Library sset5
Theory of Sets EIII-1 Order relations. Ordered sets
Copyright INRIA (2009-2013) Apics, Marelle Team (Jose Grimm).Require Import ssreflect ssrfun ssrbool eqtype ssrnat.
Require Export sset4.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Unset Printing Implicit Defensive.
Module Border.
Lemma equality_order_r: order_r (fun x y => x = y).
split; first (by move => y x z -> ->); move => x y //=.
Lemma sub_order_r: order_r sub.
split; first by move=> x y t xy yz; apply: (sub_trans xy yz).
by move=> x y xy yx; apply: extensionality.
move=> x y; split; apply: sub_refl.
The opposite of r x y is the relation r y x.
A symmetric relation is equal to its opposite.
The opposite of an order relation is an order relation
Definition opposite_relation (r:relation) := fun x y => r y x.
Lemma opposite_preorder_r r: preorder_r r -> preorder_r (opposite_relation r).
rewrite /preorder_r/opposite_relation; move => [tr rr].
split; first by move=> x y z xy yz; apply: tr yz xy.
by move=> x y /rr [].
Lemma opposite_order_r r: order_r r -> order_r (opposite_relation r).
move=> [tr ar rr].
have: preorder_r r by [].
move /opposite_preorder_r => [tr' rr'].
by split => // x y xy yx; apply: (ar _ _ yx).
An order is the graph of an order relation
Lemma order_from_rel1 r x:
transitive_r r ->
(forall u v, inc u x -> inc v x -> r u v -> r v u -> u = v) ->
(forall u, inc u x -> r u u) ->
order (graph_on r x).
move=> tr sy re.
have ->: (graph_on r x = graph_on (fun a b => [/\ inc a x, inc b x & r a b]) x).
by apply: Zo_exten1 => t /setX_P [_ px qx]; split => // [] [_ _].
apply: order_from_rel; split.
move => a b c [ax bx rab] [_ cx rbc]; split => //; apply: tr rab rbc.
by move=> a b [ax bx rab] [_ cx rbc]; apply: sy.
by move=> a b [ax bx rab];split => //; split => //; apply: re.
We define gle r x y and glt r x y
Definition gle r x y := related r x y.
Definition glt r x y := gle r x y /\ x <> y.
Lemma order_reflexivityP r: order r ->
forall a, (inc a (substrate r) <-> gle r a a).
move=> [_ or _ _]; rewrite /gle;split => h; [by apply: or | substr_tac].
Lemma order_antisymmetry r a b:
order r -> gle r a b -> gle r b a -> a = b.
Proof. move=> [_ _ _]; apply. Qed.
Lemma order_transitivity r a b c:
order r -> gle r a b -> gle r b c -> gle r a c.
Proof. move=> [_ _ t _]; apply: t. Qed.
Lemma lt_leq_trans r x y z:
order r -> glt r x y -> gle r y z -> glt r x z.
move=> or [le1 nxy] le2; split; first by apply: order_transitivity le1 le2.
dneg xz; rewrite -xz in le2.
apply: (order_antisymmetry or le1 le2).
Lemma leq_lt_trans r x y z:
order r -> gle r x y -> glt r y z -> glt r x z.
move=> or le1 [le2 nxy]; split; first by apply: order_transitivity le1 le2.
dneg xz; rewrite xz in le1.
apply: (order_antisymmetry or le2 le1).
Lemma lt_lt_trans r a b c:
order r -> glt r a b -> glt r b c -> glt r a c.
Proof. move=> or [le1 _] le2; apply: (leq_lt_trans or le1 le2). Qed.
Lemma not_le_gt r x y: order r -> gle r x y -> glt r y x -> False.
by move=> or le1 le2; move: (leq_lt_trans or le1 le2) => [_]; case.
Lemma order_exten r r': order r -> order r' ->
(forall x y, gle r x y <-> gle r' x y) -> (r = r').
Proof. by move=> or or'; apply: sgraph_exten; fprops. Qed.
A tactic that uses properties of order
Ltac order_tac:=
match goal with
| H1: gle ?r ?x _ |- inc ?x (substrate ?r)
=> exact (arg1_sr H1)
| H1: glt ?r ?x _ |- inc ?x (substrate ?r)
=> move: H1 => [H1 _] ; order_tac
| H1:gle ?r _ ?x |- inc ?x (substrate ?r)
=> exact (arg2_sr H1)
| H1:glt ?r _ ?x |- inc ?x (substrate ?r)
=> move: H1 => [H1 _]; order_tac
| H: order ?r, H1: inc ?u (substrate ?r) |- related ?r ?u ?u
=> rewrite -/gle; apply /(order_reflexivityP H)
| H: order ?r |- inc (J ?u ?u) ?r
=> change (gle r u u); apply /(order_reflexivityP H)
| H: order ?r |- gle ?r ?u ?u
=> apply /(order_reflexivityP H)
| H1: gle ?r ?x ?y, H2: gle ?r ?y ?x, H:order ?r |-
?x = ?y => exact (order_antisymmetry H H1 H2)
| H:order ?r, H1:related ?r ?x ?y, H2: related ?r ?y ?x |- ?x = ?y
=> apply (order_antisymmetry H H1 H2)
| H:order ?r, H1: inc (J ?x ?y) ?r , H2: inc (J ?y ?x) ?r |- ?x = ?y
=> apply (order_antisymmetry H H1 H2)
| H:order ?r, H1:related ?r ?u ?v, H2: related ?r ?v ?w
|- related ?r ?u ?w
=> apply (order_transitivity H H1 H2)
| H:order ?r, H1:gle ?r ?u ?v, H2: gle ?r ?v ?w |- gle ?r ?u ?w
=> apply (order_transitivity H H1 H2)
| H: order ?r, H1: inc (J ?u ?v) ?r, H2: inc (J ?v ?w) ?r |-
inc (J ?u ?w) ?r
=> change (related r u w); apply (order_transitivity H H1 H2)
| H1: gle ?r ?x ?y, H2: glt ?r ?y ?x, H: order ?r |- _
=> case: (not_le_gt H H1 H2)
| H1:glt ?r ?x ?y, H2: glt ?r ?y ?x, H:order ?r |- _
=> move: H1 => [H1 _] ; case: (not_le_gt H H1 H2)
| H1:order ?r, H2:glt ?r ?x ?y, H3: gle ?r ?y ?z |- glt ?r ?x ?z
=> exact (lt_leq_trans H1 H2 H3)
| H1:order ?r, H2:gle ?r ?x ?y, H3: glt ?r ?y ?z |- glt ?r ?x ?z
=> exact (leq_lt_trans H1 H2 H3)
| H1:order ?r, H2:glt ?r ?x ?y, H3: glt ?r ?y ?z |- glt ?r ?x ?z
=> exact (lt_lt_trans H1 H2 H3)
| H1:order ?r, H2:gle ?r ?x ?y |- glt ?r ?x ?y
=> split =>//
| H:glt ?r ?x ?y |- gle ?r ?x ?y
=> by move: H=> []
The opposite of an order is the inverse graph
Definition opp_order := inverse_graph.
Lemma opp_gleP r x y: gle (opp_order r) x y <-> gle r y x.
Proof. exact: igraph_pP. Qed.
Lemma opp_gltP r x y: glt (opp_order r) x y <-> glt r y x.
Proof. by split; move => [] /opp_gleP pa pb; split => //; dneg h. Qed.
Lemma opp_osr r: order r -> order_on (opp_order r) (substrate r).
move => osr.
have go: sgraph (opp_order r) by fprops.
have pc: substrate (opp_order r) = (substrate r).
set_extens x.
case/(substrate_P go) => [][y]; move/igraph_pP =>h; substr_tac.
by move => xsr; apply /substr_i /igraph_pP /(order_reflexivityP osr).
split => //;split; first by fprops.
move => t; rewrite pc => yg.
by apply/opp_gleP; order_tac.
move => x y z /opp_gleP pa /opp_gleP pb; apply/opp_gleP; order_tac.
move => x y /opp_gleP pa /opp_gleP pb; order_tac.
Inclusion order on the powerset of a set, or a part of it
Definition sub_order := graph_on sub.
Definition subp_order E := sub_order (powerset E).
Lemma sub_osr A: order_on (sub_order A) A.
split; first by apply: order_from_rel; apply: sub_order_r.
by apply: graph_on_sr; move=> x; fprops.
Lemma subp_osr E: order_on (subp_order E) (powerset E).
Proof. exact: sub_osr. Qed.
Lemma sub_gleP A u v:
gle (sub_order A) u v <-> [/\ inc u A, inc v A & sub u v].
Proof. by apply /graph_on_P1. Qed.
Lemma subp_gleP E u v:
gle (subp_order E) u v <-> [/\ sub u E, sub v E & sub u v].
split; first by move /graph_on_P1 => [] /setP_P pa /setP_P pb.
by move => [pa pb pc]; apply /graph_on_P1;split => //; apply/setP_P.
Extension order on partial functions from x to y
Definition extension_order E F :=
graph_on extends (sub_functions E F).
Lemma extension_osr E F:
order_on (extension_order E F) (sub_functions E F).
split; last by apply: graph_on_sr => a /sfun_set_P [pa pb pc]; split; fprops.
apply: order_from_rel.
- move=> a b c [fa fb gba tba] [fc _ gcb tcb].
split => //; first by apply: sub_trans gba.
by apply: sub_trans tba.
- move=> a b [fb fa gba tba] [_ _ gab tab].
have grab: graph a = graph b by apply: extensionality.
have tgab: target a = target b by apply: extensionality.
by apply: function_exten1.
