Library ssete3

Theory of Sets : Exercises sections 2 and 3

Copyright INRIA (2009-2013) Apics/Marelle Team (Jose Grimm).
Require Import ssreflect ssrfun ssrbool eqtype ssrnat.
Require Export sset14 ssete1 ssete2.

Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Unset Printing Implicit Defensive.

Module Exercise3.

This property has a much shorter proof than the one given here
Lemma aleph_pr13 n: ordinalp n ->
  \aleph (succ_o n) <c \2c ^c (\2c ^c (\aleph n)).
move => on.
move: (OS_succ on) => son.
move: (CS_aleph son) => cas.
move: (CS_aleph on) => con.
move:(aleph_pr5c on) => icy.
have ->: \2c ^c \omega n = \2c ^c (coarse (\omega n)).
  rewrite - {1} (square_of_infinite icy).
  apply: cpow_pr; fprops; rewrite /coarse cprod2_pr1; fprops.
apply: (card_lt_leT (cantor cas)).
apply: (cpow_Meqle card2_nz); rewrite - card_setP.
rewrite - (aleph_succ_pr2 on).
apply: surjective_cardinal_le.
pose f X := Yo ((worder X) /\ cardinal (substrate X) = (\omega n))
  (ordinal X) (\omega n).
set T := (aleph_succ_comp n).
have zT: inc (\omega n) T.
  apply /setC_P; split; last by exact: (ordinal_irreflexive (proj1 con)).
  by move: (ordinal_cardinal_lt (aleph_pr10c on)) => /ord_ltP0 [].
move: (OS_aleph son) => oas.
have ta: lf_axiom f (powerset (coarse (\omega n))) (aleph_succ_comp n).
  move => t te; rewrite /f; Ytac h; last by exact.
  move: h => [h1 h2].
  move: (OS_ordinal h1) => oot.
  case: (ord_le_to_el oas oot) => // le1.
    move: (ordinal_cardinal_le1 le1); rewrite (cardinal_of_ordinal h1).
    rewrite h2 (card_card cas) => le2.
    move: (aleph_lt_ltc (ord_succ_lt on)) => le3; co_tac.
  move /ord_ltP0: le1 => [_ _ lt1].
  apply /setC_P; split => // le3.
  have: (ordinal t) <o (\omega n) by apply /(ord_ltP (proj1 con)).
  move /(ordinal_cardinal_le2P con oot).
  by rewrite (cardinal_of_ordinal h1) h2; move => [_].
exists (Lf f (powerset (coarse (\omega n))) T);split; aw.
apply: lf_surjective => //.
move => x /(aleph_succ_P1 on) [pa pb].
have ox: ordinalp x by ord_tac.
have [g [bg sg tg]]: exists g, bijection_prop g x (\omega n).
  rewrite -/(x \Eq \omega n); apply /card_eqP; rewrite (card_card con).
    apply: card_leA.
    move: pb.
    move /(ordinal_cardinal_le2P cas ox); rewrite - (succ_c_pr on) => h.
    exact:(succ_c_pr4 (proj1 icy) h).
  by move: (ordinal_cardinal_le1 pa);rewrite (card_card con).
move: (ordinal_o_wor ox) => wox.
have pc: substrate (ordinal_o x) = source g by rewrite ordinal_o_sr.
move: (order_transportation bg (proj1 wox) pc).
move: (bg) => [[fg _] _].
set E := image_by_fun _ _; move => isg.
have pd: function (ext_to_prod g g) by apply: ext_to_prod_f.
have pe: sub (ordinal_o x) ((source g) \times (source g)).
  rewrite -pc; apply: sub_graph_coarse_substrate; fprops.
have pf: sub (ordinal_o x) (source (ext_to_prod g g)).
  rewrite /ext_to_prod; aw.
have pg: cardinal x = \omega n.
  apply: card_leA.
    move: pb.
    move /(ordinal_cardinal_le2P cas ox); rewrite - (succ_c_pr on) => h.
    exact: (succ_c_pr4 (proj1 icy) h).
  by move: (ordinal_cardinal_le1 pa);rewrite (card_card con).
exists E.
  apply /setP_P => t /(Vf_image_P pd pf) [u uo ->].
  move: (pe _ uo) => up; rewrite (ext_to_prod_V2 fg fg up).
  move: up => /setX_P [_ p1 p2]; apply /setXp_P;split => //; Wtac.
rewrite /f.
have es1: ordinal_o x \Is E by exists g.
move: (worder_invariance es1 wox) => woE.
have we: worder E /\ cardinal (substrate E) = \omega n.
  move: isg => [p1 p2 [p3 p4 p5] p6].
  rewrite - p5.
  have <-: cardinal (source g) = cardinal (target g)
  by apply /card_eqP; exists g.
  by rewrite p4 (ordinal_o_sr x) pg.
by Ytac0; symmetry;apply: ordinal_o_isu2 => //; apply: orderIS.

Exercise 2.1. The maximal elements for finer_order are total orders; any ordering is the intersection of all total orderings that extent it; an ordering is isomorphic to a subset of a product of total orders

Lemma induced_sub_pr1 r X x:
  (forall a b, gle r a b -> sub a b) ->
  upper_bound r X x -> sub (union X) x.
move=> h [xs ub] t /setU_P [y ty yX].
by apply: (h _ _ (ub _ yX)).

Lemma induced_sub_pr2 r X:
  order r ->
  (forall a b, inc a (substrate r) -> inc b (substrate r) ->
    (gle r a b <-> sub a b)) ->
  sub X (substrate r) -> inc (union X) (substrate r) ->
  least_upper_bound r X (union X).
move=> or rs Xsr Usr.
apply /(lubP or Xsr); split.
  split => // y yx; rewrite rs //;[ by apply: setU_s1| by apply: Xsr].
move=> z zu; move: (zu)=> [zr zu1]; rewrite rs //.
apply: (induced_sub_pr1 (r:=r)) =>// a b ab; rewrite -rs //; order_tac.

Lemma inc_coarse a b E: inc a E -> inc b E ->
  inc (J a b) (coarse E).
Proof. move=> aE bE; apply /setXp_P; split => //. Qed.

Definition orders x :=
  Zo (powerset (coarse x))(fun z => order_on z x).

Lemma ordersP x z:
  inc z (orders x) <-> (order_on z x).
split; [by move /Zo_hi | move => h; apply: Zo_i => //].
apply /setP_P; move: h => [or <-].
apply: sub_graph_coarse_substrate; fprops.

Definition finer_order x :=
  sub_order (orders x).

Lemma fo_osr x: order_on (finer_order x)(orders x).
Proof. apply: sub_osr. Qed.

Lemma fo_gleP x u v:
  gle (finer_order x) u v <->
  [/\ order u, order v, substrate u = x, substrate v = x & sub u v].
 by move /sub_gleP => [] /ordersP [pa pb] /ordersP [pd pe] pf.
move => [pa pb pc pd pe].
by apply /sub_gleP;split => //; apply/ordersP.

Lemma fo_gle1P x u v:
  gle (finer_order x) u v <->
  [/\ order u, order v, substrate u = x, substrate v = x &
  forall a b, inc a x -> inc b x -> gle u a b -> gle v a b].
  move /fo_gleP => [ou ov su sv h]; split => //.
  by move=> a b ax bx ab; apply: h.
move => [ou ov su sv h]; apply /fo_gleP;split => //.
have gu: (sgraph u) by fprops.
move=> t tu.
have pt : (pairp t) by apply: gu.
move: tu; rewrite -pt => tu.
have p1: (inc (P t) x) by rewrite - su; substr_tac.
have p2: (inc (Q t) x) by rewrite - su; substr_tac.
by apply: (h _ _ p1 p2).

Lemma Exercise2_1a r x y
  (E := substrate r)
  (r':= r \cup (Zo (coarse E)(fun z=> gle r (P z) x /\ gle r y (Q z)))):
  order r -> inc x (substrate r) -> inc y (substrate r) ->
  ~ gle r y x ->
  (gle (finer_order E) r r' /\ inc (J x y) r').
move=> or xsr ysr h; split; last first.
  apply: setU2_2; apply:Zo_i; first by apply:inc_coarse.
  by aw; split => //; order_tac.
have gr: sgraph r by fprops.
have gr': sgraph r'.
  by move=> t /setU2_P; case; [ apply: gr | move => /Zo_P [] /setX_P []].
have sr1: forall a b, inc (J a b) r' -> (inc a E /\ inc b E).
  move => a b; case /setU2_P; first by move => pr; rewrite /E; split;substr_tac.
  move => /Zo_P [_]; aw;move => [pa pb]; split => //; rewrite /E; order_tac.
have sr': substrate r' = E.
  set_extens t.
      by move /(substrate_P gr');case; move => [z si]; case: (sr1 _ _ si).
    move => tE.
    suff: inc (J t t) r' by move => ha;substr_tac.
    by apply /setU2_P; left; order_tac.
split => //; last by apply: subsetU2l.
split => //.
    by move => a; rewrite sr' => aE; apply: setU2_1; order_tac.
  move => a b c pa pb.
  have ae: inc a E by rewrite - sr'; substr_tac.
  have be: inc b E by rewrite - sr'; substr_tac.
  have ce: inc c E by rewrite - sr'; substr_tac.
  have jc: inc (J b c) (coarse E) by apply : inc_coarse.
  case /setU2_P : pa=> pa.
    case /setU2_P: pb => pb; first by apply /setU2_P; left; order_tac.
    apply /setU2_P; right;apply /Zo_P; split; aw.
    move /Zo_P: pb => [pb []]; aw; rewrite /gle/related => pc pd.
    split => //;order_tac.
  apply /setU2_P; right;apply /Zo_P; split;aw.
  move /Zo_P: pa => [pa []]; aw; rewrite /gle/related => pc pd.
  case /setU2_P: pb => pb; first by split => //; order_tac.
  move /Zo_P: pb => [pb []]; aw; rewrite /gle/related => pe pf.
  split => //; order_tac.
  move => a b pa pb.
  case /setU2_P : pa=> pa.
    case /setU2_P: pb => pb; first by order_tac.
    move /Zo_P: pb => [pb []]; aw => pc pd; case: h.
    have ab:gle r a b by done.
    have ax:gle r a x by order_tac.
  move /Zo_P: pa => [pa []]; aw => qa qb.
  case /setU2_P: pb => pb; case: h.
    have ab:gle r b a by done.
    have ax:gle r y a by order_tac.
  move /Zo_P: pb => [pb []]; aw => pc pd; order_tac.

Lemma Exercise2_1bP E a:
  maximal (finer_order E) a <-> (total_order a /\ substrate a = E).
rewrite /maximal (proj2 (fo_osr _)); split.
  move=> [] /ordersP [oa sa] ha; split => //; split =>//.
  move=> x y xsr ysr; case: (p_or_not_p (gle a y x)) => ngge; first by right.
  left;move: (Exercise2_1a oa xsr ysr ngge).
  by rewrite sa;move => [p1]; rewrite (ha _ p1).
move=> [[oa ta] sa]; split => //; first by apply /ordersP;split => //.
move=> x /fo_gle1P [_ ox _ sx sv].
symmetry; apply: order_exten => //.
move => u v; split => h //.
   apply: sv =>//; rewrite - sa; order_tac.
have usr: inc u E by rewrite - sx; order_tac.
have vsr: inc v E by rewrite - sx; order_tac.
rewrite sa in ta; case: (ta _ _ usr vsr) => //.
move => uv; move: (sv _ _ vsr usr uv) => h'.
move: uv; have -> //: u = v by order_tac.

Lemma fo_inductive E: inductive (finer_order E).
move=> X; aw => XsE tX.
move:(fo_osr E) => [or sr].
case: (emptyset_dichot X) => xE.
  exists (diagonal E); split.
   rewrite sr;apply /ordersP; exact: (diagonal_osr E).
   by rewrite xE => y /in_set0.
have pa: forall x, inc x X -> (order_on x E).
  by move=> x xX; move: (XsE _ xX); rewrite sr => /ordersP.
move: xE => [w wX]; move: (pa _ wX) => [sw ow].
exists (union X).
set (r:=finer_order E) in *.
have op: (forall a b, inc a (substrate r) -> inc b (substrate r) ->
    (gle r a b <-> sub a b)).
  move=> x y xsr ysr; split; first by move /fo_gleP => [_ _ _ _].
  move => sa; apply /fo_gleP.
  by move: xsr ysr;rewrite sr => /ordersP[ra rb] /ordersP [rc rd].
have ug: (sgraph (union X)).
  move=> y => /setU_P [z yz zX];move: (pa _ zX) => [oz _].
  by apply: (order_sgraph oz).
have su: (substrate (union X) = E).
  set_extens t.
   move /(substrate_P ug); case; move=> [y] => /setU_P [z Jz zX];
      move: (pa _ zX); move=> [oe <-]; substr_tac.
  move => te.
  have Jx: (inc (J t t) w) by order_tac; ue.
  have jy: inc (J t t) (union X) by union_tac.
 move: tX => [orX]; aw => tX.
suff usr: (inc (union X) (substrate r)).
  by move: (induced_sub_pr2 or op XsE usr) => /(lubP or XsE) [].
rewrite /r; rewrite sr; apply /ordersP;split => //.
split => //.
    move => t; rewrite su => te; apply /setU_P; exists w => //; order_tac; ue.
  move => y x z /setU_P [a Ja aX] /setU_P [b Jb bX].
  move: (pa _ aX) (pa _ bX) => [sa oa] [sb ob].
  move: (XsE _ aX) (XsE _ bX) => asr bsr.
  case: (tX _ _ aX bX); move=> ab;move:(iorder_gle1 ab); rewrite op //.
      move=> sab; apply/setU_P; exists b => //;move: (sab _ Ja)=> Jb';order_tac.
      move=> sba; apply/setU_P;exists a=> //; move: (sba _ Jb)=> Ja';order_tac.
move => x y /setU_P [a Ja aX] /setU_P [b Jb bX].
move: (pa _ aX) (pa _ bX) => [sa oa] [sb ob].
have ia: inc a (substrate r) by apply: XsE.
have ib: inc b (substrate r) by apply: XsE.
case: (tX _ _ aX bX); move=> ab;move:(iorder_gle1 ab); rewrite op //.
  by move=> sab; move: (sab _ Ja)=> Jb'; order_tac.
move=> sba; move: (sba _ Jb)=> Ja'; order_tac.

Lemma order_total_extension r: order r ->
  exists r', [/\ total_order r', substrate r' = substrate r & sub r r'].
move=> or.
set (E:= substrate r); set (R:= finer_order E).
move: (fo_osr E) => [or1 sr1].
have rr: (inc r (substrate R)) by rewrite /R sr1; apply /ordersP.
move: (inductive_max_greater or1 (@fo_inductive E) rr) => [m].
move/ Exercise2_1bP => [tm sm] /fo_gleP [_ _ _ _ rm].
by exists m.

Lemma Exercise2_1c r:
 order r -> r = intersection (Zo (orders (substrate r))
   (fun r' => total_order r' /\ sub r r')).
move=> or; set bs:= Zo _ _.
move: (order_total_extension or) => [r' [tor' sr' sr]].
have rb': (inc r' bs). apply: Zo_i => //; apply /ordersP; split => //.
  by move: tor'=> [or'_ ].
set_extens t.
   move => tr;apply: setI_i;first by ex_tac.
   by move=> y => /Zo_hi [_ ]; apply.
move=> tb; move: (setI_hi tb rb') => tr'.
move: tor'=> [or' tor'].
have pt: (pairp t) by apply: (order_sgraph or').
have tp: (t = J (P t) (Q t)) by aw.
rewrite tp in tr'.
have p1: (inc (P t) (substrate r)) by rewrite - sr'; substr_tac.
have p2: (inc (Q t) (substrate r)) by rewrite - sr'; substr_tac.
case: (p_or_not_p (gle r (P t) (Q t))); first by rewrite /gle/related -tp.
move=> grqp.
move:(Exercise2_1a or p2 p1 grqp)=> /=.
set r'':= union2 _ _.
move => [] /fo_gleP [_ or'' _ sr'' rr''] Jr''.
move: (order_total_extension or'')=> [r''' [tr''' sr''' srr]].
move: (tr''') => [o3 _].
have aux: (inc r''' bs).
   apply: Zo_i; last by split => //;apply: sub_trans srr.
  by apply /ordersP;split => //; transitivity (substrate r'').
move:(setI_hi tb aux) (srr _ Jr''); rewrite {1} tp => p3 p4.
have pq: (P t = Q t) by order_tac.
by rewrite tp pq;order_tac.

Lemma Exercise2_1d r: order r -> exists g h,
  [/\ order_fam g,
   (allf g total_order) &
  order_morphism h r (order_product g)].
move=> or.
move: (Exercise2_1c or);set bs := Zo _ _; move => rp.
set (g:= Lg bs (fun z: Set => z)).
have poa: order_fam g.
  rewrite /g;hnf; bw; move=> i id; bw.
  by move: id; bw => /Zo_P [_ [[oi _] _]].
set (h := Lf (cst_graph bs)
   (substrate r) (prod_of_substrates g)).
exists g, h; split => //.
  by rewrite /g; hnf;bw; move=> i idg; bw; move: idg => /Zo_hi [].
move: (order_total_extension or) => [x [tox sx rx]].
move: (tox)=> [ox _].
have xb: (inc x bs) by apply: Zo_i=> //; apply /ordersP.
have ta: (lf_axiom (cst_graph bs) (substrate r) (prod_of_substrates g)).
  move=> y ysr; apply /setXf_P; rewrite /cst_graph /g; bw;split;fprops.
  move => j jb; bw.
  by move: jb =>/Zo_P [] /ordersP [_ ->].
move: (order_product_osr poa) => [o1 s1].
rewrite /h; split => //.
  by split;aw => //; apply: lf_function.
red;aw;move=> u v usr vsr; aw; split.
  move => h1; apply /order_product_gleP;split;fprops.
  rewrite /g /cst_graph; bw; move=> i idg; bw.
  by move: idg => /Zo_hi [_ ]; apply.
move/order_product_gleP => [_ _]; rewrite /g/cst_graph; bw; move=> h1.
red;red;rewrite (Exercise2_1c or) -/bs; apply:setI_i; first by ex_tac.
move=> y yb; move: (h1 _ yb); bw.

Exercise 2.2. Applying Zorn's lemma to some specific ordering says: in any ordered set, there is at least one well-orderec subset that has no strict upper bound

Lemma Exercise2_2a r
   (B:= Zo (powerset (substrate r)) (fun z=> worder (induced_order r z)))
   (sso := Zo (coarse B)(fun z=> segmentp (induced_order r (Q z)) (P z))):
   order r ->
   (order_on sso B /\ inductive sso).
move=> or.
have HaP: forall x y, gle sso x y <->
    [/\ inc x B, inc y B & segmentp (induced_order r y) x].
  move=> x y; split; first by move => /Zo_P [] /setXp_P []; aw.
  move => [pa pb pc]; apply /Zo_P;split => //; [ by apply /setXp_P | aw ].
have Hb: sgraph sso by move=> t => /Zo_P [] /setX_P [].
have Hc: forall x y, gle sso x y -> sub x y.
   move=> x y => /HaP [_ ] /Zo_P [] /setP_P ysr _; case; aw.
have Hf: forall x, inc x B -> sub x (substrate r).
  by move=> x => /Zo_P [ ] /setP_P.
have Hd: forall x, inc x B -> gle sso x x.
  move=> x xB; apply /HaP; split => //;split; first by aw; fprops.
  by move=> a b ax aux; case: (iorder_gle3 aux).
have He:substrate sso = B.
  set_extens t.
     by move /(substrate_P Hb); case; move=> [y] =>/Zo_P [] /setXp_P [].
  move=> tB; move: (Hd _ tB) ;rewrite /gle=> Js ; substr_tac.
have os: order sso.
  split => //.
      move => t; rewrite He; apply: Hd.
    move => y x z => /HaP [xB yB [xs p1]] /HaP [_ zB [ys p2]].
    apply /HaP;split => //; move: (Hf _ xB)(Hf _ yB)(Hf _ zB) => xs1 ys1 zs1.
    move: xs ys; aw => xs ys.
    split; first by aw ; apply: (@sub_trans y).
    move=> a b ax p3; move: (iorder_gle1 p3) (iorder_gle3 p3)=> ba [bz az].
    apply: (p1 _ _ ax); apply /iorder_gleP => //; last by apply: xs.
    apply: (p2 _ _ (xs _ ax)); aw.
  by move => // x y r1 r2; apply: extensionality; apply: Hc.
split => //.
red;rewrite He => X XE toi.
have su: (sub (union X) (substrate r)).
  move=> t /setU_P [y ty yX]; exact: (Hf _ (XE _ yX)).
move: (iorder_osr or su) => [o1 sr1].
have woi: worder (induced_order r (union X)).
  split => //; rewrite sr1.
  move => x xu [a ax];move: (xu _ ax) => /setU_P [b ab bX].
  set (Z := x \cap b).
  have neZ:(nonempty Z) by exists a; apply: setI2_i.
  move: (XE _ bX) => /Zo_P [] /setP_P bsr [wo1 ]; aw =>wo2.
  have p1: (sub Z b) by apply: subsetI2r.
  move: (wo2 _ p1 neZ) => [y]; aw; rewrite iorder_trans //.
  have Z1: (sub Z (substrate r)) by apply: (sub_trans p1).
  have xr: sub x (substrate r) by apply: sub_trans su.
  rewrite iorder_trans //; move=> []; aw; move=> yZ yp.
  have yx: (inc y x) by apply: (@setI2_1 x b).
  exists y; red;aw; split => //.
  move => z zx; aw.
  move: (xu _ zx) => /setU_P [t zt tX].
  move: toi => [toi1]; aw; last by ue.
  move=> aux; move: (aux _ _ tX bX).
  case => h1; move:(iorder_gle1 h1) => h2;move: (Hc _ _ h2) => h3.
    have zZ: inc z Z by apply: setI2_i => //; apply: h3.
    apply /iorder_gleP => //.
    by move: (yp _ zZ) => h4; move: (iorder_gle1 h4).
  have yb: inc y b by apply: p1.
  have yt: inc y t by apply: h3.
  move :(XE _ tX) => /Zo_P [xx wor].
  have st: sub t (substrate r) by move: xx => /setP_P.
  move: (worder_total wor) => [_ ]; aw => tor.
  apply /iorder_gleP => //.
  case: (tor _ _ yt zt); move=> h4; move: (iorder_gle1 h4) => //.
  move: h2 => /HaP [_ _ [_ se]].
  move: (se _ _ yb h4) => zb.
  have zZ: inc z Z by apply: setI2_i => //; apply: h3.
  by move: (yp _ zZ) => h5; move: (iorder_gle1 h5).
have uXb:inc (union X) B by apply: Zo_i => //; apply /setP_P.
exists (union X); split; first by rewrite He.
move => y yX; apply /HaP;split;fprops.
split; first by aw; apply: setU_s1 => //.
move=> u v uy uv; move: (iorder_gle1 uv) => vu.
move:(iorder_gle3 uv)=> [vU uU].
move: vU => /setU_P [w uw wX].
move:toi => [_ ]; aw; last by ue.
move=> h; move: (h _ _ yX wX).
case => h1; move: (iorder_gle1 h1) => aux; move: (Hc _ _ aux); last by apply.
move: aux => /HaP [yB wB [s1 s2]] yw.
apply: (s2 _ _ uy); apply /iorder_gleP=> //; apply: yw; fprops.

Lemma Exercise2_2b r: order r ->
  exists x, [/\ sub x (substrate r), worder (induced_order r x) &
    forall z, upper_bound r x z -> inc z x].
move=> or; move: (Exercise2_2a or).
set B:= Zo (powerset _) _.
set ss_order := Zo _ _.
move => [[sso sss] iss].
move: (Zorn_lemma sso iss)=> [a [ais am]].
move:(ais); rewrite sss => /Zo_P [] /setP_P asr woia.
exists a; split => //.
move=> z [zsr zu].
set (y:= a +s1 z).
have zy: inc z y by rewrite /y;fprops.
rewrite -(am y) //.
have ysr: (sub y (substrate r)).
  move=> t /setU1_P; case ; [apply: asr| by move => ->].
apply: Zo_i.
  move: (iorder_osr or ysr) => [pr1 sr1].
   apply /setXp_P;split => //;first (by ue); apply: Zo_i;first by apply /setP_P.
  split => //; rewrite sr1 => x xy nex.
  set (t:= x \cap a).
  have Ha: sub t a by apply: subsetI2r.
  have Hb: sub t y.
   by apply: (@sub_trans x) => //; apply: subsetI2l.
  have Hc: sub t (substrate r) by apply: (@sub_trans y).
  have Hd: sub x (substrate r) by apply: (@sub_trans y).
  rewrite iorder_trans //.
  case: (emptyset_dichot t) => te.
    have xs: (forall u, inc u x -> u = z).
      move=> u ux; move: (xy _ ux); case /setU1_P => //.
      by move=> ua; empty_tac1 u; apply: setI2_i.
    move: nex => [w wx]; move: (xs _ wx) => wz.
    exists w; red; aw;split => //.
    move => // v vx; apply /iorder_gle5P;split => //; rewrite (xs _ vx) - wz.
    by order_tac; apply: Hd.
  move: woia => [_]; aw; move=> h; move: (h _ Ha te) => [w].
  rewrite iorder_trans //; move=> []; aw;move=> ws wl;exists w.
  have wx: inc w x by apply: (@setI2_1 x a).
  red; aw;split => //; move=> v vx; apply /iorder_gleP=> //.
  move: (xy _ vx); case /setU1_P => //.
    move=> va; exact: (iorder_gle1 (wl _ (setI2_i vx va))).
  move => ->; exact: (zu _ (Ha _ ws)).
split; first by aw; move=> t; rewrite /y; fprops.
move=> u v xa h; move: (iorder_gle3 h)(iorder_gle1 h) => [vy uy] vu.
move: vy; case /setU2_P => // /set1_P vz.
move: (zu _ xa); rewrite -vz => uz.
by rewrite (order_antisymmetry or vu uz).

Exercise 2.3. Any set can be partitioned into a well-ordered set and a set that has no least element; We give an example where there are many solutions

Lemma complement_p1 C A B:
  A \cup B = C -> A \cap B = emptyset ->
  (sub A C /\ A = C -s B).
move => uab iab.
have sa: sub A C by move=> t tA; rewrite -uab; fprops.
have sb: sub B C by move=> t tB; rewrite -uab; fprops.
split => //; set_extens t.
  move=> tA; apply /setC_P;split => //; first by apply: sa.
  by move=> tB; empty_tac1 t; apply: setI2_i.
rewrite - uab; move /setC_P => [tc tb]; case /setU2_P: tc => //.

Lemma complement_p2 C A B:
  A \cup B = C -> A \cap B = emptyset ->
  (sub B C /\ B = C -s A).
Proof. rewrite setI2_C setU2_C; apply: complement_p1. Qed.

Lemma complement_p3 C B (A:= C -s B):
  sub B C -> (A \cup B = C /\ A \cap B = emptyset).
move=> BC; rewrite /A;split.
  set_extens t.
    case /setU2_P; [ by move => /setC_P [] | apply: BC ].
  move => tC; case: (inc_or_not t B) => tB; apply /setU2_P ; [right | left] =>//.
  by apply /setC_P.
by apply /set0_P => y /setI2_P [] /setC_P [].

Lemma complement_p4 C A (B:= C -s A):
  sub A C -> (A \cup B = C /\ A \cap B = emptyset).
Proof. rewrite setI2_C setU2_C; apply: complement_p3. Qed.

Lemma Bnat_greatest A: sub A Bnat -> nonempty A ->
  (exists x, upper_bound Bnat_order A x) ->
  (exists x, greatest (induced_order Bnat_order A) x).
move=> AB [t tA] [w wb].
move:Bnat_order_wor => [[or wo] sr].
have sA:sub A (substrate Bnat_order) by ue.
set pr:= upper_bound Bnat_order A.
have p1: (forall x, pr x -> inc x Bnat).
  by move=> x; rewrite /pr /upper_bound sr; case.
case: (p_or_not_p (pr \0c)) => p2.
  move: p2; rewrite /pr /upper_bound sr; move=> [zb p3].
  move: (p3 _ tA) =>/ Bnat_order_leP [_ _ pt].
  rewrite (card_le0 pt) in tA.
  exists \0c; red; aw;split => //.
  by move=> x xA; apply /iorder_gleP=> //; apply: p3.
have p3: (exists x, pr x) by exists w.
move: (least_int_prop1 p1 p2 p3) => [x [xB [sxB prs nprx]]].
have sxA: inc (succ x) A.
  ex_middle sxA; case: nprx; split; first (by ue); move=> y yA.
  move: (prs _ yA) => /Bnat_order_leP [yB _ ysc].
  have : y <c (succ x) by split =>//; dneg ys; ue.
  move /(card_lt_succ_leP xB) => h; apply /Bnat_order_leP;split => //.
exists (succ x); red; aw;split => //.
by move => z zA; apply /iorder_gleP => //; apply: prs.

Definition ex23_prop r A B:=
  [/\ A \cup B = substrate r, A \cap B = emptyset,
  worder (induced_order r A) &
  (forall y, ~ (least (induced_order r B) y))].

Lemma Exercise2_3a r: order r -> exists A B, ex23_prop r A B.
move=> or.
pose no_least B := forall y, ~ least (induced_order r B) y.
set (B:= union (Zo (powerset (substrate r)) no_least)).
have Bsr: (sub B (substrate r)).
  by move=> t /setU_P [y ty] /Zo_P [] /setP_P=> [h _]; apply: h.
move: (complement_p3 Bsr); set A := complement _ _.
move=> [p1 p2].
exists A, B; split => //.
  have AE: (sub A (substrate r)) by apply: sub_setC.
  move: (iorder_osr or AE) => [or1 sr1].
  split => //; rewrite sr1.
  move=> x xA nex; rewrite iorder_trans //; ex_middle h.
  have xB: (sub x B).
    move=> t tx; apply: (@setU_i _ x) => //; apply: Zo_i.
       by apply /setP_P; apply: (@sub_trans A).
    by move=> y nle; case: h; exists y.
    move: nex => [y yx];move: (xB _ yx); empty_tac1 y.
move=> y; rewrite /least;aw.
move => [] /setU_P [t yt aux] h; move: (aux) => /Zo_P [] /setP_P.
move=> tr nl; case: (nl y); red; aw;split => //.
move=> x xt; apply /iorder_gleP => //.
aw; exact: (iorder_gle1 (h _ (setU_i xt aux))).

Lemma Exercise2_3b n (r := opp_order Bnat_order)
  (A := Bint n) (B:= Bnat -s A) :
   inc n Bnat -> (order r /\ ex23_prop r A B).
move=> nB.
move: Bnat_order_wor => [[o1 _] s1].
move: (opp_osr o1)=> [or]; rewrite s1 => sr.
have sAC: sub A (substrate r) by rewrite sr; apply: Bint_S1.
move: (iorder_osr or sAC) => [or1 sr1].
move: (complement_p4 sAC) => [p1 p2].
split => //; split => //.
- by rewrite /B - sr.
- by rewrite /B - sr.
- split => //; rewrite sr1.
  move=> x xA nex; rewrite iorder_trans//.
  rewrite sr in sAC; move: (@sub_trans _ _ _ xA sAC) => sxB.
  have p3: (exists n, upper_bound Bnat_order x n).
     have aux: upper_bound Bnat_order A n.
       split; [ue | move=> y; rewrite /A]; move /(BintP nB).
       move=> [yn _] ; apply /Bnat_order_leP;split => //.
       apply: (BS_le_int yn nB).
     move: (sub_upper_bound aux xA) => p3.
     by exists n.
   move: (Bnat_greatest sxB nex p3) => [y yg]; exists y.
   have s2: sub x (substrate Bnat_order) by ue.
   have s3: sub x (substrate r) by ue.
   move: yg; rewrite /greatest /least; aw.
   move=> [yx h]; split => //;move=> z zx; move: (h _ zx).
   by move /(iorder_gleP _ zx yx) /opp_gleP => ha; apply /iorder_gleP.
- have bsr: sub B (substrate r) by rewrite sr; apply: sub_setC.
move=> y; rewrite /least; aw.
move=> [yb etc].
move: (yb) => /setC_P [yB] /(BintP nB) nyn.
move: (card_lt_succ yB) => [le2 ne1].
have ysB: inc (succ y) B.
  apply /setC_P;split;fprops => /(BintP nB) le1; case: nyn;co_tac.
move: (iorder_gle1 (etc _ ysB)) => /opp_gleP /Bnat_order_leP [_ _ le3].
case: ne1; co_tac.

