 2010
Keywords: singularity,4 dof robot.
- 9
Arrouk K.A., Bouzgarrou B.C., and Gogu G.
Workspace determination and representation of planar parallel
manipulator in a CAD environment.
In 3rd European Conf. on Mechanism Science (Eucomes), pages
605–612, Cluj-Napoca, 14-17 Septembre 2010
Keywords: workspace,planar robot.
- 10
Arsenault M.
Optimization of the prestress stable wrench closure workspace of
planar parallel three-degree-of-freedom cable-driven mechanisms with four
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, pages
1182–1187, Anchorage, 3-8 Mai 2010
Keywords: wire robot,planar robot,stiffness.
- 11
Baczynski J. and Baczynski M.
Simple system for determining starting position of cable-driven
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Computer Information Systems and
Industrial Management Applications (CISIM), pages 102–106, Cracow,
8-10 Octobre 2010
Keywords: wire robot.
- 12
Bai S.
Optimum design of spherical parallel manipulators for a prescribed
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 45(2):200–211,
Février 2010
Keywords: spherical robot,wrist,workspace,optimal
design,mechanical architecture,design.
- 13
Bedoustani Y.B. and Taghirad H.D.
Iterative-analytic redundancy resolution scheme for a cable-driven
redundant parallel manipulator.
In IEEE/ASME Int. Conf. on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics,
Montréal, 6-9 Juillet 2010
Keywords: wire robot,statics,kinematics.
- 14
Binaud N., Caro S., and Wenger P.
Sensitivity comparison of planar parallel manipulators.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 45(11):1477–1490,
Novembre 2010
Keywords: planar robot,accuracy.
- 15
Binaud N., Caro S., Bai S., and Wenger P.
Comparison of
parallel planar manipulators
based on their sensitivity to joint clearances.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS),
Taipei, 18-22 Octobre 2010
Keywords: planar robot,accuracy,clearance.
- 16
Binaud N.
Sensibilité des manipulateurs parallèles aux variations des
paramètres géométriques et aux jeux.
Ph.D. Thesis, École Centrale de Nantes, Nantes,
13 Décembre 2010
Keywords: performance analysis,accuracy,clearance.
- 17
Blaise J. and others .
Kinematic characterisation of hexapods for industry.
Industrial Robot, 37(1):79–88, 2010.
Keywords: calibration,workspace.
- 18
Bohigas O., Ros L., and Manubens M.
A complete method for workspace boundary determination.
In ARK, pages 329–338, Piran,
28 Juin-1 Juillet, 2010
Keywords: workspace.
- 19
Borràs J., Thomas F., and Torras C.
A family of quadratically-solvable 5-SPU parallel robots.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, pages
4703–4708, Anchorage, 3-8 Mai 2010
Keywords: forward kinematics,5 dof robot.
- 20
Borràs J., Thomas F., and Torras C.
Singularity invariant leg rearrangements in Stewart-Gough
In ARK, pages 421–428, Piran,
28 Juin-1 Juillet, 2010
Keywords: singularity.
- 21
Bouri M. and Clavel R.
The linear delta: Developments and applications.
In 41st International Symposium on Robotics, pages 1–8,
Munchen, Juin 2010
Keywords: mechanical architecture,3 dof robot.
- 22
Briot S., Pashkevich A., and Chablat D.
Optimal technology-oriented design of parallel robots for high-speed
machining applications.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, pages
1155–1161, Anchorage, 3-8 Mai 2010
Keywords: optimal design.
- 23
Briot S. and Bonev I.A.
Pantopteron-4: A new 3T1R decoupled parallel manipulator for
pick-and-place applications.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 45(5):707–721,
Mai 2010
Keywords: 4 dof robot,hybrid robot,mechanical architecture.
- 24
Briot S. and Bonev I.A.
Accuracy analysis of 3T1R fully-parallel robots.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 45(5):695–708,
Mai 2010
Keywords: 4 dof robot,accuracy.
- 25
Briot S. and Arakelian V.
On the dynamic properties of rigid-link flexible-joint parallel
manipulators in the presence of type 2 singularities.
J. of Mechanisms and Robotics, 2(2):021004–1/6,
Mai 2010
Keywords: forward kinematics,dynamics,singularity,flexible
robot,singular motion.
- 26
Bruckmann T., Hiller M., and Schramm D.
An active suspension system for simulation of ship maneuvers in wind
In 3rd European Conf. on Mechanism Science (Eucomes),
Cluj-Napoca, 14-17 Septembre 2010
Keywords: wire robot,aerial,marine,applications.
- 27
Burisch A. and others .
Analysis and inverse dynamic model of a miniaturized robot structure.
In 3rd European Conf. on Mechanism Science (Eucomes),
Cluj-Napoca, 14-17 Septembre 2010
Keywords: micro robot,planar robot,2 dof robot,dynamics.
- 28
Cao Y. and others .
Orientation-singularity and nonsingular orientation-workspace
analysis of the semi-regular Stewart-Gough platform manipulator.