- move => a b [fa fb _ _ ]; split; split;fprops.
Lemma extension_orderP E F f g:
gle (extension_order E F) g f <->
[/\ inc g (sub_functions E F), inc f (sub_functions E F)
& extends g f].
Proof. apply /graph_on_P0. Qed.
Lemma extension_order_P1 E F f g:
gle (extension_order E F) g f <->
[/\ inc g (sub_functions E F), inc f (sub_functions E F)
& sub (graph f) (graph g)].
split; first by move/extension_orderP => [pa pb [_ _ pd _]].
move=> [p1 p2 sh]; apply/extension_orderP; split=>//.
move: p1 p2 => /sfun_set_P [fg _ tg] /sfun_set_P [ff _ tf].
split => //; rewrite tg tf;fprops.
Lemma extension_order_P2 E F f g:
gle (opp_order (extension_order E F)) g f <->
[/\ inc g (sub_functions E F), inc f (sub_functions E F)
& sub (graph g) (graph f)].
split; first by move/opp_gleP /extension_order_P1=> [pa pb pc].
by move => [pa pb pc]; apply/opp_gleP /extension_order_P1.
Lemma extension_order_pr E F f g x:
gle (opp_order (extension_order E F)) f g ->
inc x (source f) -> Vf f x = Vf g x.
move/opp_gleP/extension_orderP=> [gs fs et] xsf; exact: (extends_sV et xsf).
Example 4. Order between partitions on a set
Definition partitions E :=
Zo (powerset(powerset E)) (fun z => partition_s z E).
Definition part_fun p E := canonical_injection p (powerset E).
Lemma partition_set_in_PP p E:
partition_s p E -> inc p (powerset (powerset E)).
by move=> [[<- _] _ ]; apply /setP_P => t ty;apply/setP_P; apply: setU_s1.
Lemma partitionsP p E:
inc p (partitions E) <-> partition_s p E.
by split; [move/Zo_hi|move => h;apply/Zo_i=> //; apply: partition_set_in_PP].
Lemma pfs_f p E: partition_s p E -> function (part_fun p E).
by move=> pa; apply: ci_f; apply/setP_P;apply: partition_set_in_PP.
Lemma pfs_V p E a: partition_s p E -> inc a p -> Vf (part_fun p E) a = a.
by move => pa; apply: ci_V => //; apply/setP_P; apply: partition_set_in_PP.
Lemma pfs_partition p E:
partition_s p E -> partition_w_fam (graph (part_fun p E)) E.
move=> pa.
move: (pfs_f pa) => fpa.
move: (pa)=> [[ux di] _].
have Wp: forall i, inc i p -> Vg (graph (part_fun p E)) i = i.
by move => i iy; apply: pfs_V.
have dg: domain (graph (part_fun p E)) = p.
by rewrite f_domain_graph// /part_fun /canonical_injection; aw.
split; fprops.
by move=> i j; rewrite dg => iy jy; rewrite Wp // Wp //; apply: di.
set_extens v => vs.
move: (setUb_hi vs)=> [w]; rewrite dg.
move=> wy; rewrite Wp // -ux => vW; union_tac.
rewrite -ux in vs; move: (setU_hi vs) => [w vw wy].
by apply /setUb_P; exists w; rewrite ? dg ? (Wp _ wy).
The relation coarser_cs is an ordering on the set of partitions.
We know the greatest and least element
Definition coarser x := graph_on coarser_cs (partitions x).
Lemma coarser_gleP x y y':
gle (coarser x) y y' <->
[/\ partition_s y x, partition_s y' x & coarser_cs y y'].
by move/Zo_P => [/setXp_P [/partitionsP pa /partitionsP pb]]; aw.
move => [pa pb pc]; apply: Zo_i; aw.
by apply /setXp_P; split;apply /partitionsP.
Lemma coarser_osr x: order_on (coarser x) (partitions x).
have sr :substrate (coarser x) = partitions x.
apply: extensionality; first by apply: graph_on_sr1.
move => t ts.
apply: (@arg1_sr _ t t); apply:Zo_i.
by apply/setXp_P; split.
aw; apply: coarserR.
split=> //;split.
- by rewrite /coarser; apply: graph_on_graph.
- red; rewrite sr => y h; move /partitionsP: (h) => h'.
apply/coarser_gleP;split => //; apply: coarserR.
- move=> a b c /coarser_gleP [pa _ ab] /coarser_gleP [_ pb bc].
apply /coarser_gleP;split => //; apply: (coarserT ab bc).
- move=> a b /coarser_gleP [pa _ ab] /coarser_gleP [pb _ ba].
apply: (coarserA pa pb ab ba).
Lemma least_partition_is_least x y:
nonempty x ->
partition_s y x -> gle (coarser x) (least_partition x) y.
move=> nex pa;apply/coarser_gleP;split => //; first by apply:least_is_partition.
move=> u uy; rewrite /least_partition.
by ex_tac; move:(partition_set_in_PP pa) => /setP_P yp; apply/setP_P; apply: yp.
Lemma greatest_partition_is_greatest x y:
partition_s y x -> gle (coarser x) y (greatest_partition x).
move=> pa; move: (pa) => [[pb _] _]; apply /coarser_gleP.
split => //; first by apply: greatest_is_partition.
move=> u /funI_P [b bx ->].
by move: bx; rewrite -pb;move /setU_P=> [z bz zy];ex_tac; move=> t /set1_P ->.
Assume that y is a partition of x; we deduce an equivalence on x.
The union of all coarse a for a in y is the graph of this equivalence
Definition partition_relset y x :=
partition_relation (part_fun y x) x.
Lemma prs_is_equivalence y x:
partition_s y x -> equivalence (partition_relset y x).
move=> pa; apply: isc_rel_equivalence; first by apply: pfs_f.
by apply: pfs_partition.
Definition partition_relset_aux y x :=
Zo (powerset (coarse x)) (fun z => exists2 a, inc a y & z = coarse a).
Lemma partition_relset_pr1 y x a:
partition_s y x ->
inc a y -> inc (coarse a) (partition_relset_aux y x).
move=> pa ay.
move /setP_P: (partition_set_in_PP pa) => yp.
apply:Zo_i; last by ex_tac.
by apply /setP_P; apply:setX_Sll; apply/setP_P; apply: yp.
Lemma partition_relset_pr y x:
partition_s y x ->
partition_relset y x = union (partition_relset_aux y x).
move=> pa.
have pfa: (partition_w_fam (graph(part_fun y x)) x) by apply: pfs_partition.
have sp:source (part_fun y x) = y by rewrite /part_fun /canonical_injection;aw.
move: (partition_set_in_PP pa); aw => ypp.
have p1: function (part_fun y x) by apply: pfs_f.
have p2: partition_w_fam (graph (part_fun y x)) x.
by move: (prs_is_equivalence pa); fprops.
have p3: sgraph (partition_relation (part_fun y x) x).
by rewrite /partition_relation; apply: graph_on_graph.
have p4:sgraph (union (partition_relset_aux y x)).
move=> t tp; move: (setU_hi tp); rewrite/partition_relset_aux.
by move=> [z tz /Zo_P [] /setP_P zp _]; move: (zp _ tz) => /setX_P [].
apply: sgraph_exten => //.
move=> u v; split.
move /(isc_rel_P p1 p2); rewrite /in_same_coset // sp.
move=> [i [iy ]]; rewrite pfs_V // => ui vi.
apply (@setU_i _ (coarse i)); first by rewrite/coarse; fprops.
by apply: partition_relset_pr1.
move/setU_P => [z pz] /Zo_P [zp [a ay zc]].
move: pz; rewrite zc; move /setXp_P => [ua va].
by apply/(isc_rel_P p1 p2); red;rewrite sp; exists a;split => //; rewrite pfs_V.
Lemma sub_part_relsetX y x:
partition_s y x -> sub (partition_relset y x) (coarse x).
move=> pa; rewrite partition_relset_pr // => t tu.
by move: (setU_hi tu) => [z tz /Zo_P [/setP_P zp _ ]]; apply: zp.
A partition y is coarser than y if sub z' z where z and z' are
the associated equivalence
Lemma partition_relset_order x y y':
partition_s y x -> partition_s y' x ->
(sub (partition_relset y' x)(partition_relset y x) <->
gle (coarser x) y y').
move=> pa pa'.
do 2 rewrite partition_relset_pr //.
split; last first.
move /coarser_gleP=> [_ _ hyp] z /setU_hi [t zt /Zo_P [tp [a ay tc]]].
move: (hyp _ ay)=> [b iby ab].
apply: (@setU_i _ (coarse b)); last by apply: partition_relset_pr1.
by apply (setX_Sll ab); ue.
move => suu; apply/coarser_gleP;split=>//; move=> a ay.
have [b ba]: (nonempty a) by apply (proj2 pa').
have p: (forall u, inc u a -> exists c, [/\ inc c y, inc b c& inc u c]).
move=> u ua.
have q: (inc (J b u) (union (partition_relset_aux y' x))).
apply: (@setU_i _ (coarse a)); first by rewrite /coarse; fprops.
apply: (partition_relset_pr1 pa' ay).
move : (setU_hi (suu _ q)) => [z Jbb /Zo_P [zp [c cy zc]]].
by move: Jbb; rewrite zc; move/setXp_P=> [s1 s2]; exists c.
move: (p _ ba) => [c [cy bc _]]; ex_tac.
move=> d /p [f [fy bf df]].
case: (proj2 (proj1 pa) _ _ cy fy); first by move => ->.
by move=> dcf; case: (nondisjoint bc bf dcf).
