Package mascoptLib.algos.abstractalgos

This package contains algorithms working on abstract graphs.


Class Summary
Dijkstra Provides a simple algorithm to find distance from a node and the paths corresponding to this node.
DijkstraAdvanced Provides a advanced algorithm to find distance from a node and the paths corresponding to this node.
KShortestPath Provides a simple algorithm to find the K shortest distance between all nodes and the paths corresponding to theses nodes.
PathBreadthFirstSearch Computes main or disjoint paths for a set of request using Breadth First Search.
PathGenerator Computes main or disjoint paths for a set of request using Dijkstra.
PathGeneratorRandomWalk Computes paths or disjoint paths for a set of request using a Random Walk.
PrimMST This class computes the Minimum Spanning Tree of a graph G given a context.
StepAlgo StepAlgo is a class wich provides a way of running an algorithm step by step.

Package mascoptLib.algos.abstractalgos Description

This package contains algorithms working on abstract graphs.