Advanced Robotics, 24(15):2119–2135, 2010.
Keywords: singularity,orientation workspace.
- 29
Capua A., Shapiro A., and Shoval S.
Motion planning algorithm for a mobile robot suspended by seven
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, Anchorage,
3-8 Mai 2010
Keywords: wire robot,mechanical architecture,applications.
- 30
Capustiac A. and Brisan C.
Aspect concerning VRML simulation of calibration for parallel
In 3rd European Conf. on Mechanism Science (Eucomes),
Cluj-Napoca, 14-17 Septembre 2010
Keywords: calibration,modular robot.
- 31
Carricato M. and Merlet J-P.
Geometrico-static analysis of under-constrained cable-driven parallel
In ARK, pages 309–320, Piran,
28 Juin-1 Juillet, 2010
Keywords: wire robot,statics,kinematics.
- 32
Castelli G. and Ottaviano E.
Modelling, simulation and testing of a reconfigurable cable-based
parallel manipulator as motion aiding system.
Applied Bionics and Biomechanics, 7(4):235–268,
Décembre 2010
Keywords: wire robot,applications,medical.
- 33
Chablat D. and others .
Comparison of planar parallel manipulator architectures based on a
multi-objective design optimization approach.
In ASME Design Engineering Technical Conference, Montréal,
15-18 Août 2010
Keywords: optimal design.
- 34
Chebbi A-H. and Parenti-Castelli V.
Geometric and manufacturing issues of the 3-UPU pure translational
In 3rd European Conf. on Mechanism Science (Eucomes), pages
595–603, Cluj-Napoca, 14-17 Septembre 2010
Keywords: performance analysis,accuracy.
- 35
Chikh L. and others .
A mixed GPC-
robust cascade position-pressure control
strategy for electropneumatic cylinders.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, pages
5147–5154, Anchorage, 3-8 Mai 2010
Keywords: control,pneumatic.
- 36
Choi H.B., Konno A., and Uchiyama M.
Design, implementation and performance evaluation of a 4-dof parallel
Robotica, 28(1):107–118, Janvier 2010
Keywords: 4 dof robot,control.
- 37
Choi H.B., Konno A., and Uchiyama M.
Inverse dynamics analysis of a 4-d.o.f. parallel robot H4.
Advanced Robotics, 24(1-2):159–177, 2010.
Keywords: dynamics,4 dof robot,control.
- 38
Chung J. and others .
Implementation of a 4-dof parallel mechanism as a needle insertion
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, pages 662–668,
Anchorage, 3-8 Mai 2010
Keywords: 4 dof robot,medical,applications.
- 39
Corbel D. and others .
Towards 100G with PKM. is actuation redundancy a good solution for
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, pages
4675–4682, Anchorage, 3-8 Mai 2010
Keywords: redundant robot,dynamics.
- 40
Corral J. and others .
Structural dynamic analysis of low-mobility parallel manipulators.
In 3rd European Conf. on Mechanism Science (Eucomes), pages
387–394, Cluj-Napoca, 14-17 Septembre 2010
Keywords: stiffness,performance analysis,dynamics,vibration.
- 41
Cunninghamm D. and Asada H.H.
Continuous path tracing by a cable-suspended, under-actuated robot;
the Winch-Bot.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, pages
1255–1260, Anchorage, 3-8 Mai 2010
Keywords: wire robot,control.
- 42
Dahmouche R. and others .
Efficient high-speed vision-based computed torque control of the
Orthoglide parallel robot.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, pages 644–649,
Anchorage, 3-8 Mai 2010
Keywords: control,dynamics.
- 43
Da Silva M.M. and others .
Integrating structural and input design of a 2-dof high-speed
parallel manipulator: a flexible model-based approach.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 45(11):1509–1519,
Novembre 2010
Keywords: dynamics,control.
- 44
Deidda R., Marian A., and Ruggiu M.
On the kinematics of the 3-
RUR spherical parallel
Robotica, 28(6):821–832, Octobre 2010
Keywords: wrist,kinematics,workspace.
- 45
De-Juan A. and others .
Multi-objective optimization of parallel manipulators.
In 3rd European Conf. on Mechanism Science (Eucomes), pages
633–644, Cluj-Napoca, 14-17 Septembre 2010
Keywords: design,isotropy.
- 46
D&́#305;az-Rodr&́#305;guez M. and others .
A methodology for dyname parameters identification of a 3-dof
parallel robot in terms of relevant parameters.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 45(9):1337–1356,
Octobre 2010
Keywords: calibration,dynamics,3 dof robot.
- 47
Dietrich F. and others .
An autonomous and safe homing strategy for parallel kinematic
five-bar manipulators.
In ARK, pages 501–508, Piran,
28 Juin-1 Juillet, 2010
Keywords: planar robot,control.
- 48
Di Gregorio R.
Singularity locus of 6-4 fully-parallel manipulators.
In ARK, pages 437–448, Piran,
28 Juin-1 Juillet, 2010
Keywords: singularity.