Lemma part_relset_anti x y y':
partition_s y x -> partition_s y' x ->
(partition_relset y' x = partition_relset y x) ->
y = y'.
move: x y y'.
suff: (forall x y y',
partition_s y x -> partition_s y' x ->
(partition_relset y' x = partition_relset y x) ->
sub y y').
move=> aux a b c p1 p2 eq; apply: extensionality.
apply: aux p1 p2 eq.
apply: aux p2 p1 (sym_eq eq).
move=> x y y' pa pa'.
rewrite (partition_relset_pr pa) (partition_relset_pr pa').
move=> eq a ay.
move: (partition_relset_pr1 pa ay)=> cpy.
have [b ba] := (proj2 pa _ ay).
have p: (forall u v,inc u a -> inc v a ->
exists c, [/\ inc c y', inc u c & inc v c]).
move=> u v ua va.
have p1: inc (J u v) (coarse a) by rewrite /coarse; fprops.
have p2: (inc (J u v) (union (partition_relset_aux y' x))).
rewrite eq; union_tac.
move: (setU_hi p2) => [z Jbb /Zo_P [zp [c cy zc]]].
by exists c; split=> //; move: Jbb; rewrite zc; move/setXp_P => [].
move: (p _ _ ba ba) => [c [cy bc _]].
suff: a = c by move=> ->.
set_extens t => ta.
move: (p _ _ ta ta) => [c' [cy' tc' _]].
move: (p _ _ ba ta) => [c'' [cy'' bc'' tc'']].
case:((proj2 (proj1 pa') )_ _ cy cy'').
move => ->; case:((proj2 (proj1 pa')) _ _ cy'' cy'); first by move => ->.
by move=> dcf;case: (nondisjoint tc'' tc' dcf).
by move=> dcf;case: (nondisjoint bc bc'' dcf).
have p1: (inc (J b t) (coarse c)) by rewrite/coarse; fprops.
have p2: (inc (J b t) (union (partition_relset_aux y' x))).
apply: (setU_i p1); apply: (partition_relset_pr1 pa' cy).
move: p2; rewrite eq /partition_relset_aux => p2.
move: (setU_hi p2)=> [z Jbb /Zo_P [zp [d dy zx]]].
move: Jbb; rewrite zx; move/setXp_P => [bd td].
case:((proj2 (proj1 pa)) _ _ ay dy); first by move=> ->.
move=> dfc; case: (nondisjoint ba bd dfc).
Characterisation of graphs of orders and preorders.
Lemma preorder_prop1 g:
sgraph g ->
sub (diagonal (substrate g)) g -> sub (g \cg g) g ->
g \cg g = g.
move=> gg sig scg; apply: extensionality; first by aw.
move => x xg; apply /compg_P; split; first by apply: gg.
exists (Q x); rewrite ? (gg _ xg) //;apply: sig; apply/diagonal_pi_P.
split => //;substr_tac.
Lemma preorderP g:
sgraph g ->
(preorder g <-> (sub (diagonal (substrate g)) g /\ sub (g \cg g) g)).
move=> gg.
move=> [_ rr tr]; split; move=> x.
by move/diagonal_i_P=> [px Px pq]; rewrite -px -pq; apply: rr.
move: tr;rewrite idempotent_graph_transitive //; apply.
move=> [s1 s2];split=> //.
by move=> y ys; apply: s1; apply/diagonal_pi_P.
by rewrite idempotent_graph_transitive.
Theorem orderP r:
order r <->
(r \cg r = r /\
r \cap (opp_order r) = diagonal (substrate r)).
move=> or.
set (d:= diagonal (substrate r)).
have i2: (r \cap (opp_order r) = d).
set_extens t.
move /setI2_P => [tr /igraphP [pt Jr]].
apply /diagonal_i_P;split => //; first by substr_tac.
rewrite -pt in tr; apply: (order_antisymmetry or tr Jr).
move/diagonal_i_P => [pt Ps pq].
rewrite -pt -pq.
have rpp: (related r (P t) (P t)) by order_tac.
by apply: setI2_i=>//; apply/igraph_pP.
have gr: (sgraph r) by fprops.
have sd: (sub d r) by rewrite -i2; apply : setI2_1.
have sc: (sub (d \cg r) (r \cg r)) by apply: compg_S; fprops.
have crrr: (sub (r \cg r) r).
move: or => [_ _ t _];rewrite -idempotent_graph_transitive //.
by split =>//; apply: preorder_prop1.
move=> [crrr iro].
have sr: sgraph r by rewrite -crrr; apply: compg_graph.
split=> //.
- move=> y ys.
have: (inc (J y y) (diagonal (substrate r))) by apply /diagonal_pi_P.
by rewrite -iro; move=> Ji; apply: (setI2_1 Ji).
- have: sub (r \cg r) r by rewrite crrr; fprops.
rewrite -idempotent_graph_transitive //.
- move => x y rxy ryx.
have p1: (inc (J x y) (opp_order r)) by apply/igraph_pP.
have: (inc (J x y) (diagonal (substrate r))).
by rewrite - iro; apply: setI2_i.
by move /diagonal_pi_P => [_].
Lemma order_structure s a:
inc s (powerset(coarse a)) ->
s \cg s = s ->
s \cap (inverse_graph s) = diagonal a ->
a = substrate s.
move => /setP_P pa pb pc; set_extens t => ta.
have : inc (J t t) (diagonal a) by apply /diagonal_pi_P.
rewrite -pc => /setI2_P [ts _]; substr_tac.
have sg: sgraph s by rewrite - pb; fprops.
by case /(substrate_P sg): ta => [] [y ps]; move: (pa _ ps) => /setXp_P [pd pe].
Lemma preorder_reflexivity r a:
preorder r -> (inc a (substrate r) <-> gle r a a).
move=> [g pr _]; split; first by apply: pr.
rewrite/gle;move=> h; substr_tac.
Lemma opposite_is_preorder1 r:
preorder r -> preorder (opp_order r).
move=> [gr rr tr].
have go: (sgraph (opp_order r)) by fprops.
have ss: (sub (substrate (opp_order r)) (substrate r)).
move=> t /(substrate_P go) [] [y] /igraph_pP => h; substr_tac.
split => //.
by move=> y ys; apply /igraph_pP;apply: rr; apply: ss.
move => x y z /igraph_pP p1 /igraph_pP p2; apply /igraph_pP.
apply: tr p2 p1.
r x y /\ r y x is an equivalence relation, compatible with r
Definition symmetrize (r: relation) := fun x y => r x y /\ r y x.
Lemma equivalence_preorder r:
preorder_r r -> equivalence_r (symmetrize r).
move=> [ tr _]; split; first by move=> x y [rxy ryx].
move=> x y z [xy yx] [yz zy].
split; [ apply: tr xy yz | apply: tr zy yx].
Lemma compatible_equivalence_preorder r (s := symmetrize r):
preorder_r r -> forall x y x' y', r x y -> s x x' -> s y y' -> r x' y'.
move=> [tr _] x y x' y' rxy [rxx' rx'x] [ryy' ry'y].
move: (tr _ _ _ rx'x rxy) => rx'y.
apply: tr rx'y ryy'.
This is the graph of the equivalence associated
Definition equivalence_associated_o r:= r \cap (opp_order r).
Lemma eao_P r x y:
related (equivalence_associated_o r) x y <-> symmetrize (gle r) x y.
split; first by move /setI2_P =>[pa] /igraph_pP pb; split.
by move => [pa pb]; apply:setI2_i => //; apply /igraph_pP.
Lemma equivalence_preorder1 r:
preorder r ->
equivalence (equivalence_associated_o r).
move=> [gr _ tr].
have gi: sgraph (opp_order r) by fprops.
move: (setI2_graph2 gr (x:=r)) => gi2.
have gi3: sgraph (r \cap (opp_order r)).
by move=> x xi; apply: gr (setI2_1 xi).
apply: symmetric_transitive_equivalence => //.
by move=> x y /eao_P [pa pb]; apply/eao_P.
move=> x y z /eao_P [xy yx] /eao_P [yz zy]; apply/eao_P.
split; [ apply: tr xy yz | apply: tr zy yx ].
Lemma equivalence_associated_o_sr r:
preorder r ->
substrate (equivalence_associated_o r) = substrate r.
move=> pr.
move: (equivalence_preorder1 pr)=> eq.
set_extens x => xs.
move: (reflexivity_e eq xs) => /eao_P [pa _]; order_tac.
move: pr=> [gr rr _].
by apply: substr_i;move : (rr _ xs) => t;apply/eao_P; split.
Lemma compatible_equivalence_preorder1 r u v x y:
preorder r -> related r x y ->
related (equivalence_associated_o r) x u ->
related (equivalence_associated_o r) y v ->
related r u v.
move => pr rxy /eao_P [_ pb] /eao_P [pc _].
move: pr => [_ _ tr]; apply: tr (tr _ _ _ pb rxy) pc.
If r is a preorder, e the associated equivalence, E the quotient,
the relation induced by r on E is an ordering
Definition order_associated r :=
let s := graph (canon_proj (equivalence_associated_o r)) in
(s \cg r) \cg (opp_order s).
Lemma oap_graph r: sgraph (order_associated r).
Proof. apply: compg_graph. Qed.
Lemma compose3_relP s r u v:
related ((s \cg r) \cg (opp_order s)) u v <->
exists x, exists y, [/\ related s x u, related s y v& related r x y].
by move/compg_pP => [z /igraph_pP pa /compg_pP [y pb pc]]; exists z, y.
move=> [x [y [xu yv xy]]]; apply/compg_pP;exists x.
by apply/igraph_pP.
by apply/compg_pP; exists y.