Lemma Exercise2_3c
  (r := diagonal (tripleton \0c \1c \2c))
  (A1:= emptyset) (A2:= singleton \0c):
  [/\ order r,
     (ex23_prop r A1 ((substrate r) -s A1)) &
     (ex23_prop r A2 ((substrate r) -s A2)) ].
set E := (tripleton \0c \1c \2c).
move: (diagonal_osr E) => []; rewrite /E -/r.
move => or sr; rewrite sr.
have pa: forall A, sub A (substrate r) ->
   (order_on (induced_order r A) A).
  by move => A Ai; apply: iorder_osr.
have tws: inc \2c (substrate r) by rewrite sr; apply /set3_P; in_TP4.
have os: inc \1c (substrate r) by rewrite sr; apply /set3_P; in_TP4.
have nc: gle r \1c \2c -> False.
  move /diagonal_pi_P => [_ bad]; by case: card_12.
split; first by exact.
  have s1: sub A1 (substrate r) by rewrite /A1; fprops.
  move: (complement_p4 s1) => [ta tb].
  move: (pa _ s1) => [tc td]; rewrite - sr; split => //.
    rewrite {2} /A1 in td.
    rewrite (empty_substrate_zero td); exact (proj1 set0_wor).
  have ->: (substrate r -s A1) = substrate r.
    set_extens t; first by move => /setC_P [].
    move => ts; apply /setC_P;split => //; case; case.
  rewrite (iorder_substrate or); move => y [ysr yl].
  case: (equal_or_not y \1c) => y1.
    by move: (yl _ tws); rewrite y1.
  by move: (yl _ os) => /diagonal_pi_P [_ bad].
have s1: sub A2 (substrate r).
   rewrite /A2 sr;move => t /set1_P ->; apply /set3_P; in_TP4.
move: (complement_p4 s1) => [ta tb].
move: (pa _ s1) => [tc td]; rewrite - sr; split => //.
    rewrite {2} /A2 in td; exact: (worder_set1 (conj tc td)).
have ->: (substrate r -s A2) = doubleton \1c \2c.
   rewrite sr /A2; set_extens t.
     move /setC_P => []; case /set3_P; first by move => t1 /set1_P.
     move => h _; apply /set2_P; fprops.
     move => h _; apply /set2_P; fprops.
   case /set2_P => ->; apply /setC_P; split; try (apply /set3_P => // ;in_TP4).
      move => /set1_P; apply: card1_nz.
   move => /set1_P; apply: card2_nz.
have sd: sub (doubleton \1c \2c) (substrate r).
  by move => t; case /set2_P => ->.
move => y []; rewrite (iorder_sr or sd) => [te tf].
case: (equal_or_not y \1c) => y1.
  by move: (iorder_gle1 (tf _ (set2_2 \1c \2c)));rewrite y1.
move: (iorder_gle1 (tf _ (set2_1 \1c \2c))).
by move /diagonal_pi_P => [_ bad].

Exercise 2.4: we say that F is partially well-ordered if every totally ordered subset is well-ordered. In any ordered set, there is a cofinal partially well-ordered set

Lemma Exercise2_4 r
   (pworder := fun F => forall X,
    sub X F -> total_order (induced_order r X) -> worder (induced_order r X)):
  order r -> exists2 F, pworder F & cofinal r F.
move=> or.
set (FF:= Zo (powerset (substrate r)) pworder).
pose f x y := forall a b, inc a x ->
    inc b (y -s x) -> ~ gle r b a.
set (r' := graph_on (fun x y => sub x y /\ f x y) FF).
have r'P: forall x y, gle r' x y <-> [/\ inc x FF, inc y FF, sub x y & f x y].
  move=> x y; split; first by move /Zo_P => [] /setXp_P[xf yf][];aw.
  move => [pa pb pc pd]; apply /Zo_P;split => //; aw; last by split.
  by apply /setXp_P.
have HpP: forall F, sub F (substrate r) -> (pworder F <->
    (forall X, sub X F -> nonempty X -> total_order (induced_order r X)
      -> exists y, least (induced_order r X) y)).
  move => G Fsr;split.
    move=> pwog X XG neX toX; move: (pwog _ XG toX)=> [_].
    move: (sub_trans XG Fsr) => Xsr.
    rewrite iorder_sr // => wor.
    move: (@sub_refl X) => XX.
    move: (wor _ XX neX); rewrite iorder_trans //.
  move=> h X XG torX; move: (torX) =>[orX _].
  move: (sub_trans XG Fsr) => Xsr.
  split; fprops; aw; move=> x xX neX.
  set r'':= (induced_order (induced_order r X) x).
  have aux: r'' = induced_order r x by rewrite /r'' iorder_trans.
  rewrite aux; apply: h => //.
    by apply: sub_trans XG.
  rewrite -aux;apply: total_order_sub => //; aw.
have Hf: forall x F, inc x (substrate r) -> inc F FF ->
    inc (F +s1 x) FF.
  move=> x F xsr =>/Zo_P [] /setP_P Fsr pwf.
  have stF: (sub (F +s1 x) (substrate r)).
    move=> t /setU1_P; case; [apply: Fsr | by move => ->].
  apply: Zo_i; first by apply /setP_P.
  apply/ (HpP _ stF) => X Xt neX toX.
  move: pwf => /(HpP _ Fsr) => pwf.
  case: (inc_or_not x X) => tX; last first.
    apply: pwf =>// w wX; move: (Xt _ wX); case /setU1_P => // wx; case: tX; ue.
  move: (sub_trans Xt stF) => Xsr.
  case: (equal_or_not X (singleton x)) => eq.
    exists x; split; aw; move=> t;rewrite eq => /set1_P ->.
    apply /iorder_gleP;fprops;order_tac.
    apply: Xsr; rewrite eq; fprops.
  set (Y := X \cap F).
  have sYF: (sub Y F) by apply: subsetI2r.
  have sYX: (sub Y X) by apply: subsetI2l.
  move: (sub_trans sYF Fsr) => Ysr.
  case: (emptyset_dichot Y) => Ye.
     case: eq; set_extens t; last by move /set1_P ->.
     move => tx; move: (Xt _ tx); case /setU1_P; last by move => ->; fprops.
     by move => tf; empty_tac1 t; apply /setI2_P.
  have tos: (total_order (induced_order r Y)).
    have ->: (induced_order r Y) = (induced_order (induced_order r X) Y).
      by rewrite iorder_trans.
    apply: total_order_sub => //; aw.
  move: (pwf _ sYF Ye tos) => [y []]; aw => yY yl.
  move: (total_order_lattice toX) => lX.
  move: (sYX _ yY) => yX.
  have xsX: inc x (substrate (induced_order r X)) by aw.
  have ysX: inc y (substrate (induced_order r X)) by aw.
  move: (lattice_inf_pr lX xsX ysX).
  set z := (inf (induced_order r X) x y).
  move=> [p1 p2 p3]; exists z;red; aw.
  move: (iorder_gle3 p1)(iorder_gle1 p1) (iorder_gle1 p2) => [zX _] zx zy.
  split => // w wx; apply /iorder_gleP => //.
  move: (Xt _ wx); case /setU1_P => ezx; last by ue.
  have wY: inc w Y by apply: setI2_i.
  by move:(yl _ wY) => wy; move: (iorder_gle1 wy) => p4; order_tac.
have or' :(order r').
  apply: order_from_rel;split => //.
      move=> y x z [xy fxy] [yz fyz]; split => //;first by apply: sub_trans yz.
      move=> a b ax /setC_P [bz nbx].
      case: (inc_or_not b y) => iby; first by apply: fxy =>//; apply /setC_P.
      apply: fyz =>//; [by apply: xy | apply /setC_P; split => // ].
    by move=> x y [xy _] [yx _ ]; apply: extensionality.
   by move=> x y _; split => //; split => // a b ax => /setC_P; case.
have sr': substrate r' = FF.
  by apply: graph_on_sr=> x xp; split => //; move=> a b ax => /setC_P [].
have isr': inductive r'.
  move=> X Xsr []; aw => orX' tor'.
  have tor'': forall x y, inc x X -> inc y X ->
    ((sub x y /\ f x y) \/ (sub y x /\ f y x)).
    move=> x y xX yX.
    case: (tor' _ _ xX yX) =>h; move: (iorder_gle1 h) => /r'P.
      move=> [_ _ xy fxy]; left; split => //.
    move=> [_ _ xy fxy]; right; split => //.
  have su: sub (union X) (substrate r).
    move=> t /setU_P [y ty yX]; move: (Xsr _ yX); rewrite sr' => /Zo_P [].
    by move=> /setP_P ysr _; apply: ysr.
  have uxf: (inc (union X) FF).
    apply: Zo_i => //; first by apply /setP_P => //.
    move => t tu tort; move: (sub_trans tu su) => tsr.
    move: (iorder_osr or tsr) => [or1 sr1].
    split => //; rewrite sr1 => x xt [u ux]; rewrite iorder_trans //.
    move: (tu _ (xt _ ux)) => /setU_P [i ui iX].
    set (K:=x \cap i).
    move: (Xsr _ iX); rewrite sr' => /Zo_P [isr pwoi].
    have K1: (sub K i) by apply: subsetI2r.
    move: (sub_trans xt tsr) => xsr.
    have K2: (sub K t).
       apply: sub_trans xt; apply: subsetI2l.
    move: (sub_trans K2 tsr) => K3.
    have to3:(total_order (induced_order r K)).
      have ->: (induced_order r K) = (induced_order (induced_order r t) K).
        by rewrite iorder_trans.
      apply: total_order_sub => //; aw.
    have neK: nonempty K by exists u; apply /setI2_P.
    move:isr pwoi => /setP_P isr => / (HpP _ isr) pwoi.
    move: (pwoi _ K1 neK to3).
    move=> [y []]; aw => yK ylK.
    have yx: inc y x by apply: (setI2_1 yK).
    exists y; split; aw.
    move=> v vx; move: (tu _ (xt _ vx)) => /setU_P [w vw wX].
    apply /iorder_gleP => //.
    case: (inc_or_not v i) => vi.
      have wK: (inc v K) by apply: setI2_i.
      move: (ylK _ wK) => ge1; apply: (iorder_gle1 ge1).
    case: (tor'' _ _ wX iX); first by move=> [wi _]; case: vi; apply: wi.
    move=> [i3 fiw].
    have vc: inc v (w -s i) by fprops.
    move: (fiw _ _ (K1 _ yK) vc) => r1.
    move: (xt _ yx) (xt _ vx) => yt vt.
    move: tort => [_ ]; aw => tor1.
    case: (tor1 _ _ yt vt) => h; move: (iorder_gle1 h) => //.
  exists (union X); split; first by ue.
  move=> y yX; apply /r'P; split => //.
      by rewrite - sr'; apply: Xsr.
    by apply: setU_s1.
  move=> a b ay => /setC_P [bu iby]; move: bu => /setU_P [z bz zX].
  case: (tor'' _ _ zX yX); first by move=> [yz _]; case: iby; apply: yz.
  move=> [yz fyz]; apply: fyz => //; apply /setC_P;split => //.
move: (Zorn_lemma or' isr') => [a []]; rewrite sr' => aFF h.
move: (aFF) => /Zo_P [] /setP_P asr pwoan; exists a => //.
split => // x xsr.
case: (inc_or_not x a)=> xa; first by ex_tac;order_tac.
ex_middle aux;case: xa.
suff rat: (gle r' a (a +s1 x)) by rewrite -(h _ rat); fprops.
have pa: sub a (a +s1 x) by fprops.
apply /r'P; split => //; first by apply: Hf => //.
move => t s ta /setC_P [] /setU1_P; case => //.
by move => -> _ ha; case: aux; exists t.

Exercise 2.5: in an inductive set, there is a greatest free subset
Lemma Exercise2_5 r: order r -> inductive r ->
  exists x, greatest (free_subset_order r) x.
move=> or isr;set (A:= Zo (substrate r) (maximal r)).
have fs: (free_subset r A).
  by move => x y => /Zo_hi [_ xm] _ xy; rewrite (xm _ xy).
have Af:(inc A (free_subsets r))
  by apply: Zo_i => //; apply /setP_P; apply: Zo_S.
move: (fs_order_osr or) => [fso fsr].
exists A; split; first by ue.
rewrite fsr => x xs; apply /fs_order_gleP; split => //.
move=> y yx.
move:xs =>/Zo_P [] /setP_P xsr _.
move: (inductive_max_greater or isr (xsr _ yx)) => [m [mm ym]].
exists m => //; apply: Zo_i => //; order_tac.

Exercise 2.6
We start with two auxiliary lemmas. In a well-ordered set, if a has a strict upper bound, there is a successor b; this means that x<=a and x<b are equivalent. The emptyset is an initial segment (with end-point the least element

Lemma Exercise2_6g r a (m := Zo (substrate r) (fun z => glt r a z)) :
  worder r -> inc a (substrate r) ->
  nonempty m -> exists2 b,
      inc b (substrate r) & (segmentc r a = segment r b).
move=> wor asr nem.
move: (worder_total wor) => tor.
have sms: (sub m (substrate r)) by apply: Zo_S.
move: wor => [or wor1]; move: (wor1 _ sms nem) => [y[]]; aw => ym yl.
move: (sms _ ym) => ysr; ex_tac.
move: (ym)=> /Zo_hi ya.
set_extens t; first by move /segmentcP => ta; apply /segmentP; order_tac.
move /segmentP => ta; apply /segmentcP.
have tsr: inc t (substrate r) by order_tac.
case: (total_order_pr2 tor asr tsr) => // lat.
have tm: inc t m by apply: Zo_i.
move: (iorder_gle1 (yl _ tm)) => h'; order_tac.

Lemma worder_has_empty_seg r: worder r ->
  nonempty (substrate r) -> exists2 x,
    inc x (substrate r) & segment r x = emptyset.
move=> [or wor] nes.
move: (wor _ (@sub_refl (substrate r)) nes) => [x].
rewrite iorder_substrate //.
move=> [xsr xle]; exists x => //; apply /set0_P.
move => y ys;move: (inc_segment ys) => lt1.
have ysr: inc y (substrate r) by order_tac.
move: (xle _ ysr) => le1; order_tac.

We assume that f:E->E is defined on an ordered set and f(x) >=x. Let bigS be the set of all M stable by f, such that any non-empty subset N of M that has a least upper bound x is such that x belongs to M. The chain of a is the intersection of all elements of M that contain a
Section Exercise2_6.
Variables r f : Set.

Definition bigS :=
  Zo (powerset (substrate r))
  (fun M => (forall x, inc x M -> inc (Vf f x) M) /\
    (forall N x, sub N M -> nonempty N -> least_upper_bound r N x -> inc x M)).

Definition chainx a := intersection (Zo bigS (inc a)).

Hypothesis or: order r.
Hypothesis ff: function f.
Hypothesis sf: substrate r = source f.
Hypothesis tf: substrate r = target f.
Hypothesis fxx: forall x, inc x (substrate r) -> gle r x (Vf f x).

Bourbaki says "Deduce from (a) that if E is inductive, then f has a fix-point". But this is trivial

Lemma Exercise2_6i: inductive r ->
  exists2 a, inc a (source f) & Vf f a = a.
move => ir; move: (Zorn_lemma or ir) => [a [asr am]].
rewrite - sf;exists a;fprops.

We show: if the chain of a has a least upper bound, it is in the chain and is a fix-point of f
Lemma Exercise2_6a: inc (substrate r) bigS.
apply: Zo_i; aw; first by apply /setP_P; fprops.
   move => x xsr; move: (fxx xsr) => h; order_tac.
by move=> N x Nsr [y yN] /(lubP or Nsr) [[p1 _] _].

Lemma Exercise2_6b a:
  inc a (source f) -> nonempty (Zo bigS (inc a)).
move=> asf;exists (substrate r); apply: Zo_i;[ apply: Exercise2_6a| ue].

Lemma Exercise2_6c a: inc a (source f) -> inc a (chainx a).
move=> asf; apply: setI_i; first by apply: Exercise2_6b =>//.
by move=> y => /Zo_P [].

Lemma Exercise2_6d a:
  inc a (source f) -> inc (chainx a) bigS.
move => asf.
move: (Exercise2_6b asf) =>ne; move: (ne) => [u ub].
apply: Zo_i.
  apply /setP_P; move=> t td; move: (setI_hi td ub).
  by move: ub => /Zo_P [] /Zo_P [] /setP_P usr _ _ tu ; apply: usr.
  move=> x xc; apply: setI_i => //.
  move=> y yb; move: (setI_hi xc yb).
  by move: yb => /Zo_P [] /Zo_P [] /setP_P _ [p _] _ tu; apply: p.
move=> N x Nca neN leN.
apply: setI_i => // y yb; move: (yb) => /Zo_P [yc ay].
move: yc => /Zo_P [_ [_ p]]; apply: (p N x) => //.
move=> t tN ; exact: (setI_hi (Nca _ tN) yb).

Lemma Exercise2_6e a b:
  inc a (source f) -> least_upper_bound r (chainx a) b ->
  (inc b (chainx a) /\ Vf f b = b).
move=> asf leb.
move: (Exercise2_6c asf) (Exercise2_6d asf) => aca.
move => /Zo_P [p1 [p2]] => aux; move: p1 => /setP_P p1.
have neca: nonempty (chainx a) by exists a.
have ba: inc b (chainx a) by apply: (aux _ _ (@sub_refl (chainx a)) neca leb).
split => //; move: leb => /(lubP or p1) [[_ ub] _ ].
move: (ub _ (p2 _ ba)) (fxx (p1 _ ba)) => le1 le2; order_tac.

A chain is well-ordered. Proof. We consider a set M0, two subsets M1 and M2; two quantities p1, p2; we deduce M and p. For x in M; p(x) is not in x. By Zermelo_aux there exists a well-ordered set q, such that p(Sx)=x (where Sx is the segment with end point x in q) and q is not in M. As a consequence, the chain of a is a subset of q; since the ordering of q coincides with that of E, it follows that the chain is well-ordered.
Lemma Exercise2_6h a:
  inc a (source f) -> worder (induced_order r (chainx a)).
move=> asf.
set (E:= substrate r).
set(M0 := Zo (powerset E) (fun z => inc a z /\ exists b,
    least_upper_bound r z b)).
have aE: inc a E by rewrite /E sf.
have p0: forall x, inc x M0 -> sub x (substrate r).
  by move=> x => /Zo_P [] /setP_P.
have p1: (forall z, inc z M0 -> least_upper_bound r z (supremum r z)).
   move=> z /Zo_P [zp [az [b leb]]].
   by apply: supremum_pr1 => //; exists b.
have p2: forall x, inc x M0 -> (inc (supremum r x) (substrate r)
    /\ inc (Vf f (supremum r x)) (substrate r)).
  move => x xM0; move: (p0 _ xM0) => xE; move: (p1 _ xM0).
  move => /(lubP or xE) [[sE _] _]; split => //;move: (fxx sE) => aux;order_tac.
pose sif x := glt r x (Vf f x).
set (M1 := Zo M0 (fun z => ~ (inc (supremum r z) z))).
set (M2 := Zo M0 (fun z => sif (supremum r z))).
set(M:= (M1 \cup M2) +s1 emptyset).
pose p x := Yo (x= emptyset) a
    (Yo (inc x M1) (supremum r x) (Vf f (supremum r x))).
have Ha:sub (M1 \cup M2) M0 by apply: setU2_12S; apply: Zo_S.
have p3: (forall x, inc x M -> (inc (p x) E /\ ~ inc (p x) x)).
  move=> x xM; rewrite /p; Ytac xe.
     by split => //; move=> xie; empty_tac1 a.
  Ytac xM1.
    by move: xM1 => /Zo_P [xM0 ni]; split => //; case: (p2 _ xM0).
  move: xM; case /setU1_P; first case /setU2_P; move => H; try contradiction.
  move /Zo_P:H => [xM0 lt1]; move: (p2 _ xM0) => [p3 p4]; split => //.
  move=> h; move: (p0 _ xM0) => xE;move: (p1 _ xM0); move /(lubP or xE).
  rewrite /sif in lt1; move=> [ [_ ub ] _]; move: (ub _ h) => p5; order_tac.
have p4: sub M (powerset E).
  move=> t th; apply /setP_P.
  case /setU1_P: th => h; [ apply: (p0 _ (Ha _ h)) | rewrite h; fprops].
  move: (Zermelo_aux p4 p3) => [r' []]; rewrite /Zermelo_axioms.
set (q:= substrate r'); move=> wor' qE xqs xqp nqM.
have aq: (inc a q).
  case: (emptyset_dichot q) => qe; first by case: nqM; rewrite /M qe; fprops.
  move: (worder_has_empty_seg wor' qe) => [x xsr' se].
  by move: (xqp _ xsr'); rewrite se /p Y_true // => ->.
have compat: (forall u v, gle r' u v -> gle r u v).
  move=> u v uv.
  have vq: (inc v q) by rewrite /q; order_tac.
  have bE: inc v E by apply: qE.
  case: (equal_or_not u v) => auv; first by rewrite auv; order_tac.
  have suv:(inc u (segment r' v)) by apply: segment_inc.
  have nes: segment r' v <> emptyset.
    move=> h; move: suv; rewrite h; case /in_set0.
  move: (xqs _ vq); case /setU1_P => h; last by contradiction.
  move: (p1 _ (Ha _ h)); set c := supremum r _.
  have ss: sub (segment r' v) (substrate r).
    apply: (@sub_trans q) => //; apply: sub_segment.
  move=> /(lubP or ss) [[_ p5] _]; move: (p5 _ suv) => le1.
  have csr: (inc c (substrate r)) by order_tac.
  move: (xqp _ vq); rewrite /p ; Ytac0; Ytac c1; first by move => <-.
  move: h; case /setU2_P; first by move => H.
  move /Zo_P => [_ [le2 _]] eq1; rewrite eq1 in le2; order_tac.
move: (wor') => [or' _].
have p5: forall y, least_upper_bound r q y -> (inc y q /\ Vf f y = y).
  move=> y ley.
  have qM0: inc q M0 by apply: Zo_i; [ apply /setP_P | split => //; exists y].
  case: (inc_or_not y q) => yq.
    case: (equal_or_not y (Vf f y)) => w //.
    move: nqM => /setU1_P; case; left; apply /setU2_P; right.
    apply /Zo_i => //; red; rewrite - (supremum_pr2 or ley); split =>//.
    by apply: fxx; apply: qE.
  move: nqM => /setU1_P; case; left; apply /setU2_P; left.
  by apply /Zo_i => //; rewrite - (supremum_pr2 or ley).
have stable: (forall x, inc x q -> inc (Vf f x) q).
  move=> x xq; set (m:=Zo q (fun z => glt r' x z)).
  case: (emptyset_dichot m) => em.
    have gx: (greatest r' x).
      split => // y ysr; case: (total_order_pr2 (worder_total wor') xq ysr)=>//.
      move=> bad; empty_tac1 y;apply: Zo_i => //; order_tac.
    have gx':(greatest (induced_order r q) x).
      split;aw; move=> y yq; apply /iorder_gleP => //; apply: compat.
      by move: gx => [_ p6]; apply: p6.
    move: (greatest_is_sup or qE gx') => sq.
    by move: (p5 _ sq) => [r1 r2]; rewrite r2.
  move: (Exercise2_6g wor' xq em) => [z zsr ss].
  have xs: inc x (segment r' z) by rewrite - ss; apply: inc_bound_segmentc.
  case: (equal_or_not (segment r' z) emptyset) => xse; first by empty_tac1 x.
  move: (xqs _ zsr) (xqp _ zsr); set s := segment r' z => p5' p6.
  have ssr': sub s (substrate r') by apply: sub_segment.
  have ssr: sub s (substrate r) by apply: (@sub_trans q).
  have gx: (greatest (induced_order r' s) x).
    split;aw=> y ysr; apply /iorder_gleP => //.
    case: (total_order_pr2 (worder_total wor') xq (ssr' _ ysr))=>//.
    by move: ysr; rewrite /s - ss => /segmentcP.
  have gx':(greatest (induced_order r s) x).
   split; aw; move=> y yq; apply /iorder_gleP => //; apply: compat.
     by move: yq; rewrite /s - ss => /segmentcP.
  move: (greatest_is_sup or ssr gx') => sq.
  move:(supremum_pr2 or sq) => xsq.
  move: p5' p6; case /setU1_P; last by exact.
  rewrite /p; Ytac0; Ytac nsm1.
     move: nsm1 => /Zo_P;rewrite -xsq; move=> [_ h]; contradiction.
  case /setU2_P; [ done | by rewrite -xsq;move=> _ -> ].
move: (worder_total wor') => [_ tor'].
have toq: forall a b, inc a q -> inc b q -> gle r a b \/ glt r b a.
  move => u v uq vq.
  case:(equal_or_not u v) => uv; first by rewrite uv; left; order_tac; apply: qE.
  rewrite /glt; case: (tor' _ _ uq vq) => h; move: (compat _ _ h);fprops.
have compat': forall u v, inc u q -> inc v q -> gle r u v -> gle r' u v.
  move=> u v uq vq uv.
  case: (tor' _ _ uq vq) => h; move: (compat _ _ h) => //.
  by move=> vu; move: h; rewrite (order_antisymmetry or uv vu).
have aux: (forall N y, sub N q -> nonempty N -> least_upper_bound r N y ->
     inc y q).
  move => N y Nq neN infN.
  move: (sub_trans Nq qE) => NE.
  move: infN => /(lubP or NE) [[ys uny] luny].
  set (bN:=Zo q (fun z=> gle r y z)).
  case: (emptyset_dichot bN) => bne.
    have le1: (least_upper_bound r q y).
      apply /(lubP or qE); split.
        split =>// z zq.
        have [t [tN [zt _]]]: (exists t, inc t N /\ glt r z t).
           ex_middle bad; empty_tac1 z; apply: Zo_i => //.
           apply: luny; split; first by apply: qE.
            move=> t tN; case: (toq _ _ (Nq _ tN) zq) => //.
            by move => zt; case: bad; exists t.
        move: (uny _ tN) => h; order_tac.
      by move=> z [zr uz]; apply: luny; split => // t tn; apply: uz; apply: Nq.
    by move: (p5 _ le1) => [ok _].
  have bNq: (sub bN q) by apply: Zo_S.
  move: wor' => [_ wor''];move: (wor'' _ bNq bne) => [z []];aw.
  move=> zbN zlbn.
  move: (zbN) => /Zo_P [zq yz].
  case: (inc_or_not z N) => zN.
    by move: (uny _ zN) => zy; rewrite (order_antisymmetry or yz zy).
  have zlb1: (forall u, inc u q -> gle r y u -> gle r' z u).
    move=> u uq r1; have ub: (inc u bN) by apply: Zo_i.
    exact: (iorder_gle1 (zlbn _ ub)).
  have Ns: (sub N (segment r' z)).
    move=> t tN ; apply /segmentP; split; last by dneg tz; ue.
    move: (uny _ tN) => ty; apply: compat' => //;[ by apply: Nq | order_tac].
  have Nes: (nonempty (segment r' z)).
    by move: neN => [w wN]; exists w; apply: Ns.
  case: (equal_or_not (segment r' z) emptyset) => Nes'.
    by case /nonemptyP: Nes.
  move: (xqs _ zq)(xqp _ zq); case /setU1_P; last (by done).
  rewrite /p;Ytac0; move=> aux; move: (p1 _ (Ha _ aux)).
  have aux1: sub (segment r' z) (substrate r)
      by apply: (@sub_trans q) => //; apply: sub_segment.
  set s := (supremum r (segment r' z)); move /(lubP or aux1)=> [[p6 p7] p8].
  have ys1: (gle r y s) by apply: luny; split => // t tn; apply: p7; apply: Ns.
  have sz: (gle r s z).
    apply: p8; split;fprops; move => t /segmentP [le _].
    by apply: compat.
  have sns: ~ (inc s (segment r' z)) .
     move / segmentP => [r1 r2].
     have sq: (inc s q) by rewrite / q; order_tac.
     move: (zlb1 _ sq ys1) => aux2; case: r2; order_tac.
  have p9: (inc (segment r' z) M1) by apply: Zo_i => //; apply: Ha.
  Ytac0; move=> sz1.
  suff:(gle r s y) by move=> sy; rewrite - (order_antisymmetry or sy ys1) sz1.
  apply: p8; split => //; move=> t /segmentP tz.
  have tq: (inc t q) by rewrite /q; order_tac.
  case: (p_or_not_p (exists2 u, inc u N & glt r t u)).
    move=> [u uN [tu _]]; move: (uny _ uN) => uy; order_tac.
  move=> bad.
  have good: (forall u, inc u N -> gle r u t).
    move=> u uN; case: (toq _ _ (Nq _ uN) tq) => // tu; case: bad; ex_tac.
  have ubt: (upper_bound r N t) by split =>//; apply: qE.
  move:(zlb1 _ tq (luny _ ubt)) => p10; order_tac.
have sc: (sub (chainx a) q).
  move => t tc; apply: (setI_hi (y:=q) tc);apply: Zo_i => //.
  apply: Zo_i; [ by apply /setP_P | split => //].
move: (sub_trans sc qE) => sE.
move: (iorder_osr or sE) => [or1 sr1].
split => //; rewrite sr1 => x xc nex; move: (sub_trans xc sc) => xcq.
move: (sub_trans xcq qE) => xE.
move: wor' => [_ wor''];move: (wor'' _ xcq nex) => [z []];aw.
move=> zx zl; exists z; rewrite iorder_trans //;split => //; aw.
move=> b bx;apply /iorder_gleP => //;apply:(compat _ _ (iorder_gle1 (zl _ bx))).

End Exercise2_6.

Exercise 2.7. Properties of closures. If E is ordered, we consider the closures; let I(f) be the set of fixed-points of f. We have f <= g iff sub (I g) (I f). There is a least function, the identity.
Section Exercise27.
Variable r: Set.
Hypothesis or: order r.

Definition closures :=
  let E:=substrate r in
  Zo (functions E E) (fun z=> closure z r).

Definition closure_ordering :=
  let E:=substrate r in
    induced_order (order_function E E r) (closures).

Lemma Exercise2_7aP f g:
  let E:=substrate r in
  gle (closure_ordering) f g <->
  [/\ inc f (closures), inc g (closures) &
    forall i, inc i (substrate r) -> gle r (Vf f i) (Vf g i)].
move=> E.
move: (order_function_osr E or (refl_equal E)) => [or' sr'].
have p1: (sub (closures) (substrate (order_function E E r))).
  rewrite sr'; apply: Zo_S.
rewrite /closure_ordering; split => h.
  move: (iorder_gle1 h)(iorder_gle3 h) => fg [fs gs]; split => //.
  by move: fg => /order_functionP [_ _ ok].
move: h => [h1 h2 h3];apply/iorder_gleP => //.
by move: h1 h2 => /Zo_P [h1 h2] /Zo_P [h3' h4]; apply /order_functionP.

Lemma Exercise2_7b:
  order_on closure_ordering closures.
rewrite /closure_ordering; set E:= (substrate r).
move: (order_function_osr E or (refl_equal E)) => [p1 p2].
apply:iorder_osr => //; rewrite p2; apply: Zo_S.

Lemma Exercise2_7c:
  least (closure_ordering) (identity (substrate r)).
set (E:=substrate r); set (f:= identity E).
have ifsr: inc f closures.
  rewrite /f; apply: Zo_i ;first by apply /fun_set_P;red;aw;split;fprops.
  split => //.
  - split => //; first by apply: identity_prop.
    move=> x y xy; bw; rewrite /E;order_tac.
  - by move=> x xsr; bw; order_tac.
  - move => x xsr; bw; bw.
move: Exercise2_7b => [p1 p2].
red; rewrite p2;split => // => x xs; apply /Exercise2_7aP; split => //.
move => i isr; rewrite /f; bw.
by move: xs => /Zo_hi [_ p4 _];apply: p4.

