- E. Vatamidou (2015). Error analysis of structured Markov chains. PhD thesis, Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, the Netherlands. ISBN: 978-90-386-3878-2.
- E. Vatamidou (2010). Matrix exponential and phase type distributions in renewal and risk theory. Master thesis, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece.
- M. Udenio, E. Vatamidou, J.C. Fransoo, and N.P. Dellaert (2017). Behavioral Causes of the Bullwhip Effect: an Analysis Using Linear Control Theory. IISE Transactions. →
- E. Vatamidou, I.J.B.F. Adan, M. Vlasiou, and B. Zwart (2014). Corrected phase-type approximations of heavy-tailed queueing models in a Markovian environment. Stochastic Models 30 (4), 598–638. →
- E. Vatamidou, I.J.B.F. Adan, M. Vlasiou, and B. Zwart (2014). On the accuracy of phase-type approximations of heavy-tailed risk models. Scandinavian Actuarial Journal 2014 (6), 510–534. →
- E. Vatamidou, I.J.B.F. Adan, M. Vlasiou, and B. Zwart (2013). Corrected phase-type approximations of heavy-tailed risk models using perturbation analysis. Insurance Mathematics and Economics 53 (2), 366–378. →
- E. Vatamidou, I.J.B.F. Adan, M. Vlasiou, and B. Zwart (2013). Corrected phase-type approximations for the workload of the MAP/G/1 queue with heavy-tailed service times. ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review 41 (2), 53–55. →
- E. Vatamidou, I.J.B.F. Adan, M. Vlasiou, and B. Zwart (2016). Asymptotic error bounds for truncated buffer approximations of a 2-node tandem queue. MAM9 2016.
- E. Vatamidou, I.J.B.F. Adan, M. Vlasiou, and B. Zwart (2014). Corrected phase-type approximations of heavy-tailed queueing models in a Markovian environment. MAM8 2014. Received the Marcel Neuts Student Paper Award.
- A. Jean-Marie and E. Vatamidou. Markov Regenerative Accumulation Processes: A class of stochastic processes from the family of Markov Regenerative Processes. Under preparation.
- Z. Palmowski and E. Vatamidou. Approximations for Gerber-Shiu type functions with two-sided jumps. Under preparation.
- M. Udenio, J.C. Fransoo, and E. Vatamidou. Seasonal forecasting and the bullwhip effect: a control theoretic analysis. Under preparation.