Section OrderAssociated.
Variable (r:Set).
Hypothesis pr: preorder r.
Lemma oap_relP1 u v:
related (order_associated r) u v <->
[/\ inc u (quotient (equivalence_associated_o r)) ,
inc v (quotient (equivalence_associated_o r)) &
exists x, exists y, [/\ inc x u, inc y v & related r x y]].
set s:= equivalence_associated_o r.
set p:= graph (canon_proj s).
rewrite /order_associated -/s -/p.
have es:equivalence s by apply: equivalence_preorder1.
move /compose3_relP=> [x [y [xu yv xy]]].
have fc: function (canon_proj s) by apply: canon_proj_f.
move: (p1graph_source fc xu); aw => xs.
move: (p1graph_source fc yv); aw => ys.
have: (u = Vf (canon_proj s) x) by apply: Vf_pr.
have: (v = Vf (canon_proj s) y) by apply: Vf_pr.
rewrite canon_proj_V // canon_proj_V //.
move=> -> ->; split; fprops.
exists x; exists y; split => //; first by apply: inc_itself_class.
by apply: inc_itself_class.
move=> [uq vq [x [y [xu yv xy]]]]; apply /compose3_relP.
exists x; exists y; split => //.
apply/(rel_gcp_P es) => //; apply: (inc_in_setQ_sr es xu uq).
apply/(rel_gcp_P es) => //; apply: (inc_in_setQ_sr es yv vq).
Lemma oap_relP2 u v:
related (order_associated r) u v <->
[/\ inc u (quotient (equivalence_associated_o r)),
inc v (quotient (equivalence_associated_o r)) &
forall x y, inc x u -> inc y v -> related r x y].
set (s:= equivalence_associated_o r).
have es: equivalence s by rewrite /s; apply: equivalence_preorder1.
move /oap_relP1 => [uq vq [x [y [xu yv xy]]]]; split=> //.
move=> a b au bv.
have xa: (related s x a).
by apply /(in_class_relatedP es); exists u; split => //;apply/(setQ_P es).
have yb: (related s y b).
by apply /(in_class_relatedP es); exists v;split => //; apply/(setQ_P es).
apply: (compatible_equivalence_preorder1 pr xy xa yb).
move => [uq vq hyp]; apply/oap_relP1;split => //.
move: (setQ_repi es uq) (setQ_repi es vq) => pa pb.
by exists (rep u); exists (rep v);split => //; apply: hyp.
Lemma oap_osr:
order_on (order_associated r)(quotient (equivalence_associated_o r)).
have ea:equivalence (equivalence_associated_o r).
by apply: equivalence_preorder1.
set eao:= (equivalence_associated_o r).
have prop: forall a b, inc (J a b) (order_associated r)->
(inc a (quotient eao) /\ inc b (quotient eao)).
move=> a b Jab.
have: (related (order_associated r) a b) by done.
by move/oap_relP2=> [pa pb _].
have sr:substrate (order_associated r) = quotient eao.
set_extens x.
move:(@oap_graph r) => h.
by move/(substrate_P h) => [][y /oap_relP2 [pa pb _]].
move=> xq; apply: substr_i;apply/oap_relP2; split => // z y zx yx.
suff: symmetrize (gle r) z y by move => [].
apply/eao_P; apply/(in_class_relatedP ea).
by exists x;split => //; apply/(setQ_P ea).
have go: sgraph (order_associated r) by apply: oap_graph.
split => //.
move:(pr)=> [rr gr tr]; split => //.
red; rewrite sr => y ys;apply/oap_relP2; split => // x z xy zy.
have: (related (equivalence_associated_o r) x z).
by apply/(in_class_relatedP ea); exists y; split=>//; apply/(setQ_P ea).
by move/eao_P=> [].
move=> x y z /oap_relP2 [xq yq rxy]/oap_relP2 [_ zq ryz].
apply/oap_relP2;split => // a b ax bz; move: (setQ_repi ea yq) => cy.
apply: tr (rxy _ _ ax cy) (ryz _ _ cy bz).
move=> x y /oap_relP2 [xq yq rxy] /oap_relP2 [_ _ ryx].
move:(setQ_repi ea xq) (setQ_repi ea yq) => ax biy.
move: (rxy _ _ ax biy)(ryx _ _ biy ax)=> rab rba.
move: (conj rab rba); move /eao_P=> reab.
move: xq yq => /(setQ_P ea) cx /(setQ_P ea) cy.
have bx: inc (rep y) x by apply: (rel_in_class2 ea cx reab).
case: (class_dichot ea cx cy) =>// hyp.
case: (nondisjoint bx biy hyp).
Lemma oap_pr:
order_associated r = image_by_fun (
ext_to_prod(canon_proj (equivalence_associated_o r))
(canon_proj (equivalence_associated_o r))) r.
set (s:= equivalence_associated_o r).
have es:equivalence s by rewrite /s; apply: equivalence_preorder1.
have ss:substrate s = substrate r.
by rewrite /s equivalence_associated_o_sr.
have fep: function (ext_to_prod (canon_proj s) (canon_proj s)).
by apply: ext_to_prod_f; apply: canon_proj_f.
have gi: sgraph (image_by_fun (ext_to_prod (canon_proj s) (canon_proj s)) r).
move=> t /dirim_P [x xr Jg].
by move:(p2graph_target fep Jg); rewrite lf_target; move/setX_P => [].
apply/sgraph_exten=> //; first by apply: oap_graph.
move=> u v; split.
move/oap_relP2=> [uq vq hyp]; apply/dirim_P;exists (J (rep u) (rep v)).
by apply: hyp; apply: (setQ_repi es).
have : (J u v = J (class s (rep u)) (class s (rep v))) by rewrite ! class_rep.
rewrite - ext_to_prod_rel_V; fprops; move =>->.
by apply: Vf_pr3=> //; rewrite /ext_to_prod; aw; fprops.
move/dirim_P=> [x xr Jg]; move: (Vf_pr fep Jg)=> Wx.
have px: (pairp x) by move: pr=> [g _ _]; apply: g.
have ps: (inc (P x) (substrate s)) by rewrite ss; substr_tac.
have qs: (inc (Q x) (substrate s)) by rewrite ss; substr_tac.
move: Wx; rewrite -px ext_to_prod_rel_V // => JJ.
rewrite (pr1_def JJ) (pr2_def JJ).
apply/oap_relP2;split;fprops => a b au bv.
suff: (related (order_associated r) (class s (P x)) (class s (Q x))).
by move /oap_relP2 => [_ _ h]; apply: h au bv.
apply /oap_relP1;split; fprops.
exists (P x), (Q x); split ; try apply: (inc_itself_class es) => //.
by red; rewrite px.
End OrderAssociated.
Notation and terminology
Definition order_axioms r s :=
[/\ (forall y x z, gle r x y -> gle r y z -> gle r x z),
(forall x y, gle r x y -> gle r y x -> x = y),
(forall x y, gle r x y -> (inc x s /\ inc y s)),
(forall x, gle r x x <-> inc x s) &
sgraph r].
Lemma axioms_of_order r:
order r <-> (order_axioms r (substrate r)).
rewrite/order_axioms; split.
move => [p1 p2 p3 p4].
split => //.
by move => x y xy; split; order_tac.
by move => x; split => h; try order_tac; apply: p2.
move=> [h1 h2 h3 h4 gr]; split => //; by move => y /h4.
A morphism is a function that preserves ordering. It is injective.
When bijective it is called an isomorphism. We show stability by composition
Definition fincr_prop f r r' :=
forall x y, gle r x y -> gle r' (Vf f x) (Vf f y).
Definition fsincr_prop f r r' :=
forall x y, glt r x y -> glt r' (Vf f x) (Vf f y).
Definition fiso_prop f r r' :=
forall x y, inc x (source f) -> inc y (source f) ->
(gle r x y <-> gle r' (Vf f x) (Vf f y)).
Definition fsiso_prop f r r' :=
forall x y, inc x (source f) -> inc y (source f) ->
(glt r x y <-> glt r' (Vf f x) (Vf f y)).
Definition order_isomorphism f r r' :=
[/\ (order r), (order r'), bijection_prop f (substrate r) (substrate r')&
fiso_prop f r r'].
Definition order_morphism f r r' :=
[/\ (order r), (order r'), function_prop f (substrate r) (substrate r') &
fiso_prop f r r'].
Definition order_isomorphic r r':=
exists f, order_isomorphism f r r'.
Notation "x \Is y" := (order_isomorphic x y) (at level 50).
Lemma order_morphism_fi f r r': order_morphism f r r'->
injection f.
move => [or or' [ff sf tf] h].
split => // x y xsf ysf sv.
have aux: gle r' (Vf f y) (Vf f y) by order_tac; Wtac.
apply: (order_antisymmetry or).
apply/(h _ _ xsf ysf); ue.
apply/(h _ _ ysf xsf); ue.
Lemma order_isomorphism_w r r' f:
order_isomorphism f r r' -> order_morphism f r r'.
Proof. by move=> [or or' [ [[ff _] _] sf tf] etc]. Qed.
Lemma order_isomorphism_ws r r' f:
bijection f -> order_morphism f r r' -> order_isomorphism f r r'.
Proof. by move=> bf [or or'[ _ sf tf] etc]. Qed.
