AbstractEdge - class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractEdge.
An AbstractEdge object is built using two AbstractVertex objects.
AbstractEdge(AbstractVertex, AbstractVertex) - Constructor for class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractEdge
Constructs a new AbstractEdge object between n1 and n2.
AbstractEdgeSet - class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractEdgeSet.
The AbstractEdgeSet class is derivated from MascoptSet.
AbstractEdgeSet() - Constructor for class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractEdgeSet
Default constructor.
AbstractEdgeSet(AbstractEdgeSet) - Constructor for class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractEdgeSet
Creates a subset of a set of edges.
AbstractEdgeSet(AbstractEdgeSet, AbstractVertexSet) - Constructor for class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractEdgeSet
Create a subset of a set of edges based on another vertex set.
AbstractEdgeSet(AbstractEdgeSet, boolean) - Constructor for class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractEdgeSet
Constructor for copy sets.
AbstractEdgeSet(AbstractVertexSet) - Constructor for class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractEdgeSet
This constructor Creates an set of edges based on a set of vertices.
AbstractEdgeSetFactory - interface mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractEdgeSetFactory.
The Factory building Edge Sets.
AbstractGraph - class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractGraph.
The AbstractGraph class constructs a non directed graph using a vertex set and an edge set.
AbstractGraph() - Constructor for class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractGraph
Default Constructor of the graph.
AbstractGraph(AbstractGraph) - Constructor for class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractGraph
Constructor of a subgraph.
AbstractGraph(AbstractGraph, boolean) - Constructor for class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractGraph
Copy all vertices, edges, edge and vertex set of a graph, creating a new graph.
AbstractGraph(AbstractVertexSet, AbstractEdgeSet) - Constructor for class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractGraph
Constructor using a VertexSet and an EdgeSet.
AbstractGraphFactory - interface mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractGraphFactory.
The factory building Graphs.
AbstractPath - class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractPath.
An AbstractPath object give the ability to build a path over an AbstractGraph.
AbstractPath(AbstractEdgeSet) - Constructor for class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractPath
Default Constuctor on a path.
AbstractPath(AbstractPath) - Constructor for class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractPath
Copy edge set and vertex set of a path, creating a new path (vertices and edges are not copied).
AbstractVertex - class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractVertex.
An AbstractVertex object is the most basic element one can build.
AbstractVertex() - Constructor for class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractVertex
Constructs a new AbstractVertex with default values X=0.0 Y=0.0
AbstractVertex(double, double) - Constructor for class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractVertex
Constructs a new AbstractVertex object.
AbstractVertexSet - class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractVertexSet.
The AbstractVertexSet class is derivated from MascoptSet.
AbstractVertexSet() - Constructor for class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractVertexSet
Default Constructor.
AbstractVertexSet(AbstractVertexSet) - Constructor for class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractVertexSet
Constructor creating a sub set of the VertexSet.
AbstractVertexSet(AbstractVertexSet, boolean) - Constructor for class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractVertexSet
Constructor for copy sets.
AbstractVertexSetFactory - interface mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractVertexSetFactory.
The factory building vertex sets.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class mascoptLib.gui.Editor
Overwrite the action to perform when some graphic events appear.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class mascoptLib.gui.MascoptViewer
overiden to listens the buttons; Not an user method.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class mascoptLib.gui.RessourceViewer
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class mascoptLib.gui.TypEd
add(AbstractEdge) - Method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractEdgeSet
Adds an edge in the edge set
add(AbstractVertex) - Method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractVertexSet
Add a vertex in the set.
add(Arc) - Method in class mascoptLib.graphs.ArcSet
Adds an arc in the arc set
add(Edge) - Method in class mascoptLib.graphs.EdgeSet
Adds an edge in the edge set
add(GObject) - Method in class mascoptLib.gui.views.Layer
Add a GObject in this layer.
add(GObject, int) - Method in class mascoptLib.gui.views.Layer
Add an object in a layer with a priority.
add(MascoptObject) - Method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.MascoptSet
Describe add method here.
add(Object) - Method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.MascoptFixedSet
add(Object) - Method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.MascoptSet
Describe add method here.
add(Object) - Method in interface mascoptLib.io.WriterInterface
Add an object to write in the file.
add(Object) - Method in class mascoptLib.io.graph.GodWriter
add(Object) - Method in class mascoptLib.io.graph.MGLWriter
add(Vertex) - Method in class mascoptLib.graphs.VertexSet
Add a node in the set.
addAbstractEdgeSetRequest(ArcSet) - Method in class mascoptLib.io.graph.GodWriter
addAddObserver(Observer) - Method in class mascoptLib.util.ObservableObject
Adds an observer for this object.
addAddObserver(Observer) - Method in class mascoptLib.util.ObservableSet
Adds an observer for this object.
addAll(AbstractEdgeSet) - Method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractEdgeSet
Adds all edges from an other set of edges
addAll(Collection) - Method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.MascoptFixedSet
addAll(Collection) - Method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.MascoptSet
Describe addAll method here.
addGraphInLayer(AbstractGraph, GLayer) - Method in class mascoptLib.gui.MascoptViewer
Add a Graph in a Layer.
addGraphInLayer(AbstractGraph, GLayer, boolean) - Method in class mascoptLib.gui.MascoptViewer
Add a Graph in a Layer.
addLayer(Layer) - Method in class mascoptLib.gui.views.View
Add a layer in the view.
addLayerInView(GLayer, GView) - Method in class mascoptLib.gui.MascoptViewer
Adds a Layer in a View.
addRemoveObserver(Observer) - Method in class mascoptLib.util.ObservableObject
Adds an observer for this object.
addRemoveObserver(Observer) - Method in class mascoptLib.util.ObservableSet
Adds an observer for this object.
addShift(GVertex, GVertex) - Method in class mascoptLib.gui.GLayer
Increase the distance between arcs (not sure).
addValueObserver(Observer) - Method in class mascoptLib.util.ObservableObject
Adds an observer for this object.
addValueObserver(Observer) - Method in class mascoptLib.util.ObservableSet
Adds an observer for this object.
addView(View) - Method in class mascoptLib.gui.views.Layer
Add a new view.
ALL - Static variable in class mascoptLib.util.Trace
Trace Level 0
Arc - class mascoptLib.graphs.Arc.
An Edge object is built using two Node objects.
Arc(AbstractVertex, AbstractVertex) - Constructor for class mascoptLib.graphs.Arc
Constructs a new Arc object between n1 and n2.
ArcSet - class mascoptLib.graphs.ArcSet.
The EdgeSet and ArcSet class are derivated from MascoptSet.
ArcSet() - Constructor for class mascoptLib.graphs.ArcSet
Default constructor.
ArcSet(ArcSet) - Constructor for class mascoptLib.graphs.ArcSet
Creates a subset of a set of arcs.
ArcSet(ArcSet, boolean) - Constructor for class mascoptLib.graphs.ArcSet
Constructor for copy sets.
ArcSet(ArcSet, VertexSet) - Constructor for class mascoptLib.graphs.ArcSet
Create a subset of a set of arcs based on another node set.
ArcSet(VertexSet) - Constructor for class mascoptLib.graphs.ArcSet
This constructor creates an set of arcs based on a set of nodes.
arcSetCutMin() - Method in class mascoptLib.algos.digraph.MinCut
Returns the set of arcs of the min cut.
ArcSetFactory - class mascoptLib.graphs.ArcSetFactory.
The factory to produce Ars Sets.
ArcSetFactory() - Constructor for class mascoptLib.graphs.ArcSetFactory
ArrowedLink - class mascoptLib.gui.views.ArrowedLink.
A Link with an arrow.
ArrowedLink(GObject, GObject, Color) - Constructor for class mascoptLib.gui.views.ArrowedLink
Construct a link.
ArrowedLink(GObject, GObject, Color, int) - Constructor for class mascoptLib.gui.views.ArrowedLink
Construct a link.
ArrowedLink(GObject, GObject, int, int, int, int, Color) - Constructor for class mascoptLib.gui.views.ArrowedLink
Construct a link.
ArrowedLink(GObject, GObject, int, int, int, int, Color, int) - Constructor for class mascoptLib.gui.views.ArrowedLink
Construct a link.


breadthFirstIterator(AbstractVertex) - Method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractGraph
Enables the traverse of a graph in a Breadth First way.
byStep(boolean) - Method in class mascoptLib.algos.abstractalgos.StepAlgo
Change the algorithm behavior to run step by step.


CAPACITY - Variable in class mascoptLib.algos.digraph.MinCut
The constant to read the capacity on edges.
CAPACITY - Variable in class mascoptLib.algos.graph.OddGomoryHu
The string for capacity.
CAPACITY - Variable in class mascoptLib.algos.graph.STMinCut
The string used to search the capacity on edges.
checkIntegrity() - Method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractGraph
Integrity of the graph.
checkIntegrity() - Method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractPath
Integrity of the path.
ClassWriter - class mascoptLib.io.util.ClassWriter.
Converts an MGL graph into Java language.
ClassWriter(AbstractGraph, String, String) - Constructor for class mascoptLib.io.util.ClassWriter
This constructor writes directly a file containing java code representing the graph.
clear() - Method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.MascoptFixedSet
clear() - Method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.MascoptSet
Describe clear method here.
closeView(String) - Method in class mascoptLib.gui.MascoptViewer
Close a view.
color - Variable in class mascoptLib.gui.views.Link
compare(Object, Object) - Method in class mascoptLib.util.fibHeap.FibComparator
computeDisjointPathsForGeneratedPaths(boolean) - Method in class mascoptLib.algos.abstractalgos.PathGenerator
We can add some paths generated when removing each edge of the main path.
computeMST(Graph) - Method in class mascoptLib.algos.graph.PrimMSTSimple
Computes the MST.
computeMST(String) - Method in class mascoptLib.algos.abstractalgos.PrimMST
This method computes the Minimum Spanning Tree of the graph
concat(Arc) - Method in class mascoptLib.graphs.DiPath
Add an edge to a path.
concat(DiPath) - Method in class mascoptLib.graphs.DiPath
Concat two paths in one path.
concat(Edge) - Method in class mascoptLib.graphs.Path
Add an edge to a chain.
concat(Path) - Method in class mascoptLib.graphs.Path
Concat two chain in one chain.
concatAbstractEdge(AbstractEdge) - Method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractPath
Add an edge to a path.
concatAbstractPath(AbstractPath) - Method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractPath
Concat two paths in one path.
constructGraph() - Method in class mascoptLib.graphs.DiGraph
Construct a Graph copy of the Digraph replacing arcs by edges and using same nodes.
contains(GObject) - Method in class mascoptLib.gui.views.Layer
Say if a layer contains this object.
contains(int, int) - Method in class mascoptLib.gui.views.ArrowedLink
Test if the mouse is on the arrow of the arc.
contains(int, int) - Method in class mascoptLib.gui.views.Link
Say if this link is pointed by (x,y).
contains(Layer) - Method in class mascoptLib.gui.views.View
Say if this view contains this layer.
contains(Object) - Method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.MascoptFixedSet
Describe contains method here.
containsAll(Collection) - Method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.MascoptFixedSet
Describe containsAll method here.
copyAbstractGraph() - Method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractGraph
Copy all vertices, edges, edge and vertex set of a graph, creating a new graph.
copyDiGraph() - Method in class mascoptLib.graphs.DiGraph
Copy all nodes, arcs, arc and node set of a graph, creating a new digraph.
copyGraph() - Method in class mascoptLib.graphs.Graph
Copy all nodes, edges, edge and node set of a graph, creating a new graph.
copyValues(MascoptObject) - Method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.MascoptObject
Copy the values into this object The values of mascoptObject are copied to become values of this object.
countAddObservers() - Method in class mascoptLib.util.ObservableObject
Returns the number of addObservers of this Observable object.
countAddObservers() - Method in class mascoptLib.util.ObservableSet
Returns the number of addObservers of this Observable object.
countAllAbstractEdgeSets() - Static method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractEdgeSet
Counts the number of edge sets.
countAllAbstractGraphs() - Static method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractGraph
Count all abstract graphs.
countAllAbstractPaths() - Static method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractPath
Returns number of instances
countAllAbstractVertexSets() - Static method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractVertexSet
Counts the number of vertex sets.
countAllObjects() - Static method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.MascoptObject
Return the number of sets currently in memory
countAllSets() - Static method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.MascoptFixedSet
Return the number of sets currently in memory
countRemoveObservers() - Method in class mascoptLib.util.ObservableObject
Returns the number of removeObservers of this Observable object.
countRemoveObservers() - Method in class mascoptLib.util.ObservableSet
Returns the number of removeObservers of this Observable object.
countValueObservers() - Method in class mascoptLib.util.ObservableObject
Returns the number of valueObservers of this Observable object.
countValueObservers() - Method in class mascoptLib.util.ObservableSet
Returns the number of valueObservers of this Observable object.


