The 1999 Synchronous Workshop
November 29 - December 3, 1999
Organised by Ecole des Mines (CMA) and INRIA
Le Plein Sud,
Hotel Reservation
Talk proposals
Known talks proposals, 11/11/1999
- C. Andre (I3S Sophia)
- High-level circuit design using synchronous formalisms
- M. Antoniotti (Parades, Roma)
- Jester = Java || Esterel
- L. Arditi (Texas Instrumentss, Villeneuve-Louvet)
- Esterel for modeling and verifying hardware in an industrial design flow
- A. Benveniste (IRISA Rennes) with B. Caillaud, JP Talpin, P. LeGuernic:
- Desynchronization
- A. Benveniste (IRISA Rennes) with B. Caillaud, JP Talpin:
- From synchronous programming to UML
- G. Berry (CMA Sophia)
- Jazz, a synchronous language for circuits and 2-adic numbers
- L. Besnard (IRISA Rennes)
- The Inria synchronous design toolset
- A. Bouali (INRIA Sophia), R. de Simone (INRIA Sophia)
- Compositional optimization for Esterel
- Y. Bres (CMA)
- Automata, partial evaluation, and Esterel compiling
- J-L. Camus (Verilog)
- A certified code generator for SCADE / Lustre
- J-L. Colaço (Verilog) and N. Halbwachs (Verimag)
- Arrays in Lustre
- S. Dissoubray (Simulog)
- Esterel Studio
- D. Gaffé (I3S Nice)
- Symbolic computation of Sgrafcet
- N. Halbwachs (Verimag)
- Lustre : a language designed by Dummies for Dummies
- L. Hazard (CNET France Télécom)
- Junior : a package for reactive programming in Java
- or (and?) RHUM : a distributed platform for reactive objects
- L. Henry-Gréard (CMA and Intel)
- Using Esterel for synthesis of an instruction length decoder
- L. Holenderski (TUE, Eindhoven)
- A simple assert-commit calculus for synchronous networks
- H. Hungar (OFFIS)
- SSL/SMI as in intermediate format in the translation from
Statemate to the input format of a model-checker
- P. Le Guernic (IRISA)
- Playing with Signal Clocks
- E. Nassor (Dassault Aviation)
- UML-RT for Esterel, using Rational Rose and Esterel to program
avionics applications.
- M.A. Peraldi (I3S Nice)
- R-PORTS: A distribution platform for real-time control systems
on CAN
- A. Poigné (GMD)
- sE20 - synchronous object-oriented programming, mk II
- M. Pouzet (Univ. Paris VI)
- Lucid Synchrone, an ML extension of Lustre in Ocmal
- C. Puchol (Bell Labs)
- To be defined
- P. Raymond (Verimag)
- Lutin, a trace description language
- Y. Rémond (Verimag)
- Matou, implementation od mode automata in DC
- M. Richard (Mines Nantes)
- Esterel examples on DSpace board
- N. Maizi, J-P. Marmorat, V. Roy
- Implementation of a regulator for a hybrid Photovoltaic/diesel system
using Esterel and Matlab
- E. Sentovich (Cadence)
- Multiclock Esterel
- M. Sheeran (Prover Technology)
- SAT-based safety property checking
- R.K. Shyamasundar (TIFR Bombay)
- From message sequence charts to Esterel
- J-F. Susini (CMA)
- Reactive engines for design of applets
- J-P. Talpin
- A theory of hierarchic transition systems
The Esterel team would also like to organize a users meeting some time
during the workshop. The same could be done by the other language /
tool developers if wished.