Lemma Exercise2_7dP f g:
  inc f closures -> inc g closures ->
  (gle (closure_ordering) f g <->
     sub (invariants g) (invariants f)).
move=> fs gs; move: (fs) => /Zo_P [p1 p2].
move: (gs) => /Zo_P [p3 p4].
move: p2 p4=> [q1 q2 q3] [q4 q5 q6].
move: p1 p3 => /fun_set_P [ff sf tf] /fun_set_P [fg sg tg].
  move /Exercise2_7aP=> [_ _ h] t => /Zo_P [tsg wg]; apply /Zo_P;split => //.
    by rewrite sf - sg.
  rewrite sg in tsg; move: (q2 _ tsg) => p11.
  move: (h _ tsg) ; rewrite wg=> p7; order_tac.
move=> h; apply /Exercise2_7aP;split => //.
move=> i isr.
move: (q5 _ isr) => le1.
move: (q6 _ isr) => le2.
have : inc (Vf g i) (invariants f).
   apply: h; apply: Zo_i=> //; rewrite sg - tg; apply: Vf_target => //; ue.
by move /Zo_P=> [_ <-]; move: q1 => [_ _ _ incf]; apply: incf.

If f_i is a family of closures, if inf_i (f_i x) exists for all x, then this is the infimum of the family. Thus: (a) if any pair has an infimum in E, the same holds for closures; (b) if E is a complete lattice so is the set of closures

Lemma Exercise2_7e f g:
  (forall x y, inc x (substrate r) -> inc y (substrate r) ->
    has_infimum r (doubleton x y))
  -> inc f (closures)
  -> inc g (closures)
  -> has_infimum (closure_ordering) (doubleton f g).
move=> hid fc gc.
have Ht:sub (doubleton f g) (closures).
  by move=> t /set2_P; case => ->.
move: (fc) (gc) => /Zo_P[p1 p2] /Zo_P [p3 p4].
set (E:= substrate r) in *.
move: p2 p4=> [q1 q2 q3] [q4 q5 q6].
have Ha: forall x, inc x E -> inc (Vf f x) E.
  move=> x xE; move: (q2 _ xE) => aux; rewrite /E; order_tac.
have Hb: forall x, inc x E -> inc (Vf g x) E.
  move=> x xE; move: (q5 _ xE) => aux; rewrite /E; order_tac.
set (hh:= fun z=> inf r (Vf f z) (Vf g z)).
have hp: (forall x, inc x E ->
    (gle r (hh x) (Vf f x) /\ gle r (hh x) (Vf g x) /\
      forall z, gle r z (Vf f x) -> gle r z (Vf g x) -> gle r z (hh x))).
  move => x xE; move: (Ha _ xE) (Hb _ xE) => fE gE.
  move: (inf_pr or fE gE (hid _ _ fE gE)) => [qa qb qc]; split => //.
have h1: forall x, inc x E -> gle r x (hh x).
  move=> x xE; move: (hp _ xE) => [_ [_ aux]].
  apply: aux; [ by apply: q2 | by apply: q5 ].
have ep: forall x y, gle r x y -> (inc x E /\ inc y E).
   move=> x y xy; rewrite /E; split; order_tac.
have h2: forall x y, gle r x y -> gle r (hh x) (hh y).
  move=> x y xy; move: (ep _ _ xy) => [xE yE].
  move: q1 => [_ _ _ incf]; move: (incf _ _ xy) => r4.
  move: q4 => [_ _ _ incg]; move: (incg _ _ xy) => r5.
  move: (hp _ xE) (hp _ yE)=> [r1 [r2 _]] [_ [_ r3]].
  apply: r3; order_tac.
set (h:= Lf hh E E).
have ta: lf_axiom hh E E.
   by move => w xe; move: (h1 _ xe) => h3; rewrite /E;order_tac.
have fh: function h by apply: lf_function.
have ch: closure h r.
  split => //.
      split => //; first by rewrite /h; split; aw.
      rewrite /h; move=> x y xy; move: (ep _ _ xy) => [xE yE].
      aw;by apply: h2.
    by move=> x xE; rewrite /h;aw; apply: h1.
  move=> x xE; move: (ta _ xE) => hE; rewrite /h (lf_V ta xE) (lf_V ta hE).
  move: (hp _ hE) => [r3 [r4 _]].
  move: (hp _ xE) => [r5 [r6 r9]].
  move: q1 => [_ _ _ incf]; move: (incf _ _ r5).
  move: q4 => [_ _ _ incg]; move: (incg _ _ r6).
  rewrite (q6 _ xE) (q3 _ xE) => r7 r8.
  move: (r9 _ (order_transitivity or r3 r8) (order_transitivity or r4 r7)).
  move: (h1 _ hE) => r10 r11; order_tac.
move: (Exercise2_7b) => [oco sco].
have hco: inc h closures
  by apply: Zo_i => //; apply /fun_set_P; split => //; rewrite /h;aw.
have hsco: inc h (substrate (closure_ordering)) by rewrite sco.
have sd: sub (doubleton f g) (substrate closure_ordering) by ue.
exists h.
apply /(glbP oco sd); split.
  by split => //; move=> y; aw => /set2_P; case => ->; apply /Exercise2_7aP;
    split => //;move=> i isr; rewrite /h; aw; move: (hp _ isr)=>[s1 [s2 _]].
move=> z [ze zh].
move: (zh _ (set2_1 f g)) (zh _ (set2_2 f g)).
move /Exercise2_7aP => [zc _ s1] /Exercise2_7aP [_ _ s2].
apply/Exercise2_7aP;split => //.
move=> i isr; move: (s1 _ isr)(s2 _ isr)(hp _ isr)=> s3 s4 [_ [_ s5]].
by rewrite /h; aw; apply: s5.

Lemma Exercise2_7f: complete_lattice r ->
  complete_lattice (closure_ordering).
move=> [_ cl1];move: (Exercise2_7b) => [oco sco].
apply: Exercise1_11h => //; rewrite sco => X Xc.
have xp1: forall f, inc f X -> closure f r.
  by move=> f fx; move: (Xc _ fx) => /Zo_P [ _ ].
set (iv := fun x => fun_image X (fun z => Vf z x)).
have ivs: (forall x, inc x (substrate r) -> sub (iv x) (substrate r)).
  move=> x xsr t => /funI_P [z zX ->].
  move: (xp1 _ zX) => [_ s1 _]; move: (s1 _ xsr) => s2; order_tac.
set (hh := fun x => infimum r (iv x)).
have hp1: (forall x, inc x (substrate r) -> (lower_bound r (iv x) (hh x) /\
    forall z, lower_bound r (iv x) z -> gle r z (hh x))).
  move=> x xsr; move:(ivs _ xsr)=> isr; move: (cl1 _ isr ) => [_ hi].
  apply: (infimum_pr or isr hi).
have ta: (lf_axiom hh (substrate r) (substrate r)).
  by move=> t tsr; move: (hp1 _ tsr) => [[ok _] _].
set (h:= Lf hh (substrate r) (substrate r)).
have fh: (function h) by apply: lf_function.
have p1: (forall x f, inc x (substrate r) -> inc f X ->
    gle r (Vf h x) (Vf f x)).
  move=> x f xsr fX;move: (hp1 _ xsr) => [[_ xx] _]; rewrite /h; aw.
  apply: xx; apply /funI_P; ex_tac.
have p2: forall x y, inc x (substrate r) -> inc y (substrate r) ->
    (forall f, inc f X -> gle r y (Vf f x)) -> gle r y (Vf h x).
  move=> x y xsr ysr h1; rewrite /h;aw; move: (hp1 _ xsr) => [_]; apply.
  by split => //; move=> t /funI_P [z zX ->]; apply: h1.
have p3: (increasing_fun h r r).
  rewrite /h;split => //; first (split; aw); move=> x y xy.
  have xE: (inc x (substrate r)) by order_tac.
  have yE: (inc y (substrate r)) by order_tac.
  aw; move: (hp1 _ xE)(hp1 _ yE) => [[h1 h2] _] [_]; apply.
  split => //; move=> z /funI_P [f fX] ->.
  move: (xp1 _ fX) => [[_ _ _ incf] _ _ ].
  move: (incf _ _ xy) => h3.
  have h4: (inc (Vf f x) (iv x)) by apply /funI_P; ex_tac.
  move: (h2 _ h4) => h5;order_tac.
have p4: (forall x, inc x (substrate r) -> gle r x (Vf h x)).
  move=> x xsr; apply: (p2 _ _ xsr xsr).
  by move=> f fX; move: (xp1 _ fX) => [_ h2 _]; apply: h2.
have p5:(forall x, inc x (substrate r) -> Vf h (Vf h x) = Vf h x).
  move=> x xE; move: (ta _ xE) => ws.
  have W1: Vf h x = hh x by rewrite /h; aw.
  symmetry; apply: (order_antisymmetry or).
    by move: (p4 _ ws); rewrite -W1.
  move: (hp1 _ xE) => [_]; rewrite W1;apply.
  split; first by rewrite /h;aw; apply: (ta _ ws).
  move => y /funI_P [z zX ->].
  move: (p1 _ _ ws zX) => p5.
  move: (xp1 _ zX) => [[_ _ _ incf] _ aa].
  move: (incf _ _ (p1 _ _ xE zX)); rewrite (aa _ xE) W1=> p6; order_tac.
have ch: (closure h r) by split => //.
have hco: inc h closures
   by apply: Zo_i => //; apply /fun_set_P;split => //; rewrite /h;aw.
have hsco: inc h (substrate (closure_ordering)) by rewrite sco.
have Wsr:sub X (substrate closure_ordering) by ue.
exists h.
apply /(glbP oco Wsr); split.
  split => //; move=> y; aw => yX;apply /Exercise2_7aP.
   move: (Xc _ yX)=> ys;split;fprops.
move=> z [z1 z2]; apply/Exercise2_7aP; split => //; first by ue.
move=> i isr; rewrite /h; aw;move: (hp1 _ isr) => [_ ]; apply.
move: z1; rewrite sco => /Zo_P [] /fun_set_P [fx sz tz] cz.
split => //; first by rewrite -tz; Wtac.
move=> y /funI_P [t tX ->].
by move: (z2 _ tX) =>/Exercise2_7aP [_ _ ]; apply.

Bourbaki says: Each pair of closures has a supremum if E is inductive. This assertion is false.
We consider two closures u and v, with fix-points Iu and Iv; we search a closure w, with fixed point Iw, that is the least upper bound. Let T = intersection2 Iu Iv. Let f be the composition of u and v. Its set of fixed points is T. Let Ixf(x) the set of all fixed-points of f that are >=x. If w is an upper bound, then w(x) is a fixed-point of u and v, and thus of f, so is in Ixf(x).

Definition Ixf x f := Zo (substrate r) (fun z => gle r x z /\ Vf f z = z).
Definition Jf f := (forall x, inc x (substrate r) -> exists y,
        least (induced_order r (Ixf x f)) y).

Lemma Exercise2_7g u v:
  inc u (closures) -> inc v (closures) ->
   Jf (compose u v) ->
   has_supremum (closure_ordering) (doubleton u v).
move=> uc vc Jcuv.
have Ht:sub (doubleton u v) (closures).
  by move=> t /set2_P;case => ->.
move: (uc) (vc); move => /Zo_P [p1 p2] /Zo_P [p3 p4].
set (E:= substrate r) in *.
move: p2 p4=> [q1 q2 q3] [q4 q5 q6].
have Ha: forall x, inc x E -> inc (Vf u x) E.
  move=> x xE; move: (q2 _ xE) => aux; rewrite /E; order_tac.
have Hb: forall x, inc x E -> inc (Vf v x) E.
  move=> x xE; move: (q5 _ xE) => aux; rewrite /E; order_tac.
move: p1 p3 =>/fun_set_P [fu su tu] /fun_set_P [fv sv tv].
have cp: u \coP v by split => //;ue.
set f := u \co v.
have ff: (function f) by rewrite /f; fct_tac.
set (gg := fun x => the_least (induced_order r (Ixf x f))).
have sI: (forall x, inc x E -> sub (Ixf x f) (substrate r)).
  move=> x xE; apply: Zo_S.
have sI1: forall x, inc x E -> substrate(induced_order r (Ixf x f)) = (Ixf x f).
  move=> x xE; move: (sI _ xE) => aux; aw.
have lg: forall x, inc x E -> least (induced_order r (Ixf x f)) (gg x).
  move=> x xE; move: (Jcuv _ xE) => ey.
  apply: the_least_pr => //; apply: (proj1 (iorder_osr or (sI _ xE))).
have gp: forall x, inc x E ->
   [/\ inc (gg x) (substrate r), gle r x (gg x), Vf f (gg x) = gg x &
      (forall y, inc y (Ixf x f) -> gle r (gg x) y)].
  move=> x xE; move: (lg _ xE);rewrite /least; rewrite (sI1 _ xE).
  move => [] /Zo_P [pa [pb pc]] p2; split => //.
  move=> y yI; move: (p2 _ yI) => h;apply: (iorder_gle1 h).
have ta:(lf_axiom gg E E).
  by move=> t tE; move: (gp _ tE) => [ok _].
have p0P: forall x, inc x E -> ((gg x = x) <-> (Vf f x = x)).
  move=> x xE; move: (gp _ xE) => [p1 p2 p3 p4].
  split => h; first by rewrite -h.
  have xI: inc x (Ixf x f) by apply: Zo_i => //; split => //; order_tac.
   move: (p4 _ xI) => p5; order_tac.
have p1: (forall x, inc x E -> gle r x (gg x)).
  by move=> x xE; move: (gp _ xE) => [_ ].
have p2: (forall x, inc x E -> gg (gg x) = gg x).
  by move=> x xE; apply /(p0P _ (ta _ xE)); move: (gp _ xE) => [_ _].
have p3: forall x y, gle r x y -> gle r (gg x) (gg y).
  move=> x y xy.
  have xE:(inc x E) by rewrite /E;order_tac.
  have yE:(inc y E) by rewrite /E;order_tac.
  move: (gp _ yE) => [s1 s2 s3 s4].
  have gyI: (inc (gg y) (Ixf x f)) by apply: Zo_i => //; split => //; order_tac.
  by move: (gp _ xE) => [_ _ _]; apply.
set (g:= Lf gg E E).
have fg: (function g) by apply: lf_function.
have cg: (closure g r).
  split => //; rewrite /g.
     split => //; first by split; aw.
      move=> x y xy; aw; first (by apply: p3); rewrite /E; order_tac.
    by move=> x xE;aw; apply: p1.
  by move=> x xE; rewrite (lf_V ta xE) (lf_V ta (ta _ xE)); apply: p2.
move: (Exercise2_7b) => [oco sco].
have hco: inc g closures
  by apply: Zo_i => //; apply /fun_set_P; split => //; rewrite /g;aw.
have hsco: inc g (substrate (closure_ordering)) by rewrite sco.
have sd: sub (doubleton u v) (substrate closure_ordering) by ue.
have sg: source g = E by rewrite /g;aw.
have sf: source f = E by rewrite /f; aw.
have ig: invariants g = invariants f.
  set_extens t => /Zo_P []; rewrite ?sf ? sg => [r1 r2];
    apply /Zo_P;split => //; try ue;
     move : r2; rewrite /g; aw; move /(p0P _ r1) => //.
have sif: invariants f =
    (invariants u) \cap (invariants v).
  rewrite /invariants su sv sf; set_extens t.
    move /Zo_P => [tE wf].
    have tsv: inc t (source v) by ue.
    have Wtsv: inc (Vf v t) (substrate r) by rewrite -/E -tv; fprops.
    move: wf; rewrite /f; aw => wf.
    move: (f_equal (fun z=> Vf u z) wf); rewrite q3 // wf => f1.
    move: (q2 _ Wtsv) (q5 _ tE); rewrite wf => le1 le2.
    apply /setI2_P; split => //; apply /Zo_P;split => //;order_tac.
  move /setI2_P => [] /Zo_P [tE Wu] /Zo_P [_ Wv]; apply /Zo_P;split => //.
 by rewrite /f;aw; rewrite ?sv // Wv Wu.
exists g.
apply /(lubP oco sd); split.
  split => //; move=> y ys.
  have aux: inc y closures by rewrite - sco; apply: sd.
  by apply /(Exercise2_7dP aux hco); case /set2_P: ys => ->;
    rewrite ig sif => t /setI2_P [].
move=> z [ze zh].
have zc: inc z closures by ue.
move: (zh _ (set2_1 u v)) (zh _ (set2_2 u v)).
move /(Exercise2_7dP uc zc) => h1 /(Exercise2_7dP vc zc) => h2.
apply (Exercise2_7dP hco zc);rewrite ig sif.
move => t ts; apply: setI2_i;fprops.

If Ixf(x) has a least element g(x), then g is a closure, and has the same fixed-points as f, thus is the least upper bound. If the set is inductive, then there is a maximal element >=x which is thus in Ixf(x). If the set is well-ordered, then Ixf(x) has least element; Thus any pair of closures has a supremum

Lemma Exercise2_7h u v:
  inductive r -> worder r ->
  inc u (closures) -> inc v (closures) ->
   has_supremum (closure_ordering) (doubleton u v).
move=> ir [_ wor] uc vc; apply: Exercise2_7g => //.
move=> x xsr.
set y := (Ixf x (compose u v)).
have sy: sub y (substrate r) by apply: Zo_S.
move: (inductive_max_greater or ir xsr) => [m [ms mm xm]].
move: uc vc => /Zo_P [p1 p2] => /Zo_P [p3 p4].
move: p2 p4=> [q1 q2 q3] [q4 q5 q6].
move: p1 p3 => /fun_set_P [fu su tu] /fun_set_P[fv sv tv].
have cuv: composable u v by split => //; ue.
have mv: inc m (source v) by ue.
move: q1 =>[_ _ _ incf]; move: (incf _ _ (q5 _ ms)) => le1.
move: (q2 _ ms) => le2.
have ne: nonempty y.
  exists m; apply: Zo_i => //; split => //; aw; apply: mm; order_tac.
apply: (wor _ sy ne).

End Exercise27.

Let's consider a counter-example; we consider all pairs (x,0) and (x,1), where x is an integer, ordered by: (x,0) < (y,1) and (x,0)<(y,0) whenever x<y, while (x,1)<(y,1) whenever y<x. It has a greatest element, thus is inductive

Lemma Exercise2_7A1 r:
  (exists u, greatest r u) -> inductive r.
Proof. move=> [u [us ug]] x xsr tor; exists u; split;fprops. Qed.

Lemma Exercise2_7A2 r r': order r -> order r' ->
  (exists u, greatest r' u)
  -> inductive (order_sum2 r r').
move=> or or' [u [us ug]];apply: Exercise2_7A1.
exists (J u C1).
have p1: (inc (J u C1) (canonical_du2 (substrate r) (substrate r'))).
  by apply: candu2_prb.
split; rewrite orsum2_sr => //.
move=> x h ; apply /orsum2_gleP; split => //; aw.
move/candu2P: h => [ _ ] [] [p2 ->];
  [constructor 3 | constructor 2 ]; split;fprops.

Definition NNstar :=
  order_sum2 Bnat_order (opp_order Bnat_order).

Lemma Exercise2_7A3:
  [/\ order_on NNstar (canonical_du2 Bnat Bnat) &
    (forall x x', gle NNstar x x' <->
    [/\ inc x (canonical_du2 Bnat Bnat),
      inc x' (canonical_du2 Bnat Bnat) &
     [\/ [/\ Q x = C0, Q x' = C0 & (P x) <=c (P x')],
          [/\ Q x <> C0, Q x' <> C0 & (P x') <=c (P x)] |
         (Q x = C0 /\ Q x' <> C0)]])].
rewrite /NNstar.
move: Bnat_order_wor=> [[or _] s1].
move: (opp_osr or) => [or1]; rewrite s1 => s2.
split; first by split; fprops;rewrite orsum2_sr // s1 s2.
move=> x x'; split.
  move /orsum2_gleP; rewrite s1 s2; move => [p1 p2 p3];split => //.
  case: p3; first by move => [q1 q2] /Bnat_order_leP [_ _ s4]; constructor 1.
   by move => [q1 q2] /opp_gleP /Bnat_order_leP [_ _ s4]; constructor 2.
  by move => q1; constructor 3.
move => [p1 p2 p3]; apply /orsum2_gleP; rewrite s1 s2; split => //.
have aux: forall z, inc z (canonical_du2 Bnat Bnat) -> inc (P z) Bnat.
   by move=> z /candu2P[_ ]; case; case.
case: p3.
    move => [q1 q2 q3]; constructor 1;split => //;apply /Bnat_order_leP.
    by split => //; apply: aux.
  move => [q1 q2 q3]; constructor 2;split => //.
  by apply /opp_gleP/Bnat_order_leP;split => //; apply: aux.
by move => q1; constructor 3.

Lemma Exercise2_7A4: inductive NNstar.
move: (Bnat_order_wor) => [[or _] bs].
apply: Exercise2_7A2 => //.
  apply: (proj1 (opp_osr or)).
exists \0c; apply: least_opposite =>//.
split; first by rewrite bs; fprops.
move => x; rewrite bs => xb; apply /Bnat_order_leP; split => //; fprops.

If f: N -> N is a function; we extent it to E by g((x,0)) = (f(x),0) and g((x,1)) = ( x,1). If f is a closure so is g

Definition extension_to_NNstar f :=
  Lf (fun z=> Yo (Q z = C0) (J (Vf f (P z)) C0) z)
  (substrate NNstar) (substrate NNstar).

Lemma Exercise2_7A5 f (g:= extension_to_NNstar f) (E:= substrate NNstar):
 function_prop f Bnat Bnat ->
   [/\ (forall x, inc x Bnat -> Vf g (J x C0) = (J (Vf f x) C0)),
       (forall x, inc x E -> Q x = C0 ->
         (P (Vf g x) = Vf f (P x) /\ Q (Vf g x) = C0)),
    (forall x, inc x E -> Q x <> C0 -> Vf g x = x) &
    function_prop g E E].
move=> [ff sf tf].
move: Exercise2_7A3 => [[_ ss] _].
have ta:(lf_axiom (fun z=> Yo (Q z = C0) (J (Vf f (P z)) C0) z)
  (canonical_du2 Bnat Bnat) (canonical_du2 Bnat Bnat)).
  move: TP_ne1 => tpd.
  move=> t /candu2P.
  move=> [pt]; case; move=> [Pt Qt]; rewrite Qt; Ytac0.
    apply: candu2_pra; Wtac.
  by rewrite - pt Qt; apply: candu2_prb.
rewrite /g /extension_to_NNstar /E ss.
split => //.
    move=> x xB; aw; [by Ytac0 | by apply: candu2_pra].
  move=> x xE; aw; move=> ->; Ytac0; aw;split => //.
  move=> x xE; aw; move=> h; Ytac0; fprops.
by red; aw; split => //; apply: lf_function.

Lemma Exercise2_7A6: forall f, closure f Bnat_order ->
  closure (extension_to_NNstar f) NNstar.
move=> f [ [ob _ [ff sf tf] incf] c1 c2].
move: (proj2 Bnat_order_wor) => bos.
have fp: function_prop f Bnat Bnat by split => //; ue.
move: (Exercise2_7A5 fp) => /=.
set g:= (extension_to_NNstar f); set (E:=substrate NNstar).
move=> [ga0 ga gb [fg sg tg]].
move: Exercise2_7A3 => [[oNN sNN] leNNP].
rewrite /E sNN in sg tg ga gb.
    split;fprops; first by split; aw; ue.
    move=> x y =>/leNNP [p1 p2 p3]; apply /leNNP; split; try Wtac.
  case: p3.
        move=> [q1 q2 q3]; constructor 1.
        move: (ga _ p1 q1) (ga _ p2 q2) => [r1 r2] [r3 r4].
        rewrite r1 r2 r3 r4; split => //.
        have aux: gle Bnat_order (P x) (P y).
          apply /Bnat_order_leP => //; split => //.
            by move:p1 => /candu2P [ _ ]; case; move=> [px qx].
          by move:p2 => /candu2P [ _ ]; case; move=> [px qx].
        by move: (incf _ _ aux) => /Bnat_order_leP [_ _].
      move=> [q1 q2 q3]; constructor 2.
      by move: (gb _ p1 q1) (gb _ p2 q2) => -> ->.
    move=> [q1 q2]; constructor 3.
    by move: (ga _ p1 q1) (gb _ p2 q2) => [_] -> ->.
  rewrite sNN; move=> x xs; apply /leNNP; split => //.
  rewrite -tg; apply: Vf_target=> //; ue.
  move: (xs) =>/candu2P [ _ ]; case.
    move=> [pb qx]; move: (ga _ xs qx); move=> [pw qw]; constructor 1.
    rewrite pw qw;split => //; rewrite bos in c1; move: (c1 _ pb).
    by move /Bnat_order_leP => [_ _].
  move=> [pb qx]; have qqx: (Q x <> C0) by rewrite qx; fprops.
  move: (gb _ xs qqx) => ->; constructor 2; split;fprops.
move=> x; rewrite sNN => xs.
move: (xs) => /candu2P [ _ ]; case.
  move=> [px qx]; move: (ga _ xs qx) ; move=> [pw qw].
  have wa: inc (Vf g x) (canonical_du2 Bnat Bnat).
     rewrite -tg; apply: Vf_target => //; ue.
  move: (ga _ wa qw) ; move=> [pw2 qw2].
  have wb: inc (Vf g (Vf g x)) (canonical_du2 Bnat Bnat) by Wtac.
  move: wa => /candu2P [pw3 _ ].
  move: wb =>/candu2P [pw4 _ ].
  apply: pair_exten => //; [ rewrite pw2 pw c2 //; ue | rewrite qw2 //].
move=> [_ qx]; have qqx: (Q x <> C0) by rewrite qx; fprops.
by move: (gb _ xs qqx) => aux; rewrite {1} aux.

Let u(x) be x+1 if x is even and x otherwise, and let v(x) be x+1 if x is odd and x otherwise. These are closures, and have no common fix-point, thus no least upper bound. Note that the set of integers is not inductive, so that this is not a counter-example to Bourbaki

Lemma Exercise2_7A7:
  (lf_axiom (fun z => Yo (even_int z) z (succ z)) Bnat Bnat).
Proof. move=> t tb /=; Ytac h; fprops. Qed.

Lemma Exercise2_7A8:
  (lf_axiom (fun z => Yo (even_int z) (succ z) z) Bnat Bnat).
Proof. move=> t tb /=; Ytac h; fprops. Qed.

Lemma Exercise2_7A9:
  closure (Lf (fun z => Yo (even_int z) z (succ z)) Bnat Bnat) Bnat_order.
move: Bnat_order_wor Exercise2_7A7 => [[ob _] sb] ta.
split => //.
    split => //; first by red; aw; split => //; apply: lf_function.
    move=> x y /Bnat_order_leP [xB yB xy]; aw.
    apply /Bnat_order_leP;split => //; try apply:ta => //.
    Ytac evx; Ytac evy => //.
        move: (card_le_succ yB) => aux; co_tac.
      apply /(card_le_succ_ltP _ xB); split =>// q; apply: evx; ue.
    by apply /(card_le_succ_succP (CS_Bnat xB) (CS_Bnat yB)).
  move=> x; rewrite sb => xB; aw; apply /(Bnat_order_leP); split => //; fprops.
  Ytac evx;[ fprops | apply: (card_le_succ xB)].
move=>x ;rewrite sb => xB; rewrite (lf_V ta xB);move: (BS_succ xB) => sxB.
Ytac evx; aw; first by Ytac0.
have oi: odd_int x by split.
by move: (even_odd_succ x) => [_ h ];move: (h oi) => ok; Ytac0.

Lemma Exercise2_7A10:
  closure (Lf (fun z => Yo (even_int z) (succ z) z) Bnat Bnat) Bnat_order.
move: Bnat_order_wor Exercise2_7A8 => [[ob _] sb] ta.
split => //.
   split => //; first by red;aw; split =>//; apply: lf_function.
    move=> x y /Bnat_order_leP [xB yB xy]; aw; apply /Bnat_order_leP.
    split => //;fprops; Ytac evx; Ytac evy => //.
        by apply /(card_le_succ_succP (CS_Bnat xB) (CS_Bnat yB)).
      apply /(card_le_succ_ltP _ xB); split =>// q; apply: evy; ue.
    move: (card_le_succ yB) => aux; co_tac.
  move=> x;rewrite sb => xB; apply /Bnat_order_leP; aw;split => //; fprops.
  Ytac evx; [apply: (card_le_succ xB) | fprops].
move=>x ;rewrite sb => xB; rewrite (lf_V ta xB); Ytac evx;aw; fprops.
by move: (even_odd_succ x) => [ h _ ]; move: (h evx) => [aa bb]; Ytac0.
by Ytac0.

Lemma Exercise2_7A11 x w:
  let u :=Lf (fun z => Yo (even_int z) (succ z) z) Bnat Bnat in
    let v :=Lf (fun z => Yo (even_int z) z (succ z)) Bnat Bnat in
      inc x Bnat ->
      (Vf u x) <=c w ->
      (Vf v x) <=c w ->
      x <> w.
move=> u v xB le1 le2 xw; rewrite /u/v.
suff: (succ x) <=c w by apply /(card_le_succ_ltP _ xB); case.
move: (Exercise2_7A7)(Exercise2_7A8) => p1 p2.
by move: le1 le2;rewrite /u/v;aw; Ytac evx; Ytac0.