DefaultViewAdapter - class mascoptLib.gui.views.DefaultViewAdapter.
A listener for the mouse.
DefaultViewAdapter() - Constructor for class mascoptLib.gui.views.DefaultViewAdapter
deleteAddObserver() - Method in class mascoptLib.util.ObservableObject
Clears the observer list so that this object no longer has any addObservers.
deleteAddObserver() - Method in class mascoptLib.util.ObservableSet
Clears the observer list so that this object no longer has any addObservers.
deleteAddObserver(Observer) - Method in class mascoptLib.util.ObservableObject
Deletes an observer for this object.
deleteAddObserver(Observer) - Method in class mascoptLib.util.ObservableSet
Deletes an observer for this object.
deleteMin() - Method in class mascoptLib.util.fibHeap.FibonacciHeap
Remove the smallest item from the priority queue.
deleteMin() - Method in interface mascoptLib.util.fibHeap.PriorityQueue
Remove the smallest item from the priority queue.
deleteRemoveObserver() - Method in class mascoptLib.util.ObservableObject
Clears the observer list so that this object no longer has any removeObservers.
deleteRemoveObserver() - Method in class mascoptLib.util.ObservableSet
Clears the observer list so that this object no longer has any removeObservers.
deleteRemoveObserver(Observer) - Method in class mascoptLib.util.ObservableObject
Deletes an observer for this object.
deleteRemoveObserver(Observer) - Method in class mascoptLib.util.ObservableSet
Deletes an observer for this object.
deleteValue(String) - Method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.MascoptObject
Delete the value for a category.
deleteValue(String) - Method in interface mascoptLib.abstractGraph.MascoptObjectInterface
Delete the value for a category.
deleteValue(String, MascoptObjectInterface) - Method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.MascoptObject
Delete the value for a category and a specific context.
deleteValue(String, MascoptObjectInterface) - Method in interface mascoptLib.abstractGraph.MascoptObjectInterface
Delete the value for a category and a specific context.
deleteValueObserver() - Method in class mascoptLib.util.ObservableObject
Clears the observer list so that this object no longer has any valueObservers.
deleteValueObserver() - Method in class mascoptLib.util.ObservableSet
Clears the observer list so that this object no longer has any valueObservers.
deleteValueObserver(Observer) - Method in class mascoptLib.util.ObservableObject
Deletes an observer for this object.
deleteValueObserver(Observer) - Method in class mascoptLib.util.ObservableSet
Deletes an observer for this object.
depthFirstIterator(AbstractVertex) - Method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractGraph
Enables the traverse of a graph in a Depth First way.
destroyLayer(GLayer) - Method in class mascoptLib.gui.MascoptViewer
Destroy a layer.
DiGraph - class mascoptLib.graphs.DiGraph.
The Graph class constructs a non directed graph using a node set and an edge set.
DiGraph() - Constructor for class mascoptLib.graphs.DiGraph
Default constructor of a Digraph.
DiGraph(DiGraph) - Constructor for class mascoptLib.graphs.DiGraph
Constructor of a subgraph.
DiGraph(DiGraph, boolean) - Constructor for class mascoptLib.graphs.DiGraph
Copy all nodes, edges, edge and node set of a graph, creating a new graph.
DiGraph(VertexSet, ArcSet) - Constructor for class mascoptLib.graphs.DiGraph
Constructor using a node set and an arc set.
DiGraphFactory - class mascoptLib.graphs.DiGraphFactory.
The factory to produce digraphs.
DiGraphFactory() - Constructor for class mascoptLib.graphs.DiGraphFactory
Dijkstra - class mascoptLib.algos.abstractalgos.Dijkstra.
Provides a simple algorithm to find distance from a node and the paths corresponding to this node.
Dijkstra(AbstractGraph) - Constructor for class mascoptLib.algos.abstractalgos.Dijkstra
Default constructor.
DijkstraAdvanced - class mascoptLib.algos.abstractalgos.DijkstraAdvanced.
Provides a advanced algorithm to find distance from a node and the paths corresponding to this node.
DijkstraAdvanced(AbstractGraph, String) - Constructor for class mascoptLib.algos.abstractalgos.DijkstraAdvanced
Default constructor.
DIJKSTRADISTANCE - Variable in class mascoptLib.algos.abstractalgos.Dijkstra
The string which identify the value to consider as the distance on edges.
DIJKSTRADISTANCE - Static variable in class mascoptLib.algos.abstractalgos.DijkstraAdvanced
The string which identify the value to consider as the distance on edges.
DiPath - class mascoptLib.graphs.DiPath.
A Chain object give the ability to build a chain over a Graph.
DiPath(ArcSet) - Constructor for class mascoptLib.graphs.DiPath
Default Constuctor on a path.
DiPath(DiPath) - Constructor for class mascoptLib.graphs.DiPath
Constructs a copy of a path.
dumpGraph() - Method in class mascoptLib.gui.Editor
Allow the user to write the Graph currently openend in a image file.
dumpGraph() - Method in class mascoptLib.gui.TypEd


Edge - class mascoptLib.graphs.Edge.
An Edge object is built using two Node objects.
Edge(AbstractVertex, AbstractVertex) - Constructor for class mascoptLib.graphs.Edge
Constructs a new Edge object betwenn n1 and n2.
edgeRightClicked(MouseEvent, AbstractEdge) - Method in interface mascoptLib.gui.RightButtonListener
When an edge is clicked by the right mouse button
EdgeSet - class mascoptLib.graphs.EdgeSet.
The EdgeSet and ArcSet class are derivated from MascoptSet.
EdgeSet(EdgeSet) - Constructor for class mascoptLib.graphs.EdgeSet
Creates a subset of a set of edges.
EdgeSet(EdgeSet, boolean) - Constructor for class mascoptLib.graphs.EdgeSet
Constructor for copy sets.
EdgeSet(EdgeSet, VertexSet) - Constructor for class mascoptLib.graphs.EdgeSet
Create a subset of a set of edges based on another node set.
EdgeSet(VertexSet) - Constructor for class mascoptLib.graphs.EdgeSet
This constructor creates an set of edges based on a set of nodes.
edgeSetCutMin() - Method in class mascoptLib.algos.graph.STMinCut
Returns the edges of the min cut
EdgeSetFactory - class mascoptLib.graphs.EdgeSetFactory.
The factory to produce Edge Sets.
EdgeSetFactory() - Constructor for class mascoptLib.graphs.EdgeSetFactory
edgesMinCut - Variable in class mascoptLib.algos.graph.OddGomoryHu
The set of edges of the min cut.
editGraph(AbstractGraph) - Method in class mascoptLib.gui.Editor
Edits a graph in the Editor object.
editGraph(AbstractGraph) - Method in class mascoptLib.gui.TypEd
Editor - class mascoptLib.gui.Editor.
A Simple Editor graphs or DiGraph.
Editor() - Constructor for class mascoptLib.gui.Editor
Default Constructor of the Editor Object.
ends(boolean) - Method in class mascoptLib.algos.abstractalgos.StepAlgo
Change the algorithm statut for end to a boolean.
EntryTypeChooser - class mascoptLib.gui.EntryTypeChooser.
Choose an entry type in a MascoptObject.
EntryTypeChooser() - Constructor for class mascoptLib.gui.EntryTypeChooser
equals(Object) - Method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.MascoptFixedSet
Describe equals method here.
ERROR - Static variable in class mascoptLib.util.Trace
Trace Level 1
existValue(String) - Method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.MascoptObject
Say if a value exist.
existValue(String, MascoptObjectInterface) - Method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.MascoptObject
Say if a value exist.


FibComparator - class mascoptLib.util.fibHeap.FibComparator.
The comparator of the fibonnacci nodes.
FibComparator(AbstractGraph) - Constructor for class mascoptLib.util.fibHeap.FibComparator
FibHeapDecreaseKey(FibHeapNode, Object) - Method in class mascoptLib.util.fibHeap.FibonacciHeap
FibHeapNode - class mascoptLib.util.fibHeap.FibHeapNode.
The FibHeapNode class is used to support the FibonacciHeap.
FibHeapUnion(FibHeapNode, int) - Method in class mascoptLib.util.fibHeap.FibonacciHeap
FibonacciHeap - class mascoptLib.util.fibHeap.FibonacciHeap.
The Fibonacci Heap.
FibonacciHeap(AbstractGraph) - Constructor for class mascoptLib.util.fibHeap.FibonacciHeap
Construct the Fibonacci heap.
finalizeObj(String) - Static method in class mascoptLib.util.Trace
Finalize an object referenced by an id.
findMin() - Method in class mascoptLib.util.fibHeap.FibonacciHeap
Find the smallest item in the priority queue.
findMin() - Method in interface mascoptLib.util.fibHeap.PriorityQueue
Find the smallest item in the priority queue.
free() - Method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractEdgeSet
Free memory when this object is linked.
free() - Method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractGraph
Free memory when this object is linked.
free() - Method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractPath
free() - Method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.MascoptFixedSet
Free memory when this object is linked.
free() - Method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.MascoptObject
Free memory when this object is linked.


