Tralics, a LaTeX to XML translator; Part I


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\-: .
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\/: .
\:: , .
\;: , .
<: .
\=: .
\>: , .
>: .
\@: .
[: .
\[: , , .
\#: .
#: , .
$: , .
%: , .
\%: , .
\&: , .
\\: .
\_: , .
\^: .
^: , .
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|: .
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\~: .
\{: , , .
\}: , , .
]: .
\]: .
\`: .
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aligned: .
all (tralics option): .
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alternate_item: .
\amalg: .
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\arcsin: .
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article (bibtex entry type): .
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att_boxed: .
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att_row_spacebefore: .
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att_size: .
att_space_before: .
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att_user_list: .
att_vpos: .
att_width: .
att_xdir: .
att_xpos: .
att_xscale: .
att_xscaley: .
att_ydir: .
att_ypos: .
att_yscale: .
att_yscalex: .
aug (bibtex field): .
author (bibtex field): .
\b: , .
babel (package): .
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bibtex_extensions: .
bibtex_fields: .
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\biggl: .
\Biggl: .
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bmatrix: .
Bmatrix: .
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book (bibtex entry type): .
booklet (bibtex entry type): .
booktitle (bibtex field): .
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bootstrap code: .
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bottomnumber (counter): .
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bp (unit): .
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calc: .
\calc: .
calc (package): .
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cases: .
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catperso: , .
catperso_vals: .
cc (unit): .
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\@cclvi: .
\cdot: .
\cdots: .
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center: , .
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\cgloss@glll: .
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chapter (bibtex field): .
chapter (counter): .
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check (tralics option): .
\CheckCommand: .
checkxml (raweb action): .
\chi: .
\choose: .
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\circle: , , .
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\cite: , , .
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\cite@one: , .
\cite@prenote: .
\cite@type: .
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\cititem: .
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\ClassErrorNoLine: .
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\ClassWarningNoLine: .
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cm (unit): .
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comment: .
comment (bibtex keyword): .
confdir (tralics option): .
conference (bibtex entry type): .
config (tralics option): .
configfile (tralics option): .
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\copy: .
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\cosh: .
\cot: .
\coth: .
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\count@: , .
\countdef: .
coursenotes (bibtex entry type): .
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crossref (bibtex field): , .
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dbltopnumber (counter): .
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dec (bibtex field): .
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\def: .
defaultclass (tralics option): .
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\Delta: .
\delta: .
\dendcsname: .
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\depthof: .
description: .
\det: .
\detokenize: , .
\dfrac: , .
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\dimen: , .
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\dimen@ii: .
\dimendef: .
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dir (tralics option): .
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displaymath: .
\displaystyle: , , .
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distinguish_refer_in_rabib (raweb action): .
distinguish_refer_in_rabib (tralics option): .
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\DJ: , .
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doc-type (tralics option): .
document: , , , , .
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doi (bibtex field): .
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\dots: , .
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dvitops (raweb action): .
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\eachwordtwo: .
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edition (bibtex field): .
editor (bibtex field): .
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\ell: .
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em (unit): .
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\emph: , .
\empty: .
\emptyset: .
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\endlinechar: , , , , .
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\ensuremath: , , .
entity_names: .
entnames (tralics option): .
enumerate: .
enumi (counter): , .
enumii (counter): , .
enumiii (counter): , .
enumiv (counter): , .
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\epsfig: .
\epsfxsize: .
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\epsilon: .
eqnarray: .
\eqno: .
\eqref: .
\equal: , .
equation: .
\equiv: .
\eres: .
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\errmessage: .
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etex (tralics option): .
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\eTeXversion: , , .
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everyjob: .
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ex (unit): .
exe: .
\ExecuteOptions: .
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\exists: .
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external-prog (tralics option): .
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fancyhdr (package): .
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FancyVerbLine (counter): .
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feb (bibtex field): .
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footnote (counter): .
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fp (package): .
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\FPcos: .
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\FPe: .
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french (package): .
frenchle (package): .
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generatedvi (raweb action): .
generateps (raweb action): .
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\geqslant: .
german (package): .
\gets: .
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glossaire: , .
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incollection (bibtex entry type): .
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input-path (tralics option): .
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\input@encoding@val: .
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inputfile (tralics option): .
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institution (bibtex field): .
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Language: , .
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\leqslant: .
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log-file (tralics option): .
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\Longleftarrow: .
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\longrightarrow: .
\Longrightarrow: .
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\Loop: .
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\lor: .
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\lsc: .
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\@M: .
\mag: .
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makedvi (raweb action): .
makefo (raweb action): .
makehtml (raweb action): .
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makepdf (raweb action): .
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\mathfrak: .
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\mathtt: .
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may (bibtex field): .
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year (bibtex field): .
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year (tralics option): .
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