Lemma order_morphism_incr f r r': order_morphism f r r' -> fincr_prop f r r'.
move => [or or' [ff sf tf] h] x y rxy.
have xsr: inc x (source f) by rewrite sf; order_tac.
have ysr: inc y (source f) by rewrite sf; order_tac.
by move/(h _ _ xsr ysr):rxy.
Lemma order_isomorphism_incr f r r':
order_isomorphism f r r' -> fincr_prop f r r'.
by move => h; apply: order_morphism_incr; apply:order_isomorphism_w.
Lemma order_morphism_sincr f r r': order_morphism f r r' -> fsincr_prop f r r'.
move => h; move: (order_morphism_fi h) => fi.
move: h => [or or' [ff sf tf] h] x y [rxy nxy].
have xsr: inc x (source f) by rewrite sf; order_tac.
have ysr: inc y (source f) by rewrite sf; order_tac.
split; first by move/(h _ _ xsr ysr):rxy.
by dneg aux; apply: (proj2 fi).
Lemma order_isomorphism_sincr f r r':
order_isomorphism f r r' -> fsincr_prop f r r'.
by move => h; apply: order_morphism_sincr; apply:order_isomorphism_w.
Lemma order_morphism_siso f r r': order_morphism f r r' -> fsiso_prop f r r'.
move => h x y xsf ysf; split; first by apply :order_morphism_sincr.
move: (order_morphism_fi h) => fi.
move: h => [or or' [ff sf tf] h].
by move => [pa pb]; split; [ apply /h | move => h1; case: pb; rewrite h1].
Lemma order_isomorphism_siso f r r': order_isomorphism f r r'
-> fsiso_prop f r r'.
by move => h; apply: order_morphism_siso; apply:order_isomorphism_w.
Lemma identity_is r: order r ->
order_isomorphism (identity (substrate r)) r r.
move=> or; red; rewrite /fiso_prop; aw; split => //.
split; aw;apply: identity_fb.
move=> x t xsr ysr;rewrite ? identity_V //.
Lemma identity_morphism r: order r ->
order_morphism (identity (substrate r)) r r.
by move=> or; apply: order_isomorphism_w; apply: identity_is.
Lemma compose_order_morphism r r' r'' f f':
order_morphism f r r' -> order_morphism f' r' r''
-> order_morphism (f' \co f) r r''.
move=>[or or' [ff sf tf] fp][_ or'' [ff' sf' tf'] fp'].
have cff': f' \coP f by split => // ; rewrite sf'.
split => //; first by split; aw; fct_tac.
red; aw; move=> x y xsf ysf; aw.
move: (Vf_target ff xsf)(Vf_target ff ysf); rewrite tf - sf' => xt yt.
split; first by move => h; apply /(fp' _ _ xt yt) /(fp _ _ xsf ysf).
by move/(fp' _ _ xt yt) /(fp _ _ xsf ysf).
Lemma compose_order_is r r' r'' f f':
order_isomorphism f r r' -> order_isomorphism f' r' r''
-> order_isomorphism (f' \co f) r r''.
move => pa pb;
move: (order_isomorphism_w pa) (order_isomorphism_w pb) => h1 h2.
apply: order_isomorphism_ws (compose_order_morphism h1 h2).
move: pa pb =>[_ _ [bf sf tf] _][_ _ [bf' sf' tf'] _].
by apply: compose_fb => //; split => // ; try fct_tac; rewrite sf'.
Lemma inverse_order_is r r' f:
order_isomorphism f r r' -> order_isomorphism (inverse_fun f) r' r.
rewrite /order_isomorphism.
move=>[or or' [bf sf tf] fp];split =>//; aw.
by split => //; aw; apply: inverse_bij_fb.
move=> x y xt yt.
move: (xt)(yt); aw => xt1 yt1.
rewrite -{1} (inverse_V bf xt1) -{1} (inverse_V bf yt1).
have aux: (source f = target (inverse_fun f)) by aw.
move: (inverse_bij_fb bf) => [[fi _] _].
symmetry;apply/fp; rewrite aux; Wtac.
Lemma orderIR r: order r -> r \Is r.
Proof. by move=> or; exists (identity (substrate r)); apply: identity_is. Qed.
Lemma orderIS r r': r \Is r' -> r' \Is r.
move=> [f fi]; exists (inverse_fun f); apply: (inverse_order_is fi).
Lemma orderIT r' r r'': r \Is r' -> r' \Is r'' -> r \Is r''.
move=> [f oif][g oig]; exists (g \co f); apply: (compose_order_is oif oig).
Definition induced_order r a := r \cap (coarse a).
Lemma iorder_gle5P r a x y:
gle (induced_order r a) x y <-> [/\ inc x a, inc y a & gle r x y].
split; first by move/setI2_P => [h /setXp_P [pa pb]].
by move => [pa pb pc]; apply /setI2_i => //;apply/setXp_P.
Lemma iorder_gle6P r a x y:
glt (induced_order r a) x y <-> [/\ inc x a, inc y a & glt r x y].
split; first by move => [] /iorder_gle5P [pa pb pc] pd.
by move => [pa pb [pc pd]]; split => //; apply /iorder_gle5P.
Lemma iorder_gleP r a x y: inc x a -> inc y a ->
(gle (induced_order r a) x y <-> gle r x y).
move=> xa ya;split;first by move/iorder_gle5P => [_ _].
by move => pa; apply /iorder_gle5P.
Lemma iorder_gle1 r a x y:
gle (induced_order r a) x y -> gle r x y.
Proof. by move/iorder_gle5P=> [_ _]. Qed.
Lemma iorder_gle2 r a x y:
glt (induced_order r a) x y -> glt r x y.
Proof. by move/iorder_gle6P=> [_ _]. Qed.
Lemma iorder_gle3 r a x y:
gle (induced_order r a) x y -> (inc x a /\ inc y a).
Proof. by move/iorder_gle5P=> [pa pb _]. Qed.
Lemma iorder_gle4 r a x y:
glt (induced_order r a) x y -> (inc x a /\ inc y a).
Proof. by move/iorder_gle6P=> [pa pb _]. Qed.
Lemma iorder_preorder r a:
sub a (substrate r) ->
preorder r -> preorder (induced_order r a).
move=> ar [gr rr tr];red.
have gi: sgraph (induced_order r a) by apply: (setI2_graph1 gr (y:=coarse a)).
split => //.
move => t ti.
have ta: inc t a.
by move: ti => /(substrate_P gi) [] [y]/iorder_gle5P [ta tb _].
by apply /iorder_gle5P;split => //;apply: rr; apply: ar.
move=> x y z /iorder_gle5P [xa ya rxy] /iorder_gle5P [_ za ryz].
apply/iorder_gle5P;split => //; apply: tr rxy ryz.
Lemma iorder_osr r a: order r ->sub a (substrate r)
-> order_on (induced_order r a) a.
move=> ar or.
have: preorder (induced_order r a).
by apply: iorder_preorder =>//; apply: order_preorder.
move=> [go rio tio]; split.
split => // x y /iorder_gle5P [_ _ rxy] /iorder_gle5P [_ _ ryz]; order_tac.
set_extens t.
by move/(substrate_P go) => [] [y] /iorder_gle5P [pa pb _].
move => ta; move: (or _ ta) => tb.
by apply /(substrate_P go); left; exists t; apply /iorder_gleP => //;order_tac.
Lemma iorder_sr r a: order r ->sub a (substrate r)
-> substrate (induced_order r a) = a.
Proof. move => pa pb; exact (proj2 (iorder_osr pa pb)). Qed.
Hint Rewrite iorder_sr: aw.
Lemma iorder_substrate r:
order r -> induced_order r (substrate r) = r.
move=> o;apply/setI2id_Pl;apply: sub_graph_coarse_substrate; fprops.
Lemma iorder_trans a b c: sub c b ->
induced_order (induced_order a b) c = induced_order a c.
move=> cb; rewrite /induced_order.
have scc: (sub (coarse c) (coarse b)) by apply:setX_Sll.
by rewrite - setI2_A; congr ( a \cap _); apply/setI2id_Pr.
Lemma iorder_opposite r x: order r ->
commutes_at (induced_order ^~ x) (opp_order) r.
move => or.
apply: sgraph_exten.
apply: (setI2_graph2); apply: coarse_graph.
apply: igraph_graph.
move => u v; split.
move /iorder_gle5P => [pa pb /igraph_pP pc].
by apply/igraph_pP; apply /iorder_gle5P.
move/igraph_pP => /iorder_gle5P [pa pb pc].
by apply /iorder_gle5P;split => //; apply /igraph_pP.
Example 1. The function that associates to a partial function its graph.
Is an isomorphism for extends and inclusion
Definition fgraphs x y :=
Zo (powerset (x \times y)) fgraph.
Definition graph_of_function x y :=
Lf graph (sub_functions x y) (fgraphs x y).
Lemma graph_of_function_sub x y z:
inc z (sub_functions x y) -> sub (graph z) (x \times y).
move /sfun_set_P=> [[[_ p] _ _] sz <-].
by apply: (sub_trans p); apply:setX_Slr.
Lemma set_of_graphs_pr x y z:
inc z (sub_functions x y) -> inc (graph z) (fgraphs x y).
move=> zs; apply: Zo_i; first by apply/setP_P;apply: graph_of_function_sub.
by move /sfun_set_P: zs => [[cz fz _] _ _].
Lemma graph_of_function_f x y:
function (graph_of_function x y).
by apply: lf_function; apply: set_of_graphs_pr.
Lemma graph_of_function_V x y f:
inc f (sub_functions x y) -> Vf (graph_of_function x y) f = graph f.
by rewrite /graph_of_function=> fs; aw; apply: set_of_graphs_pr.