getAbstractChains() - Method in interface mascoptLib.io.ReaderInterface
Gives an iterator on AbstractChains read.
getAbstractChains() - Method in class mascoptLib.io.graph.GodReader
getAbstractChains() - Method in class mascoptLib.io.graph.MGLReader
getAbstractChains() - Method in class mascoptLib.io.graph.NetReader
getAbstractEdges() - Method in interface mascoptLib.io.ReaderInterface
Gives an iterator on AbstractEdges read.
getAbstractEdges() - Method in class mascoptLib.io.graph.GodReader
getAbstractEdges() - Method in class mascoptLib.io.graph.MGLReader
getAbstractEdges() - Method in class mascoptLib.io.graph.NetReader
getAbstractEdgeSet() - Method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractGraph
Returns the edge set of the graph.
getAbstractEdgeSetRequest() - Method in class mascoptLib.io.graph.GodReader
getAbstractEdgeSets() - Method in interface mascoptLib.io.ReaderInterface
Gives an iterator on AbstractEdgeSets read.
getAbstractEdgeSets() - Method in class mascoptLib.io.graph.GodReader
getAbstractEdgeSets() - Method in class mascoptLib.io.graph.MGLReader
getAbstractEdgeSets() - Method in class mascoptLib.io.graph.NetReader
getAbstractEnd() - Method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractPath
Returns the ending vertex of the path.
getAbstractGraphs() - Method in interface mascoptLib.io.ReaderInterface
Gives an iterator on AbstractGraphs read.
getAbstractGraphs() - Method in class mascoptLib.io.graph.GodReader
getAbstractGraphs() - Method in class mascoptLib.io.graph.MGLReader
getAbstractGraphs() - Method in class mascoptLib.io.graph.NetReader
getAbstractNodes() - Method in interface mascoptLib.io.ReaderInterface
Gives an iterator on AbstractNodes read.
getAbstractNodes() - Method in class mascoptLib.io.graph.GodReader
getAbstractNodes() - Method in class mascoptLib.io.graph.MGLReader
getAbstractNodes() - Method in class mascoptLib.io.graph.NetReader
getAbstractNodeSets() - Method in interface mascoptLib.io.ReaderInterface
Gives an iterator on AbstractNodeSets read.
getAbstractNodeSets() - Method in class mascoptLib.io.graph.GodReader
getAbstractNodeSets() - Method in class mascoptLib.io.graph.MGLReader
getAbstractNodeSets() - Method in class mascoptLib.io.graph.NetReader
getAbstractStart() - Method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractPath
Returns the starting vertex of the path.
getAbstractVertexSet() - Method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractEdgeSet
Returns the vertex set on wich is based the edge set
getAbstractVertexSet() - Method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractGraph
Returns the vertex set of the graph.
getAbstractVertices() - Method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractEdge
Returns the vertices linked by this edge.
getAllObjects() - Method in interface mascoptLib.io.ReaderInterface
Gives an iterator on other objects.
getAllObjects() - Method in class mascoptLib.io.graph.GodReader
getAllObjects() - Method in class mascoptLib.io.graph.MGLReader
getAllObjects() - Method in class mascoptLib.io.graph.NetReader
getArcLabel(AbstractGraph) - Method in class mascoptLib.gui.GLayer
Give the labels of arcs in a table for a graph.
getArcLabelGraphInLayer(AbstractGraph, GLayer) - Method in class mascoptLib.gui.MascoptViewer
Gets the label line for the arc for a specified graph in a specified layer in an array of String.
getArcSet() - Method in class mascoptLib.graphs.DiGraph
Returns the arc set of the graph.
getArcSet() - Method in class mascoptLib.graphs.DiPath
Returns the arc set on which is based the path.
getCenterArrow() - Method in class mascoptLib.gui.views.ArrowedLink
Get the point pointed by the arrow.
getColor() - Method in class mascoptLib.gui.views.Label
Get the color of the label
getColor() - Method in class mascoptLib.gui.views.Link
Returns the color of the link.
getComponentAt(Point) - Method in class mascoptLib.gui.views.Layer
Give the components situated at a point p.
getConnected(AbstractEdge) - Method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractVertex
Returns the vertex on the opposite side of this vertex on abstractEdge
getConnected(AbstractVertex) - Method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractEdge
Returns the vertex connected by current edge from vertex n.
getConnected(AbstractVertex) - Method in class mascoptLib.graphs.Arc
Returns the node connected by current arc from node n.
getConnected(AbstractVertex) - Method in class mascoptLib.graphs.Edge
Returns the node connected by current edge from node n.
getDegree(AbstractEdgeSet) - Method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractVertex
Returns the degree of the vertex in an AbstractEdgeSet.
getDegree(AbstractGraph) - Method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractVertex
Returns the degree of the vertex in a AbstractGraph.
getDistances() - Method in class mascoptLib.algos.abstractalgos.Dijkstra
Returns the hashtable giving distances.
getDistanceTo(AbstractVertex) - Method in class mascoptLib.algos.abstractalgos.Dijkstra
Returns the distance from source of a node.
getDistanceTo(AbstractVertex) - Method in class mascoptLib.algos.abstractalgos.DijkstraAdvanced
Returns the distance from source of a node.
getDoubleValue(String) - Method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.MascoptObject
Returns the value for a category.
getDoubleValue(String) - Method in interface mascoptLib.abstractGraph.MascoptObjectInterface
Returns the value for a category.
getDoubleValue(String, MascoptObjectInterface) - Method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.MascoptObject
Returns the value for a category and a specific context.
getDoubleValue(String, MascoptObjectInterface) - Method in interface mascoptLib.abstractGraph.MascoptObjectInterface
Returns the value for a category and a specific context.
getDouValue(String) - Method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.MascoptObject
Returns the value for a category.
getDouValue(String, MascoptObjectInterface) - Method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.MascoptObject
Returns the value for a category and a specific context.
getEdgeSet() - Method in class mascoptLib.graphs.Graph
Returns the edge set of the graph.
getEdgeSet() - Method in class mascoptLib.graphs.Path
Returns the edge set of the chain.
getEdgesTo(AbstractEdgeSet, AbstractVertex) - Method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractVertex
Construct an EdgeSet containing the edges leading to a vertex.
getEdgesTo(AbstractGraph, AbstractVertex) - Method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractVertex
Construct an EdgeSet containing the edges leading to a vertex.
getEdgeType(AbstractGraph) - Static method in class mascoptLib.gui.EntryTypeChooser
Enable the user to choose an entry type for the AbstractEdges contained in abstractGraph
getEnd() - Method in class mascoptLib.graphs.DiPath
Returns the ending node of the path.
getEnd() - Method in class mascoptLib.graphs.Path
Returns the ending node of the chain.
getFactory() - Method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractEdgeSet
Returns the library objects factory.
getFactory() - Method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractGraph
Give the factory creating objects not abstract.
getFactory() - Method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractVertexSet
Give the factory creating objects not abstract.
getFactory() - Method in class mascoptLib.graphs.ArcSet
Returns the library objects factory.
getFactory() - Method in class mascoptLib.graphs.DiGraph
Give the factory creating objects not abstract.
getFactory() - Method in class mascoptLib.graphs.DiPath
Returns the library objects factory.
getFactory() - Method in class mascoptLib.graphs.EdgeSet
Returns the library objects factory.
getFactory() - Method in class mascoptLib.graphs.Graph
Give the factory creating objects not abstract.
getFactory() - Method in class mascoptLib.graphs.Path
getFactory() - Method in class mascoptLib.graphs.VertexSet
Give the factory creating objects not abstract.
getFileName(String, String[], String, String) - Static method in class mascoptLib.gui.GraphChooser
Give a graphic way of choosing a file, with some parameters.
getFirstComponentAt(Point) - Method in class mascoptLib.gui.views.View
Returns the components at a point p.
getGraph(ReaderInterface) - Static method in class mascoptLib.gui.GraphChooser
Gives a graph read in a reader interface.
getGraph(ReaderInterface, int) - Static method in class mascoptLib.gui.GraphChooser
Returns a Vector containing the n graphs read on a ReaderInterface
getGraphHashMapMGL() - Static method in class mascoptLib.gui.GraphChooser
Put graphs in an HashMap with popups.
getGraphHashMapMGL(String) - Static method in class mascoptLib.gui.GraphChooser
Put graphs in an HashMap with popups.
getGraphMGL() - Static method in class mascoptLib.gui.GraphChooser
Select a graph in an MGL file with popups.
getGraphMGL(int) - Static method in class mascoptLib.gui.GraphChooser
Deprecated. Please now use getGraphVector().
getGraphMGL(String) - Static method in class mascoptLib.gui.GraphChooser
Select a graph in an MGL file with popups.
getGraphMGL(String, int) - Static method in class mascoptLib.gui.GraphChooser
Deprecated. Please now use getGraphVector(String file).
getGraphVectorMGL() - Static method in class mascoptLib.gui.GraphChooser
Select the graphs in an MGL file with popups.
getGraphVectorMGL(String) - Static method in class mascoptLib.gui.GraphChooser
Select the graphs in an MGL file with popups.
getHead() - Method in class mascoptLib.graphs.Arc
Returns the destination of the arc.
getId() - Method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.MascoptObject
Returns the id of the MascoptObject.
getId() - Method in interface mascoptLib.abstractGraph.MascoptObjectInterface
Returns the id of the MascoptObject.
getIncidentEdges(AbstractEdgeSet) - Method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractVertex
Returns a set of incoming and outgoing abstractEdges for this vertex.
getIncidentEdges(AbstractGraph) - Method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractVertex
Returns a set of incoming and outgoing abstractEdges for this vertex.
getIncoming(AbstractEdgeSet) - Method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractVertex
Returns a set of incoming abstractEdges for this vertex.
getIncoming(AbstractGraph) - Method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractVertex
Returns a set of incoming abstractEdges for this vertex.
getInDegree(AbstractEdgeSet) - Method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractVertex
Returns the indegree of the vertex in a AbstractEdgeSet, ie the number of incoming abstractEdges.
getInDegree(AbstractGraph) - Method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractVertex
Returns the in degree of the vertex in a AbstractGraph, ie the number of incoming abstractEdges.
getInitialShift() - Method in class mascoptLib.gui.GLayer
Gives the distance of the first arc from the line between two arcs.
getIntegerValue(String) - Method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.MascoptObject
Returns the value for a category.
getIntegerValue(String) - Method in interface mascoptLib.abstractGraph.MascoptObjectInterface
Returns the value for a category.
getIntegerValue(String, MascoptObjectInterface) - Method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.MascoptObject
Returns the value for a category and a specific context.
getIntegerValue(String, MascoptObjectInterface) - Method in interface mascoptLib.abstractGraph.MascoptObjectInterface
Returns the value for a category and a specific context.
getIntValue(String) - Method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.MascoptObject
Returns the value for a category.
getIntValue(String, MascoptObjectInterface) - Method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.MascoptObject
Returns the value for a category and a specific context.
getKey() - Method in class mascoptLib.util.Pair
Return the first part of the pair.
getLayer() - Method in class mascoptLib.gui.views.LayerInfo
Return the layer for this layer info.
getLayerCount() - Method in class mascoptLib.gui.views.View
Count the layers.
getLayerIndex(Layer) - Method in class mascoptLib.gui.views.View
Say at which level is a layer.
getLayerInfo(Layer) - Method in class mascoptLib.gui.views.View
Get inforamtions about a layer.
getMessage() - Method in class mascoptLib.util.NotifyReason
Returns the message when notifiyed.
getMGLReader() - Static method in class mascoptLib.gui.GraphChooser
Gives a reader interface via popups.
getMstEdgeSetIterator(String) - Method in class mascoptLib.algos.abstractalgos.PrimMST
This method provides an iterator over the edges of the Minimum Spanning Tree of the graph.
getMSTSize(String) - Method in class mascoptLib.algos.abstractalgos.PrimMST
This method provides the value of the Minimum Spanning Tree of the graph.
getName() - Method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.MascoptObject
Returns the name of the MascoptObject.
getName() - Method in interface mascoptLib.abstractGraph.MascoptObjectInterface
Returns the name of the MascoptObject.
getName() - Method in class mascoptLib.gui.GLayer
Returns the name of the layer.
getName() - Method in class mascoptLib.gui.GView
Returns the name of the view.
getNeighbours(AbstractEdgeSet) - Method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractVertex
Returns the set of vertices which are neighbours of this vertex.
getNeighbours(AbstractGraph) - Method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractVertex
Returns a set of vertices which are neighbours of this vertex.
getNode(int) - Method in class mascoptLib.util.fibHeap.FibonacciHeap
getNodeLabel(AbstractGraph) - Method in class mascoptLib.gui.GLayer
Give the labels of nodes in a table for a graph.
getNodeLabelGraphInLayer(AbstractGraph, GLayer) - Method in class mascoptLib.gui.MascoptViewer
Gets the label line for the node for a specified graph in a specified layer in an array of String.
getNodeType(AbstractGraph) - Static method in class mascoptLib.gui.EntryTypeChooser
Enable the user to choose an entry type for the AbstractEdges contained in abstractGraph
getNumberOfGraphs() - Method in class mascoptLib.io.graph.MGLReader
Get the number of graphs parsed by the MGLReader.
getObjects() - Method in class mascoptLib.util.NotifyReason
Returns the objects that can be notifiyed.
getOppositeAbstractVertex(AbstractVertex) - Method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractEdge
Returns the opposite vertex of an edge There is no check about the edge orientation.
getOppositeEnd(AbstractVertex) - Method in class mascoptLib.graphs.Arc
Returns the opposite node of an arc There is no check about the arc orientation.
getOppositeNode(AbstractVertex) - Method in class mascoptLib.graphs.Edge
Returns the opposite node of an edge
getOutDegree(AbstractEdgeSet) - Method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractVertex
Returns the out degree of the vertex in a AbstractEdgeSet, ie the number of outgoing abstractEdges.
getOutDegree(AbstractGraph) - Method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractVertex
Returns the out degree of the vertex in a AbstractGraph, ie the number of outgoing abstractEdges.
getOutgoing(AbstractEdgeSet) - Method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractVertex
Returns a set of outgoing abstractEdges for this vertex.
getOutgoing(AbstractGraph) - Method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractVertex
Returns a set of outgoing abstractEdges for this vertex.
getPathInClassPath(String) - Static method in class mascoptLib.util.Util
Returns the paths found in the classpath variable.
getPathLength(AbstractPath) - Static method in class mascoptLib.algos.abstractalgos.KShortestPath
a static method to compute the length of an AbstractChain
getPaths() - Method in class mascoptLib.algos.abstractalgos.PathGenerator
Returns paths calculated in a HashMap.
getPaths() - Method in class mascoptLib.io.graph.PathNetReader
Return the paths read in the second file.
getPathsForThisEdge(AbstractEdge) - Method in class mascoptLib.algos.abstractalgos.PathGenerator
Returns paths for a request z.
getPreferredSize() - Method in class mascoptLib.gui.views.View
Get the default prefered size.
getReal(Dimension) - Method in class mascoptLib.gui.views.View
Internal calculus (?).
getReal(Point) - Method in class mascoptLib.gui.views.View
Internal calculus (?).
getReal(Rectangle) - Method in class mascoptLib.gui.views.View
Internal calculus (?).
getRealCenter() - Method in class mascoptLib.gui.views.View
Return the center of the view.
getShift() - Method in class mascoptLib.gui.views.Link
Give the shift for this link.
getShortestPath(AbstractEdge) - Method in class mascoptLib.algos.abstractalgos.KShortestPath
allow the user to get the kshortest path for a demand request by an edge.
getShortestPath(AbstractVertex, AbstractVertex) - Method in class mascoptLib.algos.abstractalgos.KShortestPath
allow the user to get the kshortest path between 2 nodes.
getShortestPath(AbstractVertex, AbstractVertex, int) - Method in class mascoptLib.algos.abstractalgos.KShortestPath
allow the user to get the kshortest path between 2 nodes.
getShortestPathLength(AbstractVertex, AbstractVertex) - Method in class mascoptLib.algos.abstractalgos.KShortestPath
allow the user to get the length of the kshortest path between 2 nodes you must have launched the run method before calling this method
getShortestPathLength(AbstractVertex, AbstractVertex, int) - Method in class mascoptLib.algos.abstractalgos.KShortestPath
allow the user to get the length of the kshortest path between 2 nodes you must have launched the run method before calling this method
getShortestPathTo(AbstractVertex) - Method in class mascoptLib.algos.abstractalgos.Dijkstra
Returns the chain form source to node v.
getShortestPathTo(AbstractVertex) - Method in class mascoptLib.algos.abstractalgos.DijkstraAdvanced
Returns the chain form source to node v.
getSource() - Method in class mascoptLib.gui.views.Link
Return the source of the link.
getStart() - Method in class mascoptLib.graphs.DiPath
Returns the starting node of the path.
getStart() - Method in class mascoptLib.graphs.Path
Returns the starting node of the chain.
getStartNode() - Method in class mascoptLib.algos.abstractalgos.Dijkstra
Returns the current starting node.
getStartNode() - Method in class mascoptLib.algos.abstractalgos.DijkstraAdvanced
Returns the current starting node.
getStepShift() - Method in class mascoptLib.gui.GLayer
Gives the distance between two arcs.
getSuperGraph() - Method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractGraph
Returns the super set of the object if exists.
getSuperSet() - Method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.MascoptFixedSet
Returns the super set of the object if exists.
getTail() - Method in class mascoptLib.graphs.Arc
Returns the tail of the arc.
getTarget() - Method in class mascoptLib.gui.views.Link
Return the target of the link.
getTime(int) - Static method in class mascoptLib.util.Trace
Returns the time in ms from the last start of this timer
getValue() - Method in class mascoptLib.util.Pair
Return the second part of the pair.
getValue(String) - Method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.MascoptObject
Returns the value for a category.
getValue(String) - Method in interface mascoptLib.abstractGraph.MascoptObjectInterface
Returns the value associated to its name.
getValue(String, MascoptObjectInterface) - Method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.MascoptObject
Returns the value for a category and a specific context.
getValue(String, MascoptObjectInterface) - Method in interface mascoptLib.abstractGraph.MascoptObjectInterface
Returns the value associated to its name and a context.
getValueContexts(String) - Method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.MascoptObject
Returns an iterator on all contexts used for a value.
getValueContexts(String) - Method in interface mascoptLib.abstractGraph.MascoptObjectInterface
Returns an iterator on all contexts used for a value.
getValueDataType(String) - Method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.MascoptObject
Returns the data type of the value associated to this name and context
getValueDataType(String) - Method in interface mascoptLib.abstractGraph.MascoptObjectInterface
Returns the data type of the value associated to this name and context
getValueDataType(String, MascoptObjectInterface) - Method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.MascoptObject
Returns the data type of the value associated to this name and context
getValueDataType(String, MascoptObjectInterface) - Method in interface mascoptLib.abstractGraph.MascoptObjectInterface
Returns the data type of the value associated to this name and context
getValueEntries() - Method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.MascoptObject
Give the name of values stored in this object.
getValueEntries() - Method in interface mascoptLib.abstractGraph.MascoptObjectInterface
Give the name of values stored in this object.
getVertexSet() - Method in class mascoptLib.graphs.ArcSet
Returns the node set on wich is based the edge set
getVertexSet() - Method in class mascoptLib.graphs.DiGraph
Returns the node set of the graph.
getVertexSet() - Method in class mascoptLib.graphs.DiPath
Returns the node set on which is based the path.
getVertexSet() - Method in class mascoptLib.graphs.EdgeSet
Returns the node set on wich is based the edge set
getVertexSet() - Method in class mascoptLib.graphs.Graph
Returns the node set of the graph.
getVertexSet() - Method in class mascoptLib.graphs.Path
Returns the node set of the chain.
getVertices() - Method in class mascoptLib.graphs.Edge
Returns the vertices linked by this edge.
getView(Dimension) - Method in class mascoptLib.gui.views.View
Internal calculus (?).
getView(Point) - Method in class mascoptLib.gui.views.View
Internal calculus (?).
getView(Rectangle) - Method in class mascoptLib.gui.views.View
Internal calculus (?).
getX() - Method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractVertex
Get X coordinate value of vertex
getY() - Method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractVertex
Get Y coordinate value of vertex
getZoom() - Method in class mascoptLib.gui.views.View
Give the zoom factor.
GLayer - class mascoptLib.gui.GLayer.
This class represent a layer returned by MasctoptViewer.
GObject - class mascoptLib.gui.views.GObject.
A graphical object.
GObject() - Constructor for class mascoptLib.gui.views.GObject
Build a GObject.
GObject(int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class mascoptLib.gui.views.GObject
Build a GObject.
GodReader - class mascoptLib.io.graph.GodReader.
Reads a God file.
GodReader(String, String) - Constructor for class mascoptLib.io.graph.GodReader
GodReader(String, String, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class mascoptLib.io.graph.GodReader
GodWriter - class mascoptLib.io.graph.GodWriter.
Writes a God file.
GodWriter(OutputStream, OutputStream) - Constructor for class mascoptLib.io.graph.GodWriter
GodWriter(String, String) - Constructor for class mascoptLib.io.graph.GodWriter
Graph - class mascoptLib.graphs.Graph.
The Graph class constructs a non directed graph using a node set and an edge set.
Graph() - Constructor for class mascoptLib.graphs.Graph
Default constructor of a Digraph.
Graph(Graph) - Constructor for class mascoptLib.graphs.Graph
Constructor of a subgraph.
Graph(Graph, boolean) - Constructor for class mascoptLib.graphs.Graph
Copy all nodes, edges, edge and node set of a graph, creating a new graph.
Graph(VertexSet, EdgeSet) - Constructor for class mascoptLib.graphs.Graph
Constructor using a NodeSet and an EdgeSet.
GraphChooser - class mascoptLib.gui.GraphChooser.
Choose a graph in a ReaderInterface, or in a file.
GraphChooser() - Constructor for class mascoptLib.gui.GraphChooser
GraphFactory - class mascoptLib.graphs.GraphFactory.
The factory to produce Graphs.
GraphFactory() - Constructor for class mascoptLib.graphs.GraphFactory
GView - class mascoptLib.gui.GView.
This class represent a view returned by MasctoptViewer.


