7th International Colloquium on Graph Theory
ICGT '05

Invited Speakers
List of participants
Abstract Submission


Particpants who presented a talk at the conference are invited to submit the full version of their extended abstract for the special issue of Discrete Mathematics devoted to ICGT05. The submission deadline is 30 October 2005.

Note that Discrete Mathematics does not publish conference proceedings as such, but only collections of journal-quality papers that happen to have been presented at conferences. Consequently, the submission will be refereed according to the *high*-*level* standard of the journal.

To submit your full-version paper, read the following instructions:

  • Prepare your paper according to the Discrete Mathematics format. The Elsevier LaTeX package (including detailed instructions for LaTeX preparation) can be obtained from the Author Gateway's Quickguide at http://authors.elsevier.com/latex.

  • Upload your camera-ready copy on the web server https://www.labri.fr/icgt05 using the same procedure as for extended abstract submission (with same login and password). Replace your previous extended abstract by the full-version (click on the "Upload Paper" link).

    REMARK : If you forgot your user name/password, click on the "Forgotten your password?" link (on https://www.labri.fr/icgt05).

    *IMPORTANT*: the full-version has to be a PDF file.
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