Tralics, a LaTeX to XML translator; Part I


Note 1. Email:

Note 2. See

Note 3. Grif stands for `GRenoble Interactive Formatter´; further developments of this editor by the Opera team led to the Amaya software.

Note 4. See

Note 5. InterDepositDigitalNumber = IDDN.FR.001.510030.001.S.P.2002.000.31235 is the IDDN for version 2.9.4, February 2007

Note 6. Web site is

Note 7. Web site is

Note 8. Put `Hello, word!´ in a tex file, compile, and admire the result!

Note 9. In the HTML version, the delimiters around 1=2 are not shown if the browser in not in MathML mode

Note 10. In reality, this depends on the input encoding. In Tralics, there are very few active characters.

Note 11. Since \emph is robust, it takes no argument, but the non-robust command associated to it reads the argument. In any case an argument is read.

Note 12. We use angle brackets for the formal syntax of TeX  as explained in the TeXbook, [4].

Note 13. In fact, you should use \active only in the scope of a \catcode, so you can forget that `\active´ typesets as ` ´!

Note 14. Generalized Extensible LaTeX-Like Markup

Note 15. Sometimes packages are called style files, because this was the original term, and the extension is .sty.

Note 16. LaTeX writes in this file everything needed to produce a Table of Contents; the content of the file can be inserted at the start or end of the end document.

Note 17. An example of bold math is when typesetting the LaTeX2ϵ logo, see page 2.1.

Note 18. Apart from the kludge mentioned above, Tralics make no difference between the letter x and the parentheses around it; since parentheses are often omitted in the case of the sine function, the argument could as well be a parenthesized x.

Note 19. Guess: in the previous formula, was the H in or out of the math formula.

Note 20. but Netscape does not hesitate to break after the plus sign, in the case of <sup>, observation made in 1999

Note 21. or Thailand; it has an international layout, with a W. logo which is a registered trademark of M.C.

Note 22. This character is not generated when using option nozerowidthspace

Note 23. The last character on the line is not read

Note 24. TeX uses #13, because no confusion with an active character can occur.

Note 25. TeX uses 15, because no confusion with a character of category 5 can occur (See TeXbook, exercise 7.3).

Note 26. Said otherwise \ifx\foo\xbar produces different results in TeX and in Tralics; these two commands take two arguments, and have the same body, the only difference is in the introducing character.

Note 27. This was accepted by Tralics until version 2.3: if a command takes one argument, the value of the second argument is the empty list.

Note 28. The command \currentgrouplevel defined by ϵ-TeX returns one less than this value.

Note 29. Here, and in the lines that follow, you should replace the tilde by anything that stops scanning the number.

Note 30. The reference count of the token list of the body of \fooA or \fooB must also be increased.

Note 31. Since Tralics2.9 uses 16bit integers for characters, this number is much larger, nearly 2 32 ; it is much larger than the size of the hash table, so the real answer is the number of free slots in the hash table plus the number of already defined two character tokens

Note 32. many more in ϵ-TeX, but they are dynamically allocated; in Tralics2.9, the limit is 4096

Note 33. Unless redefined by LaTeX

Note 34. This might be unexpected, and differs from the LaTeX output. In fact, the command \the is expanded before the key word `fill´ is completely read, hence before the assignment of the glue, but \show shows the value after the assignment. The difference with LaTeX is the initial value of \thinmuskip.

Note 35. In earlier versions, the value returned by the allocator was stored in an internal integer; nowadays, a count register is used (the same as in LaTeX). The counter 17 contains the current allocation number for \newwrite and should be used with care; the smallest number returned by \newcount is at least 40.

Note 36. This is a bit more than ten points.

Note 37. these values were rounded; exact values are 2, 4 and 5 times 10pt/18, and 10pt/18 is a mu.

Note 38. There is no \term command in Tralics. Until version 2.11.6, the \par command was ignored if the current stack frame is named `term´, in other words inside the motcle environment.

Note 39. It is unwise to say `\def\bar´, because \bar is already defined for use in math mode, and who knows which commands rely on this definition.

Note 40. The remedy is to add a space after the command name. The trouble is when the command results from partial expansion of an active character, case where spaces should be preserved. This is one reason why active characters cannot be made robust in LaTeX. The package fixltx2e corrects a bug of this type for the expansion of \@: a space disappears if the command is written on a file and reread.

Note 41. The actual code uses \kernel@ifnextchar, because amsmath redefines sometimes \@ifnextchar

Note 42. Since Z is the result of expansion of \number it starts with a digit or a minus sign, so that this case will not happen.

Note 43. There is a \sharp command, that typesets as , hence be careful.

Note 44. This explains the names \@ne and \tw@.

Note 45. The kernel contains two versions, one of them being \long.

Note 46. There is no clear reason why this command should be \outer, hance LaTeX uses a normal macro instead

Note 47. If you remember the code of \fooiv, you can see that two LaTeX commands with optional arguments always compare unequal.

Note 48. Note that ϵ-TeX adds a third flag, \protected that is also compared.

Note 49. A safe solution would be to change all category codes; but this is time consuming. On the other hand, if a character like é appears in a verbatim, it will be converted to a call (put acute accent on letter e), so that you will see é even in the case of a 7bit font.

Note 50. From the web page of BiblioX:

Note 51. Exact ordering on page 4.3.

Note 52. Sorting after assigning a number is weird.

Note 53. Exemples on lines 135 to 148 below were produced with a hacked version of Tralics and bst files

Note 54. This is not true in Tralics; you must escape this characters.

Note 55. No error is signaled if you invoke Tralics with the switch `nobibyearerror´

Note 56. But the prefix `refer´ is kept if the current year is at least 2006, and the magic switch distinguish-refer-in-rabib has been given

Note 57. For instance Tame the BeaST, by Nicolas Markey, available on CTAN

Note 58. According to N. Markey, you should say {\relax Ch}ristopher in BibTeX

Note 59. In fact, in subsequent version, a space is added after the first dollar sign, independently of the position on the line.

Note 60. In Tralics, the range is 0–65535; note that the null characters is discarded, and characters U+FFFE, U+FFFF are illegal Unicode characters

Note 61. All French letters exist in iso-8859-1, except \oe \OE, \“Y, and the Euro sign

Note 62. This is an apostrophe, character U+0027, ascii 39. The Tralics translation could be acute accent, Unicode U+00B4, or right single quote quotation mark, character U+2019.

Note 63. See the TeXbook, chapter 25

Note 64. See the TeXbook, chapter 26

Note 65. This is because empty paragraphs are generally removed. With this hack, an empty verbatim line does not disappear

Note 66. In a previous version the translation was an entity, named &ieme, defined by the Raweb. Same remark for the commands that follow, and \numero.

Note 67. This seems untrue, it might depend on the version of LaTeX, so that you should use an explicit star

Note 68. Dummy footnote here

Note 69. Was src in previous versions

Note 70. This is new in version 2.5 (pl7)

Note 71. This re-ordering mechanism has been removed in 2007

Note 72. It is ignored since 2007

Note 73. It is ignored since 2007

Note 74. Feature introduced in version 2.5 (pl7)

Note 75. Most of them removed since 2007

Note 76. This is an obsolescent command; it may one day become obsolete

Note 77. HAL-INRIA is an environment for self-archiving of scientific publications and providing free access to them, like arXiv

Note 78. The ϵ-TeX document says: current newline character

Note 79. Guess why the macro is not called \foo

Note 80. Since version 2.12, overflow is checked for all operations

Note 81. maybe also indirectly via \pagestyle


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