hashCode() - Method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.MascoptFixedSet
Describe hashCode method here.
hideLabels(boolean) - Method in class mascoptLib.gui.GLayer
Hide the labels for all graphs.


INFINITY - Variable in class mascoptLib.algos.digraph.MinCut
The constant for infinity.
INFINITY - Variable in class mascoptLib.algos.graph.STMinCut
A constant for the "infinity" number.
init() - Method in class mascoptLib.algos.graph.OddGomoryHu
Initialize the algorithm.
initialCapacity - Static variable in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.MascoptFixedSet
The initial capacity of a MascoptFixedSet.
insert(Object) - Method in class mascoptLib.util.fibHeap.FibonacciHeap
Insert into the priority queue, maintaining heap order.
insert(Object) - Method in interface mascoptLib.util.fibHeap.PriorityQueue
Insert into the priority queue.
insertGraph() - Method in class mascoptLib.gui.Editor
Allow the user to insert a Graph from a File.
insertGraph() - Method in class mascoptLib.gui.TypEd
insertLayer(int, Layer) - Method in class mascoptLib.gui.views.View
Insert a layer at this level.
insertLayerInfo(int, LayerInfo) - Method in class mascoptLib.gui.views.View
Insert caracteristics of layers at this level.
isClosed() - Method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractPath
Detects if a path is closed (is a cycle).
isDemo() - Method in class mascoptLib.algos.abstractalgos.StepAlgo
Say if the algorithm is in demo mode ie step by step.
isEmpty() - Method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.MascoptFixedSet
Describe isEmpty method here.
isEmpty() - Method in class mascoptLib.util.fibHeap.FibonacciHeap
Test if the priority queue is logically empty.
isEmpty() - Method in interface mascoptLib.util.fibHeap.PriorityQueue
Test if the priority queue is logically empty.
isEnd(AbstractVertex) - Method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractPath
Says if this vertex is the ending vertex.
isEnded() - Method in class mascoptLib.algos.abstractalgos.StepAlgo
As the algorithm is run as a thread, we want to know when it ends.
isLoop() - Method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractEdge
Gives the edge status concerning the loop state.
isMulti() - Method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractPath
Says if a path is a multi path.
isStart(AbstractVertex) - Method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractPath
Says if this vertex is the starting vertex.
isSubGraph() - Method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractGraph
Says if the object is a subset of an other.
isSubSet() - Method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.MascoptFixedSet
Says if the object is a subset of an other.
isVisible() - Method in class mascoptLib.gui.views.LayerInfo
Say if it is visible.
itemStateChanged(ItemEvent) - Method in class mascoptLib.gui.MascoptViewer
overiden to listens the combobox; Not an user method.
iterator() - Method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.MascoptFixedSet
Describe iterator method here.


key - Variable in class mascoptLib.util.Pair
The key.
KShortestPath - class mascoptLib.algos.abstractalgos.KShortestPath.
Provides a simple algorithm to find the K shortest distance between all nodes and the paths corresponding to theses nodes.
KShortestPath(AbstractGraph) - Constructor for class mascoptLib.algos.abstractalgos.KShortestPath
Construct a KShortestPath object that compute only the first shortest path
KShortestPath(AbstractGraph, int) - Constructor for class mascoptLib.algos.abstractalgos.KShortestPath
Default constructor.


Label - class mascoptLib.gui.views.Label.
Label object.
LABEL - Variable in class mascoptLib.algos.graph.OddGomoryHu
The label on nodes.
Label(GObject, String[], double, double) - Constructor for class mascoptLib.gui.views.Label
Create a label object.
Label(GObject, String[], double, double, Color) - Constructor for class mascoptLib.gui.views.Label
Create a label object.
Label(GObject, String[], double, double, Color, Color, boolean, int) - Constructor for class mascoptLib.gui.views.Label
Create a label object.
Layer - class mascoptLib.gui.views.Layer.
A Layer in a view.
Layer() - Constructor for class mascoptLib.gui.views.Layer
Constructor of a layer.
LayerInfo - class mascoptLib.gui.views.LayerInfo.
Some informations on a layer.
LayerInfo(Layer, boolean) - Constructor for class mascoptLib.gui.views.LayerInfo
leadsTo(AbstractVertex) - Method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractEdge
Specifies if the current edge leads to vertex n.
leadsTo(AbstractVertex) - Method in class mascoptLib.graphs.Arc
Specifies if the current arc leads to node n.
leadsTo(AbstractVertex) - Method in class mascoptLib.graphs.Edge
Specifies if the current edge leads to node n.
leaves(AbstractVertex) - Method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractEdge
Specifies if the current edge comes from vertex n.
leaves(AbstractVertex) - Method in class mascoptLib.graphs.Arc
Specifies if the current arc comes from node n.
leaves(AbstractVertex) - Method in class mascoptLib.graphs.Edge
Specifies if the current edge comes from node n.
Link - class mascoptLib.gui.views.Link.
A link graphical object.
Link(GObject, GObject, Color) - Constructor for class mascoptLib.gui.views.Link
Construct a link.
Link(GObject, GObject, Color, int) - Constructor for class mascoptLib.gui.views.Link
Construct a link.
Link(GObject, GObject, int, int, int, int, Color) - Constructor for class mascoptLib.gui.views.Link
Construct a link.
Link(GObject, GObject, int, int, int, int, Color, int) - Constructor for class mascoptLib.gui.views.Link
Construct a link.
loadFactor - Static variable in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.MascoptFixedSet
The load Factor of a MascoptFixedSet.
loadGraph() - Method in class mascoptLib.gui.Editor
Allow the user to load a Graph from a file in the editor.
loadGraph() - Method in class mascoptLib.gui.TypEd
loadGraph(String) - Method in class mascoptLib.gui.Editor
Allow the user to load a Graph from a file in the editor.
loadGraph(String) - Method in class mascoptLib.gui.TypEd