Consider the extensions of u and v to E. These are closures in an inductive set. We have to many upper bounds, for instance x -> sup(x,y), where y has the form (z,1) is an upper bound, and y=(0,1) gives the greatest upper bound.
If w is any upper bound, for any x, w(x,0) has the form (y,1) since u and v have no common fix-point. Assume w(0,0) = (k,1). Since (0,0) is the least element we have w(x) = (k,1) whenever x <=(k,1). Remembet that (k+1,1) < (k,1). Let f be the function that maps x to (k+1,1) if x<= (k+1,1) and w(x) otherwise. Then f<w and is an upper bound.
Lemma Exercise2_7A12: exists r u v,
  [/\ order r, inductive r,
  inc u (closures r), inc v (closures r) &
   ~ has_supremum (closure_ordering r) (doubleton u v)].
move: Exercise2_7A7 Exercise2_7A8 Exercise2_7A9 Exercise2_7A10 Exercise2_7A11.
set (u :=Lf (fun z => Yo (even_int z) (succ z) z) Bnat Bnat).
set (v :=Lf (fun z => Yo (even_int z) z (succ z)) Bnat Bnat).
move=> ta1 ta2 c1 c2 ns.
move:(Exercise2_7A6 c1) (Exercise2_7A6 c2).
set (u1:= extension_to_NNstar u).
set (v1:= extension_to_NNstar v).
move=> c3 c4.
exists NNstar, u1,v1.
move: Exercise2_7A3 Exercise2_7A4 => [[oNN sNN] gNNP] iNN.
have wc:forall w, closure w NNstar -> inc w (closures NNstar).
  move=> w wc; apply: Zo_i => //.
  by move: wc =>[[_ _ xx _] _ _]; apply /fun_set_P.
move: (wc _ c3) (wc _ c4) => vc uc.
split => //.
move: (Exercise2_7b oNN) => [oce sce] hs.
rewrite - sce // in uc vc.
move: (sup_pr oce uc vc hs).
set w := sup _ u1 v1.
move => [/(Exercise2_7aP oNN) [_ wcl le1] /(Exercise2_7aP oNN) [_ _ le2] ale3].
have fpu: (function_prop u Bnat Bnat).
  by red; rewrite /u; aw;split => //; apply: lf_function.
have fpv: (function_prop v Bnat Bnat).
  by red; rewrite /v; aw;split => //; apply: lf_function.
move: (Exercise2_7A5 fpu) => /=; rewrite -/u1.
move=> [upa1 upa upb [fu1 su1 tu1]].
move: (Exercise2_7A5 fpv) => /=; rewrite -/v1.
move=> [vpa1 vpa vpb [fv1 sv1 tv1]].
move: (wcl) => /Zo_P [] /fun_set_P [fw sw tw] cw.
have wp1: forall x, inc x Bnat -> Q (Vf w (J x C0)) = C1.
  move=> x xB.
  have ps: (inc (J x C0) (substrate NNstar)).
    by rewrite sNN; apply: candu2_pra.
  have: (inc (Vf w (J x C0)) (substrate NNstar)).
    rewrite -tw; Wtac.
  rewrite sNN => /candu2P [p1]; case; case=> //.
  move=> p2 p3.
  set (y := P (Vf w (J x C0))).
  have aux: (J y C0 = Vf w (J x C0)).
    symmetry;rewrite /y;apply: pair_exten;fprops; aw.
  have Js: (inc (J y C0) (substrate NNstar)).
    by rewrite sNN; apply: candu2_pra.
  move: (cw) => [_ _ p4]; move: (p4 _ ps);rewrite -aux => aux1.
  move: (le1 _ Js) (le2 _ Js) => /gNNP [p5 p6 p7] /gNNP [p8 p9 p10].
  move: p7; rewrite aux1 pr2_pair; case; last first.
      by move => [_]; case.
    by move => [_ h _]; case: h.
  move: p10; rewrite aux1 pr2_pair; case; last first.
      by move => [_]; case.
    by move => [_ h _]; case: h.
  move=> [p13 _ p14] [p11 _ p12].
  have aux2: Q (J y C0) = C0 by aw.
  move: (vpa _ Js aux2); aw; move=> [p15 _]; rewrite p15 in p14.
  move: (upa _ Js aux2); aw; move=> [p16 _]; rewrite p16 in p12.
  have yB: inc y Bnat.
   by move: p9 => /candu2P [_]; case; case.
  case: (ns _ _ yB p12 p14); aw.
move: (wp1 _ BS0) => p1.
set (k:= Vf w (J \0c C0)).
have Js:(inc (J \0c C0) (substrate NNstar)).
  rewrite sNN; apply: candu2_pra; fprops.
have ks: (inc k (substrate NNstar)) by rewrite /k;Wtac.
have Pk: (inc (P k) Bnat).
  by move: ks; rewrite sNN => /candu2P [ _ ]; case; case.
move: (wp1 _ BS0) => Qk.
move: cw => [[_ _ _ incf] wca wcb].
have Pk1: (forall x, gle NNstar x k -> Vf w x = k).
  move=> x xk.
  have aux : (gle NNstar (J \0c C0) x).
    have xs: (inc x (substrate NNstar)) by order_tac.
    apply/gNNP; rewrite - sNN; split => //; aw.
    move: xs; rewrite sNN => /candu2P [ _]; case; move => [px qx].
      constructor 1; split => //; apply: czero_least; fprops.
      rewrite qx;constructor 3;split;fprops.
   move: (incf _ _ xk)(incf _ _ aux); rewrite (wcb _ Js) -/k => r1 r2.
have q7: Vf w k = k by rewrite Pk1 //; order_tac.
set (k':= J (succ (P k)) C1).
have j's: (inc k' (substrate NNstar)).
  rewrite /k' sNN; apply: candu2_prb; fprops.
have lt1: (glt NNstar k' k).
  move: (card_lt_succ Pk) => [leP neP].
    apply /gNNP; rewrite - sNN /k';split => //; aw; constructor 2.
    rewrite -/k Qk; split;fprops;apply: leP.
    by move=> kk'; move: (f_equal P kk');rewrite /k'; aw => aux;case: neP.
set (ww := fun z=> Yo (gle NNstar z k') k' (Vf w z)).
have ta: (lf_axiom ww (substrate NNstar) (substrate NNstar)).
  move=> z zs; rewrite /ww;Ytac cp => //; Wtac.
set (w' := Lf ww (substrate NNstar) (substrate NNstar)).
have fw': (function w') by apply: lf_function.
have q3: Q k' <> C0 by rewrite /k'; aw; fprops.
have q4: forall x, gle NNstar x k' -> Vf w' x = k'.
  by move=> x xk; rewrite /w' /ww; aw; [ Ytac0 | order_tac].
have q5: forall x, inc x (substrate NNstar) -> ~ (gle NNstar x k')
  -> Vf w' x = Vf w x.
  by move=> x xs xk; rewrite /w' /ww; aw; Ytac0.
have q6: forall y, inc y (substrate NNstar) -> ~ gle NNstar y k'
   -> gle NNstar k y.
  move=> y ysr ng;apply /gNNP; rewrite - sNN; split => //; constructor 2.
  move: (ysr); rewrite sNN =>/candu2P [py]; case.
    move=> [pyb Qya]; case: ng;apply /gNNP; rewrite - sNN.
    by split => //; constructor 3.
  move=> [Pyb Qy]; split => //; [ rewrite Qk; fprops | rewrite Qy; fprops |].
  have cy:cardinalp (P y) by fprops.
  have ck:cardinalp (P k) by fprops.
  case: (card_le_to_el cy ck) => //.
  move=> lt2; case: ng; apply /gNNP; rewrite - sNN; split => //; constructor 2.
  rewrite Qy;split => //; fprops.
  by rewrite /k'; aw; apply /card_le_succ_ltP.
have w1: (forall x, inc x (substrate NNstar) ->
    (gle NNstar (Vf u1 x) (Vf w' x) /\ gle NNstar (Vf v1 x) (Vf w' x))).
  move=> x xs.
  move: (le1 _ xs) (le2 _ xs) => le1s le2s.
  case: (p_or_not_p (gle NNstar x k')) => xk; last first.
    have ->:(Vf w' x = Vf w x) by rewrite /w' /ww; aw; Ytac0.
    split => //; rewrite (q4 _ xk).
  rewrite (q4 _ xk).
  case: (equal_or_not (Q x) C0) => qx.
    move: (upa _ xs qx)(vpa _ xs qx) => [_ q1] [_ q2].
    by split; apply /gNNP; rewrite - sNN ?q1 ?q2;
      split => //;try order_tac; constructor 3.
  by move: (upb _ xs qx)(vpb _ xs qx) => -> ->.
have icw':increasing_fun w' NNstar NNstar.
  rewrite /w';split => //; first (by split; aw); move=> x y xy.
  have xs1: inc x (substrate NNstar) by order_tac.
  have xs2: inc y (substrate NNstar) by order_tac.
   case: (p_or_not_p (gle NNstar x k')) => xk; last first.
    have yk: ~ gle NNstar y k' by dneg wk; order_tac.
    by rewrite (q5 _ xs1 xk) (q5 _ xs2 yk); apply: incf.
  case: (p_or_not_p (gle NNstar y k')) => yk.
    by rewrite (q4 _ xk) (q4 _ yk); order_tac.
  rewrite (q4 _ xk) (q5 _ xs2 yk).
  move: (incf _ _ (q6 _ xs2 yk)); rewrite q7.
  move: lt1 => [lt1 _] le3; order_tac.
have cw': (closure w' NNstar).
  split => //; move=> x xs.
   case: (p_or_not_p (gle NNstar x k')) => xk; first by rewrite (q4 _ xk).
   by rewrite (q5 _ xs xk); apply: wca.
  case: (p_or_not_p (gle NNstar x k')) => xk.
    rewrite (q4 _ xk); apply: q4; order_tac; order_tac.
  rewrite (q5 _ xs xk).
  case: (p_or_not_p (gle NNstar (Vf w x) k')) => xk'; last first.
    have ws: inc (Vf w x) (substrate NNstar) by move: (wca _ xs)=> h; order_tac.
    by rewrite (q5 _ ws xk'); apply: wcb.
  move: (incf _ _ (q6 _ xs xk)).
  rewrite (q4 _ xk') -/k'; rewrite q7 => aux.
  have aux1: gle NNstar k k' by order_tac.
have res0: inc w' (closures NNstar).
  apply: Zo_i => //; apply /fun_set_P;split => //; rewrite /w';aw.
have res1: gle (closure_ordering NNstar) u1 w'.
   apply /(Exercise2_7aP oNN);split => //.
    by apply Zo_i => //; apply /fun_set_P.
  by move=> i isr; case: (w1 _ isr).
have res2: gle (closure_ordering NNstar) v1 w'.
  apply /(Exercise2_7aP oNN);split => //.
     by apply Zo_i => //; apply /fun_set_P.
  by move=> i isr; case: (w1 _ isr).
move:(ale3 _ res1 res2).
apply /(Exercise2_7aP oNN).
move=> [_ _ bad]; move: (bad _ j's); rewrite q4; last by order_tac.
move: lt1 => [lt2 lt3].
rewrite (Pk1 _ lt2) => aux; case: lt3; order_tac.

Exercise 2.8. Ramified and completely ramified sets
Definition ramified r :=
  forall x y, glt r x y -> exists z, [/\ glt r x z, ~ gle r y z & ~ gle r z y].

Definition ramifiedc r :=
  ramified r /\ not (exists x, maximal r x).

Lemma Exercise2_8a r: order r -> anti_directed r -> ramified r.
move=> or /(Exercise1_23hP or) [p1 p2].
move=> x y xy; move: (p1 _ _ xy) => [z xz p3]; exists z.
have zz: (gle r z z) by order_tac; order_tac.
have yy: (gle r y y) by order_tac; order_tac.
split => //;[ move=> yz; exact (p3 _ yz zz)| move=> zy;exact: (p3 _ yy zy)].

The following set has a maximal element
Definition Exercise2_8a_R r a :=
  Zo (powerset (substrate r))
  (fun z => ramified (induced_order r z) /\
    least (induced_order r z) a).

Lemma Exercise2_8b r a F: order r ->
  (inc F (Exercise2_8a_R r a) <->
  [/\ sub F (substrate r),
      forall x y, glt r x y -> inc x F -> inc y F ->
       exists z, [/\ glt r x z, ~ gle r y z, ~ gle r z y & inc z F],
     inc a F &
     (forall z, inc z F -> gle r a z)]).
move=> or; split.
  move => /Zo_P [] /setP_P Fd [p1 p2].
  move: (p2) => []; aw => pa pb.
  have pb': forall z , inc z F -> gle r a z.
   by move => z zf; move /iorder_gle5P: (pb _ zf) => [_ _].
  split => // x y xy xF yF.
  have xy': glt (induced_order r F) x y by apply /iorder_gle6P.
  move: (p1 _ _ xy'); move=> [z []] /iorder_gle6P [_ zF xz] /iorder_gle5P p4
   /iorder_gle5P p5; exists z; split => // h; [ by case: p4 | by case: p5].
move=> [pF p1 p2 p3]; apply: Zo_i; first by apply /setP_P.
split; last by split; aw => x xF;apply /iorder_gleP=> //; apply: p3.
move=> x y; move/iorder_gle6P =>[xF yF xy].
move: (p1 _ _ xy xF yF) => [z [z1 z2 z3 z4]]; exists z;split.
    by apply /iorder_gle6P.
  by move /iorder_gle5P => [_ _].
by move /iorder_gle5P => [_ _].

Lemma Exercise2_8c r a: order r -> inc a (substrate r) ->
  exists A, maximal (sub_order (Exercise2_8a_R r a)) A.
move=> or ar; apply: Zorn_lemma; first by fprops.
red; aw; set (F := Exercise2_8a_R r a).
move: (sub_osr F) => [oF sF].
move => X Xsr [];aw => [oX toX]; rewrite /upper_bound sF.
have asr: sub (singleton a) (substrate r) by move => t /set1_P ->.
have leX: (forall x y, inc x X -> inc y X -> sub x y \/ sub y x).
  move => x y xX yX; move: (toX _ _ xX yX).
  case => aux; move: (iorder_gle1 aux) => /sub_gleP [_ _ h]; in_TP4.
case: (emptyset_dichot X)=>xe.
  exists (singleton a); split.
    apply: Zo_i; first by apply /setP_P; apply: set1_sub.
       by move=> x y [cxy]; move: (iorder_gle3 cxy) => [] /set1_P -> /set1_P ->.
     red; aw;split;fprops;move=> x /set1_P ->; apply /iorder_gleP;fprops.
     by order_tac.
  move => y yX; empty_tac1 y.
rewrite sF in Xsr.
have uX: (inc (union X) F).
  rewrite /F (Exercise2_8b _ _ or); split => //.
        move=> t /setU_P [y ty yX]; move: (Xsr _ yX) => /Zo_P.
        by move=> [yp _]; move: yp => /setP_P; apply.
      move => x y xy /setU_P [x' xx' xX'] /setU_P [y' yy' yX'].
      have [z [zX xz yz]] : (exists z, [/\ inc z X, inc x z & inc y z]).
        case: (leX _ _ xX' yX') => xy';[ exists y'| exists x']; split; fprops.
      move: (Xsr _ zX); rewrite (Exercise2_8b _ _ or); move=> [_ h _].
      move: (h _ _ xy xz yz) => [t [t1 t2 t3 t4]]; exists t; split => //.
    move: xe => [e ex]; move: (Xsr _ ex); rewrite (Exercise2_8b _ _ or).
    move=> [_ _ h _]; union_tac.
  move=> z /setU_P [x zx zX]; move: (Xsr _ zX).
  by rewrite (Exercise2_8b _ _ or); move=> [_ _ _ ]; apply.
exists (union X); split => //.
by move => x xF;apply/sub_gleP;split;fprops; apply: setU_s1.

Bourbaki says "every maximal element of Exercise2_8a_R is completely ramified". Is this true ?

Lemma Exercise2_8d r a A: order r -> inc a (substrate r) ->
  branched r ->
  maximal (sub_order (Exercise2_8a_R r a)) A
  -> ramifiedc (induced_order r A).
move=> or asr br [As mz]; rewrite (proj2 (sub_osr _)) in As.
have aux: forall x, inc x (Exercise2_8a_R r a) -> sub A x-> x = A.
  move=> x xs xA; apply: mz; apply /sub_gleP; split => //.
move: (As) => /Zo_hi [rA _].
move: As; rewrite (Exercise2_8b _ _ or); move => [p1 p2 p3 p4].
split => // [][b] []; aw => bA bm.
move: br => [_ br1].
move: (br1 _ (p1 _ bA)) => [c [d [bc bd bcd]]].

TODO: Give an example of a branched set which is not ramified. The branched set defined in Exercise 1.24 (c) is completely ramified.
(d) Let E be a set in which each interval interval_uc c is totally ordered. Show that E has an antidirected cofinal subset

Exercise 2.9; An ordinal sum is well-ordered if and only if I and each Ei is well-ordered. We have shown one half in the main text. For the converse we must assume all Ei nonempty.

Lemma orsum_wo_P r g:
  orsum_ax r g -> orsum_ax2 g ->
  (worder (order_sum r g) <->
    (worder r /\ (forall i, inc i (domain g) -> worder (Vg g i)))).
move=> oa alne; move:(oa) =>[or sr alog].
split; last by move=> [p1 p2]; apply: orsum_wor => //.
move=> [or1 wor]; split.
  split => //; move=> x xsr [w wx].
  set (y := fun_image x (fun z => (J (rep (substrate (Vg g z))) z))).
  have ys: (sub y (substrate (order_sum r g))).
     rewrite orsum_sr // => t /funI_P.
     move => [z zx ->]; have zdg: inc z (domain g) by rewrite - sr; apply: xsr.
     by apply: disjoint_union_pi1 => //; apply: rep_i; apply: alne.
  have ney: nonempty y.
    by exists (J (rep (substrate (Vg g w))) w); apply /funI_P; ex_tac.
  move: (wor _ ys ney) => [z []]; aw; move => zy zle.
  have Qzx: (inc (Q z) x) by move: zy => /funI_P[t tx ->]; aw.
  exists (Q z); red; aw; split => //; move=> t tx;apply /iorder_gleP => //.
  have py: (inc (J (rep (substrate (Vg g t))) t) y)
    by apply /funI_P;aw; ex_tac.
  move: (zle _ py) => le1; move: (iorder_gle1 le1) => le2.
  move: (orsum_gle_id oa le2); aw.
move=> i idg; split; first by apply: alog.
move=> x xsr [w wx].
set (y := fun_image x (fun z => (J z i))).
have ysr: (sub y (substrate (order_sum r g))).
   move => t /funI_P [z zx ->].
  by rewrite orsum_sr //;apply: disjoint_union_pi1 => //; apply: xsr.
have ney: (nonempty y) by exists (J w i); apply /funI_P; ex_tac.
move: (wor _ ysr ney) => [z []]; aw => zy zle.
move: (zy);move=> /funI_P [t tx zt].
have Px: (inc (P z) x) by rewrite zt; aw.
exists (P z); red; aw;last by apply: alog.
split => //; move=> s sx; apply /iorder_gleP => //.
have py: (inc (J s i) y) by apply /funI_P; ex_tac.
move: (iorder_gle1(zle _ py)) => /orsum_gleP [_ _ ].
by rewrite /order_sum_r zt /glt; aw; case; case.

Exercise 2.10: proved in the main text
Exercise 2.11; A lexicographic product is well-ordered if the index is finite and each factor is well-ordered; We show here the converse. First: a striclty decreasing function between well-ordered sets has finite source

Lemma worder_decreasing_finite r r' f:
  worder r -> worder r' ->
  (forall i, inc i (substrate r) -> inc (f i) (substrate r')) ->
  (forall i j, glt r i j -> glt r' (f j) (f i)) ->
  finite_set (substrate r).
move=> wor [or' wor'] ta finc.
have lex: (forall X, sub X (substrate r) -> nonempty X ->
  exists2 a, inc a X & forall b, inc b X -> gle r b a).
  move=> X Xsr [w wx]; set (Y := fun_image X f).
  have Ysr: (sub Y (substrate r')).
    by move => T /funI_P [z zX ->]; apply: ta; apply: Xsr.
  have neY: (nonempty Y) by exists (f w); apply /funI_P; ex_tac.
  move: (wor' _ Ysr neY) => [z []]; aw => zY zle.
  move: zY => /funI_P [t tX zt].
  ex_tac; move=> b bX.
  have fbY: (inc (f b) Y) by apply /funI_P; ex_tac.
  move: (zle _ fbY)=> le1; move: (iorder_gle1 le1); rewrite zt => le2.
  move: (worder_total wor) => [or tor].
  case: (equal_or_not t b) => tb; first by rewrite tb; order_tac; apply: Xsr.
  case: (tor _ _ (Xsr _ bX) (Xsr _ tX)) => // tb1.
  have ltb: (glt r t b) by split.
  move:(finc _ _ ltb) => le3; order_tac.
move: Bnat_order_wor=> [wob bsr].
case: (isomorphism_worder wob wor) => [] [g [[sr isg] _]].
  move: (order_morphism_fi isg) => [_ ig].
  move: isg => [or _ [fg sg tg] incfg].
  have sg1: source g = Bnat by rewrite sg bsr.
  move: sr => [sr1 sr2].
  have nerg: (nonempty (range (graph g))).
    exists (Vf g \0c); Wtac; rewrite sg1; fprops.
  case: (lex _ sr1 nerg) => [x p1 p2].
  move: p1 => /(range_fP fg) [x1 x1g x1p].
  rewrite sg1 in incfg x1g ig.
  have p3: (inc (succ x1) Bnat) by apply: BS_succ.
  move: (card_lt_succ x1g) => [le1 ne1]; case: ne1; apply: (ig _ _ x1g p3).
  have or1: order r by move: wor => [ok _].
  apply: (order_antisymmetry or1).
    rewrite -incfg ? sg1 => //; apply /Bnat_order_leP; split;fprops.
    rewrite -x1p; apply: p2; Wtac; rewrite sg1; fprops.
move: (order_morphism_fi isg) => ig.
move: isg => [or _ [fg sg tg] incfg].
  case: (well_ordered_segment wob sr); last first.
  rewrite bsr - sg; move=> [a ab rg].
  have: (finite_set (range (graph g))).
    by rewrite rg segment_Bnat_order //; apply :finite_Bint.
  rewrite /finite_set.
  by move: (equipotent_range ig) =>/card_eqP; move => ->.
rewrite bsr in tg |- * => img.
move: (@sub_refl (substrate r)) => srr.
case: (emptyset_dichot (substrate r)) => sre.
  rewrite sre; apply: emptyset_finite.
move: (lex _ srr sre) => [a asr ab].
have wab: (inc (Vf g a) Bnat) by Wtac.
have : (inc (succ (Vf g a)) Bnat) by fprops.
rewrite -img => /(range_fP fg) [b bsg wba].
rewrite sg in bsg incfg; move: (ab _ bsg); rewrite incfg ? sg//.
move/Bnat_order_leP => [p1 p2]; rewrite -wba.
by move: (card_lt_succ wab) => p3 p4; co_tac.

easy part: if the product is totally ordered, or well-ordered so is each factor. By assumption the index set is well-ordered
Section Exercise2_11.
Variables (r g: Set).
Hypothesis oa: orprod_ax r g.

Lemma orprod_total2: orsum_ax2 g ->
  ((total_order (order_prod r g) -> (allf g total_order))
  (worder (order_prod r g) -> (forall i, inc i (domain g) -> worder (Vg g i)))).
move=> alne.
move: (oa) => [wor sr pa].
pose f i t := Lg (domain g) (fun j => Yo (j = i) t (rep (substrate (Vg g j)))).
have aux:forall i t, inc t (substrate (Vg g i)) ->
     inc (f i t) (substrate (order_prod r g)).
  move=> i t ts;rewrite orprod_sr //.
  rewrite /f; aw;apply /prod_of_substratesP;split => //; bw;fprops.
  by move => j jdg; bw; Ytac ji; [ ue | apply: rep_i; apply: alne].
have aux2: forall i t1 t2, inc i (domain g) -> inc t1 (substrate (Vg g i)) ->
  inc t2 (substrate (Vg g i)) -> gle (order_prod r g) (f i t1) (f i t2)
  -> gle (Vg g i) t1 t2.
  move=> i t1 t2 idg t1s t2s /(orprod_gleP oa) [_ _ h].
  move: (pa _ idg) => oi; case: h.
    move=> eq; move: (f_equal (Vg^~ i) eq); rewrite /f; bw; Ytac0; Ytac0.
    by move=> ->; order_tac.
  rewrite sr; move=> [j [jsr j1 j2]]; move: j1; rewrite /f /glt; bw.
  by Ytac ji; Ytac0; rewrite ? ji; case.
  move=> [or tor] i idg;move: (pa _ idg) => oi; split => //.
  move=> x y xsr ysr.
  by case: (tor _ _ (aux i _ xsr) (aux i _ ysr)) => h;
     [left | right ]; apply: aux2.
move=> [or1 wor1].
move=> i idg; move: (pa _ idg) => oi; split => //.
move=> x xsr [w wx].
set (X:= fun_image x (f i)).
have Xs: (sub X (substrate (order_prod r g))).
  by move=> t /funI_P [z zx ->];apply: aux; apply: xsr.
have neX: (nonempty X) by exists (f i w); apply /funI_P; ex_tac.
move: (wor1 _ Xs neX) => [y []]; aw => yX yle.
move: yX => /funI_P [z zx fz]; exists z;red; aw;split => //.
move=> t tx.
have ft: (inc (f i t) X) by apply /funI_P; ex_tac.
apply /iorder_gleP => //.
aw; move: (yle _ ft); rewrite fz => le3; move: (iorder_gle1 le3) => le4.
by apply: aux2 => //; apply: xsr.

Assume no factor empty; then the product is totally ordered iff each factor is. Assume moreover that each factor has at least two elements. We can then construct two elements in the product such that f(i) < g(i) for any i. Let h_j the function that is f(i) or g(i) depending on how i compares to j; this is a stricty decreasing function; if the product is well-ordered it implies that the index set is empty.

Lemma orprod_total3P: orsum_ax2 g ->
  ( (allf g total_order) <-> total_order (order_prod r g)).
move=> alne; split; first by apply: orprod_total => //.
by case: (orprod_total2 alne).

Lemma orprod_total4:
  total_order (order_prod r g) ->
  (forall i, inc i (domain g) -> ~ (small_set (substrate (Vg g i)))) ->
  exists f1 f2,
   [/\ inc f1 (substrate (order_prod r g)),
       inc f2 (substrate (order_prod r g)) &
       forall i, inc i (domain g) -> glt (Vg g i) (Vg f1 i) (Vg f2 i)].
move=> tor ns.
have p1: forall i, inc i (domain g) -> exists x y,
   [/\ inc x (substrate (Vg g i)), inc y (substrate (Vg g i)) & x <> y].
  move => i idg; move: (ns _ idg); set t:= substrate (Vg g i) => ts.
  case: (emptyset_dichot t) => te; first by case: ts; move=> u v ue; empty_tac1 u.
  move: te=> [x xe]; exists x; ex_middle ep.
  case: ts; move=> u v ut vt; transitivity x.
    by symmetry; ex_middle xu; case: ep; exists u.
  by ex_middle xv;case: ep; exists v.
have alne:(forall i, inc i (domain g) -> nonempty (substrate (Vg g i))).
  by move=> i idg; move: (p1 _ idg) => [x [ _ [xs _ _]]]; exists x.
move: tor; rewrite -(orprod_total3P alne) => tor.
set (f0 := fun i => choose (fun z => glt (Vg g i) (P z) (Q z))).
have f0p: (forall i, inc i (domain g) -> glt (Vg g i) (P (f0 i)) (Q (f0 i))).
  move=> i idg; apply choose_pr.
  move: (p1 _ idg)(tor _ idg) => [x [y [xs ys xy]]] [oi tori].
  case: (tori _ _ xs ys) =>lxy.
    by exists (J x y); rewrite /glt; aw.
    exists (J y x); rewrite /glt; aw; split;fprops.
exists (Lg (domain g) (fun i=> (P (f0 i)))).
exists (Lg (domain g)(fun i => (Q (f0 i)))).
move: (oa) => [wor sr alo].
rewrite orprod_sr; split => //.
  apply: prod_of_substrates_gi => i idg; move: (f0p _ idg) => h; order_tac.
  apply: prod_of_substrates_gi => i idg; move: (f0p _ idg) => h; order_tac.
move => i idg; bw; exact: (f0p _ idg).

Lemma ordprod_worder_bisP:
  (forall i, inc i (domain g) -> ~ (small_set (substrate (Vg g i)))) ->
  ( ( allf g worder /\ finite_set (substrate r))
   <-> worder (order_prod r g)).
move=> ad; move: (oa) => [wor sr alo]; split.
  move=> [p1 p2]; apply: orprod_wor => //.
move=> wop.
move: (orprod_total4 (worder_total wop) ad) => [f1 [f2 [f1s f2s f12]]].
  have p1: (forall i, inc i (domain g) -> nonempty (substrate (Vg g i))).
    move=> i idg; move: (f12 _ idg); exists (Vg f1 i); order_tac.
  by move: (orprod_total2 p1) => [_]; apply.
set (f := fun i => Lg (domain g)
    (fun z => Yo (glt r z i) (Vg f1 z) (Vg f2 z))).
have fs: (forall i, inc i (domain g) -> inc (f i) (substrate (order_prod r g))).
  move=> i idg; rewrite orprod_sr // /f; aw.
  apply: prod_of_substrates_gi.
  move=> j jdg; bw; move: (f12 _ jdg) (alo _ jdg) => le2 o2.
  Ytac ca; order_tac.
rewrite - sr in fs; apply: (worder_decreasing_finite wor wop fs).
move=> i j ij.
have isr: (inc i (substrate r)) by order_tac.
have jsr: (inc j (substrate r)) by order_tac.
have idg: (inc i (domain g)) by ue.
have jdg: (inc j (domain g)) by ue.
have aux: ~ glt r i i by case.
have aux1: glt (Vg g i) (Vg (f j) i) (Vg (f i) i).
  by rewrite /f; bw; Ytac0; Ytac0; apply: f12.
split; last first.
  by move: aux1 => [_ neq1]; dneg eq1; rewrite eq1.
rewrite orprod_sr // in fs.
apply /(orprod_gleP oa) ; split => //; try (apply: fs => //).
right; exists i; split => //; move=> k ki.
have kdg: (inc k (domain g)) by rewrite - sr; order_tac.
have kj: glt r k j by move: wor => [or _];order_tac.
by rewrite /f; bw; Ytac0; Ytac0.

End Exercise2_11.

Exercise 2.12; Study of lexciographic product.
Lemma: A subset of the union of two well-ordered sets in a totally ordered set is well-ordered

Lemma union2_wor r A B C:
  total_order r -> sub A (substrate r) -> sub B (substrate r) ->
  sub C (A \cup B) ->
  worder (induced_order r A) ->worder (induced_order r B) ->
  worder (induced_order r C).
move => [or tor] Asr Bsr cab [or1 wo1] [or2 wo2].
have cs: sub C (substrate r).
   by move => t tc;move:(cab _ tc);case /setU2_P => h; [apply: Asr| apply: Bsr].
move:(iorder_osr or Asr)(iorder_osr or Bsr)(iorder_osr or cs).
move=>[oA sA][oB sB][oC sC].
split => //; rewrite sC => X XC neX.
rewrite sA in wo1; rewrite sB in wo2.
have Xp: X = (X \cap A) \cup (X \cap B).
  set_extens t; last by case /setU2_P => /setI2_P [].
  move => tX; move: (cab _ (XC _ tX)).
  case /setU2_P => h; apply /setU2_P; [left | right]; fprops.
rewrite (iorder_trans _ XC).
case: (emptyset_dichot (X \cap A)) => ne1.
  have XB: sub X B.
    rewrite Xp ne1;move => t; case /setU2_P; first by move/in_set0.
    by move => /setI2_P [].
  by move:(wo2 _ XB neX); rewrite (iorder_trans _ XB).
case: (emptyset_dichot (X \cap B)) => ne2.
  have XA: sub X A.
    rewrite Xp ne2;move => t; case /setU2_P; first by move => /setI2_P [].
    by move /in_set0.
  by move:(wo1 _ XA neX); rewrite (iorder_trans _ XA).
have pc: sub (X \cap A) A by apply: subsetI2r.
have pd: sub (X \cap B) B by apply: subsetI2r.
move: (wo1 _ pc ne1)(wo2 _ pd ne2).
rewrite (iorder_trans _ pc) (iorder_trans _ pd).
move: (sub_trans XC cs) => qa.
move: (sub_trans pc Asr) => qb.
move: (sub_trans pd Bsr) => qc.
move => [a ap][b bp]; move: ap bp; rewrite /least; aw.
move => [] /setI2_P [aX aA] al [] /setI2_P [bX bB] bl.
have [c [cX ca cb]]: exists c, [/\ inc c X, gle r c a & gle r c b].
  case: (tor _ _ (Asr _ aA)(Bsr _ bB)) => aux.
    exists a; split => //; order_tac; exact (Asr _ aA).
    exists b; split => //; order_tac; exact (Bsr _ bB).
exists c;split => //; move => x xX; apply /iorder_gleP => //.
move: xX; rewrite Xp => /setU2_P; case => h.
  move: (al _ h) => h1; move: (iorder_gle1 h1) => h2; order_tac.
move: (bl _ h) => h1; move: (iorder_gle1 h1) => h2; order_tac.

Assumptions I is an index set, totally ordered by r; E(i) is a family g of ordered sets, and E is the product. If x and y are in E then olex_nsv x y is the set of indices on which x and y differ. We say x<y is this set is well-ordered and x(i)<y(i) when i is the least element.

Definition olex_nsv r x y:= Zo (substrate r) (fun i => (Vg x i <> Vg y i)).
Definition olex_io r x y:= (induced_order r (olex_nsv r x y)).

Definition olex_comp1_r r g x y :=
  worder (olex_io r x y) /\
  let i := the_least (olex_io r x y) in glt (Vg g i) (Vg x i) (Vg y i).
Definition olex_comp2_r r g x y :=
  [/\ (inc x (prod_of_substrates g)),
      (inc y (prod_of_substrates g)) &
      (x = y \/ olex_comp1_r r g x y) ].

Definition olex r g := graph_on (olex_comp2_r r g) (prod_of_substrates g).
Definition olex_ax r g:=[/\ total_order r,substrate r = domain g & order_fam g].

Lemma olex_nsvS r x y: olex_nsv r x y = olex_nsv r y x.
by set_extens t; move => /Zo_P [pa pb]; apply /Zo_P; split => //; apply:nesym.

Lemma olex_ioS r x y: olex_io r x y = olex_io r y x.
Proof. by rewrite /olex_io olex_nsvS. Qed.

This relation is an ordering of E
Section Olex_basic.
Variables (r g: Set).
Hypothesis ax: olex_ax r g.

Lemma olex_R x:
 inc x (prod_of_substrates g) -> olex_comp2_r r g x x.
Proof. by move => h; split => //; left. Qed.

Lemma olex_gleP x y: gle (olex r g) x y <-> olex_comp2_r r g x y.
split; first by move /Zo_hi; aw.
move =>h;apply Zo_i;last by aw.
by move: h => [pa pb _]; apply : setXp_i.