Lemma graph_of_function_fb x y:
bijection (graph_of_function x y).
rewrite /graph_of_function.
apply: lf_bijective.
by apply: set_of_graphs_pr.
move=> u v /sfun_set_P [fu ssu tu] /sfun_set_P [fv sv tv] sg.
by apply: function_exten1=>//; ue.
move=> z /Zo_P [] /setP_P zp fx.
move: (sub_setX_graph zp) => gz.
exists (triple (domain z) y z); aw; apply/sfun_set_P;split; aw.
apply: function_pr => //.
by move => t /(rangeP gz) [u Jz]; move: (zp _ Jz) => /setXp_P [].
by move => t /(domainP gz) [u Jz]; move: (zp _ Jz) => /setXp_P [].
Lemma graph_of_function_is x y:
order_isomorphism (graph_of_function x y)
(opp_order (extension_order x y))
(sub_order (fgraphs x y)).
move: (extension_osr x y) => [eo sr].
move:(sub_osr (fgraphs x y)) => [sio sis].
move: (opp_osr eo) => [ex sx].
red; rewrite /fiso_prop sis sx sr.
have <- :sub_functions x y = source (graph_of_function x y).
rewrite /graph_of_function; aw.
split; fprops.
rewrite /graph_of_function. split; aw => //.
by apply: graph_of_function_fb.
move=> a b ass bss.
rewrite graph_of_function_V // graph_of_function_V //.
move /extension_order_P2 => [_ _ h]; apply/sub_gleP.
by split => //; apply: set_of_graphs_pr.
by move /sub_gleP => [pa pb pc]; apply /extension_order_P2.
Example 2. The mapping that associates to a partition the graph of
the equivalence is an order isomorphism onto its image
Definition graph_of_partition x :=
Lf (fun y => partition_relset y x)
(partitions x)(powerset (coarse x)).
Lemma gop_axioms x:
lf_axiom (fun y => partition_relset y x)
(partitions x) (powerset (coarse x)).
move=> y /partitionsP => h; apply/setP_P.
by apply: sub_part_relsetX.
Lemma gop_V x y:
partition_s y x ->
Vf (graph_of_partition x) y = partition_relset y x.
rewrite /graph_of_partition=> pa; aw; first by apply: gop_axioms.
by apply /partitionsP.
Lemma gop_morphism x:
order_morphism (graph_of_partition x) (coarser x)
(opp_order (subp_order (coarse x))).
move:(sub_osr (coarse x)) => [oi sr].
move:(coarser_osr x) => [oc sr'].
move:(subp_osr (coarse x)) => [pa1 pb1].
move: (opp_osr pa1) => [pa2 pb2].
have gi: (sgraph (sub_order (coarse x))) by fprops.
have sg: source (graph_of_partition x) = (partitions x).
by rewrite /graph_of_partition; aw.
split; rewrite ? pb2 ? pb1 ? sr' /graph_of_partition;aw.
by apply: lf_function; apply: gop_axioms.
move => a b.
rewrite sg; move /partitionsP => pa /partitionsP pb.
rewrite - partition_relset_order // gop_V // gop_V //.
split; last by move/igraph_pP => /sub_gleP [_ _].
move => h; apply/igraph_pP; apply /sub_gleP.
by split => //; apply /setP_P /sub_part_relsetX.
Example 3: Compare preorder relations
Definition preorder_on r E := preorder r /\ substrate r = E.
Definition preorders x :=
Zo (powerset (coarse x))(preorder_on ^~ x).
Lemma preordersP x z:
inc z (preorders x) <-> (preorder_on z x).
split; first by move/Zo_P => [].
move => h;apply:Zo_i => //;apply/setP_P.
move: h => [pa pb]; rewrite -pb; apply:sub_graph_coarse_substrate.
by apply: preorder_sgraph.
Definition coarser_preorder x := sub_order (preorders x).
Lemma coarser_preorder_osr x:
order_on (coarser_preorder x) (preorders x).
Proof. exact: sub_osr. Qed.
Lemma coarser_preorder_gleP x u v:
gle (coarser_preorder x) u v <->
[/\ preorder u, preorder v, substrate u = x, substrate v = x & sub u v].
split; first by move/sub_gleP => [] /Zo_hi [xa pa] /Zo_hi [ya pb] pc.
move => [pa pb pc pd pe]; apply /sub_gleP.
by split => //; apply /preordersP.
Lemma coarser_preorder_gleP1 x u v:
gle (coarser_preorder x) u v <->
[/\ preorder u, preorder v, substrate u = x, substrate v = x &
forall a b, inc a x -> inc b x -> related u a b -> related v a b].
move/coarser_preorder_gleP => [pu pv su sv hyp]; split => //.
by move=> a b ax bx J1; apply: hyp.
move => [pu pv su sv hyp].
apply /coarser_preorder_gleP; split => // t tu.
move: (preorder_sgraph pu tu) => p.
rewrite -p in tu |- *; apply: hyp =>//; rewrite - su; substr_tac.
If g is a family of orders, we consider f the family of susbtrates.
We consider here the ordering induced by g on the product of f
Definition fam_of_substrates g :=
Lg (domain g) (fun i => substrate (Vg g i)).
Definition prod_of_substrates g := productb (fam_of_substrates g).
Definition order_fam g := allf g order.
Definition order_product_r g x x' :=
forall i, inc i (domain g) -> gle (Vg g i) (Vg x i) (Vg x' i).
Definition order_product g :=
graph_on (order_product_r g)(prod_of_substrates g).
Lemma fos_graph f: fgraph (fam_of_substrates f).
Proof. rewrite /fam_of_substrates; fprops. Qed.
Lemma fos_d f: domain (fam_of_substrates f) = domain f.
Proof. rewrite /fam_of_substrates; bw. Qed.
Lemma fos_V f x: inc x (domain f) ->
Vg (fam_of_substrates f) x = substrate (Vg f x).
Proof. move => xdf; rewrite /fam_of_substrates; bw. Qed.
Hint Rewrite fos_d fos_V : bw.
Lemma prod_of_substratesP g x:
inc x (prod_of_substrates g) <->
[/\ fgraph x, domain x = domain g &
forall i, inc i (domain g) -> inc (Vg x i) (substrate (Vg g i))].
move/setXb_P; bw; move=> [fgx dx asu];split => //.
move => i idg; move: (asu _ idg); bw.
move => [pa pb pc]; apply /setXb_P; bw;split=> //.
move => i idg; move: (pc _ idg); bw.
Lemma prod_of_substrates_p g x i:
inc x (prod_of_substrates g) ->
inc i (domain g) -> inc (Vg x i) (substrate (Vg g i)).
Proof. move =>/(prod_of_substratesP) [_ _]; apply. Qed.
Lemma prod_of_substrates_gi g f:
(forall i, inc i (domain g) -> inc (f i) (substrate (Vg g i))) ->
inc (Lg (domain g) f) (prod_of_substrates g).
move => pb; apply/(prod_of_substratesP);split => //; fprops; bw.
by move => i idg; bw; apply: pb.
Lemma order_product_gleP g x x':
(gle (order_product g) x x' <->
[/\ inc x (prod_of_substrates g), inc x' (prod_of_substrates g) &
forall i, inc i (domain g) -> gle (Vg g i) (Vg x i)(Vg x' i)]).
Proof. apply /graph_on_P0. Qed.
Lemma order_product_osr g:
order_fam g -> order_on (order_product g) (prod_of_substrates g).
move=> poa; move: (poa) => oa; split.
rewrite /order_product/order_product_r.
apply: order_from_rel1.
- move=> /= x y z pxy pyz i idg.
move: (pxy _ idg) (pyz _ idg)(oa _ idg) => *; order_tac.
- move=> x y; rewrite /prod_of_substrates => xp yp p1 p2.
apply: (setXb_exten xp yp); bw.
move=> i idg; move: (p2 _ idg) (p1 _ idg)(oa _ idg)=> *; order_tac.
- move=> u up i idg; move: (oa _ idg) => oi.
by order_tac; apply: prod_of_substrates_p.
apply: graph_on_sr.
move => a ap i idg; move: (poa _ idg) => oi.
by order_tac; apply:prod_of_substrates_p.
Let g be a family of orders, f the family of substrates, p the product
of f and r the product order of the family g; its substrate is p.