main(String[]) - Static method in class mascoptLib.io.util.ClassWriter
The main function launching the converter.
main(String[]) - Static method in class mascoptLib.io.util.OdFactor
makeEmpty() - Method in class mascoptLib.util.fibHeap.FibonacciHeap
Make the priority queue logically empty.
makeEmpty() - Method in interface mascoptLib.util.fibHeap.PriorityQueue
Make the priority queue logically empty.
MascoptAddRemoveSetException - exception mascoptLib.util.exception.MascoptAddRemoveSetException.
This is the exception when an add or remove operation fails on a set.
MascoptAddRemoveSetException() - Constructor for class mascoptLib.util.exception.MascoptAddRemoveSetException
The default constructor for this exception.
MascoptAddRemoveSetException(String) - Constructor for class mascoptLib.util.exception.MascoptAddRemoveSetException
The construtor with a specific message.
MascoptException - exception mascoptLib.util.exception.MascoptException.
The generic Mascopt error exception.
MascoptException() - Constructor for class mascoptLib.util.exception.MascoptException
Default constructor for this exception.
MascoptException(String) - Constructor for class mascoptLib.util.exception.MascoptException
Constructor with a special message.
MascoptFixedSet - class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.MascoptFixedSet.
This class implements the concept of MascoptSet.
MascoptFixedSet() - Constructor for class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.MascoptFixedSet
The constructor of a Mascopt Fixed Set.
MascoptFixedSet(MascoptFixedSet) - Constructor for class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.MascoptFixedSet
Constuctor for subsets.
MascoptImpossibleOperationPathException - exception mascoptLib.util.exception.MascoptImpossibleOperationPathException.
This is the exception when an add or remove operation fails on a set.
MascoptImpossibleOperationPathException() - Constructor for class mascoptLib.util.exception.MascoptImpossibleOperationPathException
The default constructor for this exception.
MascoptImpossibleOperationPathException(String) - Constructor for class mascoptLib.util.exception.MascoptImpossibleOperationPathException
The construtor with a specific message.
mascoptLib.abstractGraph - package mascoptLib.abstractGraph
This package contains all the graph structure, in Abstract classes.
mascoptLib.algos.abstractalgos - package mascoptLib.algos.abstractalgos
This package contains algorithms working on abstract graphs.
mascoptLib.algos.digraph - package mascoptLib.algos.digraph
This package contains algorithms working on digraphs.
mascoptLib.algos.graph - package mascoptLib.algos.graph
This package contains algorithms working on graphs.
mascoptLib.graphs - package mascoptLib.graphs
This package contains all the graph and digraph structures.
mascoptLib.gui - package mascoptLib.gui
This package contains the Graphical User Interface.
mascoptLib.gui.views - package mascoptLib.gui.views
This package contains the Views classes of the Graphical User Interface.
mascoptLib.io - package mascoptLib.io
The Input/Output package.
mascoptLib.io.graph - package mascoptLib.io.graph
The Input/Output package for reading and writing graphs.
mascoptLib.io.util - package mascoptLib.io.util
File format converters.
mascoptLib.util - package mascoptLib.util
User or internal tools.
mascoptLib.util.exception - package mascoptLib.util.exception
Mascopt exceptions.
mascoptLib.util.fibHeap - package mascoptLib.util.fibHeap
Fibonacci Heap.
MascoptObject - class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.MascoptObject.
MascoptObject implements the valuation system to store String, Double and Integer.
MascoptObject() - Constructor for class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.MascoptObject
Increase the counter of MascoptObject.
MascoptObjectInterface - interface mascoptLib.abstractGraph.MascoptObjectInterface.
Controls what methods have the Mascopt Objects.
MascoptSet - class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.MascoptSet.
This class implements the concept of MascoptSet.
MascoptSet() - Constructor for class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.MascoptSet
Default constructor of a set.
MascoptSet(MascoptSet) - Constructor for class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.MascoptSet
Constuctor for subsets.
MascoptViewer - class mascoptLib.gui.MascoptViewer.
A Multi Layer and multi view viewer for Abstractgraphs.
MascoptViewer() - Constructor for class mascoptLib.gui.MascoptViewer
Constructs a new MascoptViewer frame with a specified them and makes it visible.
MascoptViewer(String) - Constructor for class mascoptLib.gui.MascoptViewer
Constructs a new MascoptViewer frame and makes it visible.
maxFlow() - Method in class mascoptLib.algos.digraph.MinCut
Returns the hashmap of the max flow.
maxLength - Variable in class mascoptLib.algos.abstractalgos.PathBreadthFirstSearch
Maximum length in number of hops
MAXSIZE - Variable in class mascoptLib.algos.abstractalgos.PathGeneratorRandomWalk
MEMORY - Static variable in class mascoptLib.util.Trace
Trace Level 2
merge(DiPath) - Method in class mascoptLib.graphs.DiPath
Merge two paths with the same start and end node.
merge(Path) - Method in class mascoptLib.graphs.Path
Merge two chains with the same start and end node.
mergeAbstractPath(AbstractPath) - Method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractPath
Merge two paths with the same start and end vertex.
MGLReader - class mascoptLib.io.graph.MGLReader.
Read an MGL file.
MGLReader(String) - Constructor for class mascoptLib.io.graph.MGLReader
Creates a reader on an MGL file.
MGLReader(String, boolean) - Constructor for class mascoptLib.io.graph.MGLReader
Creates a reader on an MGL file validating the DTD or not.
MGLWriter - class mascoptLib.io.graph.MGLWriter.
The MGL Writer.
MGLWriter(OutputStream) - Constructor for class mascoptLib.io.graph.MGLWriter
Creates a writer with a stream.
MGLWriter(String) - Constructor for class mascoptLib.io.graph.MGLWriter
Creates a writer with a filename.
MGXReader - class mascoptLib.io.graph.MGXReader.
Reads an MGX file.
MGXReader(String) - Constructor for class mascoptLib.io.graph.MGXReader
Creates a reader on an MGX file.
MGXReader(String, boolean) - Constructor for class mascoptLib.io.graph.MGXReader
Creates a reader on an MGL file validating the DTD or not.
MGXWriter - class mascoptLib.io.graph.MGXWriter.
The MGX Writer.
MGXWriter(OutputStream) - Constructor for class mascoptLib.io.graph.MGXWriter
Creates a writer with a stream.
MGXWriter(String) - Constructor for class mascoptLib.io.graph.MGXWriter
Creates a writer with a filename.
min_cut_value - Variable in class mascoptLib.algos.graph.OddGomoryHu
The value of the min cut.
MinCut - class mascoptLib.algos.digraph.MinCut.
Provides an algorithm to compute the maximum st-flow and so minimum st-cut of a simple directed graph The algorithm used to compute the s-t flow max is Edmonds-Karp algorithm.
MinCut(DiGraph, Vertex, Vertex) - Constructor for class mascoptLib.algos.digraph.MinCut
Constructor for the min cut.
minCutValue() - Method in class mascoptLib.algos.digraph.MinCut
Returns the value of the min cut.
minCutValue() - Method in class mascoptLib.algos.graph.STMinCut
Computes the value of the min cut.
mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class mascoptLib.gui.views.DefaultViewAdapter
Event when the mouse is clicked.
mouseDragged(MouseEvent) - Method in class mascoptLib.gui.views.DefaultViewAdapter
When the mouse is dragged.
mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class mascoptLib.gui.views.DefaultViewAdapter
Mouse entered.
mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class mascoptLib.gui.views.DefaultViewAdapter
Mouse exited.
mouseMoved(MouseEvent) - Method in class mascoptLib.gui.views.DefaultViewAdapter
When the mouse is moved.
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class mascoptLib.gui.views.DefaultViewAdapter
Event when the mouse is pressed.
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class mascoptLib.gui.views.DefaultViewAdapter
Event when the mouse is released.
mouseWheelMoved(MouseWheelEvent) - Method in class mascoptLib.gui.views.DefaultViewAdapter
When the wheel is moved.
moveDownGraphInLayer(AbstractGraph, GLayer) - Method in class mascoptLib.gui.MascoptViewer
Lower a Graph in a specified Layer.
moveDownLayerInView(GLayer, GView) - Method in class mascoptLib.gui.MascoptViewer
Lower a Layer in a specified view.
moveUpGraphInLayer(AbstractGraph, GLayer) - Method in class mascoptLib.gui.MascoptViewer
Raise a Graph in a specified Layer.
moveUpLayerInView(GLayer, GView) - Method in class mascoptLib.gui.MascoptViewer
Raise a Layer in a specified view.