Lemma olex_nsve x y:
   inc x (prod_of_substrates g) -> inc y (prod_of_substrates g) ->
   ((x = y) <-> (olex_nsv r x y = emptyset)).
move=> px py;split.
  by move => ->; apply /set0_P=> t /Zo_P [pa]; case.
have pd: order_fam g by move: ax=> [_ _].
have sd: substrate r = domain g by move: ax => [_].
move=> oe; move: px => /prod_of_substratesP [ra rb _].
move: py => /prod_of_substratesP [rd re _].
apply: fgraph_exten =>//; first by ue.
by rewrite rb - sd => z zd; ex_middle sv; empty_tac1 z; apply /Zo_P.

Lemma olex_nsve1 x y:
  inc x (prod_of_substrates g) -> inc y (prod_of_substrates g) ->
  let r' := (olex_io r x y) in let i := the_least r' in
    x <> y -> worder r' -> least r' i.
move => px py r' i pa pb.
have or: order r by move: ax => [[ok _]_ ].
have pc: sub (olex_nsv r x y) (substrate r) by apply: Zo_S.
have sr': substrate r' = olex_nsv r x y by rewrite /r' iorder_sr.
have nse: nonempty (substrate r').
  by rewrite sr'; apply /nonemptyP; move /(olex_nsve px py).
move: (worder_least pb nse) => [j jl].
move: (pb) => [qa1 _];move: (the_least_pr2 qa1 jl).
by rewrite /i; move => ->.

Lemma olex_glt_aux x y: glt (olex r g) x y ->
    let r' := (olex_io r x y) in
      let i := the_least r' in
        (inc i (substrate r) /\ forall j, glt r j i -> Vg x j = Vg y j).
move => [h nxy] r' i.
move:h => /olex_gleP [pa pb]; case => pc; first by contradiction.
move: pc => [wor]; move: (olex_nsve1 pa pb nxy wor); simpl.
rewrite -/i; move => [pc pd] pe.
have or: order r by move: ax => [[ok _]_ ].
have pf: sub (olex_nsv r x y) (substrate r) by apply: Zo_S.
have sr': substrate r' = olex_nsv r x y by rewrite /r' iorder_sr.
have pg: inc i (substrate r) by apply: pf; rewrite - sr'.
split => //.
move => k ki; ex_middle aux.
have kp: inc k (substrate r') by rewrite sr' ; apply:Zo_i => //; order_tac.
move: (pd _ kp); rewrite /r' => aux1; move: (iorder_gle1 aux1) => aux2.

Lemma olex_sr: substrate (olex r g) = (prod_of_substrates g).
Proof. by rewrite /olex graph_on_sr // => x; apply: olex_R. Qed.

Lemma olex_osr: order_on (olex r g) (prod_of_substrates g).
split => //; last by apply:olex_sr.
move: (ax) => [[or tor] _ _].
have sd: substrate r = domain g by move: ax => [_].
apply: order_from_rel; split => //; last first.
    by move => x y [pa pb _];split; apply: olex_R.
  move=> x y => pa pb; ex_middle xny; symmetry.
  have pa': glt (olex r g) x y by split => //; apply /olex_gleP.
  move: pa pb => [pa pb pc] [_ _ pd].
  case :pc => //; case: pd => //; rewrite /olex_comp1_r.
  move : (olex_glt_aux pa'); rewrite (olex_ioS r y x) /=.
  set i:=(the_least _).
  move => [isr _] [_ qb][_ qd].
  suff h: order (Vg g i) by order_tac.
  by move: ax => [qe qf qh]; apply: qh; rewrite -qf.
move => y x z pa pb.
case: (equal_or_not x y) => exy; first by rewrite exy.
case: (equal_or_not y z) => eyz; first by rewrite - eyz.
have ltxy: glt (olex r g) x y by split => //; apply /olex_gleP.
have ltyz: glt (olex r g) y z by split => //; apply /olex_gleP.
move: pa pb => [xs ys xy] [_ zs yz]; split => //.
case: (equal_or_not x z) => xz; first by left.
right;case: xy => xy; first by contradiction.
case: yz => yz; first by contradiction.
move: (olex_glt_aux ltxy)(olex_glt_aux ltyz).
move: xy yz; rewrite /olex_comp1_r /olex_io /olex_nsv.
set Txy:= Zo _ _; set Tyz := Zo _ _; set Txz:= Zo _ _.
set Ixy:=the_least _ .
set Iyz:=the_least _ ; set Ixz:=the_least _.
move => [woxy pxy][woyz pyz][ixys hixy][iyzs hiyz].
have sxz: sub Txz (Txy \cup Tyz).
  move => i /Zo_P [isr pa]; apply /setU2_P.
   case: (equal_or_not (Vg x i) (Vg y i)) => eq; [ right |left];apply: Zo_i =>//.
move: (ax) => [tor1 _].
have sxy: sub Txy (substrate r) by apply: Zo_S.
have syz: sub Tyz (substrate r) by apply: Zo_S.
have sxz1: sub Txz (substrate r) by apply: Zo_S.
have p1: worder (induced_order r Txz)
  by apply: (union2_wor tor1 sxy syz sxz woxy woyz).
have or1: order (Vg g Ixy) by move: ax => [_ _]; apply; ue.
have or2: order (Vg g Iyz) by move: ax => [_ _]; apply; ue.
split => //;case: (tor _ _ ixys iyzs) => cp.
  have lta: glt (Vg g Ixy) (Vg x Ixy) (Vg z Ixy).
    case: (equal_or_not Ixy Iyz) => eq2.
      move:pyz;rewrite -eq2; move => [aux _]; order_tac.
    have lt1: glt r Ixy Iyz by split.
    rewrite - (hiyz _ lt1)//.
  have it: inc Ixy Txz.
    apply: Zo_i; first by order_tac.
    move => neq; move: lta => [ _ aux]; contradiction.
  suff eq1: Ixz = Ixy by rewrite eq1.
  apply: the_least_pr2; first by move: p1 => [ok _].
  red; rewrite iorder_sr //;split => //.
  move => j jt; apply /iorder_gleP => //.
  case: ( total_order_pr2 tor1 (sxz1 _ jt) ixys) => cp1 //.
  move: (hixy _ cp1) => eq1.
  have lt1: glt r j Iyz by order_tac.
  move: (hiyz _ lt1) => eq2.
  by move: jt =>/Zo_P; rewrite eq1 eq2;move => [_].
have lta: glt (Vg g Iyz) (Vg x Iyz) (Vg z Iyz).
  case: (equal_or_not Iyz Ixy) => eq2.
    move:pxy;rewrite -eq2; move => [aux _]; order_tac.
  have lt1: glt r Iyz Ixy by split.
  rewrite (hixy _ lt1)//.
have it: inc Iyz Txz.
  apply: Zo_i => //.
  move => neq; move: lta => [ _ aux]; contradiction.
suff eq1: Ixz = Iyz by rewrite eq1.
apply: the_least_pr2; first by move: p1 => [ok _].
red; rewrite iorder_sr //;split => //.
move => j jt; apply /iorder_gleP => //.
case: ( total_order_pr2 tor1 (sxz1 _ jt) iyzs) => cp1 //.
move: (hiyz _ cp1) => eq1.
have lt1: glt r j Ixy by order_tac.
move: (hixy _ lt1) => eq2.
by move: jt => /Zo_P; rewrite eq2 eq1;move => [_].

Assume all E(i) totally ordered. Then x and y are comparable iff olex_nsv x y is well-ordered. We deduce that to be comparable is a transitive relation. Let X be the connected component of x for to be comparable. This set is thus totally ordered.
Lemma olex_cc_comparable1 (r':= olex r g):
  (allf g total_order) ->
  forall x y,
      ocomparable r' x y <-> [/\ inc x (substrate r'), inc y (substrate r') &
          worder (olex_io r x y)].
move: olex_osr => [or' sr].
have or: order r by move: ax => [[ ok _] _].
have aux: forall t, worder (olex_io r t t).
  move => t; rewrite /olex_io /olex_nsv.
  set Z := Zo _ _; have -> : Z = emptyset.
    by apply /set0_P => z /Zo_hi.
   have aux1: sub emptyset (substrate r) by fprops.
   move: (iorder_osr or aux1) => [pa pb].
   split => //; rewrite pb => x xe [y yx]; move: (xe _ yx);case; case.
move=> h x y.
rewrite sr; split.
  case; move /olex_gleP => [pa pb pc]; split => //; case: pc => pc.
  - rewrite pc; apply: aux.
  - by move: pc => [wo _].
  - rewrite pc; apply: aux.
  - by rewrite olex_ioS; move: pc => [wo _].
move=> [xp yp wot].
case: (equal_or_not x y) => xy.
   by left; rewrite xy; apply /olex_gleP => //;apply: olex_R.
move: (olex_nsve1 xp yp xy wot).
move: (olex_ioS r y x) => ppa.
set i := (the_least _); move => [pa pb].
have pc: sub (olex_nsv r x y) (substrate r) by apply: Zo_S.
have sd: substrate r = domain g by move: ax => [_].
have sr': substrate (olex_io r x y) = olex_nsv r x y
  by rewrite iorder_sr.
have nsv: Vg x i <> Vg y i.
  by move: pa; rewrite sr' => /Zo_hi.
have nsv': Vg y i <> Vg x i by apply:nesym.
have pg: inc i (domain g) by rewrite - sd; apply: pc; rewrite - sr'.
move: (h _ pg) => [ori tori].
have pd: order_fam g by move: ax=> [_ _].
have px: inc (Vg x i) (substrate (Vg g i)).
  by move: xp => /prod_of_substratesP [_ _]; apply.
have py: inc (Vg y i) (substrate (Vg g i)).
  by move: yp => /prod_of_substratesP [_ _ ]; apply.
case: (tori _ _ px py) => cp;[left | right ].
  by apply /olex_gleP;split => //;right.
by apply /olex_gleP;split => //; right; split => //; rewrite ppa.

Lemma olex_cc_comparable2 (r':= olex r g):
  (allf g total_order) -> transitive_r (ocomparable r').
move=> h y x z; rewrite ! (olex_cc_comparable1 h).
move=> [xE yE wo1] [_ zE wo2]; split => //.
move: wo1 wo2; rewrite /olex_io.
apply: union2_wor.
- by move: ax => [ok _].
- apply: Zo_S.
- apply: Zo_S.
- rewrite /olex_nsv => t /Zo_P [pa pb].
  case: (equal_or_not (Vg x t) (Vg y t)) => sv.
  apply /setU2_P; right; apply /Zo_P;split => //; ue.
  by apply /setU2_P; left; apply /Zo_P.

Lemma olex_cc_tor (r':= olex r g):
  (allf g total_order) ->
  forall x, inc x (substrate r') ->
   total_order (induced_order r'
        (connected_comp (ocomparable r') (substrate r') x)).
move: olex_osr => [or' sr] h.
set E :=(substrate r'); set c := ocomparable r'.
have pa: reflexive_re c E.
  rewrite /E /r' sr.
  move => y;split.
    by move => yE; left; apply /olex_gleP; apply: olex_R.
   by case; move /olex_gleP => [ok _].
have pb: symmetric_r c by move => a b /=; case; [right | left].
have pc: (forall x y, c x y -> inc x E).
  rewrite /c /ocomparable /E; move => x y; case=> auxl; order_tac.
move => x xE; rewrite - (connected_comp_class pa pb pc xE).
move: (equivalence_Sgraph E pb).
move: (substrate_Sgraph pa).
set Sg:= (Sgraph c E) => ss es.
move:(sub_class_substrate es (x:=x)); rewrite ss => pd.
move: (iorder_osr or' pd) => [pa1 pb1].
split => //;rewrite pb1 => a b ac bc.
have aux: equivalence_re (relS c) E.
  by apply: equivalenceS.
suff: c a b by case => h1; [ left | right]; apply /iorder_gleP.
have: related Sg a b.
  move: ac bc => /(class_P es) s1 /(class_P es) s2.
  have s3: related Sg a x by equiv_tac.
move /(graph_on_P2 aux) => [xc [cc]] <- <- {a b ac bc}.
move: cc;elim: xc; first by move=> a b //.
move=> u xc Hrec; simpl; move => [cuh cc]; move: (Hrec cc) => c1.
apply: ((olex_cc_comparable2 h) _ _ _ cuh c1).

Assume the index set well-ordered. Then olex is just the lexicographic product. We know that if each factor is totally ordered, then the product is totally ordered. Conversely, if the product olex is totally ordered, and each factor has at least 2 elements, then the index set is well-ordered (since the index set is some olex_nsv x y) and each factor is total
Lemma olex_lex: worder r -> olex r g = order_prod r g.
have pd: order_fam g by move: ax=> [_ _].
move => h.
have pc:orprod_ax r g by move: ax => [pa pb pc].
move: olex_osr => [o1 sr1].
move: (orprod_osr pc) => [o2 sr2].
have ss: substrate (order_prod r g) = substrate (olex r g) by ue.
apply/order_exten =>// => x y.
case: (equal_or_not x y) => exy.
  rewrite exy; split => pa; order_tac.
   rewrite ss; order_tac.
  rewrite - ss; order_tac.
have sd: substrate r = domain g by move: ax => [_].
have wor: worder (olex_io r x y).
  apply: induced_wor => //; apply: Zo_S.
  move /(olex_gleP) => [xp yp aux]; apply /(orprod_gle1P pc);split => //.
  set io := induced_order _ _.
  have ->: io = (olex_io r x y) by rewrite /io - sd.
  case: aux; first by contradiction.
  move:(olex_nsve1 xp yp exy wor) => lp.
  move: wor => [or _ ] [_ h1] j pb; by rewrite -(unique_least or lp pb).
move /(orprod_gle1P pc) => [xp yp pe]; apply (olex_gleP); split => //.
move:(olex_nsve1 xp yp exy wor) => lp.
right; split => //; apply: pe; rewrite - sd //.

Lemma olex_total1: worder r -> (allf g total_order) -> total_order (olex r g).
move => wo alto; rewrite olex_lex //; apply orprod_total => //.
by move: ax => [pa pb pc].

Lemma olex_total2:
  (total_order (olex r g)
  -> (forall i, inc i (domain g) -> ~ (small_set (substrate (Vg g i))))
  -> (worder r /\ (allf g total_order) )).
move=> pa pb.
have pd: order_fam g by move: ax=> [_ _].
move: (proj2 olex_osr) => sr.
set x:= Lg (domain g) (fun i => (rep (substrate (Vg g i)))).
have gx: fgraph x by rewrite /x; fprops.
have hx:forall i : Set, inc i (domain g) -> nonempty (substrate (Vg g i)).
  move => i idg; case: (emptyset_dichot (substrate (Vg g i))) => te //.
  move: (pb _ idg)=> h1; case: h1 => u v ue; empty_tac1 u.
have px: forall i, inc i (domain g) -> inc (Vg x i) (substrate (Vg g i)).
  move=> i idg; rewrite /x; bw; apply rep_i; apply (hx _ idg).
have xsr: inc x (substrate (olex r g)).
   rewrite sr; apply /prod_of_substratesP.
   split => //; rewrite /x; bw.
set y:= Lg (domain g) (fun i => choose (fun z =>
    inc z (substrate (Vg g i)) /\ z <> Vg x i)).
have gy: fgraph y by rewrite /y; fprops.
have py: forall i, inc i (domain g) ->
  (inc (Vg y i) (substrate (Vg g i)) /\ (Vg y i) <> (Vg x i)).
  move=> i idg; rewrite /y; bw; apply choose_pr.
  move: (pb _ idg)=> h1; ex_middle ep; case: h1 => u v us vs.
  case: (equal_or_not u (Vg x i)); last by move=> h; case: ep; exists u.
  move => ->;case: (equal_or_not v (Vg x i)); first by symmetry.
  by move=> h; case: ep; exists v.
have ysr: inc y (substrate (olex r g)).
  rewrite sr; apply /prod_of_substratesP;split => //.
     by rewrite /y; bw.
  by move => i idg; move: (py _ idg) => [].
have sd: substrate r = domain g by move: ax => [_].
have zp:olex_nsv r x y = domain g.
  rewrite /olex_nsv sd; set_extens w; first by move => /Zo_P [].
  by move => wg; apply: Zo_i => //; move: (py _ wg) => [_ /nesym].
have or: order r by move: ax => [[or _] _].
have xsr1: inc x (prod_of_substrates g) by rewrite sr in xsr.
have ysr1: inc y (prod_of_substrates g) by rewrite sr in ysr.
case: (equal_or_not x y)=> exy.
  move: exy;rewrite (olex_nsve xsr1 ysr1) zp => exy.
  split; last by move => t; rewrite exy; case; case.
  split => //; move=> X Xsr [z zX]; move: (Xsr _ zX) => aux; empty_tac1 z; ue.
have aux: r = (olex_io r x y).
  rewrite /olex_io zp - sd iorder_substrate //.
have wor: worder r.
  move: pa => [or1 tor]; case: (tor _ _ xsr ysr) =>/olex_gleP.
    move=> [_ _ ]; case; [ done | move=> []; ue].
  move=> [_ _];case; first by move => xy; case: exy.
  move => [h _]; by rewrite aux olex_ioS.
split =>//.
move: pa; rewrite (olex_lex wor).
have pc:orprod_ax r g by move: ax => [qa qb qc].
move: (orprod_total2 pc hx) => [pe _]; exact pe.

End Olex_basic.

Exercises 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20 are proved in the main text. The following are needed for Exercise 19.
Exercise 4.1. Let p(E,F) be the property that the emptyset is in F, and adding one element of E to an element of F gives an element of F. The set of finite subset of E is the least F satisfying this property. We deduce: the union of two finite sets is finite, the powerset of a finite set is finite.

Definition finite_subsets E := Zo(powerset E) finite_set.

Definition finite_subsets_prop E F:=
  inc emptyset F /\ forall x X, inc x E -> inc X F -> inc (X +s1 x) F.

Lemma finite_subsets_pr E:
  finite_subsets_prop E (finite_subsets E) /\
  (forall F, finite_subsets_prop E F -> sub (finite_subsets E) F).
  rewrite /finite_subsets;split.
    apply: Zo_i; first by apply /setP_P; fprops.
    apply: emptyset_finite.
  move=> x X xE => /Zo_P [] /setP_P XE fX; apply /Zo_i.
     by apply /setP_P; apply :setU1_sub.
  by apply: setU1_finite.
rewrite /finite_subsets=> F [eF fs] t.
move =>/Zo_P [] /setP_P tE fst.
apply: (@finite_set_induction1 (fun x=> sub x E)(fun x=> inc x F)) =>//.
move => a b h1 h2.
apply: fs; first by apply: h2;fprops.
apply: h1; apply: (@sub_trans (a +s1 b)) => //;fprops.

Lemma finite_union2 x y: finite_set x -> finite_set y ->
  finite_set (x \cup y).
move=> fsx fsy.
set (E:=x \cup y).
set (t:= Zo (powerset E) (fun a=> finite_set (x \cup a))).
suff: (inc y t) by move /Zo_P; rewrite -/E; case.
have yf:inc y (finite_subsets E).
  apply: Zo_i => //; apply /setP_P => s su; rewrite/E; fprops.
suff h: (finite_subsets_prop E t).
  by move: (finite_subsets_pr E) => [h1 h2]; apply: (h2 _ h).
    rewrite /t; apply: Zo_i; first by apply /setP_P; fprops.
    by rewrite setU2_0.
move=> z X zE => /Zo_P [] /setP_P XE fsu; apply: Zo_i.
  by apply /setP_P; apply : setU1_sub.
by rewrite setU2_A; apply: setU1_finite.

Lemma finite_powerset x:
  finite_set x -> finite_set (powerset x).
move=> fsx.
set (t:= Zo (powerset x) (fun a=> finite_set (powerset a))).
suff fspt: (finite_subsets_prop x t).
  move: (finite_subsets_pr x)=> [p1 p2].
  move: (p2 _ fspt) => aux.
  have:(inc x t).
    apply: aux; apply: Zo_i =>//;apply: setP_Ti.
  by move /Zo_P; case.
  rewrite /t; apply: Zo_i; first by apply /setP_P;fprops.
  rewrite setP_0; apply: set1_finite.
move=> z X zx =>/Zo_P [] /setP_P Xx fspX; apply: Zo_i.
   by apply /setP_P; apply setU1_sub.
case: (inc_or_not z X); first by move => zX; rewrite setU1_eq.
move=> nzX.
set (w:= fun_image (powerset X) (fun t => t +s1 z)).
have eq: (equipotent (powerset X) w).
  set (f:= Lf (fun t => t +s1 z) (powerset X) w).
  have ta: (lf_axiom (fun t => t +s1 z) (powerset X) w).
    move=> u => uX; apply /funI_P; exists u => //.
  have ff: (function f) by rewrite /f;apply: lf_function.
  exists f; split.
    split;rewrite /f.
      apply: lf_injective=>//; move => u v /setP_P uX /setP_P vX sv.
      set_extens x1 => xs.
        have: (inc x1 (u +s1 z)) by fprops.
        rewrite sv; case /setU1_P=>//; move=> h; case: nzX; apply: uX; ue.
      have: (inc x1 (v +s1 z)) by fprops.
      rewrite - sv; case /setU1_P=>//; move=> h; case: nzX; apply: vX; ue.
    apply: lf_surjective=>//.
    by move=> y => /funI_P.
  by rewrite /f; aw.
  by rewrite /f; aw.
have ->: (powerset (X +s1 z)= (powerset X) \cup w).
  set_extens u.
    move /setP_P => sut; apply /setU2_P.
    case: (inc_or_not z u) => h.
      right;apply /funI_P; exists (X \cap u).
        apply /setP_P => //; apply: subsetI2l.
      set_extens v.
        move => vu; move: (sut _ vu); case /setU1_P; last by move => ->; fprops.
        move => vx;apply /setU1_P; left; fprops.
      by case /setU1_P; [ move =>/setI2_P [] | move => -> ].
    left; apply /setP_P;move=> v vu; move: (sut _ vu); case /setU1_P => //.
    move=> vz; case: h; ue.
  case /setU2_P.
    move => /setP_P h; apply /setP_P => v vu; fprops.
  move => /funI_P [x1 wX ->]; apply /setP_P => v; case /setU1_P => h.
    by apply /setU1_P; left; move/setP_P: wX; apply.
  rewrite h; fprops.
apply: finite_union2=>//.
have aux: (cardinal (powerset X) = cardinal w) by apply /card_eqP.
by red; rewrite -aux.

Exercise 4.3.
Lemma well_ordered_opposite r:
  worder r -> worder (opp_order r) -> finite_set (substrate r).
move=> wor [ors wos].
move: (wor) => [or _].
set Z := Zo (substrate r) (fun x => (finite_set (segment r x))).
have sZ1: sub Z (substrate r) by apply: Zo_S.
move:(opp_osr or) => [pa pb].
have sZ: sub Z (substrate (opp_order r)) by rewrite pb.
case: (emptyset_dichot (substrate r)) => sre.
  rewrite sre; apply: emptyset_finite.
have neZ: nonempty Z.
   move: (worder_has_empty_seg wor sre) => [x xE sxe].
   exists x; apply: Zo_i =>//.
   rewrite sxe; apply: emptyset_finite.
move: (wos _ sZ neZ)=> [x []]; aw =>xz.
move:(xz) => /Zo_P [x1 x2] x3.
set s:= segmentc r x.
have fs: finite_set s by rewrite /s - (segmentc_pr or x1); apply: setU1_finite.
case: (well_ordered_segment wor (segmentc_segment or x1)); first by move <-.
move=> [y ysr ss].
have yz: inc y Z by apply: Zo_i =>//; ue.
move: (inc_bound_segmentc or x1); rewrite ss; move /segmentP => le1.
move: (iorder_gle1 (x3 _ yz)) => /opp_gleP => yx; order_tac.

Exercise 2.19: Ordinal powers as sets of functions.
We consider two well-ordered sets r and r' on E and F. Let olexp_g (in short g) be the constant functional graph that maps any element of F to r. This is a family of orders. We can consider the product EF of the substrates of these orders; it is the set of functional graphs F -> E We apply to g and the opposite ordering of r' the results of Exercise 2.13. This gives an ordering olexp' on a subset of EF.
If F is finite, this gives an ordering on EF; but if F is infinite and E has at least two elements, this is not a well-ordering, thus cannot be the ordinal power of r and r'.
If f is in EF, we denote by olexp_Ie the set of indices i such that f i is not the least element of E, and we consider the set G of those f for which olexp_Ie is finite. Note that, if F is empty, there is no index i, and otherwise, there is some i, thus some f i so that E is non-empty, and has a least element. Restricting the ordering to G gives an ordereing olexp.

Section OlexPowBasic.
Variables (r r': Set).
Hypotheses (wor: worder r) (wor':worder r').
Definition olexp_lE := the_least r.
Definition olexp_g := cst_graph (substrate r') r.
Definition olexp' := olex (opp_order r') olexp_g.

We start with some easy results. The most important one says that if x and y are in G, then x<y if and only if there is an index i such that x(i)<y(i) and if i<j then x(j)=y(j). This is because a finite subset of a well-ordered set is is well-ordered for the opposite ordering. We deduce that x<y is a total ordering on G

Lemma olexp_ax: olex_ax (opp_order r') olexp_g.
have or': order r' by move: wor' => [ok _].
split => //.
    by apply total_order_opposite; apply worder_total.
  rewrite (proj2 (opp_osr or')) /olexp_g /cst_graph; bw.
by rewrite /olexp_g; hnf;bw;move => x xsr; bw; move: wor => [or _].

Lemma olexp'_osr:
  order_on olexp' (gfunctions (substrate r') (substrate r)).
move:(olex_osr (olexp_ax)); congr (order_on _ _).
rewrite /prod_of_substrates /fam_of_substrates.
rewrite - cst_graph_pr /olexp_g /cst_graph; bw;apply: f_equal.
apply: Lg_exten => // i isr; bw.

Lemma olexp_gleh x y:
 (induced_order (opp_order r') (olex_nsv r' x y)) =
  olex_io (opp_order r') x y.
have or': order r' by move: wor' => [ok _].
have pa: (olex_nsv (opp_order r') x y) = (olex_nsv r' x y).
  by rewrite /olex_nsv (proj2 (opp_osr or')).
rewrite /olex_io pa //.

Lemma olexp'_gleP x y:
  gle olexp' x y <->
  [/\ inc x (gfunctions (substrate r') (substrate r)),
     inc y (gfunctions (substrate r') (substrate r)) &
     (x = y \/
     let T := olex_nsv r' x y in
     let r'' := induced_order (opp_order r') T in
       worder r'' /\
       let i := the_least r'' in glt r (Vg x i) (Vg y i))].
set EF:= (prod_of_substrates olexp_g).
apply: (iff_trans (olex_gleP _ _ _ _)).
have ->: (gfunctions (substrate r') (substrate r)) = EF.
  by rewrite - (proj2 (olexp'_osr )) olex_sr.
case: (equal_or_not x y) => exy.
  split; move => [pa pb pc];split => //; by left.
have or': order r' by move: wor' => [ok _].
rewrite /olex_comp2_r /olex_comp1_r olexp_gleh.
set q := (the_least (olex_io (opp_order r') x y)).
move: (opp_osr or') => [oro sro].
have aux: inc x EF -> inc y EF ->
  worder (olex_io (opp_order r') x y) ->
   (Vg olexp_g q) = r.
  move => xe ye h; rewrite /olexp_g /cst_graph; bw.
  move: (olex_nsve1 olexp_ax xe ye exy h); rewrite -/q; move => [pc _].
  move: pc; rewrite iorder_sr //; last by apply: Zo_S.
  by move => /Zo_P []; rewrite sro.
split; move=> [xE yE]; case => haux; split => //; right; move: haux;
  move => [wo1]; rewrite aux //.

Definition olexp_I x := Zo (substrate r') (fun i => (Vg x i <> olexp_lE)).
Definition olexp_G:= Zo (gfunctions (substrate r') (substrate r))
  (fun x => finite_set (olexp_I x)).

Lemma olexp_lEp: nonempty (substrate r) ->
  (inc olexp_lE (substrate r)
  /\ (forall x, inc x (substrate r) -> gle r olexp_lE x)).
have or: order r by move: wor => [or _].
move => ne; move: (the_least_pr or (worder_least wor ne)).
by rewrite -/olexp_lE; move=> [pa pb].

Lemma olexp_Gs: sub olexp_G (substrate olexp').
Proof. by rewrite (proj2 olexp'_osr); apply: Zo_S. Qed.

Lemma olexp_Gxy x y: inc x olexp_G -> inc y olexp_G ->
  finite_set (olex_nsv (opp_order r') x y).
move =>/Zo_P [pa pb] /Zo_P [pd pe].
have or': order r' by move: wor' => [ok _].
have pc: sub (olex_nsv (opp_order r') x y) ((olexp_I x) \cup (olexp_I y)).
  rewrite /olex_nsv /olexp_I => t /Zo_P; rewrite (proj2 (opp_osr or'))//.
  move => [pc h]; case: (equal_or_not (Vg y t) olexp_lE) => eq1;
  apply /setU2_P;[left | right]; apply : Zo_i => //; ue.
by apply: (sub_finite_set pc); apply /finite_union2.

Lemma olexp_Gxy1 x y: inc x olexp_G -> inc y olexp_G ->
  worder (olex_io (opp_order r') x y).
move=> pa pb; move: (olexp_Gxy pa pb) => fs.
have h:sub (olex_nsv (opp_order r') x y) (substrate (opp_order r'))
  by apply: Zo_S.
apply: finite_set_torder_wor.
  apply: total_order_sub => //.
  by apply: total_order_opposite; apply worder_total.
rewrite iorder_sr //.
by move: wor' =>[or' _]; apply: (proj1 (opp_osr or')).

Lemma olexp_gle1P x y: inc x olexp_G -> inc y olexp_G ->
  (gle olexp' x y <->
   ( x = y \/
     (exists j,
        [/\ inc j (substrate r'),
            glt r (Vg x j) (Vg y j) &
            forall i, glt r' j i -> Vg x i = Vg y i]))).
move: (wor') => [or' _] xG yG.
move: (opp_osr or') => [or ssr].
move: (olexp_Gs xG) (olexp_Gs yG); set EF:= substrate olexp' => xE yE.
have xe: inc x (prod_of_substrates olexp_g).
  by move: xE; rewrite /EF olex_sr.
have ye: inc y (prod_of_substrates olexp_g).
  by move: yE; rewrite /EF olex_sr.
apply: (iff_trans (olexp'_gleP _ _)).
have ->: (gfunctions (substrate r') (substrate r)) = EF.
  by rewrite /EF (proj2 olexp'_osr).
simpl; rewrite olexp_gleh.
have hc:sub (olex_nsv (opp_order r') x y) (substrate (opp_order r'))
  by apply: Zo_S.
have hd: (substrate (olex_io (opp_order r') x y))
       = olex_nsv (opp_order r') x y.
     rewrite /olex_io iorder_sr //.
case: (equal_or_not x y) => xy; first by (split => _; [| split => //]; left).
move: ( olexp_Gxy1 xG yG) => pa.
move: (olex_nsve1 olexp_ax xe ye xy pa).
set j := the_least _ => jp.
  move => [_ _]; case; first (by left); move => [ha hb]; right.
  move: jp => []; rewrite hd => ja jb; exists j.
  move: ja => /Zo_P; rewrite ssr; move=> [jc jd].
  split => // => i ij; ex_middle nsv.
  have pc: inc i (olex_nsv (opp_order r') x y).
      apply: Zo_i => //; rewrite ssr; order_tac.
  move: (jb _ pc)=> pc1; move:(iorder_gle1 pc1).
  move /opp_gleP => aux; order_tac.
case; first by move => aux; contradiction.
move=> [j0 [jsr jv ij]];split => //; right; split => //.
have oi: order (olex_io (opp_order r') x y) by move: pa => [].
suff jl: least (olex_io (opp_order r') x y) j0.
  by rewrite - (unique_least oi jl jp).
have jsr1: inc j0 (olex_nsv (opp_order r') x y).
  by apply: Zo_i; rewrite ? ssr //; move: jv => [].
red; rewrite hd; split => //.
move=> k kp; move: (kp) => /Zo_P;rewrite ssr; move => [ksr sk].
rewrite /olex_io;aw;move: (worder_total wor') => tor.
case: (total_order_pr2 tor jsr ksr) => lt1.
   move: (ij _ lt1) => eq1; contradiction.
by apply/iorder_gleP => //; apply/opp_gleP.