- 49
Douat L.R. and others .
Flexible model identification of the parallel robot Par2.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS),
Taipei, 18-22 Octobre 2010
Keywords: dynamics,flexible robot.
- 50
Dressler I., Brogardh T., and Robertson A.
A kinematic error model for a parallel Gantry-Tau manipulator.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, pages
3709–3714, Anchorage, 3-8 Mai 2010
Keywords: accuracy,calibration.
- 51
Duan Q. and others .
Modeling of variable length cable driven parallel robot.
In IEEE/ASME International Conference on Mechatronic and
Embedded Systems and Applications, 2010.
Keywords: wire robot,dynamics.
- 52
Eastwood S. and Webbb P.
A gravitational deflection compensation strategy for HPKMs.
Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 26(6):694–702,
Décembre 2010
Keywords: accuracy,machine-tool.
- 53
Ecorchard G., Neugebauer R., and Maurine P.
Elasto-geometrical modeling and calibration of redundantly actuated
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 45(5):795–810,
Mai 2010
Keywords: redundant robot,calibration,machine-tool.
- 54
Ellwood R.J. and others .
Calibration and validation of a rigid body kinematic model of flexure
In ARK, pages 3–10, Piran,
28 Juin-1 Juillet, 2010
Keywords: calibration,passive joints.
- 55
Ellwood R.J., Schütz D., and Raatz A.
Incorporating flexure hinges in the kinematic model of a planar
parallel robot.
In 3rd European Conf. on Mechanism Science (Eucomes), pages
683–690, Cluj-Napoca, 14-17 Septembre 2010
Keywords: planar robot,kinematics,passive joints.
- 56
Endo G. and others .
A passive weight compensation mechanism with a non-circular pulley
and a spring.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, pages
3843–3848, Anchorage, 3-8 Mai 2010
Keywords: balancing,2 dof robot.
- 57
Enferadi J. and Tootoonchi A.A.
A novel approach for forward position analysis of a double-triangle
spherical parallel manipulator.
European Journal of Mechanics A/Solids, 29(3):348–355,
Mai- Juin, 2010
Keywords: spherical robot,forward kinematics.
- 58
Farhat N. and others .
Dynamic simulation of a parallel robot: Coulomb friction and
stick–slip in robot joints.
Robotica, 28(1):35–45, Janvier 2010
Keywords: dynamics.
- 59
Ferraresi C. and Pescarmona F.
Cable driven devices for telemanipulation.
In Remote and Telerobotics, chapter 10. IntechOpen, 2010.
Keywords: wire robot,kinematics,workspace.
- 60
Gallardo J., Orozco-Mendoza H., and Rico-Martinez J.M.
A novel five-degrees of freedom decoupled robot.
Robotica, 28(6):909–917, Juin 2010
Keywords: mechanical architecture,5 dof robot.
- 61
Gallardo-Alvarado J. and others .
Kinematics of an asymmetrical three-legged parallel manipulator by
means of the screw theory.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 45(8):1013–1023,
Août 2010
Keywords: kinematics,3 dof robot,decoupled robot,kinetics.
- 62
Gan D.M., Dai J.S., and Caldwelll D.G.
Constraint-screw system based synthesis of limb arrangement of the
3-PUP parallel mechanism.
In ARK, pages 485–492, Piran,
28 Juin-1 Juillet, 2010
Keywords: mobility.
- 63
Gan D.M., Dai J.S., and Caldwelll D.G.
Design and kinematics analysis of a 3CCC parallel mechanism.
Robotica, 28(7):1065–1072, Décembre 2010
Keywords: mechanical architecture,6 dof robot.
- 64
Gan D.M., Dai J.S., and Liao Q.
Constraint analysis on mobility change of a novel metamorphic
parallel mechanism.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 45(12):1864–1976,
Décembre 2010
Keywords: mechanical architecture,passive joints,modular robot.
- 65
Gao Z., Zhang D., and Ge Y.
Design optimization of a spatial six-degree-of-freedom parallel
manipulator based on artificial intelligence approaches.
Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 26(2):180–189,
Avril 2010
Keywords: optimal design,stiffness,isotropy.
- 66
Gao Z. and others .
Design, analysis, and stiffness optimization of a three degree of
freedom parallel manipulator.
Robotica, 28(3):349–357, Mai 2010
Keywords: 3 dof robot,mechanical architecture,stiffness,optimal
- 67
Ghasemimi A., Eghtesad M., and Farid M.
Neural network solution for forward kinematics problem of cable
J. of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, 60:201–215, 2010.
Keywords: wire robot,forward kinematics,neurons networks.
- 68
Gogu G.
Structural Synthesis Of Parallel Robots, Part 3: Topologies with
planar motion of the moving platform.
Kluwer, Dordrecht, 2010.
Keywords: structural synthesis.
- 69
Gosselin C., Lefrancois S., and Zoso N.
Underactuated cable-driven robots: machine, control and suspended
In Brain, Body and Machine, pages 311–323, McGill, 2010.