Net2Mgl - class mascoptLib.io.util.Net2Mgl.
Converts an NET file into a MGL file.
Net2Mgl(String, String) - Constructor for class mascoptLib.io.util.Net2Mgl
Constructor for the translation of a .net to a .mgl.
Net2Mgl(String, String, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class mascoptLib.io.util.Net2Mgl
Constructor for the translation of a .net to a .mgl.
NetReader - class mascoptLib.io.graph.NetReader.
Reads a net file.
NetReader(String) - Constructor for class mascoptLib.io.graph.NetReader
Creates a reader on an NET file.
NetReader(String, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class mascoptLib.io.graph.NetReader
Creates a reader on an MGL file validating the DTD or not.
newAbstractCopyGraph(AbstractGraph, boolean) - Method in interface mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractGraphFactory
Constructs a copy of a graph.
newAbstractCopyGraph(AbstractGraph, boolean) - Method in class mascoptLib.graphs.DiGraphFactory
Constructs a copy of a graph.
newAbstractCopyGraph(AbstractGraph, boolean) - Method in class mascoptLib.graphs.GraphFactory
Constructs a copy of a graph.
newAbstractCopyPath(AbstractPath) - Method in interface mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractGraphFactory
Constructs a copy of a path.
newAbstractCopyPath(AbstractPath) - Method in class mascoptLib.graphs.DiGraphFactory
Constructs a copy of a chain.
newAbstractCopyPath(AbstractPath) - Method in class mascoptLib.graphs.GraphFactory
Constructs a copy of a chain.
newAbstractEdge(AbstractVertex, AbstractVertex) - Method in interface mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractEdgeSetFactory
Constructs an edge beetween two vertices.
newAbstractEdge(AbstractVertex, AbstractVertex) - Method in interface mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractGraphFactory
Constructs an edge beetween two vertices.
newAbstractEdge(AbstractVertex, AbstractVertex) - Method in class mascoptLib.graphs.ArcSetFactory
Constructs an edge beetween two nodes.
newAbstractEdge(AbstractVertex, AbstractVertex) - Method in class mascoptLib.graphs.DiGraphFactory
Constructs an edge beetween two nodes.
newAbstractEdge(AbstractVertex, AbstractVertex) - Method in class mascoptLib.graphs.EdgeSetFactory
Constructs an edge beetween two nodes.
newAbstractEdge(AbstractVertex, AbstractVertex) - Method in class mascoptLib.graphs.GraphFactory
Constructs an edge beetween two nodes.
newAbstractEdgeSet(AbstractEdgeSet) - Method in interface mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractEdgeSetFactory
Constructs a new edge set which is a sub set of an other edge set.
newAbstractEdgeSet(AbstractEdgeSet) - Method in interface mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractGraphFactory
Constructs a new edge set which is a sub set of an other edge set.
newAbstractEdgeSet(AbstractEdgeSet) - Method in class mascoptLib.graphs.ArcSetFactory
Constructs a new edge set which is a sub set of an other edge set.
newAbstractEdgeSet(AbstractEdgeSet) - Method in class mascoptLib.graphs.DiGraphFactory
Constructs a new edge set which is a sub set of an other edge set.
newAbstractEdgeSet(AbstractEdgeSet) - Method in class mascoptLib.graphs.EdgeSetFactory
Constructs a new edge set which is a sub set of an other edge set.
newAbstractEdgeSet(AbstractEdgeSet) - Method in class mascoptLib.graphs.GraphFactory
Constructs a new edge set which is a sub set of an other edge set.
newAbstractEdgeSet(AbstractEdgeSet, AbstractVertexSet) - Method in interface mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractEdgeSetFactory
Constructs a new edge set which is as sub set of an other edge set and based on a vertex set.
newAbstractEdgeSet(AbstractEdgeSet, AbstractVertexSet) - Method in interface mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractGraphFactory
Constructs a new edge set which is as sub set of an other edge set and based on a vertex set.
newAbstractEdgeSet(AbstractEdgeSet, AbstractVertexSet) - Method in class mascoptLib.graphs.ArcSetFactory
Constructs a new edge set which is as sub set of an other edge set and based on a node set.
newAbstractEdgeSet(AbstractEdgeSet, AbstractVertexSet) - Method in class mascoptLib.graphs.DiGraphFactory
Constructs a new edge set which is as sub set of an other edge set and based on a node set.
newAbstractEdgeSet(AbstractEdgeSet, AbstractVertexSet) - Method in class mascoptLib.graphs.EdgeSetFactory
Constructs a new edge set which is as sub set of an other edge set and based on a node set.
newAbstractEdgeSet(AbstractEdgeSet, AbstractVertexSet) - Method in class mascoptLib.graphs.GraphFactory
Constructs a new edge set which is as sub set of an other edge set and based on a node set.
newAbstractEdgeSet(AbstractVertexSet) - Method in interface mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractEdgeSetFactory
Constructs a new edge set based on a vertex set.
newAbstractEdgeSet(AbstractVertexSet) - Method in interface mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractGraphFactory
Constructs a new edge set based on a vertex set.
newAbstractEdgeSet(AbstractVertexSet) - Method in class mascoptLib.graphs.ArcSetFactory
Constructs a new edge set based on a node set.
newAbstractEdgeSet(AbstractVertexSet) - Method in class mascoptLib.graphs.DiGraphFactory
Constructs a new edge set based on a node set.
newAbstractEdgeSet(AbstractVertexSet) - Method in class mascoptLib.graphs.EdgeSetFactory
Constructs a new edge set based on a node set.
newAbstractEdgeSet(AbstractVertexSet) - Method in class mascoptLib.graphs.GraphFactory
Constructs a new edge set based on a node set.
newAbstractGraph(AbstractGraph) - Method in interface mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractGraphFactory
Constructs a sub graph of a graph.
newAbstractGraph(AbstractGraph) - Method in class mascoptLib.graphs.DiGraphFactory
Constructs a sub graph of a graph.
newAbstractGraph(AbstractGraph) - Method in class mascoptLib.graphs.GraphFactory
Constructs a sub graph of a graph.
newAbstractGraph(AbstractVertexSet, AbstractEdgeSet) - Method in interface mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractGraphFactory
Constructs a new abstract Graph based on a vertex set and an edge set.
newAbstractGraph(AbstractVertexSet, AbstractEdgeSet) - Method in class mascoptLib.graphs.DiGraphFactory
Constructs a new abstract Graph based on a node set and an edge set.
newAbstractGraph(AbstractVertexSet, AbstractEdgeSet) - Method in class mascoptLib.graphs.GraphFactory
Constructs a new abstract Graph based on a node set and an edge set.
newAbstractPath(AbstractEdgeSet) - Method in interface mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractEdgeSetFactory
Constructs a new path based on a edge set.
newAbstractPath(AbstractEdgeSet) - Method in interface mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractGraphFactory
Constructs a new path based on a edge set.
newAbstractPath(AbstractEdgeSet) - Method in class mascoptLib.graphs.ArcSetFactory
Constructs a new chain based on a edge set.
newAbstractPath(AbstractEdgeSet) - Method in class mascoptLib.graphs.DiGraphFactory
Constructs a new chain based on a edge set.
newAbstractPath(AbstractEdgeSet) - Method in class mascoptLib.graphs.EdgeSetFactory
Constructs a new chain based on a edge set.
newAbstractPath(AbstractEdgeSet) - Method in class mascoptLib.graphs.GraphFactory
Constructs a new chain based on a edge set.
newAbstractVertex() - Method in interface mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractGraphFactory
Constructs a vertex.
newAbstractVertex() - Method in interface mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractVertexSetFactory
Default vertex constructor.
newAbstractVertex() - Method in class mascoptLib.graphs.DiGraphFactory
Constructs a node.
newAbstractVertex() - Method in class mascoptLib.graphs.GraphFactory
Constructs a node.
newAbstractVertex() - Method in class mascoptLib.graphs.VertexSetFactory
Default node constructor.
newAbstractVertex(double, double) - Method in interface mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractVertexSetFactory
Constructs a vertex with coordinates.
newAbstractVertex(double, double) - Method in class mascoptLib.graphs.VertexSetFactory
Constructs a node with coordinates.
newAbstractVertexSet() - Method in interface mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractGraphFactory
Default vertex set constructor.
newAbstractVertexSet() - Method in interface mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractVertexSetFactory
Default vertex set constructor.
newAbstractVertexSet() - Method in class mascoptLib.graphs.DiGraphFactory
Default node set constructor.
newAbstractVertexSet() - Method in class mascoptLib.graphs.GraphFactory
Default node set constructor.
newAbstractVertexSet() - Method in class mascoptLib.graphs.VertexSetFactory
Default node set constructor.
newAbstractVertexSet(AbstractVertexSet) - Method in interface mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractGraphFactory
Constructs a new vertex set based on a vertex set.
newAbstractVertexSet(AbstractVertexSet) - Method in interface mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractVertexSetFactory
Constructs a new vertex set based on a vertex set.
newAbstractVertexSet(AbstractVertexSet) - Method in class mascoptLib.graphs.DiGraphFactory
Constructs a new node set based on a node set.
newAbstractVertexSet(AbstractVertexSet) - Method in class mascoptLib.graphs.GraphFactory
Constructs a new node set based on a node set.
newAbstractVertexSet(AbstractVertexSet) - Method in class mascoptLib.graphs.VertexSetFactory
Constructs a new node set based on a node set.
newAbstractVertexSet(AbstractVertexSet, boolean) - Method in interface mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractVertexSetFactory
Constructs a new vertex set based on a vertex set.
newAbstractVertexSet(AbstractVertexSet, boolean) - Method in class mascoptLib.graphs.VertexSetFactory
Constructs a new node set based on a node set.
newDiGraph() - Method in class mascoptLib.gui.Editor
Allow to create a new DiGraph in the editor.
newDiGraph() - Method in class mascoptLib.gui.TypEd
newGraph() - Method in class mascoptLib.gui.Editor
Allow to create a new Graph in the editor.
newGraph() - Method in class mascoptLib.gui.TypEd
newGraph(AbstractGraph) - Method in class mascoptLib.gui.MascoptViewer
Adds a new Graph in the MascoptViewer ie adds it in the "Add Graph" combobox
newLayer(String) - Method in class mascoptLib.gui.MascoptViewer
Creates a new Layer with a specified name.
newObj(String) - Static method in class mascoptLib.util.Trace
Add an object with an id in object Alive references.
newView() - Method in class mascoptLib.gui.Editor
Create a new view in the editor.
newView() - Method in class mascoptLib.gui.MascoptViewer
Creates a new GView with a default name centered on (0,0) and displays it.
newView() - Method in class mascoptLib.gui.TypEd
newView(String) - Method in class mascoptLib.gui.MascoptViewer
Creates a new GView with a specified name centered on (0,0) and displays it.
newView(String, int, int) - Method in class mascoptLib.gui.MascoptViewer
Creates a new GView with a specified name centered and displays it.
newView(String, int, int, double, int, int, int, int) - Method in class mascoptLib.gui.MascoptViewer
Creates a new GView with a specified name centered and displays it.
newView(String, int, int, double, int, int, int, int, JPanel) - Method in class mascoptLib.gui.MascoptViewer
Creates a new GView centered with a specified name and displays it.
newView(String, int, int, double, int, int, int, int, String) - Method in class mascoptLib.gui.MascoptViewer
Creates a new GView centered with a specified name and displays it.
nextAbstractEdge(AbstractVertex) - Method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractPath
Given a vertex in the path, returns the next edge when covering the path.
nextAbstractEdgeSet(AbstractVertex) - Method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractPath
Given a vertex in the path, returns the next edges when covering the path.
nextAbstractVertex(AbstractVertex) - Method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractPath
Given a vertex in the path, returns the next vertex when covering the path.
nextArc(Vertex) - Method in class mascoptLib.graphs.DiPath
Given a node in the path, returns the next arc when covering the path.
nextArcSet(Vertex) - Method in class mascoptLib.graphs.DiPath
Given a node in the path, returns the next arc set when covering the path.
nextEdge(Vertex) - Method in class mascoptLib.graphs.Path
Given a node in the chain, returns the next edge when covering the chain.
nextEdgeSet(Vertex) - Method in class mascoptLib.graphs.Path
Given a node in the chain, returns the next edges when covering the chain.
nextStep() - Method in class mascoptLib.algos.abstractalgos.StepAlgo
When calling nextStep, the algorithm is unpaused.
nextVertex(Vertex) - Method in class mascoptLib.graphs.DiPath
Given a node in the path, returns the next node when covering the path.
nextVertex(Vertex) - Method in class mascoptLib.graphs.Path
Given a node in the chain, returns the next node when covering the chain.
nodeRightClicked(MouseEvent, AbstractVertex) - Method in interface mascoptLib.gui.RightButtonListener
When a node is clicked by the right mouse button.
notifyOnValueChange(boolean) - Method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.MascoptObject
Can be called to notify observers that the user changed the value.
notifyOnValueChange(boolean) - Method in interface mascoptLib.abstractGraph.MascoptObjectInterface
Can be called to notify observers that the user changed the value.
NotifyReason - class mascoptLib.util.NotifyReason.
Reason of a notification (used internally).
NotifyReason(String, Object[]) - Constructor for class mascoptLib.util.NotifyReason
Sets a message to send to some objects when they have to be notifiyed.
numberOfPaths - Variable in class mascoptLib.algos.abstractalgos.PathBreadthFirstSearch
The number of paht to compute for each request.


ObservableObject - class mascoptLib.util.ObservableObject.
Observation mechanism (used internally).
ObservableObject() - Constructor for class mascoptLib.util.ObservableObject
Construct an Observable with zero Observers.
ObservableSet - class mascoptLib.util.ObservableSet.
Observation mechanism (used internally).
ObservableSet() - Constructor for class mascoptLib.util.ObservableSet
Construct an Observable with zero Observers.
Od2Mgl - class mascoptLib.io.util.Od2Mgl.
Converts an OD file into a MGL file.
Od2Mgl(String, String, String) - Constructor for class mascoptLib.io.util.Od2Mgl
Constructor for the translation of a .net to a .mgl.
OddGomoryHu - class mascoptLib.algos.graph.OddGomoryHu.
Provides an algorithm to compute an odd minimum-cut set, using the Gomory-Hu algorithm.
OddGomoryHu(Graph) - Constructor for class mascoptLib.algos.graph.OddGomoryHu
Constructor of oo gomory hu.
oddMinCut() - Method in class mascoptLib.algos.graph.OddGomoryHu
Returns the solution in a table.
OdFactor - class mascoptLib.io.util.OdFactor.
Multiply a god file by a factor.
OdFactor() - Constructor for class mascoptLib.io.util.OdFactor
order() - Static method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractVertex
Counts all abstract vertices.