Definition olexp := induced_order olexp' olexp_G.

Lemma olexp_osr: order_on olexp olexp_G.
apply: iorder_osr; [apply: (proj1 olexp'_osr) | apply: olexp_Gs].

Lemma olexp_gleP x y:
 gle olexp x y <-> [/\ inc x olexp_G, inc y olexp_G &
     ( x = y \/
     (exists j,
        [/\ inc j (substrate r'),
            glt r (Vg x j) (Vg y j) &
            forall i, glt r' j i -> Vg x i = Vg y i]))].
  by move => /iorder_gle5P [pa pb pc];split => //; apply /olexp_gle1P.
by move => [pa pb pc]; apply /iorder_gle5P;split => //;apply /olexp_gle1P.

Lemma olexp_total: total_order olexp.
move: olexp_osr => [oo so]; split => //.
have atg: (allf olexp_g total_order).
  by rewrite /olexp_g/cst_graph; red; bw => i isr; bw; apply: worder_total.
move: (olex_cc_comparable1 olexp_ax atg) => pa.
rewrite -/olexp' in pa.
move=> x y xE yE.
have xe: inc x (prod_of_substrates olexp_g).
   move: xE; rewrite so => xe; move: (olexp_Gs xe).
   rewrite - (olex_sr (opp_order r')) //.
have ye: inc y (prod_of_substrates olexp_g).
   move: yE; rewrite so => ye; move: (olexp_Gs ye).
   rewrite - (olex_sr (opp_order r')) //.
move: xE yE; rewrite so => xsr ysr.
move: (olexp_Gxy1 xsr ysr) => wor''.
have: (gle olexp' x y \/ gle olexp' y x).
  by move: (pa x y); rewrite /ocomparable; move => ->; rewrite /olexp' olex_sr.
by case => h; [left | right ]; apply /iorder_gle5P.

If F is empty, then G is a singleton; if F is non-empty and E is empty then G is empty; if E is non-empty, then G has a least element m. The connected component (for to be comparable) of m is G. Proof: if g is in G let (x1, x2, ..., xn) be the list of indices i for which g(i) is not the least element. Let gk be like g, but it maps (x1, x2, ..., xk) to the least element. Then g0 is g, gn is m and each gk is comparable to gk+1.

Lemma olex_Fe: (substrate r' = emptyset) -> singletonp olexp_G.
move => h; exists emptyset; apply: set1_pr.
  apply: Zo_i.
     apply /graphset_P1;split;fprops.
   apply fgraph_set0.
   by rewrite domain_set0.
  suff: (olexp_I emptyset = emptyset) by move => ->; apply: emptyset_finite.
  by apply/set0_P => t /Zo_P; rewrite h; move=> [/in_set0].
by move => z /Zo_P [] /graphset_P1 [_]; rewrite h;move /domain_set0_P.

Lemma olex_nFe_Ee:
  (substrate r' <> emptyset) -> (substrate r = emptyset) -> olexp_G = emptyset.
move=> h1 h2; apply /set0_P => y /Zo_P [] /graphset_P1 [_ pa].
by rewrite h2 setX_0r => ye;case: h1;rewrite - pa; apply/domain_set0_P /sub_set0.

Lemma olexp_G_least
  (m:= cst_graph (substrate r') olexp_lE):
  nonempty (substrate r) -> least olexp m.
move=> nsr.
have mp: inc m (substrate olexp).
  rewrite (proj2 olexp_osr); apply: Zo_i.
    move: (olexp_lEp nsr) => [pc _].
    apply /graphset_P2; rewrite /m /cst_graph; split;fprops;bw.
    by move=> u /Lg_range_P [b bsr ->].
  have ->: olexp_I m = emptyset.
    apply /set0_P => t /Zo_P [pa pb]; case: pb.
    rewrite /m /cst_graph; bw.
  apply: emptyset_finite.
split => // x xsr.
move: olexp_total => tor; case: (total_order_pr2 tor xsr mp) => cp //.
move: cp => [] /olexp_gleP [pa pb pc] xm.
case: pc; first by contradiction.
move=> [j [jsr cp1 _]]; move: cp1; rewrite /m /cst_graph; bw => lt1.
have or: order r by move: wor => [].
have vsr: inc (Vg x j) (substrate r) by order_tac.
move: (olexp_lEp nsr) => [_ h]; move: (h _ vsr) => le1; order_tac.

Lemma olex_G_cc
  (m:= cst_graph (substrate r') olexp_lE)
  (comp:= ocomparable olexp')
  (G := (connected_comp comp (substrate olexp') m)) :
  nonempty (substrate r) ->
  olexp_G = G.
move=> nsr.
move: (olexp_G_least nsr) => []; rewrite -/m (proj2 olexp_osr) => qa qb.
set_extens t.
  move=> tG; move: (olexp_Gs tG) => ts.
  move: (qb _ tG) => le1; move: (iorder_gle1 le1) => le2.
  have cmt: comp m t by left.
  move: tG => /Zo_P [pa pb].
  rewrite /G; apply setI_i.
     exists (substrate olexp'); apply: Zo_i.
         apply: Zo_i; [ aw;fprops |by move=> a b _ /setC_P []].
       apply :setP_Ti.
     by apply: olexp_Gs.
  move=> y => /Zo_P [] /Zo_P [pc pd] pe.
  case: (inc_or_not t y) => nty //.
  have pf: inc t ((substrate olexp') -s y) by apply /setC_P.
  move: (pd _ _ pe pf) => bad; contradiction.
have or': order olexp' by apply: (proj1 olexp'_osr).
set E :=(substrate olexp').
have pb: symmetric_r comp by move => a b /=; case;[right | left].
have pc: (forall x y : Set, comp x y -> inc x E).
  rewrite /comp /E; move => x y; case=> auxl; order_tac.
have pa: reflexive_re comp E.
   move => y; split; last by apply: pc.
   by move => yE; left; order_tac.
have mE: inc m E by apply: (olexp_Gs qa).
rewrite /G - (connected_comp_class pa pb pc mE).
move: (equivalence_Sgraph E pb).
move: (substrate_Sgraph pa).
set Sg:= (Sgraph comp E) => ss es.
have aux: equivalence_re (relS comp) E by apply: equivalenceS.
move /(class_P es); move/(graph_on_P2 aux)=> [c [cc]].
suff haux: forall a b, comp a b -> inc a olexp_G -> inc b olexp_G.
  move=> h; move <-; move: qa; rewrite -h; clear h.
  move: cc;elim: c => // b c /=.
  move => hrec [pd pe] bG; move: (haux _ _ pd bG); apply: (hrec pe).
move => a b cab.
case: (equal_or_not a b) => ab; first by rewrite ab.
set T := olex_nsv r' a b.
set S:= (gfunctions (substrate r') (substrate r)).
set r'' := induced_order (opp_order r') T.
have [ais [bis wor'']]: inc a S /\ inc b S /\ worder r''.
  move: cab;case; move /olexp'_gleP; move=> [ra rb rc]; split => //.
    by case: rc => //=; case.
  case: rc; first by move=> ba; case: ab.
  by simpl;rewrite olex_nsvS -/r''; case.
move /Zo_P => [pe pf]; apply: Zo_i => //.
have pg: sub (olexp_I b) ((olexp_I a) \cup T).
  move => z /Zo_P [ph h]; apply /setU2_P.
  case: (equal_or_not (Vg a z) olexp_lE) => eq1; last by left; apply /Zo_P.
  by right; apply: Zo_i => //; rewrite eq1; apply:nesym.
apply: (sub_finite_set pg); apply: finite_union2 => //.
move: (wor') => [or1 _].
have Ts: sub T (substrate r') by apply: Zo_S.
move: (wor'') => [sa _]; move: (opp_osr sa) => [xa xb].
move: (opp_osr or1) => [ya yb].
have o2: opp_order r'' = induced_order r' T.
   move: (iorder_osr or1 Ts) => [ob sob].
   apply (order_exten xa ob) => x y; split.
     move /opp_gleP /iorder_gle5P => [ta tb] /opp_gleP tc.
     by apply /iorder_gleP.
   move /iorder_gle5P =>[ta tb tc]; apply /opp_gleP /iorder_gle5P.
   by split => //; apply /opp_gleP.
have wo2: worder (opp_order r'').
  by rewrite o2; apply: induced_wor => //; apply: Zo_S.
move: (well_ordered_opposite wor'' wo2).
rewrite /r'' iorder_sr//; fprops; ue.

We have a well-ordering. Proof by contradiction. Consider a non-empty set X that has no least element. We construct by induction a sequence (Yn, An), where Yn is a subset of X and An a subset of F, and show that is leads to a contradiction.
We assume that Y and A satisfy some conditions, and we construct Y' and A'. Initially Y is X and A is empty.
We assume (Pa): that Y is a non-empty subset of X such that if x in Y and y is in X-Y then x<y. We assume (Pb2): If x and y are in Y, they take the same value on A We assume (Pb3); for any x in Y, if x(i) is not the least element of E then either i is in A or i is a strict lower bound of A.
We construct the following objects. For x in Y, let Ja x be the set of of indices i of x such that x(i) is not the least element of E, and i is not in A; let Ma x be the greatest element of this set; this is an element of F. Note: (Pa) says that Y cannot have a least element. It follows that Ja x is non-empty, thus it has a greatest element (since it is finite and F is well-ordered).
Let ra be the set of all Ma x for x in Y, and Aa its least element (this in in F). Let Ba be the set of all z in Y such that Ma z = Aa. Let Ca be the set of all z(Aa) for z in Ba, and Da its least element (this is in F).
We take Y' to be the set of all z in Ba such that z(Aa) = Da, and A' is tack_on A Aa.
Lemma olexp_worder: worder olexp.
move: olexp_osr => [qa sa]; split => //.
rewrite sa => X Xr neX.
ex_middle not_least.
have qb: sub X (substrate olexp) by rewrite sa.
pose Pa Y:= [/\ sub Y X, nonempty Y &
    (forall x y, inc x Y -> inc y (X -s Y) -> glt olexp x y)].
have pa1: forall Y, Pa Y -> forall z, ~least (induced_order olexp Y) z.
  move => Y [pa pb pc] z => pd; case: not_least; exists z.
  move: pd; rewrite /least; aw; last by apply: (sub_trans pa qb).
  move => [pd pe]; have zX: inc z X by apply: pa.
  split => //; move=> x xX; apply/iorder_gleP => //;case: (inc_or_not x Y) => xY.
    move: (pe _ xY) => pf; apply: (iorder_gle1 pf).
  have xc: inc x (X -s Y) by apply /setC_P.
  by move: (pc _ _ pd xc) => [ok _].
pose Ja x A := (olexp_I x) -s A.
pose Ma x A := the_greatest (induced_order r' (Ja x A)).
have or': order r' by move: wor' => [].
have or: order r by move: wor => [].
have pa2: forall x A, inc x X -> sub (Ja x A) (substrate r').
  move => x A xX.
  have s1: sub (Ja x A) (olexp_I x) by rewrite /Ja; move=> t /setC_P [].
  apply: (sub_trans s1); apply: Zo_S.
have pa3: forall x A, inc x X -> nonempty (Ja x A) ->
    greatest (induced_order r' (Ja x A)) (Ma x A).
  move => x A xX neA.
  have s1: sub (Ja x A) (olexp_I x) by rewrite /Ja; move=> t /setC_P [].
  move: (Xr _ xX) => /Zo_P [_ fs2].
  have fs: finite_set (Ja x A) by apply (sub_finite_set s1 fs2).
  have j1: sub (Ja x A) (substrate r') by apply: (pa2 _ _ xX).
  move: (iorder_osr or' j1) => [or1 sr1].
  apply: the_greatest_pr => //.
  apply: finite_subset_torder_greatest => //.
    by apply : worder_total.
have pa3': forall x A, inc x X -> nonempty (Ja x A) ->
  (inc (Ma x A) (Ja x A) /\
   (forall k, inc k (Ja x A) -> gle r' k (Ma x A))).
  move => x A xX aux; move: (pa3 _ _ xX aux) => [].
  rewrite iorder_sr //; last by apply: pa2.
  move=> xx sb;split => // k ks; move: (sb _ ks) => sc;apply: (iorder_gle1 sc).
pose ra Y A := induced_order r' (fun_image Y (fun z => Ma z A)).
pose Aa Y A := the_least (ra Y A).
pose Pb1 Y A := forall x, inc x Y -> nonempty (Ja x A).
pose Pb2 Y A := forall x y i, inc x Y -> inc y Y -> inc i A -> Vg x i = Vg y i.
pose Pb3 Y A := forall x i, inc x Y -> inc i (olexp_I x) ->
       inc i A \/ (forall j, inc j A -> glt r' i j).
pose Ba Y A := Zo Y (fun z => Ma z A = Aa Y A).
pose Ca Y A := fun_image (Ba Y A) (fun z => Vg z (Aa Y A)).
pose Da Y A := the_least (induced_order r (Ca Y A)).
pose Za Y A := Zo (Ba Y A) (fun z => Vg z (Aa Y A) = Da Y A).
pose Ta Y A := A +s1 (Aa Y A).
pose Pc Y A := [/\ Pa Y, Pb2 Y A, sub A (substrate r') & Pb3 Y A].
pose Pb4 Y A := forall i, inc i A -> glt r' (Aa Y A) i.
have H0: Pc X emptyset.
  split => //.
  - by split => //; move=> x y _ /setC_P [].
  - by move=> x y i _ _ /in_set0.
  - fprops.
  - by move => x i _ _; right; move => j /in_set0.
set f := induction_term (fun n p => J (Za (P p) (Q p)) (Ta (P p) (Q p)))
  (J X emptyset).
have f0: f \0c = J X emptyset by apply: induction_term0.
have fn: forall n, inc n Bnat ->
   let Y := P (f n) in let A := Q (f n) in
     f (succ n) = J (Za Y A) (Ta Y A).
  by move => n nB; simpl; rewrite /f induction_terms.
Assume that (Pa), (Pb2), (Pb3) at level n implies the same at level n+1 and moreover (Pb4) that Aa is a strict lower bound of A. By induction (Pb4) is true at any level, so that Aa(n) is a striclty decreasing sequence. Contradiction.
suff HP: forall Y A, Pc Y A -> ( Pc (Za Y A) (Ta Y A) /\ Pb4 Y A).
  have fp: forall n, inc n Bnat -> Pc (P (f n)) (Q (f n)).
     apply: cardinal_c_induction; first by rewrite f0; aw.
    move=> n nB hrec; move: (fn _ nB); simpl; move => ->; aw.
    by move: (HP _ _ hrec) => [].
  pose g n := Aa (P (f n)) (Q (f n)).
  move: Bnat_order_wor => [].
  set r'':= Bnat_order => wor'' wsr.
  have Ai:forall i j, i <=N j -> sub (Q (f i)) (Q (f j)).
     move=> i j [iB jB ij].
     move: (cdiff_pr0 jB iB ij).
     set k:= j -c i; move=> [kB <-]; move: k kB.
     apply: cardinal_c_induction; first by aw; fprops.
     move=> n nB => hrec; apply: (sub_trans hrec); rewrite csum_via_succ //.
       rewrite fn /Ta; aw; fprops.
  have gp: forall n, inc n Bnat -> inc (g n) (Q (f (succ n))).
    by move=> n nB; rewrite (fn _ nB); aw; apply /setU1_P; right.
  have gpr: forall i j, inc i Bnat-> inc j Bnat -> i<c j -> inc (g i) (Q (f j)).
   move => i j iB jB /(card_le_succ_ltP _ iB) sij.
   move: (gp _ iB) => h.
    have aux: (succ i <=N j) by split;fprops.
   exact : ((Ai _ _ aux) _ h).
  have gnp: forall n, inc n (substrate r'') -> inc (g n) (substrate r').
     rewrite wsr; move => n nB; move: (gp _ nB).
     move: (fp _ (BS_succ nB))=> [p1 p2 p3 p4]; by move: p3; apply.
  have gp1: forall i j, glt r'' i j -> glt r' (g j) (g i).
     move=> i j lij.
     have [iB jB ij]: [/\ inc i Bnat, inc j Bnat & i <c j].
       move: lij => [] /Bnat_order_leP [pa pb pc] pd; done.
    move: (gpr _ _ iB jB ij); move: (fp _ jB) => pci.
    move: (HP _ _ pci) => [_]; apply.
  move: (worder_decreasing_finite wor'' wor' gnp gp1); rewrite wsr.
  by move: infinite_Bnat_alt.
A careful sudy of all conditions completes the proof
have pa0: forall Y y i, Pa Y -> inc y Y -> inc i (substrate r') ->
    inc (Vg y i) (substrate r).
  move => Y y i [pa _ _] yY isr.
  move: (Xr _ (pa _ yY)) => /Zo_P [] /graphset_P2 [sa' sb sc] _.
  apply sc; apply /(range_gP sa'); rewrite sb; ex_tac.
move=> Y A [pa pb pra prb]; move: (pa) =>[sYX neY xynY].
have sy: sub Y (substrate olexp) by apply: (sub_trans sYX qb).
have hp1: Pb1 Y A.
  move=> x xY; case: (emptyset_dichot (Ja x A)) => //.
  move=> je; case: (pa1 Y pa x); red; rewrite iorder_sr //.
  split => // y yY; apply /iorder_gleP => //.
  have aux: forall i, inc i (substrate r') -> gle r (Vg x i) (Vg y i).
    move => i isr; move: (pa0 Y y i pa yY isr) => vis.
    case: (inc_or_not i (olexp_I x)) => iI.
      have iA: inc i A.
         ex_middle niA; empty_tac1 i; apply /setC_P;split => //.
      by rewrite (pb _ _ _ xY yY iA); order_tac.
    move: iI => /Zo_P sa'.
    have ->: Vg x i = olexp_lE by ex_middle xx; case: sa';split => //.
    have xx: (nonempty (substrate r)) by exists (Vg y i).
    move: (olexp_lEp xx) => [_ sd]; apply: sd => //.
  move: olexp_total => to; case: (total_order_pr2 to(sy _ yY) (sy _ xY)) => //.
  move=> [lexy nxy]; move: lexy => /olexp_gleP [_ _ h].
  case: h => //;move=> [j [jsr vxy _]]; move: (aux _ jsr) => vyx; order_tac.
have pa4: least (ra Y A) (Aa Y A).
  rewrite /ra; set T := fun_image _ _.
  have neT: nonempty T.
    move: neY => [y yY]; exists (Ma y A); apply /funI_P; ex_tac.
  have sT: sub T (substrate r').
    move => t /funI_P [z zY ->].
    move: (pa3' _ _ (sYX _ zY) (hp1 _ zY)) => [pg ph].
    by move: (pa2 z A (sYX _ zY)); apply.
  apply the_least_pr.
    by apply: (proj1 (iorder_osr or' sT)).
  move: wor' => [_ ok]; apply: ok => //.
have pa5: sub (fun_image Y (Ma^~ A)) (substrate r').
  move=> t /funI_P [z zY ->].
  have zX: inc z X by apply: sYX.
  move: (pa2 z A zX) => sr2.
  by move: (pa3' _ _ zX (hp1 _ zY)) => [h1 _]; apply: sr2.
have pa6: inc (Aa Y A) (fun_image Y (Ma^~ A)).
  move: pa4 => []; rewrite /ra iorder_sr //.
have pa7: inc (Aa Y A) (substrate r') by move: pa5 pa6; apply.
have neC: nonempty (Ca Y A).
  move: pa6 => /funI_P [z z1 z2].
  by exists (Vg z (Aa Y A)); apply /funI_P;exists z => //; apply: Zo_i.
have pa8: sub (Ca Y A) (substrate r).
  move=> t /funI_P [z z1 ->].
  move: pa7 z1 => ais /Zo_P [zy _].
  by apply: (pa0 Y z (Aa Y A)) => //; move: pa => [pa _].
have pa9: least (induced_order r (Ca Y A)) (Da Y A).
  apply: the_least_pr.
    apply: (proj1 (iorder_osr or pa8)) => // t; rewrite /Ca; aw.
  by move: wor => [_ wor1]; apply: wor1; [apply: pa8 | apply: neC ].
have s1: (sub (Ba Y A) Y) by apply: Zo_S.
have sZY: sub (Za Y A) Y by apply: sub_trans s1; apply: Zo_S.
have neZ: nonempty (Za Y A).
  move: pa9 => []; rewrite iorder_sr //; move /funI_P.
  move=> [z zb vz] _; exists z; apply: Zo_i => //.
have pa10: forall x y,
  inc x (Za Y A) -> inc y (X -s (Za Y A)) -> glt olexp x y.
  move=> x y xZ => /setC_P [yX yc].
  have nxy : x <> y by dneg xy; ue.
  move: xZ => /Zo_P [] /Zo_P [xY se] sf.
  have xX: inc x X by exact (sYX _ xY).
  case: (inc_or_not y Y) => yY; last by apply:xynY => //;apply/setC_P.
  split => //; apply /olexp_gleP; split;fprops; right.
  have sm: gle r' (Aa Y A) (Ma y A).
    move: pa4 => []; rewrite /ra iorder_sr //.
    move => _ h.
    have mf: inc (Ma y A) (fun_image Y (Ma ^~ A)) by apply /funI_P; ex_tac.
    by move: (h _ mf) => le1; move: (iorder_gle1 le1).
  have sd : forall i : Set, glt r' (Ma y A) i -> Vg x i = Vg y i.
    move => k kp.
    case: (inc_or_not k A) => kA; first by apply: pb => //.
    case: (equal_or_not (Vg y k) olexp_lE).
       move => ->; ex_middle vx.
       have kJ: inc k (Ja x A).
         apply: Zo_i => //; apply: Zo_i => //; order_tac.
       move: (pa3' _ _ xX (hp1 _ xY)) => [sg sh].
       move: (sh _ kJ) => si.
       have lt1: glt r' (Ma y A) (Ma x A) by order_tac.
       have : glt r' (Aa Y A) (Ma x A) by order_tac.
       by rewrite se; move=> [_].
    move => aux3.
    have kJ: inc k (Ja y A).
       apply: Zo_i => //; apply: Zo_i => //; order_tac.
    move: (pa3' _ _ yX (hp1 _ yY)) => [_ sh]; move: (sh _ kJ) => ?; order_tac.
  case: (inc_or_not y (Ba Y A)).
     move=> yB; move: yc => /Zo_P bad1.
     case:(equal_or_not (Vg y (Aa Y A)) (Da Y A)) => eq1; first by case: bad1.
     move: pa9 => []; rewrite iorder_sr //.
     move=> sa' sb.
     have vc: inc (Vg y (Aa Y A)) (Ca Y A) by apply /funI_P; ex_tac.
     move: (sb _ vc) => aux; move: (iorder_gle1 aux) => aux2.
     have lt1: glt r (Vg x (Aa Y A)) (Vg y (Aa Y A)).
       by rewrite sf;split => //; apply:nesym.
     exists (Aa Y A);split => //.
     move: yB => /Zo_P [_ sc]; rewrite - sc.
     apply: sd; rewrite sc; order_tac.
  rewrite /Ba => /Zo_P ny.
  case: (equal_or_not (Ma y A) (Aa Y A)) => sm1; first by case: ny.
  exists (Ma y A);split => //; first by order_tac.
  move: (pa3' _ _ xX (hp1 _ xY)) => [sa' sb].
  move: (pa3' _ _ yX (hp1 _ yY)) => [say sby].
  case: (inc_or_not (Ma y A) (Ja x A)) => le1.
     move: (sb _ le1); rewrite se => le2; case: sm1; order_tac.
  have nsv: (Vg x (Ma y A)) <> (Vg y (Ma y A)).
    move: say => /Zo_P [sg sh].
    move: le1 => /Zo_P si.
    case: (inc_or_not (Ma y A) (olexp_I x)) => h; first by case: si.
    move: h sg => /Zo_P sj /Zo_P [sk sl].
    move=> sn; case: sj; rewrite sn; split; exact.
  split => //.
  case: (equal_or_not (Vg x (Ma y A)) olexp_lE).
      move => ->.
      have isr: inc (Ma y A) (substrate r') by order_tac.
      move: (pa0 Y y (Ma y A) pa yY isr) => vis.
      have xx: (nonempty (substrate r)) by exists (Vg y (Ma y A)).
      move: (olexp_lEp xx) => [_ sg]; apply: sg => //.
    case: (inc_or_not (Ma y A) A) => ma; first by case: nsv; apply: pb.
  move => nsve.
  have kJ: inc (Ma y A) (Ja x A).
     apply: Zo_i => //; apply: Zo_i => //; order_tac.
  move: (sb _ kJ); rewrite se => lt1; case: sm1; order_tac.
have pa12:Pb2 (Za Y A) (Ta Y A).
  move=> x y i.
  move /Zo_P => [xB sxV].
  move /Zo_P => [yB syV].
  case/setU1_P; last by move => ->; rewrite sxV syV.
  by apply: pb; apply: s1.
have pa11: sub (Ta Y A) (substrate r').
  move=> t; case /setU1_P; [by apply: pra | by move => ->].
have pay: Pa (Za Y A).
  split => //; first by apply: (sub_trans sZY).
have pa13: Pb3 (Za Y A) (Ta Y A).
  move => x i xZ iI.
  move: xZ => /Zo_P [] /Zo_P [x1 x2] x3.
  case: (prb _ _ x1 iI) => h; first by left; apply /setU1_P; left.
  case: (inc_or_not i A) => iA; first by left; apply /setU1_P; left.
  case: (equal_or_not i (Aa Y A)) => ia; first by left; apply /setU1_P;right.
  right => j; case /setU1_P; first by apply: h.
  move=> ->; split => //; rewrite -x2.
  move: (pa3' _ _ (sYX _ x1) (hp1 _ x1)) => [say sby].
  by apply: sby; apply Zo_i.
have//: Pb4 Y A.
move=> i iA.
move: pa4; move=> []; rewrite iorder_sr //.
move /funI_P=> [z zY zv].
move: (pa3' _ _ (sYX _ zY) (hp1 _ zY)) => [say sby].
move: say => /Zo_P [p1 p2].
case: (prb _ _ zY p1) => //.
by rewrite - zv; move=> h _; apply h.

End OlexPowBasic.

Assume r and R order isomorphic, and well as r' and R'. Then (olexp r r') and (olexp R R') are order isomorphic.
The idea is to associate to each element of (olexp r r') a function; by composition, we get a function R' -> R, the graph of this function is in (olexp R R'). A isomorphis sends the least element to the least element, and a finite set to a finite set.

Lemma image_of_inf r r' f: worder r -> worder r' ->
  order_isomorphism f r r' -> nonempty (substrate r) ->
  (inc (the_least r) (source f) /\
  Vf f (the_least r) = the_least r').
move=> wor wor' [o1 o2 [bf sf tf] oif] ne1.
have ne2: nonempty (substrate r').
   move: ne1 => [x xs]; exists (Vf f x); rewrite - tf.
   apply: Vf_target; [fct_tac | ue].
move: (the_least_pr o1 (worder_least wor ne1)).
move: (the_least_pr o2 (worder_least wor' ne2)).
set x := the_least r; set y := the_least r'; move => pc [pa pb].
split ; [ by ue | apply: (unique_least o2) => // ].
rewrite - sf in pa.
split; first by Wtac; fct_tac.
rewrite - tf => z zt; move: bf => [_ sjf].
move: ((proj2 sjf) _ zt) => [t tsf <-]; rewrite - oif //.
apply: pb; ue.

Lemma fct_co_simpl_right f1 f2 g:
  f1 \coP g -> f2 \coP g -> bijection g -> f1 \co g = f2 \co g -> f1 = f2.
move=> h1 h2 h3 h4.
set g1:= inverse_fun g.
have aux1: g \coP g1 by apply: composable_f_inv.
move : (f_equal (fun z => z \co g1) h4).
rewrite - (compfA h1 aux1) -(compfA h2 aux1) bij_right_inverse //.
move: h1 h2 => [pa pb pc] [pd pe pf].
rewrite - {1} pc -pf compf_id_r // compf_id_r //.

Lemma fct_co_simpl_left f1 f2 g:
  g \coP f1 -> g \coP f2 -> bijection g ->g \co f1 = g \co f2 -> f1 = f2.
move=> h1 h2 h3 h4.
set g1:= inverse_fun g.
have aux1: g1 \coP g by apply: composable_inv_f.
move : (f_equal (fun z => g1 \co z) h4).
rewrite (compfA aux1 h1) (compfA aux1 h2) bij_left_inverse //.
move: h1 h2 => [pa pb pc] [pd pe pf].
rewrite {1} pc pf compf_id_l // compf_id_l //.