Keywords: wire robot,dynamics,3 dof robot,planar
robot,trajectory planning.
- 70
Gouttefarde M. and Krut S.
Characterization of parallel manipulator available wrench set facets.
In ARK, pages 475–484, Piran,
28 Juin-1 Juillet, 2010
Keywords: statics.
- 71
Grosh P. and others .
Motion planning for a novel reconfigurable parallel manipulator with
lockable revolute joints.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, pages
4697–4702, Anchorage, 3-8 Mai 2010
Keywords: modular robot.
- 72
Hong-Zhou J., Jing-Feng H., and Zhi-Zhong T.
Characteristics analysis of joint space inverse mass matrix for the
optimal design of a 6-dof parallel manipulator.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 45(5):722–739,
Mai 2010
Keywords: dynamics,isotropy.
- 73
Hu B., Lu Y., and Yu J.
Dynamics analysis of some limited-degree-of-freedom parallel
manipulators with n UPS active legs and a passive constraining leg.
Advanced Robotics, 24(7):1003–1016, 2010.
Keywords: dynamics,4 dof robot.
- 74
Hu H. and others .
The analysis of resolution for cable-driven haptic device.
In IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics,
Tianjin, 14-18 Mai 2010
Keywords: wire robot,haptic device,accuracy.
- 75
Huang X., Liao Q., and Wei S.
Closed-form forward kinematics for a symmetrical 6-6 Stewart
platform using algebraic elimination.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 45(2):327–334,
Février 2010
Keywords: forward kinematics.
- 76
T.P. Huryn and others .
Investigating human balance using a robotic motion platform.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, pages
5090–5095, Anchorage, 3-8 Mai 2010
Keywords: applications,medical.
- 77
Ilul T., Pisla D., and Stoica A.
Kinematics and design of a simple 2-dof parallel mechanism used for
In 3rd European Conf. on Mechanism Science (Eucomes),
Cluj-Napoca, 14-17 Septembre 2010
Keywords: 2 dof robot,orientation workspace.
- 78
Isaksson M. and others .
Improving the kinematic performance of the SCARA-Tau PKM.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, pages
4863–4690, Anchorage, 3-8 Mai 2010
Keywords: inverse kinematics.
- 79
Itul T.P., Pisla D.L., and Stoica A.
Kinematics and design of a simple 2-dof parallel mechanism used for
In 3rd European Conf. on Mechanism Science (Eucomes),
Cluj-Napoca, 14-17 Septembre 2010
Keywords: mechanical architecture,2 dof robot,performance
- 80
Jamwal P.K. and others .
Forward kinematics modelling of a parallel ankle rehabilitation robot
using modified fuzzy inference.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 45(11):1537–1554,
Novembre 2010
Keywords: forward kinematics,applications,medical.
- 81
Jamwal P.K. and others .
Design analysis of a pneumatic muscle driven wearable parallel robot
for ankle joint rehabilitation.
In IEEE/ASME International Conference on Mechatronic and
Embedded Systems and Applications, pages 403–408, Qingdao, 2010.
Keywords: applications,medical.
- 82
Jiang Q. and Kumar V.
The inverse kinematics of 3-d towing.
In ARK, pages 321–328, Piran,
28 Juin-1 Juillet, 2010
Keywords: wire robot,3 dof robot,inverse
- 83
Jiang Q. and Kumar V.
The direct kinematics of objects suspended from cables.
In ASME DETC, pages 193–202, Montréal, 2010.
Keywords: wire robot,3 dof robot,forward
- 84
Karger A.
Self-motions of 6-3 Stewart-Gough type parallel manipulators.
In ARK, pages 359–366, Piran,
28 Juin-1 Juillet, 2010
Keywords: singularity.
- 85
Kirchhof M.R. and Büttgenbach S.
MEMS fluxgate magnetometer for parallel robot application.
Microsyst Techno, 16:787–790, 2010.
Keywords: applications.
- 86
Klein J. and others .
Optimization of a parallel shoulder mechanism to achieve a
high-force, low-mass, robotic-arm exoskeleton.
IEEE Trans. on Robotics, 26(4):710–715,
Août 2010
Keywords: 3 dof robot,applications,optimal design.
- 87
Korayem M.H., Tourajizadeh H., and Bamdad M.
Dynamic load carrying capacity of flexible cable suspended robot:
robust feedback linearization control approach.
J. of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, 60(3-4):341–363,
Septembre 2010
Keywords: dynamics,wire robot,control.
- 88
Korayem M.H. and Bamdad M.
Stiffness modeling and stability analysis of cable-suspended
manipulators with elastic cable for maximum load determination.
Kuwait J. Sci. Eng., 37(1b):181–201, 2010.
Keywords: wire robot,stiffness,statics.
- 89
Kotlarski J. and others .
Optimization strategies for additional actuators of kinematically
redundant parallel kinematic machines.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, pages 656–661,
Anchorage, 3-8 Mai 2010
Keywords: planar robot,redundant robot,singularity.