paint(Graphics) - Method in class mascoptLib.gui.views.ArrowedLink
Repaoint the graphic.
paint(Graphics) - Method in class mascoptLib.gui.views.Label
Patin the label
paint(Graphics) - Method in class mascoptLib.gui.views.Link
Repaint this link.
paint(Graphics) - Method in class mascoptLib.gui.views.View
Paint the graphics.
paint(Graphics, Rectangle) - Method in class mascoptLib.gui.views.Layer
Repaint a rectangle.
Pair - class mascoptLib.util.Pair.
Can store two objects in a Pair.
Pair(Object, Object) - Constructor for class mascoptLib.util.Pair
Construct a pair of objects
parse() - Method in class mascoptLib.io.graph.MGLReader
Parse the MGL file and create in memory all objects contained in it.
Path - class mascoptLib.graphs.Path.
A Chain object give the ability to build a chain over a Graph.
Path(EdgeSet) - Constructor for class mascoptLib.graphs.Path
Default Constuctor on a set of edge.
Path(Path) - Constructor for class mascoptLib.graphs.Path
Constructs a copy of a chain.
PathBreadthFirstSearch - class mascoptLib.algos.abstractalgos.PathBreadthFirstSearch.
Computes main or disjoint paths for a set of request using Breadth First Search.
PathBreadthFirstSearch(AbstractGraph, AbstractGraph) - Constructor for class mascoptLib.algos.abstractalgos.PathBreadthFirstSearch
Constructs a path generator on a graph for some requests.
PathGenerator - class mascoptLib.algos.abstractalgos.PathGenerator.
Computes main or disjoint paths for a set of request using Dijkstra.
PathGenerator(AbstractGraph, AbstractGraph) - Constructor for class mascoptLib.algos.abstractalgos.PathGenerator
Constructs a path generator on a graph for some requests.
PathGeneratorRandomWalk - class mascoptLib.algos.abstractalgos.PathGeneratorRandomWalk.
Computes paths or disjoint paths for a set of request using a Random Walk.
PathGeneratorRandomWalk(AbstractGraph, AbstractGraph) - Constructor for class mascoptLib.algos.abstractalgos.PathGeneratorRandomWalk
Constructs a path generator on a graph for some requests.
PathNetReader - class mascoptLib.io.graph.PathNetReader.
This class enables one to read the path files.
PathNetReader(String, String) - Constructor for class mascoptLib.io.graph.PathNetReader
Creates a reader on an NET file.
predAbstractEdge(AbstractVertex) - Method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractPath
Given a vertex in the path, returns the previous edge when covering the path.
predAbstractEdgeSet(AbstractVertex) - Method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractPath
Given a vertex in the path, returns the previous edges when covering the path.
predArcSet(Vertex) - Method in class mascoptLib.graphs.DiPath
Given a node in the path, returns the previous arcs when covering the path.
predEdgeSet(Vertex) - Method in class mascoptLib.graphs.Path
Given a node in the chain, returns the previous edges when covering the chain.
preferredSize - Variable in class mascoptLib.gui.views.View
The default dimensions of a view.
PrimMST - class mascoptLib.algos.abstractalgos.PrimMST.
This class computes the Minimum Spanning Tree of a graph G given a context.
PrimMST(AbstractGraph) - Constructor for class mascoptLib.algos.abstractalgos.PrimMST
Simple constructor.
PrimMSTSimple - class mascoptLib.algos.graph.PrimMSTSimple.
MST Algo, simplified version of mascoptLib.algos.abstractalgos.primMST
PrimMSTSimple() - Constructor for class mascoptLib.algos.graph.PrimMSTSimple
print(String) - Static method in class mascoptLib.util.Trace
Print a string on the Trace.
print(String, int) - Static method in class mascoptLib.util.Trace
Print a string on the Trace.
printErr(String) - Static method in class mascoptLib.util.Trace
Print a string on the Error Trace.
printErrln(String) - Static method in class mascoptLib.util.Trace
Print a string on the Error Trace.
println(String) - Static method in class mascoptLib.util.Trace
Print a string on the Trace.
println(String, int) - Static method in class mascoptLib.util.Trace
Print a string on the Trace.
printObjectsAlive() - Static method in class mascoptLib.util.Trace
Prints all object alive.
PriorityQueue - interface mascoptLib.util.fibHeap.PriorityQueue.
Protocol for priority queues.
purgeUnusedGraphs() - Method in class mascoptLib.gui.MascoptViewer
Clean the memory of unused graphs.


ReaderInterface - interface mascoptLib.io.ReaderInterface.
The reader interface.
remove(AbstractEdge) - Method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractEdgeSet
Removes an edge from edgeset
remove(AbstractVertex) - Method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractVertexSet
Remove a vertex in the set.
remove(Arc) - Method in class mascoptLib.graphs.ArcSet
Removes an arc from arc set
remove(Edge) - Method in class mascoptLib.graphs.EdgeSet
Removes an edge from edgeset
remove(GObject) - Method in class mascoptLib.gui.views.Layer
Remove an object of a layer.
remove(GObject, int) - Method in class mascoptLib.gui.views.Layer
Remove an object with a priority
remove(MascoptObject) - Method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.MascoptSet
Describe remove method here.
remove(Object) - Method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.MascoptFixedSet
remove(Object) - Method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.MascoptSet
Describe remove method here.
remove(Vertex) - Method in class mascoptLib.graphs.VertexSet
Remove a node in the set.
removeAll(Collection) - Method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.MascoptFixedSet
removeAll(Collection) - Method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.MascoptSet
Describe removeAll method here.
removeAllValues(MascoptObjectInterface) - Method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.MascoptObject
Remove all values concerning a category.
removeAllValues(MascoptObjectInterface) - Method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.MascoptSet
Remove all values concerning a category.
removeAllValuesOnElementsOfset(MascoptObjectInterface) - Method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.MascoptSet
Remove all values concerning a category.
removeGraph(AbstractGraph) - Method in class mascoptLib.gui.MascoptViewer
Remove a graph from the list of available graphs.
removeGraphInLayer(AbstractGraph, GLayer) - Method in class mascoptLib.gui.MascoptViewer
Remove a Graph in a specified Layer.
removeLastEdge() - Method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractPath
Remove the last edge of a mono path.
removeLayer(Layer) - Method in class mascoptLib.gui.views.View
Remove a layer in the view.
removeLayerInView(GLayer, GView) - Method in class mascoptLib.gui.MascoptViewer
Remove a Layer in a specified view.
removeShift(GVertex, GVertex, int) - Method in class mascoptLib.gui.GLayer
Remove some distance between arcs.
removeView(View) - Method in class mascoptLib.gui.views.Layer
Remove a view.
repaint() - Method in class mascoptLib.gui.views.GObject
Repaint this GObject.
repaint() - Method in class mascoptLib.gui.views.Layer
Repaint this layer.
repaint() - Method in class mascoptLib.gui.views.View
Repaint the view.
replace(AbstractVertex, AbstractGraph) - Method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractGraph
Not Implemented .
replace(AbstractVertex, AbstractVertexSet) - Method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractGraph
Not Implemented .
replace(Vertex, DiGraph) - Method in class mascoptLib.graphs.DiGraph
Not Implemented .
replace(Vertex, Graph) - Method in class mascoptLib.graphs.Graph
Not Implemented .
replace(Vertex, VertexSet) - Method in class mascoptLib.graphs.DiGraph
Not Implemented .
replace(Vertex, VertexSet) - Method in class mascoptLib.graphs.Graph
Not Implemented .
Ressort - class mascoptLib.algos.abstractalgos.Ressort.
Ressort(AbstractGraph) - Constructor for class mascoptLib.algos.abstractalgos.Ressort
RessourceViewer - class mascoptLib.gui.RessourceViewer.
Show in a popup the numbers of objects created in memory.
RessourceViewer() - Constructor for class mascoptLib.gui.RessourceViewer
Create a new window monitoring the ressource used in Mascopt.
RessourceViewer(String) - Constructor for class mascoptLib.gui.RessourceViewer
Create a new window monitoring the ressource used in Mascopt.
retainAll(Collection) - Method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.MascoptFixedSet
retainAll(Collection) - Method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.MascoptSet
Describe retainAll method here.
reverse() - Method in class mascoptLib.graphs.Arc
Reverse the arc orientation.
RightButtonListener - interface mascoptLib.gui.RightButtonListener.
Interface for event of right mouse button
run() - Method in class mascoptLib.algos.abstractalgos.Dijkstra
Computes the shortest distances and paths from vertex u.
run() - Method in class mascoptLib.algos.abstractalgos.DijkstraAdvanced
Computes the shortest distances and paths from node u.
run() - Method in class mascoptLib.algos.abstractalgos.KShortestPath
compute the k shortest path between each pairs of node
run() - Method in class mascoptLib.algos.abstractalgos.PathBreadthFirstSearch
Run the computation of paths
run() - Method in class mascoptLib.algos.abstractalgos.PathGenerator
Run the generation of paths.
run() - Method in class mascoptLib.algos.abstractalgos.PathGeneratorRandomWalk
Run the generation of paths.
run() - Method in class mascoptLib.algos.abstractalgos.Ressort
Computes the shortest distances and paths from node u.
run() - Method in class mascoptLib.algos.abstractalgos.StepAlgo
Run the algorithm.
run() - Method in class mascoptLib.algos.digraph.MinCut
Run the algorithm.
runNonDisjoint() - Method in class mascoptLib.algos.abstractalgos.KShortestPath
compute the k shortest path between each pairs of node but the paths obtained are non-disjoint