There a canonical bijection from product p p onto the product of all
product (f i) (f i). The bijection maps r to the product of g
Lemma product_order_def g (f := fam_of_substrates g):
order_fam g ->
image_by_fun (prod_of_products_canon f f) (order_product g) = (productb g).
set opg:= order_product g => oa.
have dfdg: domain f = domain g by rewrite /f; bw.
set (F:= triple (domain f) (range f) f).
have ff: fgraph f by apply: fos_graph.
have fF: function F by rewrite /F; apply: function_pr;fprops.
have gF: graph F = f by rewrite /F; aw.
have fp: function (prod_of_products_canon f f).
move: (popc_fb fF fF (refl_equal (source F))); rewrite gF=> h; fct_tac.
move:(order_product_osr oa) => [xx poo].
have spgs: sub opg (source (prod_of_products_canon f f)).
rewrite /prod_of_products_canon; aw.
have gpo: sgraph opg by fprops.
by move: (sub_graph_coarse_substrate gpo); rewrite poo.
set_extens x.
move /(Vf_image_P fp spgs) => [u upo].
move: (spgs _ upo); rewrite {1} /prod_of_products_canon lf_source -gF => upob.
rewrite popc_V //; move => ->.
move: upob; rewrite gF.
move /setX_P => [pu /setXb_P [fgP dPu alp]].
move => /setXb_P [fgQ dQu alq]; apply /setXb_P.
rewrite /prod_of_fgraph;split; bw; fprops.
by rewrite dPu dfdg.
move=> i idg; bw; last by rewrite dPu dfdg.
have: (gle opg (P u) (Q u)) by red; red; rewrite pu.
move /(order_product_gleP) => [_ _ h]; move: (h _ idg) => wp; aw.
set x1:= Lg (domain g) (fun i => P (Vg x i)).
set x2:= Lg (domain g) (fun i => Q (Vg x i)).
move/setXb_P => [fgx dxdg idx].
have p1: inc x1 (prod_of_substrates g).
by apply: (prod_of_substrates_gi) => // i idg; apply: pr1_sr; apply: idx.
have p2: inc x2 (prod_of_substrates g).
by apply: (prod_of_substrates_gi) => // i idg; apply: pr2_sr; apply: idx.
have p3: forall i, inc i (domain g) -> pairp (Vg x i).
move=> i idg; apply: (order_sgraph (oa _ idg) (idx _ idg)).
apply/(Vf_image_P fp spgs); exists (J x1 x2).
apply/(order_product_gleP);split => // i idg.
by rewrite/x1/x2; bw; red; red;rewrite (p3 _ idg); apply: idx.
rewrite -gF popc_V //.
aw; rewrite /prod_of_fgraph /x1 /x2; apply:fgraph_exten=> //; bw; fprops.
by move => i idg /=; bw; apply: p3.
by rewrite gF; apply: setXp_i.
Special case of a product of 2 orders
Definition order_product2 f g := prod_of_relation f g.
Lemma order_product2_P f g x x':
gle (order_product2 f g) x x' <->
[/\ inc x ((substrate f) \times (substrate g)),
inc x' ((substrate f)\times (substrate g)) &
gle f (P x) (P x') /\ gle g (Q x) (Q x')].
split; first by move/Zo_P =>[] /setXp_P; aw; move => [pa pb] pc.
move => [pa pb pc]; apply: Zo_i; [ by apply:setXp_i | aw ].
Order on graphs of functions x->y,
induced by an order g on the target.
This is a special case of product order.
Definition order_graph_r x r z z' :=
forall i, inc i x -> gle r (Vg z i) (Vg z' i).
Definition order_graph x y r :=
graph_on (order_graph_r x r) (gfunctions x y).
Lemma order_fam_cst x r: order r -> order_fam (cst_graph x r).
Proof. rewrite /cst_graph=> og; move; bw; move=> i id; bw. Qed.
Lemma order_graph_r_P x r z z':
order_graph_r x r z z' <->
order_product_r (cst_graph x r) z z'.
have dc: (domain (cst_graph x r) = x) by bw.
rewrite /order_product_r dc /cst_graph.
split; first by move=> go i ix; bw; apply: go.
move=> h y yx; move: (h _ yx); bw.
Section OrderGraph.
Variables (x y g: Set).
Hypothesis (sr: substrate g = y).
Lemma order_graph_pr1:
(gfunctions x y) = prod_of_substrates (cst_graph x g).
rewrite -cst_graph_pr /prod_of_substrates /fam_of_substrates /cst_graph.
bw; rewrite - sr; congr (productb _); apply: Lg_exten; move=> v vs /=; bw.
Lemma order_graph_pr:
order_graph x y g = order_product (cst_graph x g).
rewrite /order_graph/order_product (order_graph_pr1) {2}/cst_graph.
rewrite /graph_on/order_product_r Lg_domain.
set_extens t => /Zo_P [t1 h]; apply /Zo_P;split =>// i ix; move: (h _ ix); bw.
Lemma order_graph_osr: order g ->
order_on (order_graph x y g) (gfunctions x y).
move=> og ; rewrite order_graph_pr =>//.
move:(order_product_osr (order_fam_cst og (x:=x))) => [pa pb].
by split => //; rewrite (order_graph_pr1).
End OrderGraph.
Order on functions x->y, induced by an order r on the target
Definition order_function_r x y r f g :=
[/\ function_prop f x y, function_prop g x y &
forall i, inc i x -> gle r (Vf f i) (Vf g i)].
Definition order_function x y r :=
graph_on (order_function_r x y r) (functions x y).
Section OrderFunction.
Variables (x y r: Set).
Hypothesis (or: order r) (sr: substrate r = y).
Lemma order_functionP f f':
gle (order_function x y r) f f' <->
[/\ inc f (functions x y),
inc f' (functions x y) &
forall i, inc i x -> gle r (Vf f i) (Vf f' i)].
by move /Zo_P => [/setXp_P [pa pb]]; aw; move => [_ _ bb].
move => [pa pb pc];apply:Zo_i; first by apply:setXp_i.
move/fun_set_P: pa => pa.
move/fun_set_P: pb => pb.
by red; aw.
Lemma order_function_osr: order_on (order_function x y r)(functions x y).
have gf: sgraph (order_function x y r) by apply: graph_on_graph.
have rr:forall u, inc u (functions x y) -> gle (order_function x y r) u u.
move=> u us; apply: Zo_i; rewrite /coarse;fprops.
aw; move /fun_set_P: us => [fu su tu].
red; split => // i ix; order_tac.
rewrite sr -tu; rewrite - su in ix; fprops.
have sr1: substrate (order_function x y r) = functions x y.
set_extens t.
by case/(substrate_P gf) => [] [z] /Zo_P [] /setXp_P [].
by move=> ts; apply: substr_i; apply: rr.
split => //; split.
rewrite /order_function;apply: graph_on_graph.
move=> z zs; apply: rr;rewrite - sr1 //.
move=> a b c/order_functionP [afs bfs leab] /order_functionP [_ cfs lebc].
apply/order_functionP;split=> //.
move=> i id; move: (leab _ id) (lebc _ id) => lab lbc; order_tac.
move=> a b /order_functionP [afs bfs leab] /order_functionP [_ _ leba].
move: afs bfs => /fun_set_P [fa sa ta] /fun_set_P [fb sb tb].
apply: function_exten=>//; try ue.
rewrite sa; move=> i ix;move: (leab _ ix) (leba _ ix)=> lab lba; order_tac.
The mapping that associates to a function its graph is an isomorphism
for the two orders defined above
Lemma order_function_is:
order_isomorphism (Lf graph (functions x y)(gfunctions x y))
(order_function x y r)(order_graph x y r).
move: order_function_osr => [pa pb].
move: (order_graph_osr x sr or)=> [pc pd].
split => //.
split; aw => //;apply: graph_fb.
red;move: (graph_lf_axiom (x:=x) (y:=y))=> ax; aw=> a b ass bss; aw.
move/order_functionP => [_ _ h];apply:Zo_i;aw;by apply:setXp_i; apply: ax.
by move /Zo_hi;aw => xx; apply/order_functionP.
Lemma order_function_is1: (order_function x y r) \Is (order_graph x y r).
exists (Lf graph (functions x y) (gfunctions x y)).
by apply: order_function_is.
End OrderFunction.
Definition increasing_fun f r r' :=
[/\ order r, order r', function_prop f (substrate r) (substrate r')
& fincr_prop f r r'].
Definition decreasing_fun f r r' :=
[/\ order r, order r', function_prop f (substrate r) (substrate r')
& forall x y, gle r x y -> gle r' (Vf f y) (Vf f x)].
Definition monotone_fun f r r' :=
increasing_fun f r r' \/ decreasing_fun f r r'.
Monotonicity and opposite order
Lemma increasing_fun_reva f r r':
increasing_fun f r r' -> decreasing_fun f r (opp_order r').
rewrite /increasing_fun/decreasing_fun=> [] [or or' [ff sr sr'] rel].
move: (opp_osr or') => [pa pb]; split => //; first by split; aw;rewrite pb.
by move=> x y xy; apply/igraph_pP; apply: rel.
Lemma increasing_fun_revb f r r':
increasing_fun f r r' -> decreasing_fun f (opp_order r) r'.
rewrite /increasing_fun/decreasing_fun=> [] [or or' [ff sr sr'] rel].
move: (opp_osr or) => [pa pb]; split => //; first by split; aw;rewrite pb.
by move=> x y /igraph_pP => xy;apply: rel.
Lemma decreasing_fun_reva f r r':
decreasing_fun f r r' -> increasing_fun f r (opp_order r').
rewrite /increasing_fun/decreasing_fun=> [] [or or' [ff sr sr'] rel].
move: (opp_osr or') => [pa pb]; split => //; first by split; aw;rewrite pb.
by move=> x y xy; apply/igraph_pP; apply: rel.
Lemma decreasing_fun_revb f r r':
decreasing_fun f r r' -> increasing_fun f (opp_order r) r'.
rewrite /increasing_fun/decreasing_fun=> [] [or or' [ff sr sr'] rel].
move: (opp_osr or) => [pa pb]; split => //; first by split; aw;rewrite pb.
by move=> x y /igraph_pP => xy;apply: rel.
Lemma monotone_fun_reva f r r':
monotone_fun f r r' -> monotone_fun f r (opp_order r').
rewrite /monotone_fun; case.
by right; apply: increasing_fun_reva.
by left; apply: decreasing_fun_reva.
Lemma monotone_fun_revb f r r':
monotone_fun f r r' -> monotone_fun f (opp_order r) r'.
rewrite /monotone_fun; case.
by right; apply: increasing_fun_revb.
by left; apply: decreasing_fun_revb.