- 90
Lauzier N. and Gosselin C.
3-DOF cartesian force limiting device based on the Delta
architecture for safe physical human-robot interaction.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, pages
3420–3425, Anchorage, 3-8 Mai 2010
Keywords: applications,balancing,3 dof robot,security.
- 91
Lee C-C. and Hervè J.M.
Mechanical generators of 2-dof translation along a ruled surface.
In ARK, pages 73–80, Piran,
28 Juin-1 Juillet, 2010
Keywords: 2 dof robot,structural synthesis.
- 92
Legnani G. and others .
The point of isotropy and other properties of serial and parallel
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 45(10):11407–1423,
Octobre 2010
Keywords: isotropy.
- 93
Li Q. and Hervè J.M.
1T2R parallel mechanisms without parasitic motion.
IEEE Trans. on Robotics, 26(3):401–410,
Juin 2010
Keywords: structural synthesis,3 dof robot.
- 94
Li Y. and others .
Dynamique performance comparison and counterweight optimization of
two 3-dof parallel manipulators for a new hybrid machine-tool.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 45(11):1668–1680,
Novembre 2010
Keywords: dynamics,3 dof robot,optimal design,performance
- 95
Li Y.G. and others .
Design of a 3-dof PKM module for large structural component
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 45(6):941–954,
Juin 2010
Keywords: 3 dof robot,machine-tool,design,stiffness.
- 96
Lopes A.M.
Complete dynamic of a moving base 6-dof parallel manipulator.
Robotica, 28(5):781–793, Septembre 2010
Keywords: dynamics,6 dof robot.
- 97
Lu Y., Li S-Y., and Shi Y.
Determining singularities of some 3-dof parallel manipulators with
linear active legs by 3x3 translational/3x3 rotational jacobian matrices.
Int. J. of Robotics and Automation, 25(4):335–343, 2010.
Keywords: singularity.
- 98
Lu J., Y.and Xu and Yu J.
Using CAD geometric variation approach machining complex workpiece
by a 3-SPR parallel machine-tool.
Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 26(2):130136,
Avril 2010
Keywords: applications,3 dof robot,workspace,machine-tool,CAD.
- 99
Lu B., Y.and Hu and Yu J.
Unification and simplification of dynamics of limited-dof parallel
manipulators with linear active legs.
Int. J. of Robotics and Automation, 25(2):81–88, 2010.
Keywords: dynamics,4 dof robot.
- 100
Lu Y., Y.and Shi and Yu J.
Determination of singularities of some 4-dof parallel manipulators by
translational/rotational jacobian matrices.
Robotica, 28(6):811–889, Octobre 2010
Keywords: singularity,4 dof robot.
- 101
Lubrano E. and Clavel R.
Thermal calibration of a 3 dof ultra high-precision robot operating
in industrial environment.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, pages
3692–3697, Anchorage, 3-8 Mai 2010
Keywords: calibration,accuracy,micro robot.
- 102
Merlet J-P. and Daney D.
A portable, modular parallel wire crane for rescue operations.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, pages
2834–2839, Anchorage, 3-8 Mai 2010
Keywords: wire robot,crane,applications.
- 103
Merlet J-P.
MARIONET, a family of modular wire-driven parallel robots.
In ARK, pages 53–62, Piran,
28 Juin-1 Juillet, 2010
Keywords: wire robot.
- 104
Miermeister P. and Pott A.
Modeling and real-time dynamic simulation of the cable-driven
parallel robot IPAnema.
In 3rd European Conf. on Mechanism Science (Eucomes), pages
353–360, Cluj-Napoca, 14-17 Septembre 2010
Keywords: wire robot,simulation.
- 105
Moosavian S.A.A. and Pourreza A.
Heavy object manipulation by a hybrid serial-parallel mobile robot.
Int. J. of Robotics and Automation, 25(2):109–120, 2010.
Keywords: hybrid robot,planar robot,dynamics,control.
- 106
Moroz G. and others .
Cusp points in the parameter space of
parallel manipulators.
In 3rd European Conf. on Mechanism Science (Eucomes),
Cluj-Napoca, 14-17 Septembre 2010
Keywords: singularity.
- 107
Moroz G., Rouiller F., Chablat D., and Wenger P.
On the determination of cusp points of 3-
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 45(11):1555–1567,
Novembre 2010
Keywords: planar robot,singularity.
- 108
Motevalli B., Zohoor H., and Sohrabpour S.
Structural synthesis of 5 dofs 3T2R parallel manipulators with
prismatic actuators on the base.
Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 58(3):307–321,
Mars 2010
Keywords: structural synthesis,5 dof robot.
- 109
Müller A.
Consequences of geometric imperfections for the control of
redundantly actuated parallel manipulators.
IEEE Trans. on Robotics, 26(1), Février 2010
Keywords: uncertainties,control,redundant robot.
- 110
Navarro J.S and others .
Kinematics of a robotic 3UPS1S spherical wrist designed for
laparoscopic applications.