Lemma opowa_invariant r1 r2 r3 r4:
   worder r1 -> worder r2 -> worder r3 -> worder r4 ->
   r1 \Is r2 -> r3 \Is r4 ->
   (olexp r1 r3) \Is (olexp r2 r4).
move: r1 r2 r3 r4.
pose H13 r1 r3 := worder r1 /\ worder r3.
pose C3 r1 r3 := triple (substrate r3) (substrate r1).
pose s13 r1 r3 := substrate (olexp r1 r3).
have s1p: forall r1 r3 x, H13 r1 r3 -> inc x (s13 r1 r3) ->
   let C := C3 r1 r3 x in
    [/\ function C, source C = (substrate r3),
    target C = substrate r1 & graph C = x].
  move=> r1 r3 x [wor1 wor3].
  rewrite /s13 (proj2 (olexp_osr wor1 wor3)) => /Zo_P; move=> [pa _].
  rewrite /C3; aw;split => //; move /(graphset_P2): pa => [p1 p2 p3].
  apply: function_pr => //.
have cpp: forall r1 r2 r3 r4 f g1, H13 r1 r3 ->
  order_isomorphism f r1 r2 -> order_isomorphism g1 r4 r3 ->
  forall x, inc x (s13 r1 r3) ->
  let C := C3 r1 r3 x in
  [/\ f \coP C, function (f \co C), ((f \co C) \coP g1),
  function ((f \co C) \co g1) &
  source ((f \co C) \co g1) = (substrate r4) /\
   target ((f \co C) \co g1) = (substrate r2)].
  move => r1 r2 r3 r4 f g h13 isf isg x xsr C; aw.
  move: isf => [o1 o2 [bf sf tf] orf].
  move: isg => [o3 o4 [bg sg tg] org].
  move; move: (s1p _ _ _ h13 xsr) => [fc sc tc gc].
  have p1: f \coP C by split => //;[ fct_tac| ue].
  have p2: function (f \co C) by fct_tac.
  have p3: ((f \co C) \coP g) by split => //; aw;try fct_tac; rewrite/C /C3; aw.
  split => //;fct_tac.
pose h3 r1 r3 f g x := graph (f \co (C3 r1 r3 x) \co g).
have ax3: forall r1 r2 r3 r4 f g x, H13 r1 r3 -> H13 r2 r4 ->
  order_isomorphism f r1 r2 -> order_isomorphism g r4 r3 ->
  inc x (s13 r1 r3) -> inc (h3 r1 r3 f g x) (s13 r2 r4).
   move => r1 r2 r3 r4 f g x h13 [wo2 wo4] isf isg.
   move: (h13) => [wo1 wo3].
   move: (isf) => [o1 o2 [bf sf tf] orf].
   move: (isg) => [o3 o4 [bg sg tg] org].
   move=> xs; move: (s1p _ _ _ h13 xs) ; set C := C3 r1 r3 x.
   move => [fc sc tc gc].
   have sctg: (source C = target g) by rewrite /C /C3; aw.
   have o12g: sub (olexp_I r1 r3 x) (target g).
      by move=> t; rewrite tg; apply: Zo_S.
   move: (cpp _ _ _ _ _ _ h13 isf isg _ xs) => [p1 p2 p3 p4 [p5 p6]].
   rewrite /s13 (proj2 (olexp_osr wo2 wo4)); apply: Zo_i.
      by rewrite -p5 -p6; apply: gfun_set_i.
   set s:= olexp_I _ _ _.
   have qz: forall t, inc t (substrate r4) -> inc (Vf g t) (source C).
     move => t ts4.
     have s3: inc t (source g) by aw;ue.
     rewrite sctg; aw; apply Vf_target =>//; fct_tac.
    set l2 := olexp_lE r2; set l1 := olexp_lE r1.
   have fg: function g by fct_tac.
   have qa: s = Zo (substrate r4) (fun i => Vf f (Vf C (Vf g i)) <> l2).
     set_extens t => /Zo_P [q1 q2]; apply /Zo_P;split => //; move: q2;
     rewrite /h3 -/(Vf (f \co C \co g) t) => //; rewrite - sg in q1; aw; Wtac.
   have qb: s = Zo (substrate r4) (fun i => (Vf C (Vf g i)) <> l1).
     rewrite qa; set_extens t => /Zo_P [q1 q2]; apply/Zo_P;split => //;move: q2.
       set u := Vf C (Vf g t).
       case: (equal_or_not u l1) => // h1; case.
       have ur1: inc u (substrate r1).
         by rewrite -tc; apply: Vf_target => //; apply: qz.
       have ne1: nonempty (substrate r1) by ex_tac.
       rewrite /l2/olexp_lE; move:(image_of_inf wo1 wo2 isf ne1) => [qc <-]; ue.
     set u := Vf C (Vf g t) => h; dneg h1.
      have ur1: inc u (substrate r1).
         by rewrite - tc; apply: Vf_target => //; apply: qz.
       have ne1: nonempty (substrate r1) by ex_tac.
       rewrite /l2/olexp_lE; move: (image_of_inf wo1 wo2 isf ne1) => [qc].
       have <-: l2 = the_least r2 by done.
       rewrite -h1 => sv.
       move: bf => [[ff fi] _]; apply: fi => //; ue.
  set g1:= inverse_fun g.
  have ss1: sub (olexp_I r1 r3 x) (source g1) by rewrite /g1; aw.
  have p0: bijection g1 by apply: inverse_bij_fb.
  have fg1: function g1 by fct_tac.
  have -> : s = image_by_fun g1 (olexp_I r1 r3 x).
   rewrite qb; set_extens t.
     move => /Zo_P; rewrite {1} /Vf corresp_g ;move=> [ts4 tv].
     apply /(Vf_image_P fg1 ss1); exists (Vf g t) => //.
        apply /Zo_P;split => //; Wtac.
     by rewrite inverse_V2 //; ue.
   move => /(Vf_image_P fg1 ss1) [u /Zo_P].
   have ->: substrate r4 = target g1 by rewrite /g1; aw.
   move => [pa pb] ->; apply /Zo_P; split.
      Wtac;rewrite /g1; aw; ue.
   rewrite - tg in pa; rewrite (inverse_V bg); rewrite /C /C3 /Vf; aw.
  apply: finite_image_by => //.
  by move: xs; rewrite /s13 (proj2 (olexp_osr wo1 wo3)) // => /Zo_P [_].
move=> r1 r2 r3 r4 wo1 wo2 wo3 wo4 [f isf] [g isg].
move: (inverse_order_is isg) => isg1.
move: (inverse_order_is isf) => isf1.
have h13a: H13 r1 r3 by split.
have h24a: H13 r2 r4 by split.
set g1 := inverse_fun g; set f1 := inverse_fun f.
pose h := h3 r1 r3 f g1.
pose hi := h3 r2 r4 f1 g.
set srs := substrate (olexp r1 r3); set srt:= substrate (olexp r2 r4).
have ax: forall x, inc x srs -> inc (h x) srt.
  move => x srx.
  by move: (ax3 r1 r2 r3 r4 f g1 x h13a h24a isf isg1 srx).
have ax': forall x, inc x srt -> inc (hi x) srs.
  move => x srx.
  by move: (ax3 r2 r1 r4 r3 f1 g x h24a h13a isf1 isg srx).
move: (isf) => [o1 o2 [bf sf tf] orf].
move: (isg) => [o3 o4 [bg sg tg] org].
have sg1: source g1 = substrate r4 by rewrite /g1 ; aw.
have tg1: target g1 = substrate r3 by rewrite /g1 ; aw.
have sf1: source f1 = substrate r2 by rewrite /f1 ; aw.
have tf1: target f1 = substrate r1 by rewrite /f1 ; aw.
have p0: bijection g1 by apply: inverse_bij_fb.
have hin: forall x y, inc x srs -> inc y srs -> h x = h y -> x = y.
  rewrite /h;move=> x y xs ys sh.
  move: (cpp _ _ _ _ _ _ h13a isf isg1 _ xs) => [p1 p2 p3 p4 [p5 p6]].
  move: (cpp _ _ _ _ _ _ h13a isf isg1 _ ys) => [q1 q2 q3 q4 [q5 q6]].
  have pa: ((f \co C3 r1 r3 x) \co g1) = ((f \co C3 r1 r3 y) \co g1).
     by apply: function_exten1 => //; rewrite p6 q6 //.
  move: (fct_co_simpl_right p3 q3 p0 pa) => pb.
  move: (fct_co_simpl_left p1 q1 bf pb); rewrite /C3 => pc.
  move: (f_equal graph pc); aw.
have hs: forall y, inc y srt -> exists2 x, inc x srs & y = h x.
  move=> y ysr.
  move: (ax' _ ysr) => aux.
  move: (s1p r2 r4 y h24a ysr); set z:= C3 r2 r4 y; move => [s1 s2 s3 s4].
  move: (s1p r1 r3 _ h13a aux);set w:= C3 _ _ _; move=> [s1' s2' s3' s4'].
  exists (hi y) => //; rewrite /h /h3; rewrite -/w.
  rewrite - s4; apply f_equal.
  move: (cpp _ _ _ _ _ _ h13a isf isg1 _ aux).
    rewrite -/w -/g1; move => [p1 p2 p3 p4 [p5 p6]].
  move: (cpp _ _ _ _ _ _ h24a isf1 isg _ ysr).
    rewrite -/f1 -/z; move => [q1 q2 q3 q4 [q5 q6]].
  have: w = f1 \co z \co g.
    rewrite /w /hi /h3 -/z.
    move: q4 => [q4 _ _]; rewrite - {2} (corresp_recov1 q4) /C3.
    rewrite -q5 - q6; aw.
  move => ->.
  set a := (f1 \co z).
  have c1: f \coP a. rewrite /a /f1;red; aw; split => //; fct_tac.
  rewrite (compfA c1 q3).
  have c2: f \coP f1 by apply: composable_f_inv.
  have c3: g \coP g1 by apply: composable_f_inv.
  have c4: z \coP g by split => // ; [fct_tac | rewrite s2; ue].
  have ->: f \co a = z.
      rewrite /a compfA // bij_right_inverse //.
      have ->: target f = target z by rewrite s3; ue.
      rewrite compf_id_l //.
   rewrite - compfA // bij_right_inverse //.
      have ->: target g = source z by rewrite s2; ue.
      rewrite compf_id_r //.
move: (olexp_osr wo1 wo3) => [oa os13].
move: (olexp_osr wo2 wo4) => [ob os24].
exists (Lf h srs srt); split => //; aw; rewrite ? os13 ? os24.
   split => //; aw; apply: lf_bijective => //.
have hp: forall z i, inc z srs -> inc i (substrate r4) ->
   Vg (h z) i = Vf f (Vg z (Vf g1 i)).
  move => z i zrs isr.
  move: (cpp _ _ _ _ _ _ h13a isf isg1 _ zrs) => [q1 q2 q3 q4 [q5 q6]].
  rewrite - sg1 in isr.
  have w1: inc (Vf g1 i) (source (C3 r1 r3 z)).
  rewrite /C3; aw; rewrite - tg1; Wtac; fct_tac.
  rewrite /h /h3 -/(Vf _ i); aw; rewrite {2} /Vf /C3; aw.
have p1: olexp_G r1 r3 = srs by ue.
have p2: olexp_G r2 r4 = srt by ue.
red; aw;move => x y xsr ysr; aw;split.
   move => /(olexp_gleP wo1 wo3); rewrite p1; move => [xi yi cxy].
   apply /(olexp_gleP wo2 wo4); rewrite p2;split => //; try (apply: ax => //).
  case: cxy => cxy; first (by rewrite cxy; left); right.
  move: cxy => [j [js3 ltj eqj]].
  have wj4: inc (Vf g j) (substrate r4) by rewrite - tg; Wtac; fct_tac.
  have jv: Vf g1 (Vf g j) = j by rewrite inverse_V2 //; ue.
  exists (Vf g j); split => //.
     by rewrite hp // hp // jv; apply :(order_isomorphism_sincr isf).
   move => i ip.
   have i4:inc i (substrate r4) by order_tac.
   rewrite hp // hp //; congr (Vf f _); apply: eqj.
   by rewrite - jv; apply : (order_isomorphism_sincr isg1).
move => /(olexp_gleP wo2 wo4); rewrite p2; move => [xi yi cxy].
   apply /(olexp_gleP wo1 wo3); rewrite p1;split => //.
case: cxy => cxy; first (by left; apply hin); right.
move: cxy => [j [js4 ltj eqj]].
have wj4: inc (Vf g1 j) (substrate r3) by rewrite - tg1;Wtac;fct_tac.
have jv: Vf g (Vf g1 j) = j by rewrite inverse_V //; ue.
have xyi: forall i, inc i (substrate r3) ->
    (inc (Vg x i) (substrate r1) /\ inc (Vg y i) (substrate r1)).
  move=> i isr; split.
    move: xsr; rewrite -p1 => /Zo_P [] /graphset_P2 [q1 q2 q3] _.
    apply: q3; apply /(range_gP q1); rewrite q2; ex_tac.
  move: ysr; rewrite -p1 => /Zo_P [] /graphset_P2 [q1 q2 q3] _.
  apply: q3; apply /(range_gP q1); rewrite q2; ex_tac.
exists (Vf g1 j); split => //.
   move: (ltj); move: (xyi _ wj4); rewrite - sf; move => [s1 s2].
   by rewrite hp // hp //; move /(order_isomorphism_siso isf s1 s2).
move => i ip.
have i4:inc i (substrate r3) by order_tac.
have wi: inc (Vf g i) (substrate r4) by rewrite - tg; Wtac; fct_tac.
have i5: glt r4 j (Vf g i) by rewrite -jv; apply (order_isomorphism_sincr isg).
move: (eqj _ i5).
move: (xyi _ i4); rewrite - sf; move => [s1 s2].
move: bf => [[_ isf2] _].
have iv: Vf g1 (Vf g i) = i by rewrite inverse_V2 //; ue.
by rewrite hp // hp // iv; apply: isf2.

Let X and Y be any two well-ordered sets, x and y their ordinals. The ordinal of olexp X Y depends only on x and y; we shall denote it by x ^O y.
We have x ^o y = x ^O y in case x=0, x=1, y=0 and y=1.

Definition ord_powa x y := ordinal (olexp (ordinal_o x) (ordinal_o y)).

Notation "x ^O y" := (ord_powa x y) (at level 30).

Lemma OS_ord_powa a b: ordinalp a -> ordinalp b ->
  ordinalp (a ^O b).
by move=> oa ob; apply: OS_ordinal; apply: olexp_worder; apply: ordinal_o_wor.

Lemma ord_powa_pr0 r r': worder r -> worder r' ->
   ordinal (olexp r r') = (ordinal r) ^O (ordinal r').
move => wor wor'.
move: (OS_ordinal wor)(OS_ordinal wor') => o1 o2.
apply: ordinal_o_isu2.
- by apply olexp_worder.
- by apply: OS_ord_powa.
move: (ordinal_o_is wor) (ordinal_o_is wor') => is1 is2.
move: (ordinal_o_wor o1) => wor1.
move: (ordinal_o_wor o2) => wor2.
move: (opowa_invariant wor wor1 wor' wor2 is1 is2).
move: (ordinal_o_is (olexp_worder wor1 wor2)) => t1 t2.
by move: (orderIT t2 t1).

Lemma ord_powa_pr1 x : ordinalp x -> x ^O \0o = x ^o \0o.
move: OS0=> oz ox; rewrite opowx0.
have w1: worder (ordinal_o x) by apply:ordinal_o_wor.
have w2: worder (ordinal_o \0o) by apply:ordinal_o_wor.
move:(olexp_osr w1 w2) => [pa pb].
apply: set1_ordinal => //; rewrite pb.
by apply: olex_Fe; rewrite ordinal_o_sr.

Lemma ord_powa_pr2 y : ordinalp y -> y <> \0o -> \0o ^O y = \0o ^o y.
move: OS0=> oz oy ynz; rewrite opow0x //.
have w1: worder (ordinal_o y) by apply:ordinal_o_wor.
have w2: worder (ordinal_o \0o) by apply:ordinal_o_wor.
move:(olexp_osr w2 w1) => [pa pb].
apply: ordinal0_pr1 => //;rewrite pb.
by apply: olex_nFe_Ee;rewrite ordinal_o_sr.

Lemma ord_powa_pr3 y : ordinalp y -> \0o ^O y = \0o ^o y.
move => oy; case: (equal_or_not y \0o) => ynz.
   rewrite ynz; apply:ord_powa_pr1; fprops.
by apply:ord_powa_pr2.

Lemma ord_powa_pr4 y : ordinalp y -> \1o ^O y = \1o ^o y.
move: OS1=> oz ox; rewrite opow1x.
have w1: worder (ordinal_o y) by apply:ordinal_o_wor.
have w2: worder (ordinal_o \1o) by apply:ordinal_o_wor.
move:(olexp_osr w2 w1) => [pra prb].
apply: set1_ordinal => //.
apply /singletonP; split.
  have ne1: nonempty (substrate (ordinal_o \1o)).
     exists emptyset; rewrite /ord_one /card_one ordinal_o_sr;fprops.
  move:(olexp_G_least w2 w1 ne1) => [h _]; ex_tac.
rewrite prb /olexp_G /olexp_I ! ordinal_o_sr.
move=> a b => /Zo_P [pa _] /Zo_P [pb _].
move: (gfun_set_hi pa)=> [f [ff sf tf <-]].
move: (gfun_set_hi pb)=> [g [fg sg tg <-]].
suff: f = g by move => ->.
apply: function_exten => //; (try ue) => x xsf.
have : inc (Vf f x) \1o by Wtac.
rewrite sf in xsf; have : inc (Vf g x) \1o by Wtac.
by move => /set1_P -> /set1_P ->.

Lemma ord_powa_pr5 x : ordinalp x -> x ^O \1c = x ^o \1c.
move: OS1 => oo ox; rewrite (opowx1 ox).
have ese: inc emptyset (singleton emptyset) by fprops.
have w1: worder (ordinal_o x) by apply:ordinal_o_wor.
have w2: worder (ordinal_o \1o) by apply:ordinal_o_wor.
have w3: worder (olexp (ordinal_o x) (ordinal_o \1c)) by apply olexp_worder.
apply: ordinal_o_isu2 => //; apply: orderIS.
move: w1 w2; set r := (ordinal_o x); set r':= (ordinal_o \1c).
move => w1 w2.
move: (olexp_osr w1 w2) => [ooo sr].
move: (ordinal_o_sr \1o); rewrite -/r' /ord_one /card_one => sr'.
have oG: olexp_G r r'= (gfunctions (substrate r') (substrate r)).
   apply extensionality; first by apply: Zo_S.
   move => t tf; apply: Zo_i => //.
   have : finite_set (substrate r') by rewrite sr';apply: set1_finite.
  rewrite /olexp_I sr'; apply: sub_finite_set; apply: Zo_S.
rewrite sr' in oG.
set f := cst_graph (singleton emptyset).
have ta: forall t, inc t (substrate r) -> inc (f t) (substrate (olexp r r')).
  move => t tsr; rewrite sr oG; apply /graphset_P2.
  rewrite /f/cst_graph;split => //; bw; fprops.
  by move => z /Lg_range_P [_ _ ->].
set F := Lf f (substrate r) (substrate (olexp r r')).
have bf: bijection F.
  apply: lf_bijective => //.
    move => u v usr vsr sf; move: (f_equal (Vg ^~emptyset) sf).
     rewrite /f/cst_graph; bw; aw.
  move => y; rewrite sr oG =>ys;move:(gfun_set_hi ys)=> [k [fk sk tk gk]].
  set z := Vf k emptyset.
  have zr: inc z (substrate r) by rewrite /z; Wtac ; rewrite sk; fprops.
  ex_tac;symmetry;rewrite /f /cst_graph - gk; apply: fgraph_exten; bw; fprops.
    by rewrite (f_domain_graph fk) sk.
  move => t ts /=; bw; move: ts => /set1_P -> //.
exists F.
apply: total_order_isomorphism; rewrite /F; aw.
    by apply: worder_total.
move => a b asr bsr rab;aw;apply /(olexp_gleP w1 w2); rewrite - sr;split;fprops.
case: (equal_or_not a b) => eab; first by rewrite eab; left.
right; exists emptyset; rewrite /f sr'; aw; split;fprops.
    by rewrite /cst_graph;bw.
move => i [pa] [].
have: inc i (substrate r') by order_tac.
by rewrite sr' => /set1_P.

Lemma inclusion_morphism_a a b (f:= Lf id a b) : a <=o b ->
   ( segmentp (ordinal_o b) (range (graph f))
    /\ order_morphism f (ordinal_o a) (ordinal_o b)).
move => [oa ob ab].
have s1: segmentp (ordinal_o b) a.
     rewrite /segmentp (ordinal_o_sr b).
     split; [exact | move => s t; aw ].
     move /(ord_ltP oa) => su /ordo_leP [tv sv ts].
     apply /(ord_ltP oa); apply: ord_le_ltT su; split => //; ord_tac.
have eq1: (fun_image a id) = a.
      set_extens t; first by move /funI_P => [z za ->].
      move => ta;apply /funI_P; ex_tac.
split; first by rewrite /f /Lf corresp_g Lg_range eq1.
rewrite /f; split; fprops.
  rewrite !ordinal_o_sr;hnf;aw; split => //; fprops.
red; aw;move => x y xa ya; aw; split.
   move => /ordo_leP [tv sv ts]; apply /ordo_leP;split;fprops.
   move => /ordo_leP [tv sv ts]; apply /ordo_leP;split;fprops.

Lemma inclusion_morphism_b a b f : a <o b ->
  segmentp (ordinal_o b) (range (graph f)) ->
  order_morphism f (ordinal_o a) (ordinal_o b) ->
  (forall x, inc x a -> Vf f x = x).
move => hlt s1 m1.
move:(hlt) => [[oa ob sab] _].
move: (inclusion_morphism_a (proj1 hlt)) => [s2 m2].
case: (isomorphism_worder (ordinal_o_wor oa)(ordinal_o_wor ob)).
  move /unique_existence => [_ unq];rewrite (unq _ _ (conj s1 m1) (conj s2 m2)).
  move => x xa; aw.
move => [g [[sg mg] _]].
have : ordinal_leD1 b a by apply /ordinal_le_P1; split => //; exists g.
move / ordinal_le_P0; rewrite -/(b <=o a) => bad;ord_tac.

We have (a ^O (b +o c)) = (a ^O b) *o (a ^O c)
Let f be a functional graph on B+C with values in A; we associate the two restrictions to B and C. If f is almost everywhere e, then the same holds for both restrictions, and conversely. The mapping f -> (f1,f2) is obviously order-preserving; this gives an order isomorphism.

Lemma power_of_suma a b c: ordinalp a -> ordinalp b -> ordinalp c ->
  (a ^O (b +o c)) = (a ^O b) *o (a ^O c).
move => oa ob oc.
move: (ordinal_o_wor oa) => woa.
move: (ordinal_o_wor ob) => wob.
move: (ordinal_o_wor oc) => woc.
move: (ordinal_o_wor (OS_sum2 ob oc)) => wo_bc.
move: (OS_ord_powa oa ob) => o_ab.
move: (OS_ord_powa oa oc) => o_ac.
move: (ordinal_o_wor o_ab) => wo_ab.
move: (ordinal_o_wor o_ac) => wo_ac.
apply: ordinal_o_isu1; [ by apply: olexp_worder | by apply: orprod2_wor | ].
rewrite /ord_powa.
move: (orprod_invariant4 (ordinal_o_is (olexp_worder woa wob))
  (ordinal_o_is (olexp_worder woa woc))).
apply: orderIT.
rewrite /ord_sum2.
move: (orsum2_wor wob woc) => pa.
move: (ordinal_o_is (orsum2_wor wob woc)) => pb.
move: (worder_invariance pb pa) => pc.
move: (orderIR (proj1 woa)) => pd.
move: (orderIS(opowa_invariant woa woa pa pc pd pb)) => h.
apply: (orderIT h).
move: woa wob woc.
set A := ordinal_o a; set B := ordinal_o b; set C:= ordinal_o c => woa wob woc.
clear wo_ab wo_ac pa pb pc pd h wo_bc o_ab o_ac.
set Gab:= (olexp_G A B).
set Gac := (olexp_G A C).
set Gabc := olexp_G A (order_sum2 B C).
set gab:= (gfunctions b a).
set gac:= (gfunctions c a).
set gabc:= (gfunctions (canonical_du2 b c) a).
pose fOI u v := fun x => finite_set (olexp_I u v x).
move: (olexp_worder woa woc) (olexp_worder woa wob) => woac woab.
move: (orsum2_wor wob woc) => wobc.
move: (woab)(woac) => [oab _] [oac _].
move:(ordinal_o_sr a) (ordinal_o_sr b) (ordinal_o_sr c) => sa sb sc.
move:(olexp_osr woa wob) (olexp_osr woa woc) => [_ sab][_ sac].
have sr0: product2 (substrate (olexp A C)) (substrate (olexp A B)) =
   product2 Gac Gab.
   by rewrite sab sac.
have sr1: substrate (order_prod2 (olexp A B) (olexp A C)) = product2 Gac Gab.
   by rewrite (proj2 (orprod2_osr oab oac)).
have sr2: substrate (olexp A (order_sum2 B C)) = Gabc.
  by rewrite (proj2 (olexp_osr woa wobc)).
have sr3: (substrate (order_sum2 B C)) = canonical_du2 b c.
  by rewrite (orsum2_sr (proj1 wob) (proj1 woc)) sb sc.
have Gab1: Gab = Zo gab (fOI A B) by rewrite /Gab /olexp_G sa sb.
have Gac1: Gac = Zo gac (fOI A C) by rewrite /Gac /olexp_G sa sc.
have Gabc1: Gabc = Zo gabc (fOI A (order_sum2 B C)).
  by rewrite /Gabc /olexp_G sr3 sa.
pose pr1f f := Lg b (fun z => Vg f (J z C0)).
pose pr2f f := Lg c (fun z => Vg f (J z C1)).
pose pr3f f := variantLc (pr2f f) (pr1f f).
have pr1f1: forall f, inc f gabc -> inc (pr1f f) gab.
  move => f; rewrite /gabc /gab.
  move /graphset_P2; move => [fgf df rf].
  apply /graphset_P2; rewrite /pr1f; split; [ fprops| bw | ].
  move => t /Lg_range_P [x xb ->]; apply: rf; apply /(range_gP fgf).
  by exists (J x C0) => //;rewrite df; apply candu2_pra.
have pr2f1: forall f, inc f gabc -> inc (pr2f f) gac.
  move => f; rewrite /gabc /gac.
  move /graphset_P2; move => [fgf df rf].
  apply /graphset_P2; rewrite /pr2f; split; [ fprops| bw | ].
  move => t /Lg_range_P [x xb ->]; apply: rf; apply /(range_gP fgf).
  by exists (J x C1) => //;rewrite df; apply candu2_prb.
have pr1f2: forall f, inc f Gabc -> inc (pr1f f) Gab.
   move => f; rewrite Gab1 Gabc1 => /Zo_P [pa pb]; apply /Zo_P; split;fprops.
   move: pb; rewrite /fOI /olexp_I sr3 sb.
   set e1:= Zo _ _; set e2 := Zo _ _ => fe1.
   have hp: forall x, inc x e2 -> inc (J x C0) e1.
      move => x => /Zo_P [xb xx]; apply: Zo_i; first by apply candu2_pra.
      move: xx;rewrite /pr1f; bw.
   apply: (sub_image_finite_set fe1 hp) => u v _ _ sv; apply: (pr1_def sv).
have pr2f2: forall f, inc f Gabc -> inc (pr2f f) Gac.
   move => f; rewrite Gac1 Gabc1; move /Zo_P => [pa pb]; apply Zo_i; fprops.
   move: pb; rewrite /fOI /olexp_I sr3 sc.
   set e1:= Zo _ _; set e2 := Zo _ _ => fe1.
   have hp: forall x, inc x e2 -> inc (J x C1) e1.
      move => x => /Zo_P [xb xx]; apply: Zo_i; first by apply candu2_prb.
      move: xx;rewrite /pr2f; bw.
  apply: (sub_image_finite_set fe1 hp) => u v _ _ sv; apply: (pr1_def sv).
have pr2f3: forall f, inc f Gabc -> inc (pr3f f) (product2 Gac Gab).
  move => f fi; move: (pr1f2 _ fi)(pr2f2 _ fi) => pa pb.
  apply /setX2_P; rewrite /pr3f; bw; split;fprops.
pose g := Lf pr3f Gabc (product2 Gac Gab).
have bg: bijection g.
  apply: lf_bijective => //.
    rewrite Gabc1;move => u v /Zo_S ug /Zo_S vg sv.
    move: (f_equal (Vg ^~ C0) sv) (f_equal (Vg ^~ C1) sv).
    rewrite /pr3f; bw; rewrite /pr1f /pr2f => eq1 eq2.
    move: ug vg => /graphset_P1 [fgu du _] /graphset_P1 [fgv dv _].
    apply: fgraph_exten => //; rewrite du // => x /candu2P.
    move => [px]; case; move => [Px Qx]; move: px; rewrite /pairp Qx => px.
      move: (f_equal (Vg ^~ (P x)) eq2);bw; ue.
    move: (f_equal (Vg ^~ (P x)) eq1); bw; ue.
  move => y /setX2_P [fgy dy vy1 vy2].
  set z := Lg (canonical_du2 b c)
      (fun t => (Yo (Q t = C0) (Vg (Vg y C1) (P t))(Vg (Vg y C0) (P t)))).
  have fgz: fgraph z by rewrite /z;fprops.
  have dz: domain z = canonical_du2 b c by rewrite /z; bw.
  move: (vy1) => /Zo_P [] /graphset_P2 [pa1 pb1 pc1] pd1.
  move: (vy2) => /Zo_P [] /graphset_P2 [pa2 pb2 pc2] pd2.
  move: TP_ne1 => td.
  have eqa: pr3f z = y.
    rewrite /pr3f; apply:fgraph_exten.
    - fprops.
    - done.
    - symmetry; bw.
    - bw => x xtp; rewrite /pr1f /pr2f.
      try_lvariant xtp;apply:fgraph_exten; fprops; bw.
      + by rewrite pb1.
      + move => t tc; move: (candu2_prb b tc) => h.
        by rewrite (LVg_E _ tc) (LVg_E _ h) pr1_pair pr2_pair; Ytac0.
      + by rewrite pb2.
   - move => t tc; move: (candu2_pra c tc) => h.
     by rewrite (LVg_E _ tc) (LVg_E _ h) pr1_pair pr2_pair; Ytac0.
  exists z; last by exact.
  have zg: inc z gabc.
    apply /graphset_P2; split => // t /(range_gP fgz).
    rewrite dz;move => [x xdz ->].
    move: (xdz) => /candu2P.
    move => [px]; case; move => [Px Qx]; rewrite /z; bw; rewrite Qx; Ytac0.
      move: vy2 =>/Zo_P [] /graphset_P2 [pa pb pc] _.
      rewrite - sa; apply:pc; apply /(range_gP pa).
      rewrite pb;exists (P x) => //; ue.
    move: vy1 =>/Zo_P [] /graphset_P2 [pa pb pc] _.
    rewrite - sa; apply:pc; apply /(range_gP pa).
    rewrite pb;exists (P x) => //; ue.
  apply: Zo_i; first by rewrite sr3 sa.
  move: pd1 pd2;rewrite /olexp_I.
  set e1 := Zo _ _; set e2 := Zo _ _; set e3 := Zo _ _ => fe1 fe2.
  move: (finite_fun_image (fun z => (J z C1)) fe1).
  move: (finite_fun_image (fun z => (J z C0)) fe2) => fe1' fe2'.
  move: (finite_union2 fe1' fe2') => fe3'.
  apply: sub_finite_set fe3'.
  move => t /Zo_P; rewrite sr3; move => [tdi vt]; apply /setU2_P.
  move: (tdi) => /candu2P [pt]; case=> [][Pt Qt]; [left | right ]; move: vt;
    rewrite (LVg_E _ tdi) Qt; Ytac0 => tnl; apply /funI_P; rewrite -Qt;
     exists (P t) => //; apply: Zo_i => //; ue.
exists g; apply: total_order_isomorphism.
- apply: worder_total; apply: olexp_worder => //.
- by apply: orprod2_or; apply: (proj1 (olexp_osr _ _)).
- done.
- rewrite /g; aw.
- rewrite /g; aw.
- rewrite /g lf_source; move => x y xsg ysg /=.
rewrite (lf_V pr2f3 xsg)(lf_V pr2f3 ysg).
move /(olexp_gleP woa wobc) => [_ _ cxy].
apply / (orprod2_gleP (proj1 woab) (proj1 woac)); rewrite sr0.
move: (pr2f3 _ xsg) (pr2f3 _ ysg) => ip1 ip2.
split; [by done | by done | case: cxy].
  move => <-; left; split; [reflexivity | order_tac].
  by move: ip1; rewrite - sr0 ; move /setX2_P=> [_ _ _].
rewrite sr3; move => [j [jc jv ajv]].
rewrite /pr3f; bw.
move: jc => /candu2P [pj]; case; move => [Pj Qj].
  left; split.
    have xg: inc x gabc by move: xsg =>/Zo_P []; rewrite sr3 sa.
    have yg: inc y gabc by move: ysg =>/Zo_P []; rewrite sr3 sa.
    move: (pr2f1 _ xg) =>/graphset_P1 [fg1 d1 v1].
    move: (pr2f1 _ yg) =>/graphset_P1 [fg2 d2 v2].
    apply: fgraph_exten => //; rewrite d1 // => t tc.
    have lt1: glt (order_sum2 B C) j (J t C1).
    rewrite - pj Qj; apply:orsum2_gle_spec.
        by rewrite sb.
      by rewrite sc.
    move: (ajv _ lt1); rewrite /pr2f; bw.
    apply /(olexp_gleP woa wob).
    split; [ by apply: pr1f2 | by apply: pr1f2 | right ].
  exists (P j); rewrite sb /pr1f; bw; rewrite -Qj pj; split => //.
  move => i [iv niv].
  have ib: inc i b by rewrite - sb; order_tac.
  bw; apply: ajv; split; last by rewrite -{1} pj; dneg uu; exact (pr1_def uu).
  apply /orsum2_gleP; rewrite -{1} pj Qj pr1_pair pr2_pair.
  split; first by apply: candu2_pra; rewrite sb.
    by apply: candu2_pra; rewrite sb.
  by constructor 1.
right; move: (jv) => [_ jvb].
split; last first.
  move => sv; case: jvb;move: (f_equal (Vg ^~(P j)) sv); rewrite /pr2f; bw.
  by rewrite -Qj pj.
apply /(olexp_gleP woa woc).
split; [ by apply: pr2f2 | by apply: pr2f2 | right].
exists (P j); rewrite sc /pr2f; bw; rewrite -Qj pj; split => //.
move => i [iv niv].
have ic: inc i c by rewrite - (ordinal_o_sr c); order_tac.
bw; apply: ajv; split; last by rewrite -{1} pj; dneg uu; exact (pr1_def uu).
apply /orsum2_gleP; rewrite -{1} pj Qj pr1_pair pr2_pair.
split; first by apply: candu2_prb; rewrite sc.
  by apply: candu2_prb; rewrite sc.
by constructor 2; split; fprops.