setAbstractEdgeSet(AbstractEdgeSet) - Method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractGraph
Change the edge set of the graph.
setAbstractVertexSet(AbstractVertexSet) - Method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractGraph
Change the vertex set of the graph.
setArcLabel() - Method in class mascoptLib.gui.Editor
Change the labels of arcs.
setArcLabel() - Method in class mascoptLib.gui.TypEd
setArcLabel(AbstractGraph, String) - Method in class mascoptLib.gui.GLayer
setArcLabel(AbstractGraph, String[]) - Method in class mascoptLib.gui.GLayer
Change the labels of arcs for a Graph in this layer.
setArcLabelGraphInLayer(AbstractGraph, GLayer, String) - Method in class mascoptLib.gui.MascoptViewer
set the arc's label for a specified Graph in a specified Layer.The String value will be splitted in a String[] using the delimiter "\n".
setArcLabelGraphInLayer(AbstractGraph, GLayer, String[]) - Method in class mascoptLib.gui.MascoptViewer
set the arc's label for a specified Graph in a specified Layer.
setArcSet(ArcSet) - Method in class mascoptLib.graphs.DiGraph
Change the edge set of the graph.
setColor(Color) - Method in class mascoptLib.gui.views.Label
setColor(Color) - Method in class mascoptLib.gui.views.Link
Change the color of the link.
setDisjointNbPathsForRequest(int) - Method in class mascoptLib.algos.abstractalgos.PathGeneratorRandomWalk
Fix the number of additional paths, generated for each edge of the set of edges of the main paths.
setDisplayMessage(String) - Method in class mascoptLib.gui.views.View
Display a message in the view.
setDoubleValue(String, Double) - Method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.MascoptObject
Sets the value for a category.
setDoubleValue(String, MascoptObjectInterface, Double) - Method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.MascoptObject
Sets the value for a category and a specific context.
setDouValue(String, double) - Method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.MascoptObject
Sets the value for a category.
setDouValue(String, MascoptObjectInterface, double) - Method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.MascoptObject
Sets the value for a category and a specific context.
setEdgeSet(EdgeSet) - Method in class mascoptLib.graphs.Graph
Change the edge set of the graph.
setInitialShift(int) - Method in class mascoptLib.gui.GLayer
Sets the distance of the first arc from the line between two arcs.
setIntegerValue(String, Integer) - Method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.MascoptObject
Sets the value for a category.
setIntegerValue(String, MascoptObjectInterface, Integer) - Method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.MascoptObject
Sets the value for a category and a specific context.
setIntValue(String, int) - Method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.MascoptObject
Sets the value for a category.
setIntValue(String, MascoptObjectInterface, int) - Method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.MascoptObject
Sets the value for a category and a specific context.
setLocation(int, int) - Method in class mascoptLib.gui.views.Label
Deprecated. not coded !
setLocation(int, int) - Method in class mascoptLib.gui.views.Link
Deprecated. not implemented !
setLocation(int, int) - Method in class mascoptLib.gui.views.View
Set the location of the view.
setLocation(Point) - Method in class mascoptLib.gui.views.View
Set the location of the view.
setName(String) - Method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.MascoptObject
Sets the name of the MascoptObject.
setName(String) - Method in interface mascoptLib.abstractGraph.MascoptObjectInterface
Sets the name of the MascoptObject.
setName(String) - Method in class mascoptLib.gui.GView
Give a name to this view.
setNameObj(String, String) - Static method in class mascoptLib.util.Trace
Change the name of the object referenced by an id.
setNbPathsForRequest(int) - Method in class mascoptLib.algos.abstractalgos.PathGeneratorRandomWalk
Fix the number of paths to compute for each request.
setNodeLabel() - Method in class mascoptLib.gui.TypEd
setNodeLabel(AbstractGraph, String) - Method in class mascoptLib.gui.GLayer
setNodeLabel(AbstractGraph, String[]) - Method in class mascoptLib.gui.GLayer
Change the labels of nodes for a Graph in this layer.
setNodeLabelGraphInLayer(AbstractGraph, GLayer, String) - Method in class mascoptLib.gui.MascoptViewer
set the node's label for a specified Graph in a specified Layer.The String value will be splitted in a String[] using the delimiter "\n".
setNodeLabelGraphInLayer(AbstractGraph, GLayer, String[]) - Method in class mascoptLib.gui.MascoptViewer
set the node's label for a specified Graph in a specified Layer.
setOffsetAxis(int) - Method in class mascoptLib.gui.views.ArrowedLink
Change the offset from x axis.
setOffsetNormal(int) - Method in class mascoptLib.gui.views.ArrowedLink
Change the offset from normal axis.
setPreferredSize(Dimension) - Method in class mascoptLib.gui.views.View
Set the default prefered size.
setPreferredSize(int, int) - Method in class mascoptLib.gui.views.View
Set the default prefered size.
setRealCenter(Point) - Method in class mascoptLib.gui.views.View
Chagne the center of the view.
setShift(int) - Method in class mascoptLib.gui.views.Link
Change the shift between links.
setStepShift(int) - Method in class mascoptLib.gui.GLayer
Sets the distance between two arcs.
setSuperEdgeSets() - Method in class mascoptLib.io.graph.MGLReader
setSuperGraph(AbstractGraph) - Method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractGraph
Sets the supersets.
setSuperGraphs() - Method in class mascoptLib.io.graph.MGLReader
setSuperNodeSets() - Method in class mascoptLib.io.graph.MGLReader
setSuperSet(MascoptFixedSet) - Method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.MascoptFixedSet
Sets the supersets without verification.
setTime(int) - Method in class mascoptLib.algos.abstractalgos.StepAlgo
Set wait time in miliseconds
setValue(String, Double) - Method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.MascoptObject
Sets the value for a category.
setValue(String, Double) - Method in interface mascoptLib.abstractGraph.MascoptObjectInterface
Sets the value associated to its name.
setValue(String, Integer) - Method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.MascoptObject
Sets the value for a category.
setValue(String, Integer) - Method in interface mascoptLib.abstractGraph.MascoptObjectInterface
Sets the value associated to its name.
setValue(String, MascoptObjectInterface, Double) - Method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.MascoptObject
Sets the value for a category and a specific context.
setValue(String, MascoptObjectInterface, Double) - Method in interface mascoptLib.abstractGraph.MascoptObjectInterface
Sets the value associated to its name and context.
setValue(String, MascoptObjectInterface, Integer) - Method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.MascoptObject
Sets the value for a category and a specific context.
setValue(String, MascoptObjectInterface, Integer) - Method in interface mascoptLib.abstractGraph.MascoptObjectInterface
Sets the value associated to its name and context.
setValue(String, MascoptObjectInterface, String) - Method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.MascoptObject
Sets the value for a category and a specific context.
setValue(String, MascoptObjectInterface, String) - Method in interface mascoptLib.abstractGraph.MascoptObjectInterface
Sets the value associated to its name and context.
setValue(String, String) - Method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.MascoptObject
Sets the value for a category.
setValue(String, String) - Method in interface mascoptLib.abstractGraph.MascoptObjectInterface
setValueForAllElements(String, String) - Method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.MascoptSet
Write values in the set for all elements.
setValueForAllElements(String, String, MascoptObjectInterface) - Method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.MascoptSet
Write values in the set for all elements.
setVertexLabel() - Method in class mascoptLib.gui.Editor
Change the labels of nodes.
setVertexSet(VertexSet) - Method in class mascoptLib.graphs.DiGraph
Change the node set of the graph.
setVertexSet(VertexSet) - Method in class mascoptLib.graphs.Graph
Change the node set of the graph.
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class mascoptLib.gui.views.LayerInfo
Change the visible flag.
setVisible(boolean) - Static method in class mascoptLib.util.Trace
Switch the trace mode.
setVisible(boolean, int) - Static method in class mascoptLib.util.Trace
Switch the trace mode for a level only.
setVisibleArrow(boolean) - Method in class mascoptLib.gui.views.ArrowedLink
Change the visibility of the arrow.
setVisibleErr(boolean) - Static method in class mascoptLib.util.Trace
Switch the trace mode for errors.
setVisibleGraphInLayer(AbstractGraph, GLayer, boolean) - Method in class mascoptLib.gui.MascoptViewer
Shows or hides a Graph in a specified Layer depending on the value of parameter visible.
setVisibleLabels(AbstractGraph, boolean) - Method in class mascoptLib.gui.GLayer
Change the visibility of labels on a graph.
setVisibleLabels(boolean) - Method in class mascoptLib.gui.GLayer
Change the visibility of labels on all graphs in this layer.
setVisibleLabels(GLayer, boolean) - Method in class mascoptLib.gui.MascoptViewer
Shows or hides the labels in a specified Layer depending on the value of parameter visible.
setVisibleLayer(Layer, boolean) - Method in class mascoptLib.gui.views.View
Change the visibility of a layer in this view
setVisibleLayerInView(GLayer, GView, boolean) - Method in class mascoptLib.gui.MascoptViewer
Shows or hides a Layer in a specified View depending on the value of parameter visible.
setX(double) - Method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractVertex
Set X coordinate value of vertex
setY(double) - Method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractVertex
Set Y coordinate value of vertex
setZoom(double) - Method in class mascoptLib.gui.views.View
Set the zoom.
showLabels(boolean) - Method in class mascoptLib.gui.Editor
Toggle the boolean for display of labels.
showLabels(boolean) - Method in class mascoptLib.gui.TypEd
size() - Static method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractEdge
Counts all abstract vertices.
size() - Method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.MascoptFixedSet
Describe size method here.
slowAlgorithm(boolean) - Method in class mascoptLib.algos.abstractalgos.Dijkstra
slowAlgorithm(boolean) - Method in class mascoptLib.algos.abstractalgos.DijkstraAdvanced
start() - Method in class mascoptLib.algos.abstractalgos.StepAlgo
Launch the algorithm
startTime(int) - Static method in class mascoptLib.util.Trace
Start a time count. 10 timers can be launched.
StepAlgo - class mascoptLib.algos.abstractalgos.StepAlgo.
StepAlgo is a class wich provides a way of running an algorithm step by step.
StepAlgo() - Constructor for class mascoptLib.algos.abstractalgos.StepAlgo
Default constructor.
StepAlgo(boolean) - Constructor for class mascoptLib.algos.abstractalgos.StepAlgo
Default constructor.
STMinCut - class mascoptLib.algos.graph.STMinCut.
Provides an algorithm to compute a s-t cut min in a graph.
STMinCut(Graph, Vertex, Vertex) - Constructor for class mascoptLib.algos.graph.STMinCut
Build the algorithm on a graph.
stretch_factor - Variable in class mascoptLib.algos.abstractalgos.PathGeneratorRandomWalk
The stretch factor on shortest path for allowed generated path.


toArray() - Method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.MascoptFixedSet
Describe toArray method here.
toArray(MascoptObject[]) - Method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.MascoptFixedSet
Describe toArray method here.
toArray(Object[]) - Method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.MascoptFixedSet
Describe toArray method here.
toss(Object) - Method in class mascoptLib.util.fibHeap.FibonacciHeap
Insert into the priority queue, without maintaining heap order.
toss(Object) - Method in interface mascoptLib.util.fibHeap.PriorityQueue
Insert into the priority queue quickly, ignore the PriorityQueue validity Duplicates are allowed.
toString() - Method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractGraph
Converts the Graph in string to be printed.
toString() - Method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractPath
Converts the path in string to be printed.
toString() - Method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractVertex
Object string output
toString() - Method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.MascoptFixedSet
Object string output.
toString() - Method in class mascoptLib.graphs.Arc
Converts the Arc in string to be printed.
toString() - Method in class mascoptLib.graphs.DiGraph
Converts the Graph in string to be printed.
toString() - Method in class mascoptLib.graphs.DiPath
Converts the chain in string to be printed.
toString() - Method in class mascoptLib.graphs.Edge
Returns a String object representing this AbstractNode.
toString() - Method in class mascoptLib.graphs.Graph
Converts the set in string to be printed.
toString() - Method in class mascoptLib.graphs.Path
Converts the chain in string to be printed.
toString() - Method in class mascoptLib.util.exception.MascoptAddRemoveSetException
The message that will be displayed when the error occurs.
toString() - Method in class mascoptLib.util.exception.MascoptException
The default message which is printed when an error occurs.
toString() - Method in class mascoptLib.util.exception.MascoptImpossibleOperationPathException
The message that will be displayed when the error occurs.
Trace - class mascoptLib.util.Trace.
This class provides an elegant way of trace your programs.
Trace() - Constructor for class mascoptLib.util.Trace
translate(int, int) - Method in class mascoptLib.gui.views.GObject
Translate a GObject.
translate(int, int) - Method in class mascoptLib.gui.views.View
Translate the view
translate(Point) - Method in class mascoptLib.gui.views.View
Translate the view
TypEd - class mascoptLib.gui.TypEd.
An Editor of graphs or DiGraph that enables the user type the values of the nodes or arcs.
TypEd() - Constructor for class mascoptLib.gui.TypEd


Underflow - exception mascoptLib.util.fibHeap.Underflow.
Exception class for access in empty containers.
Underflow(String) - Constructor for class mascoptLib.util.fibHeap.Underflow
Construct this exception object.
update(Observable, Object) - Method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractEdgeSet
For the library coherence.
update(Observable, Object) - Method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractPath
update(Observable, Object) - Method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractVertexSet
For the library coherence.
update(Observable, Object) - Method in class mascoptLib.abstractGraph.MascoptObject
Describe update method here.
updateLabelsWhenValuesChange(boolean) - Method in class mascoptLib.gui.GLayer
Updates the labels when the values are changed.
updateZoom(double) - Method in class mascoptLib.gui.views.View
Zoom with a factor.
Util - class mascoptLib.util.Util.
System tools.
Util() - Constructor for class mascoptLib.util.Util


validate() - Method in class mascoptLib.util.fibHeap.FibonacciHeap
Validate the Heap
validate() - Method in interface mascoptLib.util.fibHeap.PriorityQueue
Validate the priority queue.
valuateFromSource(AbstractVertex) - Method in class mascoptLib.algos.abstractalgos.Dijkstra
Computes the shortest distances and paths from node u.
valuateFromSource(AbstractVertex) - Method in class mascoptLib.algos.abstractalgos.DijkstraAdvanced
Computes the shortest distances and paths from node u.
value - Variable in class mascoptLib.util.Pair
The value
Vertex - class mascoptLib.graphs.Vertex.
A Node object is the most basic elements which can be built.
Vertex() - Constructor for class mascoptLib.graphs.Vertex
Default Node Constructor.
Vertex(double, double) - Constructor for class mascoptLib.graphs.Vertex
Constructs a new Node object.
VertexSet - class mascoptLib.graphs.VertexSet.
The NodeSet class is derivated from MascoptSet.
VertexSet() - Constructor for class mascoptLib.graphs.VertexSet
Default Constructor.
VertexSet(VertexSet) - Constructor for class mascoptLib.graphs.VertexSet
Constructor creating a sub set of the NodeSet.
VertexSet(VertexSet, boolean) - Constructor for class mascoptLib.graphs.VertexSet
Constructor for copy sets.
vertexSetCutMin() - Method in class mascoptLib.algos.digraph.MinCut
Returns the set of vertices of the min cut.
vertexSetCutMin() - Method in class mascoptLib.algos.graph.STMinCut
Returns the set for the min cut.
VertexSetFactory - class mascoptLib.graphs.VertexSetFactory.
The factory to produce Vertex Sets.
VertexSetFactory() - Constructor for class mascoptLib.graphs.VertexSetFactory
View - class mascoptLib.gui.views.View.
A View.
View(int, int, double) - Constructor for class mascoptLib.gui.views.View
Default constructor of a view.


waitB() - Method in class mascoptLib.algos.abstractalgos.StepAlgo
Give a method to put a pause in your algorithm.
WEIGHT - Static variable in class mascoptLib.algos.abstractalgos.KShortestPath
write() - Method in interface mascoptLib.io.WriterInterface
Write the file with all objects added in the Writer.
write() - Method in class mascoptLib.io.graph.GodWriter
write() - Method in class mascoptLib.io.graph.MGLWriter
write(String) - Method in class mascoptLib.algos.abstractalgos.KShortestPath
WARNING: this method is not implemented yet
compute the k shortest path between each pairs of node but write the results in a file instead of writing them in memory
writeGraph() - Method in class mascoptLib.gui.Editor
Allow the user to write the Graph currently openend in a file.
writeGraph() - Method in class mascoptLib.gui.TypEd
writenonDisjoint(String) - Method in class mascoptLib.algos.abstractalgos.KShortestPath
WARNING: this method is not implemented yet
compute the k shortest path (non-disjoint) between each pairs of node but write the results in a file instead of writing them in memory
WriterInterface - interface mascoptLib.io.WriterInterface.
The writer interface.