Int. J. of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, 6, 2010.
Keywords: 3 dof robot,wrist,applications,medical.
- 111
Nawratil G.
Main theorem on Schönfliess-singular planar Stewart Gough
In ARK, pages 107–116, Piran,
28 Juin-1 Juillet, 2010
Keywords: singularity.
- 112
Nawratil G.
Special cases of Schönflies-singular planar Stewart Gough
In 3rd European Conf. on Mechanism Science (Eucomes),
Cluj-Napoca, 14-17 Septembre 2010
Keywords: singularity.
- 113
Nzue R-M.A. and others .
Comparative analysis of the repeatability performance of a serial and
parallel robot.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS),
Taipei, 18-22 Octobre 2010
Keywords: accuracy.
- 114
Oftadeh R., Aref M.M., and Taghirad H.D.
Forward kinematic analysis of a planar cable driven redundant
parallel manipulator using force sensors.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS),
pages 2295–2300, Taipei, 18-22 Octobre 2010
Keywords: wire robot,planar robot,forward kinematics with
redundant sensors.
- 115
Otis M.J.D. and others .
Human safety algorithms for a parallel cable-driven haptic interface.
In Brain, Body and Machine, pages 187–200, 2010.
Keywords: wire robot,security.
- 116
Ottaviano E., Ceccarelli M., and Plamucci F.
An application of CaTraSys, a cable-based parallel measuring system
for an experimental characterization of human walking.
Robotica, 28(1):119–133, Janvier 2010
Keywords: wire robot,medical,applications.
- 117
Özgür E., Andreff N., and Martinet P.
Vector-based dynamic modeling and control of the Quattro parallel
robot by means of leg orientations.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, pages 638–643,
Anchorage, 3-8 Mai 2010
Keywords: control,dynamics.
- 118
Parsa S.S, Daniali H.M., and Ghaderi R.
Optimization of parallel manipulator trajectory for obstacle and
singularity avoidances based on neural network.
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology,
51:811–816, 2010.
Keywords: trajectory planning,singularity,neurons networks.
- 119
Pashkevic A., Klimchik A., and Chablat D.
Stiffness analysis of parallel manipulators with preloaded passive
In ARK, pages 465–474, Piran,
28 Juin-1 Juillet, 2010
Keywords: stiffness.
- 120
Pashkevic A. and others .
Stiffness modelling of paralelogram-based parallel manipulators.
In 3rd European Conf. on Mechanism Science (Eucomes), pages
675–682, Cluj-Napoca, 14-17 Septembre 2010
Keywords: stiffness.
- 121
Pashkevic A. and others .
Performance evaluation of parallel manipulators for milling
In 20th CIRP Design conference, pages 675–682, Nantes,
19-20 Avril 2010
Keywords: machine-tool,optimal design,stiffness,accuracy,3 dof
- 122
Peng Z., Liu F., and Yang L.
Control based on double neural networs-pi for parallel mechanism.
Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 26(3):250–252,
Juin 2010
Keywords: control.
- 123
Pinto C. and others .
A methodology for static stiffness mapping in lower mobility parallel
manipulators with decoupled motions.
Robotica, 28(5):719–735, Octobre 2010
Keywords: stiffness,2 dof robot,4 dof robot.
- 124
Pisla D. and others .
Kinematic design of a 5-dof parallel robot used in a minimally
invasive surgery.
In ARK, pages 99–106, Piran,
28 Juin-1 Juillet, 2010
Keywords: 5 dof robot,hybrid robot,applications,medical.
- 125
Pisla D. and others .
On the dynamics of a 5 dof parallel hybrid robot used in minimally
invasive surgery.
In 3rd European Conf. on Mechanism Science (Eucomes), pages
691–699, Cluj-Napoca, 14-17 Septembre 2010
Keywords: 5 dof robot,applications,medical,hybrid robot.
- 126
Pott A.
An algorithm for real-time forward kinematics of cable-driven
parallel robots.
In ARK, pages 529–538, Piran,
28 Juin-1 Juillet, 2010
Keywords: wire robot,forward kinematics.
- 127
Pott A., Meyer C., and Verl A.
Large-scale assembly of solar power plants with parallel cable
In ROBOTIK 2010, 2010.
Keywords: wire robot,applications.
- 128
Qin Z., Baron L., and Birglen L.
A new approach to the dynamic parameter identification of robotic
Robotica, 28(4):539–547, Juillet 2010
Keywords: calibration,dynamics.
- 129
Rauter G. and others .
A tendon-based parallel robot applied to motor learning in sports.
In Int. Conf. on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics,
Tokyo, 26-29 Septembre 2010
Keywords: wire robot,medical.
- 130
Riehl N. and others .
On the determination of cable characteristics for large dimension
cable-driven parallel mechanisms.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, pages
4709–4714, Anchorage, 3-8 Mai 2010
Keywords: wire robot,statics.
- 131
Riehl N. and others .
On the static workspace of large dimension cable-suspended robots
with non negligible cable mass.