Lemma ord_powa_M_eqle a b c: ordinalp a -> b <=o c -> a <> \0o ->
   a ^O b <=o a ^O c.
move => oa bc anz.
move: (odiff_pr bc); set d := c -o b; move => [od ->].
rewrite (power_of_suma oa (proj31 bc) od).
apply: oprod_Mle1; first by exact (OS_ord_powa oa (proj31 bc)).
suff h: a ^O d <> \0o.
  move: (OS_ord_powa oa od) => op; ord_tac1.
move => h.
move: (ordinal_o_wor oa)(ordinal_o_wor od) => woa wod.
move: (ordinal0_pr2 (olexp_worder woa wod) h).
have ne: nonempty (substrate (ordinal_o a)).
   rewrite (ordinal_o_sr a); case: (emptyset_dichot a) => //.
move: (olexp_G_least woa wod ne).
set m := cst_graph _ _; move => [ms _] bad; empty_tac1 m.

Lemma ord_powa_succ a b: ordinalp a -> ordinalp b ->
   a ^O (succ_o b) = (a ^O b) *o a.
move => oa ob; rewrite -(ord_succ_pr ob) (power_of_suma oa ob OS1).
by rewrite (ord_powa_pr5 oa) opowx1.

We have x ^O y = x ^o y in any case, by induction on y.

Lemma ord_powa_same a b: ordinalp a -> ordinalp b ->
   a ^O b = a ^o b.
move => oa ob.
case: (ord2_trichotomy oa); first by move => ->; apply: ord_powa_pr3.
  by move => ->; apply: ord_powa_pr4.
move => a2.
ex_middle bad0.
pose p y := a ^O y = a ^o y.
have pb: ~ (p b) by [].
move: (least_ordinal3 ob pb);
set y :=least_ordinal _ _; move => [oy py lpy]; case: py; rewrite /p.
case: (limit_ordinal_pr2 oy) => ly.
    by rewrite ly; apply: ord_powa_pr1.
  move: ly => [t ot tx]; rewrite tx.
  have lty: t <o y by rewrite tx; apply: ord_succ_lt.
  by rewrite (ord_powa_succ oa ot) (opow_succ oa ot) (lpy _ lty).
Let's show a ^O y = a ^o y when y is limit. By normality of the power function the RHS is C, the supremum of all a ^o t for t < y. Since a ^o t = a ^O t, we have C <= a ^O y

rewrite (proj2 (opow_normal a2) _ ly).
have pa: forall t, inc t y -> a ^O t = a ^o t.
  move => t ty; apply lpy; ord_tac.
rewrite - (ord_sup_2funI pa).
have: union (fun_image y (ord_powa a)) <=o a ^O y.
  apply: ord_ub_sup.
      move => t /funI_P [z zy ->]; apply: OS_ord_powa => //; ord_tac.
    by apply: OS_ord_powa.
  move => i /funI_P [z zy ->]; apply: ord_powa_M_eqle => //.
  have [zy1 _] //: z <o y by ord_tac.
  move => az; move: ord_lt_02; rewrite -az => lt1; ord_tac.
set C := \osup _.
move => le1; ex_middle ne1.
We assume, by contradiction C < a ^O y. Let Gay denote the set of graphs associated to a ^O y, and let f be the order isomorphism. Then C = f(x) for some x. This graph x takes almost everywehere the minimal value zz; since y is limit, there is c with c<y and t <= c implies x(t) = zz.
move: (proj32 le1) => op.
have lt1: inc C (a ^O y) by apply /(ord_ltP op); split => //; apply:nesym.
move: (ordinal_o_wor oa) (ordinal_o_wor oy)=> wora wory.
move: (ordinal_o_sr a) (ordinal_o_sr y) => sra sry.
move: (ordinal_o_is (olexp_worder wora wory)); rewrite -/(a ^O y).
move => [f isf]; move: (order_isomorphism_w isf) => morf.
move: isf => [or1 or2 [bf sf tf] sif].
move: tf; rewrite (ordinal_o_sr (a ^O y)) => tf.
move: sf; rewrite(proj2 (olexp_osr wora wory)) => sf.
rewrite- tf in lt1; move: ((bij_surj bf) _ lt1) => [x xsf fx].
move: (xsf); rewrite sf /olexp_G; move /Zo_P; rewrite sra sry.
move =>[xg fsx]; move: (xg) => /graphset_P2 [fgx dx rx].
set zz:= olexp_lE (ordinal_o a).
have[c cy cp]:
  exists2 c, inc c y & forall t, inc t (domain x) -> c <=o t -> Vg x t = zz.
  set ol := (olexp_I (ordinal_o a) (ordinal_o y) x).
  case: (emptyset_dichot ol) => ole.
     exists \0o;first by exact (proj32 ly).
     move => t tdx _; ex_middle bad.
     by empty_tac1 t; apply: Zo_i => //; rewrite sry - dx.
  have sol: sub ol (substrate (ordinal_o y)) by apply: Zo_S.
  move: (finite_subset_torder_greatest (worder_total wory) fsx sol ole).
  move => [c []]; rewrite (iorder_sr (proj1 wory) sol).
  move => col cleast.
  move: (sol _ col); rewrite sry => cy; move: ((proj33 ly) _ cy) => scy.
  ex_tac; move => t tdx st.
  have ct: c <o t by apply /ord_succ_ltP.
  case: (inc_or_not t ol) => tol.
    move: (iorder_gle1 (cleast _ tol)) => /ordo_leP [_ _ tc].
    by move: ct => [[_ _ ca] cb]; case: cb; apply: extensionality.
  by ex_middle nv; case: tol; apply: Zo_i => //; rewrite sry -dx.
Let Gac denote the set of graphs associated to a ^O c, and let g be the order isomorphism, from a ^O c to Gac. Let h be the function that extens a graph by assigning zz. It maps the target of g to the source of f. It is clearly injective; it is an order morphism. Any functional graph that is zero above c is in the range of h.
move: (ordinal_hi oy cy) => oc.
move: (ordinal_o_wor oc) => worc.
move: (orderIS (ordinal_o_is (olexp_worder wora worc))); rewrite -/(a ^O c).
move => [g isg]; move: (order_isomorphism_w isg) => morg.
move: isg => [or3 or4 [bg sg tg] sig].
move: tg; rewrite (proj2(olexp_osr wora worc)) => tg.
move: (OS_ord_powa oa oc) => op'.
move: (ordinal_o_sr c) => src.
move: sg; rewrite (ordinal_o_sr (a ^O c)) => sg.
pose h t := Lg y (fun u => (Yo (inc u c) (Vg t u) zz)).
have ne2: nonempty (substrate (ordinal_o a)).
 move: (ord_lt_leT ord_lt_02 a2) => /(ord_ltP oa);rewrite sra => he;ex_tac.
move: (olexp_lEp wora ne2); rewrite -/zz sra; move => [zza zzp].
have scy: sub c y.
  move => t tc; apply: (ordinal_transitive oy cy tc).
have hp1: forall t, inc t (target g) -> inc (h t) (source f).
  move => t; rewrite sf tg =>/Zo_P; rewrite sra src; move => [t1 t2].
  apply /Zo_P; rewrite sra sry; move: t1 => /graphset_P2 [ft dt rt].
     apply /graphset_P2; rewrite /h; bw; split;fprops =>s.
     move => /Lg_range_P [b0 b0y ->]; Ytac bc => //; apply: rt.
     apply /(range_gP ft); rewrite dt; ex_tac.
  move: t2; rewrite /olexp_I src sry; set e1 := Zo _ _ ; set e2 := Zo _ _.
  have -> //: e1 = e2.
    set_extens u => /Zo_P [uc sv]; apply /Zo_P.
      by move: (scy _ uc) => uy; split => //; rewrite /h; bw; Ytac0.
    move: sv; rewrite /h; bw; Ytac uu => //.
set hf:= Lf h (target g) (source f).
have injh: injection hf.
   apply: lf_injective => // u v usg vsg sv.
   move: usg vsg; rewrite tg /olexp_G src sra => /Zo_P [] /graphset_P2.
   move => [gru du _] _ /Zo_P [] /graphset_P2 [grv dv _] _.
   apply: fgraph_exten => //; first (by ue); rewrite du => s sc.
   move: (scy _ sc) => sy.
   by move: (f_equal (Vg ^~s) sv); rewrite /h; bw; Ytac0; Ytac0.
have monh: order_morphism hf (olexp (ordinal_o a) (ordinal_o c))
   (olexp (ordinal_o a) (ordinal_o y)).
  apply: total_order_morphism; try exact.
        by apply: worder_total; apply: olexp_worder.
      by rewrite /hf; aw; rewrite tg (proj2 (olexp_osr _ _)).
    by rewrite /hf; aw; rewrite sf (proj2 (olexp_osr _ _)).
  rewrite /hf; aw => u v ush vsh; aw.
  move/(olexp_gleP wora worc) => [us1 vs1 cuv]; apply/(olexp_gleP wora wory).
  move: (hp1 _ ush) (hp1 _ vsh); rewrite - sf => us2 vs2.
  split; [exact | exact | case: cuv ; first by move => ->; left].
  rewrite src sry; move => [j [jc ja jb]]; right;exists j.
  move: (scy _ jc) => jy.
  split; [exact | by rewrite /h; bw; Ytac0; Ytac0 |].
  move => i []/sub_gleP [_ iy ji] nji.
  rewrite /h; bw; Ytac ic; Ytac0; last by exact.
  by apply: jb; split => //; apply /sub_gleP.
have hbounded:
    forall x', inc x' (source f) ->
       (forall t : Set, inc t (domain x') -> c <=o t -> Vg x' t = zz) ->
      (inc (restr x' c) (target g) /\ (Vf hf (restr x' c) = x')).
  move => w.
  rewrite sf /olexp_G => /Zo_P; rewrite sra sry.
  move =>[wg fsw] cp'; move: (wg) => /graphset_P2 [fgw dw rw].
  have scdx: sub c (domain w) by ue.
  have fgr: fgraph (restr w c) by fprops.
  have rg: inc (restr w c) (target g).
    rewrite tg; apply Zo_i.
    rewrite src sra; apply /graphset_P2; bw;split => //.
    move => t /(range_gP fgr); bw; move => [u uc ->]; bw; apply: rw.
    apply /(range_gP fgw); exists u;fprops.
    move: fsw; rewrite /olexp_I sry src; apply: sub_finite_set.
    move => s /Zo_P [sc vnz]; apply: Zo_i; first by apply: scy.
    move: vnz; bw.
  split; [by exact | rewrite /hf /h; aw; apply: fgraph_exten; bw].
    by symmetry.
  move => s sy /=; rewrite(LVg_E _ sy); Ytac sc; first by bw; ue.
  symmetry; apply: cp'; [ue |case: (ord_le_to_el oc (ordinal_hi oy sy))=>//].
  by move /ord_ltP0 => [_ _].
Let's compose these three morphisms. We get a morphism. Since the image of h is segment, so is the image of the composition
move: (compose_order_morphism morg monh) => morgh.
move: (compose_order_morphism morgh morf).
set oac:= (ordinal_o (a ^O c)).
set oay:= (ordinal_o (a ^O y)).
set fgh:= f \co (hf \co g) => morfhg.
have chg: hf \coP g by split => //; try fct_tac; rewrite /hf; aw.
have cfhg: f \coP (hf \co g) by split => //; try fct_tac; rewrite /hf; aw.
have srh: segmentp oay (range (graph fgh)).
  red; move: morfhg => [_ _ [ffgh _ _] _]; rewrite (ordinal_o_sr ((a ^O y))).
  split; first by move: (f_range_graph ffgh); rewrite {2}/fgh compf_t - tf.
  move => u v; case: (equal_or_not u v); [by move => -> | move => unv].
   rewrite /fgh; move /(range_fP ffgh); rewrite /fgh; aw.
   move=> [u3 usg3 uv] lvu; apply /(range_fP ffgh).
  have vtf: inc v (target f).
     move: lvu => /sub_gleP [ok _]; ue.
  move: (bij_surj bf vtf) => [v1 v1df v1f].
  set u2 := (Vf g u3); set u1 := Vf hf u2.
  have u2tag: inc u2 (target g) by rewrite /u2; Wtac; fct_tac.
  have u1sf: inc u1 (source f).
    have ->: source f = target hf by rewrite /hf; aw.
    rewrite /u1; Wtac; [fct_tac | rewrite /hf; aw ].
  have aux: inc u3 (source (hf \co g)) by aw.
  have hh: gle (olexp (ordinal_o a) (ordinal_o y)) v1 u1 <-> gle oay v u.
    rewrite /oay -v1f uv (compf_V cfhg aux) (compf_V chg usg3).
    exact:(sif _ _ v1df u1sf).
  have unv1: u1 <> v1 by dneg u1v1; rewrite -v1f -u1v1 uv;aw.
  move /hh: lvu => /(olexp_gleP wora wory).
  move => [v1g u1g]; case; first by move => hh1; case: unv1.
  move => [j [jsy cuvj cuvgj]].
  have cp': (forall t, inc t (domain v1) -> c <=o t -> Vg v1 t = zz).
    move: v1g =>/Zo_P []; rewrite sra sry => /graphset_P2 [fgv dv rv] fsv.
    move: u1g =>/Zo_P []; rewrite sra sry => /graphset_P2 [fgu du ru] fsu.
    move => t td1 ct.
    have sa: forall s, inc s y -> c <=o s -> Vg u1 s = zz.
      move => s sd sv; rewrite /u1 /hf /h; aw; bw; Ytac sc; last by exact.
      have ltsc: s <o c by ord_tac.
    move: jsy; rewrite sry => jy.
    case: (ord_le_to_el oc (ordinal_hi oy jy)) => ccj.
      move : cuvj; rewrite (sa _ jy ccj).
      have va: inc (Vg v1 j) a.
        apply: rv; apply /(range_gP fgv); rewrite dv; ex_tac.
      move: wora (zzp _ va) => [ora _ ] la lb; order_tac.
    have : inc j t by apply/ (ord_ltP (proj32 ct)); ord_tac.
    rewrite dv in td1; move /(ordo_ltP oy jy td1) => h1.
    by rewrite (cuvgj _ h1); apply: sa.
  move: (hbounded _ v1df cp') => [vtg v1v].
   move: (bij_surj bg vtg) => [w wdg wv]; exists w;rewrite /fgh; aw.
   by rewrite wv v1v v1f.
We have a ^O c <= C by definition of C. It follows a ^O c <o a ^O y and f (h (g (s))) = s for any s. We have C = f (h (g (s))) for some s in a ^O c. Thus C < a ^O c. absurd.
move: (hbounded _ xsf cp) => [rsx1 hfz].
move: (bij_surj bg rsx1); rewrite sg.
move => [s sa sv].
have sg1: inc s (source g) by rewrite sg.
have ltc: a ^O c <=o C.
   have os1: ordinal_set (fun_image y (ord_powa a)).
     move => t /funI_P [z zy ->]; apply: OS_ord_powa => //; ord_tac.
   apply: ord_sup_ub => //; apply /funI_P;ex_tac.
have ltaC: C <o a ^O y by split => //; apply:nesym.
have ltacay : a ^O c <o a ^O y by ord_tac.
move: (inclusion_morphism_b ltacay srh morfhg sa) ltc.
rewrite /fgh; aw; rewrite sv hfz fx => ->.
move: sa => /(ord_ltP op')=> ta tb; ord_tac.

remaining exercises of the section in main text
Bourbaki says in exercise 14d: it is the greatest element of the union of singleton alpha and the set of the xi(iota), where it denotes alpha, the supremum of the family xi(iota). Note that this property holds for any upper bound, thus does not characterize the supremum
Lemma ord_sup_pr6 E: ordinal_set E ->
  greatest (graph_on ordinal_le (E +s1 (\osup E)))
    (\osup E).
move=> Ep; move: (OS_sup Ep) => os.
have ee: ordinal_set (E +s1 (union E)).
  move => y; case/setU1_P;[apply: Ep | move=> ->; exact].
move: (wordering_ordinal_le_pr ee) => [p0 p1].
red; aw. rewrite p1;split; first by fprops.
move => x xt; apply /graph_on_P1;split;fprops.
move: xt; case /setU1_P; first by apply: ord_sup_ub =>//.
by move => ->; ord_tac.

Section 3

Exercise 3.1 This is Cantor-Bernstein

Lemma Exercise3_1 E F f g:
  function_prop f E F -> function_prop g F E -> injection f ->
  exists A A',
    [/\ sub A E, sub A' F, image_by_fun f A = A' &
    image_by_fun g (F -s A') = E -s A].
move=> [ff sf tf] [fg sg tg] [_ injf].
rewrite - sg -tg.
set R := (source g) -s (image_by_fun f (target g)).
pose p M:= [/\ sub M (source g), sub R M &
   forall x, inc x M -> inc (Vf f (Vf g x)) M].
have pE: p (source g).
  split => //; first by rewrite /R; apply: sub_setC.
  move => x xE; rewrite sg -tf; Wtac.
  rewrite sf -tg; apply: Vf_target => //.
set Z:= Zo (powerset (source g)) p.
have EZ: inc (source g) Z by apply: Zo_i; aw;apply: setP_Ti.
have neZ: nonempty Z by exists (source g).
set B':= intersection Z; set B := image_by_fun g B'.
have p1: sub R B'.
  by move=> t tR; apply: setI_i => // y /Zo_hi [_ p1 _]; apply: p1.
have p2: forall x, inc x B' -> inc (Vf f (Vf g x)) B'.
  move => x xB'; apply: setI_i => // y yZ; move: (yZ) => /Zo_P.
  by move => [ _ [_ _]]; apply; apply: setI_hi yZ.
have sBF: sub B' (source g) by apply: (setI_s1 EZ).
have aux:sub (target g) (source f) by rewrite sf -tg; fprops.
have p3:forall x, inc x B' ->
  inc x R \/ exists2 y, inc y B' & x= (Vf f (Vf g y)).
  move=> x xB'; case: (inc_or_not x R) => xR; first by left.
  have xsg: inc x (source g) by apply: sBF.
  case: (inc_or_not x (image_by_fun f (target g))); last first.
    move => h; case: xR; apply /setC_P;split => //.
  move=> /(Vf_image_P ff aux) [u [utg Wu]].
  set C := B' -s1 x; case: (inc_or_not C Z) => CZ.
    by move: (setI_hi xB' CZ)=> /setC_P [_] /set1_P.
  have pA: sub C (source g).
    by apply: (@sub_trans B') =>//; apply: sub_setC.
  have pB: inc C (powerset (source g)) by apply /setP_P.
  have pC:sub R C by move => t tR; apply /setC1_P;split;fprops=> tx;case: xR; ue.
  right; ex_middle hyp.
  case: CZ; apply /Zo_P;split => //; split => //; move => v /setC1_P [vB' vx].
  apply /setC1_P;split; [by apply: p2 | move=> aux2; case: hyp; ex_tac].
have sBE: sub B (target g).
  move => t /(Vf_image_P fg sBF) [u uA ->]; Wtac.
set A':= (source g) -s B'.
have AF: sub A' (source g) by apply: sub_setC.
set A := (target g) -s B.
have AE: sub A (target g) by apply: sub_setC.
exists A; exists A'; split => //; last by rewrite /A' /A !setC_K //.
rewrite /A/A'.
rewrite tg - sf in AE.
set_extens t.
  move /(Vf_image_P ff AE)=> [u] /setC_P [utf hh] ->; apply /setC_P;split => //.
     rewrite sg -tf; Wtac.
  dneg Wa; case: (p3 _ Wa).
    move => /setC_P [_] /(Vf_image_P ff aux); case; ex_tac.
  move=> [y yB' ww].
  have wF: inc (Vf g y) (target g) by apply: Vf_target => //; apply: sBF.
  rewrite tg - sf in utf wF;rewrite (injf _ _ utf wF ww).
  apply /(Vf_image_P fg sBF); ex_tac.
move => /setC_P[tsf ntA].
case: (inc_or_not t R) => tR; first by case: ntA; apply: p1.
have dn: forall (P Q: Prop), P -> ~ (P /\ ~ Q) -> Q.
  move=> P Q nP npq; case: (p_or_not_p Q) => nQ //;case: npq;split => //.
move: tR => /setC_P => aux2; move: (dn _ _ tsf aux2).
move=> /(Vf_image_P ff aux) [u usg Wu]; case: (inc_or_not u B) => uB.
   move: uB => /(Vf_image_P fg sBF) [v vA Wv]; case: ntA.
  by rewrite Wu Wv; apply: p2.
apply /(Vf_image_P ff AE); exists u => //; apply /setC_P;split => //.

Lemma Exercise3_1b E F f g:
  function_prop f E F -> function_prop g F E -> injection g ->
  exists A A',
    [/\ sub A E, sub A' F, image_by_fun f A = A' &
    image_by_fun g (F -s A') = E -s A].
move=> fp1 fp2 ig; move: (Exercise3_1 fp2 fp1 ig).
move=> [A0 [A1 [pa pb pc pd]]].
exists (E -s A1); exists (F -s A0).
split => //; try apply: sub_setC; rewrite !setC_K //.

Exercise 3.2. Let EF denote the set of functional graphs E->F and EF' the cardinal of this set. We show that EF = FE implies E=F. We give a non-trivial example where EF'=FE'; this shows that one of EF and FE is not a cardinal. Bourbaki deduces: using the same notation for EF and EF' is an abuse of notations.
Using von Neumann ordinals gives a stronger result: EF is an ordinal (and a fortiori a cardinal) only if one of the two arguments is empty.

Lemma Exercise3_2a E F:
 gfunctions E F = gfunctions F E -> E = F.
move=> sEF.
have pe: forall x E F, inc x F -> inc (cst_graph E x) (gfunctions E F).
  move => x a b xb; rewrite /gfunctions; aw.
  apply: Zo_i.
    by apply /setP_P; move => t /funI_P [z za ->]; apply:setXp_i.
   rewrite /cst_graph; split;fprops;bw.
case: (emptyset_dichot E) => eE.
  case: (emptyset_dichot F) => eF; first by ue.
  move: eF => [x xE]; move: (pe x E F xE); rewrite sEF.
  by move => /Zo_P [_]; bw; move => [_ <-].
move: eE => [x xE]; move: (pe x F E xE); rewrite - sEF.
by move => /Zo_P [_]; bw; move => [].

Lemma Exercise3_2b:
  let E := \2c in let F := card_four in
  let s1 := gfunctions E F in let s2 :=gfunctions F E in
  ~ (cardinalp s1) \/ ~ (cardinalp s2).
move=> E F s1 s2.
case: (p_or_not_p (cardinalp s1)) => cs1; last by left.
case: (p_or_not_p (cardinalp s2)) => cs2; last by right.
case: (equal_or_not E F).
  rewrite /E/F/card_four /card_three - {1} succ_one => s13.
  have c1: cardinalp \1c by fprops.
  have c2: cardinalp \2c by fprops.
  have c3: cardinalp (succ \2c); rewrite /succ; fprops.
  move: (succ_injective1 c1 c3 s13); rewrite - succ_zero => s02.
  by move: (succ_injective1 CS0 c2 s02); move: (nesym card2_nz).
move => EF; case: EF.
move: (fun_set_equipotent E F) (fun_set_equipotent F E).
move /card_eqP; rewrite -/s1 (card_card cs1) -/(F ^c E) => pa.
move /card_eqP; rewrite -/s2 (card_card cs2) -/(E ^c F) => pb.
move: pa pb; rewrite /E /F power_2_4.
move=> ->; apply: Exercise3_2a.

Lemma Exercise3_2c E F:
  ordinalp (gfunctions E F) -> E= emptyset \/ F = emptyset.
move=> bo.
set T:= gfunctions E F.
case: (emptyset_dichot F) => Fe; first by right.
case: (equal_or_not emptyset T) => Te.
  move: Fe => [y yF];empty_tac1 (cst_graph E y).
  apply: Zo_i.
    by apply /setP_P => t /funI_P [z za ->]; apply:setXp_i.
  rewrite /cst_graph; split;fprops;bw.
have: ordinal_lt emptyset T by split => //; apply: (ozero_least bo).
by move /ord_ltP0 => [_ _] => /Zo_hi [_];rewrite domain_set0.

Exercise 3.3 is Koenig's Theorem

Exercise 3.4. Let E be a set, f: P(E)-> E be a choice function. We must show two statements. We proof the first in some trivial cases. The two remain TODO.

Section Exercise34.
Variable E: Set.
Variable f: Set -> Set.
Hypothesis choice: forall X, sub X E -> nonempty X -> inc (f X) X.
Definition finv x := Zo (powerset E) (fun z => f z = x).

Lemma Exercise34a b: cardinalp b ->
  let A := Zo E (fun x => (cardinal (finv x)) <=c b) in
  let a := cardinal A in
  (\2c ^c a) <=c (succ (a *c b)).
move=> cb A a.
have AE: sub A E by apply: Zo_S.
have fp: forall Y, sub Y A -> nonempty Y -> inc (f Y) A.
  by move=> Y YA Ye; apply: (YA _ (choice (sub_trans YA AE) Ye)).
have fp1: forall x, inc x E -> f (singleton x) = x.
  move=> x xE.
  have sx: sub (singleton x) E by apply: set1_sub.
  have nes: nonempty (singleton x) by fprops.
  by move: (choice sx nes) => /set1_P.
have fp2: forall x y, sub x E -> f x = f y -> inc x (finv (f y)).
   by move=> x y xE sf; rewrite /finv; apply: Zo_i => //; apply /setP_P.
case: (equal_or_not b \0c) => bz.
   rewrite bz cprod0r succ_zero.
   case: (emptyset_dichot A) => eA.
     rewrite /a eA cardinal_set0 cpowx0; fprops.
   move: eA => [x] /Zo_P; rewrite bz; move=> [xE xz].
   move: (cardinal_nonemptyset(card_le0 xz)) => fe.
   empty_tac1 (singleton x); rewrite /finv; apply: Zo_i; last by apply: fp1.
   by apply /setP_P; apply: set1_sub.
case: (equal_or_not b \1c) => bo.
  rewrite bo; aw; last by rewrite /a;fprops.
  case: (emptyset_dichot A) => aE.
    by rewrite /a aE cardinal_set0;rewrite cpowx0 succ_zero; fprops.
  suff ->:(a = \1c).
    rewrite succ_one cpowx1; fprops.
  move: (fp _ (@sub_refl A) aE) => f1.
  have ss: sub (singleton (f A)) E by apply: set1_sub; apply: AE.
  move: (fp1 _ (AE _ f1)) => f2; move: (fp2 _ _ ss f2) => f3.
  move: (fp2 _ _ AE (refl_equal (f A))) => f4.
  move: f1=> /Zo_P; rewrite bo; move=> [p1 p2].
  have nefa: nonempty (finv (f A)) by exists A.
  move: nefa => /card_le1P f5.
  have f6: cardinal (finv (f A)) = \1c by co_tac.
  move: (set_of_card_one f6) => /singletonP [_ sp].
  rewrite /a - (sp _ _ f3 f4) cardinal_set1 //.

Lemma Exercise34b b: cardinalp b ->
  let B := Zo E (fun x => forall X, inc X (finv x) -> cardinal X <=c b) in
  cardinal B <=c b.

End Exercise34.

Exercise 3.5. Cardinal of an ordinal sum and product

Definition fam_card_sub f :=
  (Lg (domain f) (fun z => cardinal (substrate (Vg f z)))).

Lemma Exercise3_5a r f: orsum_ax r f ->
  cardinal (substrate (order_sum r f)) = card_sum (fam_card_sub f).
move=> osa.
rewrite orsum_sr // /sum_of_substrates // /fam_card_sub .
have aux: fgraph (fam_of_substrates f) by rewrite /fam_of_substrates; fprops.
rewrite csum_pr // /fam_of_substrates; bw.
rewrite /card_sumb;apply: f_equal; apply: Lg_exten => // x xdf; bw.

Lemma Exercise3_5b r f: orprod_ax r f ->
  cardinal (substrate (order_prod r f)) = card_prod (fam_card_sub f).
move=> rosa.
rewrite orprod_sr // /prod_of_substrates // /fam_card_sub.
have aux: fgraph (fam_of_substrates f) by rewrite /fam_of_substrates; fprops.
rewrite cprod_pr // /fam_of_substrates; bw.
rewrite /card_prodb; apply: f_equal; apply: Lg_exten => // x xdf; bw.

Lemma Exercise3_5c r f h: orsum_ax r f ->
  h \Is (order_sum r f) ->
  cardinal (substrate h) = card_sum (fam_card_sub f).
move=> oa [g [o1 o2 [bg sg tg] _]].
by rewrite - (Exercise3_5a oa) - sg - tg; apply /card_eqP; exists g.

Lemma Exercise3_5d r f h: orprod_ax r f ->
  h \Is (order_prod r f) ->
  cardinal (substrate h) = card_prod (fam_card_sub f).
move=> oa [g [o1 o2 [bg sg tg] _]].
by rewrite - (Exercise3_5b oa) - sg - tg; apply /card_eqP; exists g.

Lemma Exercise3_5e r g:
  worder_on r (domain g) -> ordinal_fam g ->
  cardinal (ord_sum r g) =
    card_sum (Lg (domain g) (fun z => cardinal (Vg g z))).
move=> [wo sr] ofg;move: (ofg) => alo.
rewrite /ord_sum; set h := Lg _ _.
have hp1: forall i, inc i (domain g) -> worder (Vg h i).
  rewrite /h=> i idg; bw; apply: ordinal_o_wor; apply: (alo _ idg).
have wos: worder (order_sum r h).
   rewrite /h;apply: orsum_wor => //; bw; fprops.
   hnf; bw.
move: (ordinal_o_is wos) => xx.
have or: order r by fprops.
have oa:(orsum_ax r h).
  rewrite /h;split => //;bw; hnf;bw.
  move=> i idg; move: (hp1 _ idg).
  by rewrite /h; bw; move=> [ok _].
move: (orderIS xx)=> xx1;move: (Exercise3_5c oa xx1).
move: (OS_sum (conj wo sr) ofg) => r1.
rewrite ordinal_o_sr /ord_sum /fam_card_sub; move => ->.
rewrite /h; bw; apply: f_equal; apply: Lg_exten; move=> i idg /=; bw.
by rewrite ordinal_o_sr //; apply: (alo _ idg).

Lemma Exercise3_5f r g:
  worder_on r (domain g) -> ordinal_fam g ->
  finite_set (substrate r) ->
  cardinal (ord_prod r g) =
    card_prod (Lg (domain g) (fun z => cardinal (Vg g z))).
move=> wosr ofg fsr; move: (ofg) => alo; move: (wosr) => [wo sr].
rewrite /ord_prod; set h := Lg _ _.
have hp1: forall i, inc i (domain g) -> worder (Vg h i).
  rewrite /h=> i idg; bw; apply: ordinal_o_wor; apply: (alo _ idg).
have wos: worder (order_prod r h).
  by rewrite /h;apply: orprod_wor => //=;bw; fprops; hnf; bw.
move: (ordinal_o_is wos) => xx.
have oa:(orprod_ax r h).
  rewrite /h;split => //; hnf; bw; move=> i idg.
  by move: (hp1 _ idg); rewrite /h; bw; move=> [ok _].
move: (orderIS xx)=> xx1;move: (Exercise3_5d oa xx1).
move: (OS_prod wosr ofg fsr) => r1.
rewrite (ordinal_o_sr (ord_prod r g));rewrite /ord_prod /fam_card_sub => ->.
rewrite /h; bw; apply: f_equal; apply: Lg_exten; move=> i idg /=; bw.
by rewrite ordinal_o_sr //; apply: (alo _ idg).

Exercise 3.6. Every set contains a subset that is not an element. Proof 1: by Cantor. Proof 2: the set of elements of E that are not elements of itself is not an element of E.
Lemma Exercise3_6 E: exists X, sub X E /\ ~ (inc X E).
ex_middle bad.
have bad1: sub (powerset E) E.
  by move=> t /setP_P tE; ex_middle te1; case: bad; exists t.
have eq1: \2c ^c (cardinal E) = cardinal (powerset E).
  rewrite card_setP; apply: cpow_pr; fprops.
move: (cantor (CS_cardinal E)); rewrite eq1=> le1.
move: (sub_smaller bad1) => le2; co_tac.

Lemma Exercise3_6b E: let X:= Zo E (fun t => ~(inc t t)) in
  sub X E /\ ~ (inc X E).
move=> U; split;first by apply: Zo_S.
move=> UE.
have nUU: ~ inc U U by move => h;case: (Zo_hi h).
by case: (nUU); apply: Zo_i.

Lemma Exercise3_6c E: {X | sub X E /\ ~ (inc X E) }.
exists (Zo E (fun t => ~(inc t t))).
apply: Exercise3_6b.

End Exercise3.
Export Exercise3.