In 34th Annual Mechanisms and Robotics Conference, Montréal,
15-18 Août 2010
Keywords: wire robot,workspace.
- 132
Robertz S.G. and others .
Precise robot motions using dual motor control.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, pages
5613–5620, Anchorage, 3-8 Mai 2010
Keywords: control,actuators,accuracy.
- 133
Rojas N.. and Thomas F.
A robust forward kinematics analysis of 3RPR planar platforms.
In ARK, pages 23–32, Piran,
28 Juin-1 Juillet, 2010
Keywords: planar robot,forward kinematics.
- 134
Ruggiu M. and Carretero J.A.
Actuation strategy based on the acceleration method for the
redundant planar parallel manipulator.
In ARK, pages 91–98, Piran,
28 Juin-1 Juillet, 2010
Keywords: planar robot,redundant robot.
- 135
Saglia J.A. and others .
Control strategies for ankle rehabilitation using a high performance
ankle exerciser.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, pages
2221–2227, Anchorage, 3-8 Mai 2010
Keywords: 2 dof robot,medical,actuators,control,redundant
- 136
Sancisi N. and Parenti-Castelli V.
A 1-dof parallel spherical wrist for the modelling of the knee
passive motion.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 45(4):658–665,
Avril 2010
Keywords: applications,medical.
- 137
Saputra V.B., Ong S.K., and Nee A.Y.C.
A PSO algorithm for mapping the workspace boundary of parallel
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, pages
4691–4696, Anchorage, 3-8 Mai 2010
Keywords: workspace.
- 138
Schütz D., Raatz A., and Hesselbach J.
The development of a reconfigurable parallel robot with binary
In ARK, pages 225–232, Piran,
28 Juin-1 Juillet, 2010
Keywords: planar robot,binary robot.
- 139
Song S-E. and others .
Development of a pneumatic robot for MRI-guided transperineal
prostate biopsy and brachytherapy: New approaches.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, pages
2580–2585, Anchorage, 3-8 Mai 2010
Keywords: applications,medical,4 dof robot.
- 140
Tale Masouleh M., Husty M., and Gosselin C.
Forward kinematic problem of 5-
mechanism using Study parameters.
In ARK, pages 211–221, Piran,
28 Juin-1 Juillet, 2010
Keywords: 5 dof robot,forward kinematics.
- 141
Tale Masouleh M. and others .
Forward kinematic problem and constant orientation workspace of
(3T2R) parallel mechanisms.
In 18th Iranian Conf. on Electrical Engineering, 2010.
Keywords: 5 dof robot,forward kinematics,workspace.
- 142
Tosi D. and others .
Cheope: A new reconfigurable redundant manipulator.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 45(4):611 – 626, 2010.
Keywords: mechanical architecture,redundant robot,hybrid
robot,3 dof robot,4 dof robot.
- 143
Traslosheros A. and others .
One camera in hand for kinematic calibration of a parallel robot.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS),
Taipei, 18-22 Octobre 2010
Keywords: calibration.
- 144
Tsai M-S. and Yuan W-H.
Inverse dynamics analysis for a 3-PRS parallel mechanism based on a
special decomposition of the reaction forces.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 45(11):1491–1508,
Novembre 2010
Keywords: dynamics,3 dof robot.
- 145
Ur-Rehman R., Caro S., Chablat D., and Wenger P.
Multi-objective path placement of parallel kinematics machines based
on energy consumption, shaking forces and maximum actuator torques:
application to the Orthoglide.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 45(8):1125–1141,
Août 2010
Keywords: optimal design,trajectory planning.
- 146
Ur-Rehman R. and others .
Multiobjective design optimization of 3-
RR planar
parallel manipulators.
In 20th CIRP Design Conference, Nantes,
Avril 2010
Keywords: planar robot,optimal design.
- 147
Urizar M. and others .
Researching into non-singular transitions in the joint space.
In ARK, pages 45–52, Piran,
28 Juin-1 Juillet, 2010
Keywords: singularity,planar robot,trajectory planning.
- 148
Vafaei A., Aref M.M., and Taghirad H.D.
Integrated controller for an over–constrained cable driven parallel
manipulator: KNTU CDRPM.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, pages 650–655,
Anchorage, 3-8 Mai 2010
Keywords: wire robot,control,dynamics.
- 149
Vertechy R. and others .
Parallel robot with antagonistic dielectric elastomer actuation for
human-machine interaction.
In ARK, pages 127–136, Piran,
28 Juin-1 Juillet, 2010
Keywords: actuators,applications,security.
- 150
Villgrattner T. and Ulbrich H.
Optimization and dynamic simulation of a parallel three
degrees-of-freedom camera orientation system.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS),
pages 2829–2836, Taipei, 18-22 Octobre 2010
Keywords: 2 dof robot,applications,piezo-electric.
- 151
Vlachos K. and Papadopoulos E.
Control design and allocation of an over-actuated triangular floating
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, pages
3739–3744, Anchorage, 3-8 Mai 2010
Keywords: applications,control.
- 152
V. Zitzewitz J. and others .
Forward kinematics of redundantly actuated, tendon-based robots.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS),
pages 2289–2294, Taipei, 18-22 Octobre 2010
Keywords: wire robot,applications,forward kinematics,accuracy,3
dof robot.
- 153
Wang H. and others .
Output error bound prediction of parallel manipulators based on the
level set method.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 45(8):1153–1170,
Août 2010
Keywords: accuracy.
- 154
Wang Z. and others .
A unified algorithm to determine the reachable and dexterous
workspace of parallel manipulators.
Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 26(5):454–460,
Octobre 2010
Keywords: workspace.
- 155
Wang J., Wu C., and Liu X-J.
Performance evaluation of parallel manipulators: motion/force
transmissibility and its index.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 45(10):1462–1476,
Octobre 2010
Keywords: performance analysis,statics.
- 156
Wang L., Wu J., and Wang J.
Dynamic formulation of a planar 3-dof parallel manipulator with
actuation redundancy.
Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 26(1):67–73,
Février 2010
Keywords: dynamics,stiffness,machine-tool,planar robot,optimal
design,redundant robot.
- 157
Wobbe F., Nguyen D.H., and Schumacher W.
Anti-windup design for trajectory tracking of a parallel robot - an
holistic approach.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, pages
4001–4008, Anchorage, 3-8 Mai 2010
Keywords: control,dynamics,2 dof robot.
- 158
Wu J., Wang J., and Wang L.
A comparison study of two planar 2-dof parallel mechanisms one with
2-RRR and the other with 3-RRR structures.
Robotica, 28(6):937–942, Octobre 2010
Keywords: 2 dof robot,performance analysis.
- 159
Wu J. and Wang J.
Motion control of the 2-dof parallel manipulator of a hybrid machine
Robotica, 28(6):861–868, Octobre 2010
Keywords: 2 dof robot,machine-tool,control.
- 160
Wu Y. and others .
Quotient kinematics machines:concept, analysis and synthesis.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, pages
2739–2744, Anchorage, 3-8 Mai 2010
Keywords: structural synthesis,hybrid robot.
- 161
Xu Q. and Li Y.
Dahl model-based hysteresis compensation and precise positioning
control of an XY parallel micromanipulator with piezoelectric actuation.
ASME J. of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control,
132(4):041011–1/15, Juillet 2010
Keywords: planar robot,control,piezo-electric,micro robot.
- 162
Yang C. and others .
PD control with gravity compensation for hydraulic 6-DOF parallel
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 45(4):666–677,
Avril 2010
Keywords: control,hydraulics.
- 163
Yang Y. and O'Brien J.F.
A sequential method for the singularity-free workspace design of a
three legged parallel robot.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 45(11):1674–1706,
Novembre 2010
Keywords: singularity,planar robot,workspace,design.
- 164
Yu H. and others .
Structural synthesis and variation analysis of a family of 6-dof
parallel mechanisms with three limbs.
Int. J. of Robotics and Automation, 25(2):121–131, 2010.
Keywords: structural synthesis,6 dof robot.
- 165
Yu K. and others .
Enhanced trajectory tracking control with active lower bounded
stiffness control for cable robot.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, pages 669–674,
Anchorage, 3-8 Mai 2010
Keywords: wire robot,control,stiffness,redundant robot.
- 166
Yue Y. and others .
Relationship among input-force, payload, stiffness and displacement
of a 3-DOF perpendicular parallel micro-manipulator.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 45(5):756–771,
Mai 2010
Keywords: 3 dof robot,micro
- 167
Zhang D. and Lei J.
Kinematic analysis of a novel 3-dof actuation redundant parallel
manipulator using artificial intelligence approach.
Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 27(1):157–163,
Février 2010
Keywords: 3 dof robot,redundant robot,forward kinematics.
- 168
Zhang K. and Dai J.S.
Geometry and constraint analysis of the three-spherical kinematic
chain based parallel mechanism.
J. of Mechanisms and Robotics, 2(3), Août 2010
Keywords: 3 dof robot,wrist,mechanical architecture.
- 169
Zhang X., Mills J.K., and Cleghorn W.L.
Investigation of axial forces on dynamic propoerties of a flexible
3-PRR parallel manipulator moving with high speed.
Robotica, 28(4):607–619, Juillet 2010
Keywords: planar robot,dynamics,vibration,flexible robot.
- 170
Zhao Y. and others .
Elastodynamic charateristics comparison of the 8-PSS redundant
parallel manipulator and its non-redundant counterpart- the 6-PSS parallel
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 45(2):291–303,
Février 2010
Keywords: dynamics,redundant robot.
- 171
Zubizarreta A. and others .
Dynamic modeling of planar parallel robots considering passive joint
sensor data.
Robotica, 28(5):649–661, Septembre 2010
Keywords: dynamics,planar robot,control,forward kinematics with
redundant sensors.
J-P. Merlet