Strict monotone functions
Definition strict_increasing_fun f r r' :=
[/\ order r, order r',function_prop f (substrate r) (substrate r')
& fsincr_prop f r r'].
Definition strict_decreasing_fun f r r' :=
[/\ order r, order r',function_prop f (substrate r) (substrate r')
& forall x y, glt r x y -> glt r' (Vf f y) (Vf f x)].
Definition strict_monotone_fun f r r' :=
strict_increasing_fun f r r' \/ strict_decreasing_fun f r r'.
Lemma strict_increasing_fun_reva f r r':
strict_increasing_fun f r r' -> strict_decreasing_fun f r (opp_order r').
rewrite/ strict_increasing_fun/strict_decreasing_fun.
move=> [or or' [ ff sr sr'] rel].
move: (opp_osr or') => [pa pb]; split => //; first by split; aw;rewrite pb.
by move=> x y xy;apply /opp_gltP; apply: rel.
Lemma strict_increasing_fun_revb f r r':
strict_increasing_fun f r r' -> strict_decreasing_fun f (opp_order r) r'.
rewrite/ strict_increasing_fun/strict_decreasing_fun.
move=> [or or' [ ff sr sr'] rel].
move: (opp_osr or) => [pa pb]; split => //; first by split; aw;rewrite pb.
by move=> x y /opp_gltP;apply: rel.
Lemma strict_decreasing_fun_reva f r r':
strict_decreasing_fun f r r' -> strict_increasing_fun f r (opp_order r').
rewrite/ strict_increasing_fun/strict_decreasing_fun.
move=> [or or' [ ff sr sr'] rel].
move: (opp_osr or') => [pa pb]; split => //; first by split; aw;rewrite pb.
by move=> x y xy; apply /opp_gltP; apply: rel.
Lemma strict_decreasing_fun_revb f r r':
strict_decreasing_fun f r r' -> strict_increasing_fun f (opp_order r) r'.
rewrite/ strict_increasing_fun/strict_decreasing_fun.
move=> [or or' [ ff sr sr'] rel].
move: (opp_osr or) => [pa pb]; split => //; first by split; aw;rewrite pb.
move=> x y /opp_gltP; apply: rel.
Lemma strict_monotone_fun_reva f r r':
strict_monotone_fun f r r' -> strict_monotone_fun f r (opp_order r').
rewrite /strict_monotone_fun; case.
by right; apply: strict_increasing_fun_reva.
by left; apply: strict_decreasing_fun_reva.
Lemma strict_monotone_fun_revb f r r':
strict_monotone_fun f r r' -> strict_monotone_fun f (opp_order r) r'.
rewrite /strict_monotone_fun; case.
by right; apply: strict_increasing_fun_revb.
by left; apply: strict_decreasing_fun_revb.
Lemma strict_increasing_w f r r':
strict_increasing_fun f r r' -> increasing_fun f r r'.
move=> [or or' [ ff sr sr'] rel]; split => //.
move => x y h; case: (equal_or_not x y) => xy.
rewrite - xy; order_tac; rewrite - sr'; Wtac; rewrite sr; order_tac.
exact: (proj1 (rel _ _ (conj h xy))).
Lemma strict_decreasing_w f r r':
strict_decreasing_fun f r r' -> decreasing_fun f r r'.
move=> [or or' [ ff sr sr'] rel]; split => //.
move => x y h; case: (equal_or_not x y) => xy.
rewrite - xy; order_tac; rewrite - sr'; Wtac; rewrite sr; order_tac.
exact: (proj1 (rel _ _ (conj h xy))).
Lemma order_morphism_increasing f r r':
order_morphism f r r' ->
strict_increasing_fun f r r'.
move => h; move: (order_morphism_sincr h) => si.
move:h=> [or or' [ ff sr sr'] rel]; split => //.
Lemma order_isomorphism_increasing f r r':
order_isomorphism f r r' ->
strict_increasing_fun f r r'.
move => h; apply order_morphism_increasing.
by apply order_isomorphism_w.
Example of monotone functions.
Lemma constant_fun_increasing f r r':
order r -> order r' -> substrate r = source f ->
substrate r' = target f -> constantfp f ->
increasing_fun f r r'.
move=> or or' sr sr' [ff cf].
split => //.
move=> x y rxy.
have xs: (inc x (source f)) by rewrite - sr; order_tac.
have ys: (inc y (source f)) by rewrite - sr;order_tac.
rewrite (cf _ _ xs ys); order_tac; ue.
Lemma constant_fun_decreasing f r r':
order r -> order r' -> substrate r = source f ->
substrate r' = target f -> constantfp f ->
decreasing_fun f r r'.
move=> or or' sr sr' [ff cf].
split => //.
move=> x y rxy.
have xs: (inc x (source f)) by rewrite - sr;order_tac.
have ys: (inc y (source f)) by rewrite - sr;order_tac.
rewrite (cf _ _ xs ys); order_tac; ue.
Lemma identity_increasing_decreasing x (r := diagonal x) :
(increasing_fun (identity x) r r /\ decreasing_fun (identity x) r r).
move: (diagonal_osr x) => [oi si].
have pa: function_prop (identity x) (substrate r) (substrate r).
red; aw; split => //; apply:(identity_f x).
split;split => //.
move=> a b rab; bw; rewrite - si; order_tac.
move=> a b rab; bw; try (rewrite - si; order_tac).
by move: rab => /diagonal_pi_P [ax] <-; apply/diagonal_pi_P.
Lemma setC_decreasing E:
strict_decreasing_fun (Lf (complement E)(powerset E)(powerset E))
(subp_order E) (subp_order E).
move: (subp_osr E); set (r:=sub_order E); move => [or sr].
have ta: lf_axiom (complement E) (powerset E) (powerset E).
move=> c cE;apply/setP_P; apply: sub_setC.
split => //; first by red; aw; split => //; apply: lf_function.
move=> x y [] /subp_gleP [xE yE xy] nxy.
aw; try (apply/setP_P => //); split.
apply/subp_gleP;split; try (apply:sub_setC); by apply /(set_CSm xE yE).
dneg cc; move:(f_equal (complement E) cc).
by rewrite (setC_K yE) (setC_K xE).
If M x is the set of upper bounds of x then M is striclty decreasing in the power set
Definition set_of_upper_bounds1 r x :=
Zo (substrate r)(fun y => gle r x y).
Lemma set_of_upper_bounds1_P x y r:
order r -> inc x (substrate r) -> inc y (substrate r) ->
(gle r x y <-> sub (set_of_upper_bounds1 r y) (set_of_upper_bounds1 r x)).
rewrite /set_of_upper_bounds1 => or xs ys;split.
move=> lexy t /Zo_P [ts yt]; apply :Zo_i => //;order_tac.
set s:= Zo _ _; move=> ss.
have yss: inc y s by rewrite /s Zo_P; split => //; order_tac.
by move /Zo_P: (ss _ yss)=> [].
Lemma set_of_upper_bounds1_decreasing r:
order r ->
(Lf (set_of_upper_bounds1 r) (substrate r)(powerset (substrate r)))
r (subp_order (substrate r)).
move=> or; red; bw; aw.
set E:= substrate r.
move:(subp_osr E) => [oe si].
have ta: lf_axiom (set_of_upper_bounds1 r) E (powerset E).
by move=> x xE; apply /setP_P => t /Zo_P [].
split => //.
by rewrite si;split; aw; apply: lf_function.
move => x y ltxy.
have xE: inc x E by rewrite /E;order_tac.
have yE: inc y E by rewrite /E;order_tac.
move: ltxy=> [lexy nxy].
move:(lexy) => /(set_of_upper_bounds1_P or xE yE) => sxy.
aw; split.
apply /subp_gleP;split => //.
by move: (ta _ yE) =>/setP_P.
by move: (ta _ xE) =>/setP_P.
dneg seq.
suff: gle r y x by move => le; order_tac.
by apply/(set_of_upper_bounds1_P or yE xE) ;rewrite seq; fprops.
comparison of monotone and morphism
Lemma strict_increasing_from_injective f r r':
injection f -> increasing_fun f r r' -> strict_increasing_fun f r r'.
move=> [_ inf] [or or' [ ff sr sr'] rel]; split => //.
move=> x y [lexy neq]; split; first by apply: rel.
dneg Wxy; apply: inf=>//; rewrite sr; order_tac.
Lemma strict_decreasing_from_injective f r r':
injection f -> decreasing_fun f r r' -> strict_decreasing_fun f r r'.
move=> [_ inf] [or or' [ ff sr sr'] rel]; split => //.
move=> x y [lexy neq]; split; first by apply: rel.
dneg Wxy; apply: inf=>//; rewrite sr; order_tac.
Lemma strict_monotone_from_injective f r r':
injection f -> monotone_fun f r r' -> strict_monotone_fun f r r'.
move=> inf; case.
by left; apply: strict_increasing_from_injective.
by right; apply: strict_decreasing_from_injective.
Lemma order_isomorphism_P f r r':
order r -> order r' ->
bijection f -> substrate r = source f -> substrate r' = target f ->
(order_isomorphism f r r' <->
(increasing_fun f r r' /\ increasing_fun (inverse_fun f) r' r)).
move=> or or' bf sr sr'.
move: (bijective_inv_f bf)=> bif.
have sf: source f = target (inverse_fun f) by rewrite /inverse_fun; aw.
have tf: target f = source (inverse_fun f) by rewrite /inverse_fun; aw.
move => h; move:(order_isomorphism_incr h) => h2.
move: h => [_ _ _ h1].
split; split;aw.
- split=> //; fct_tac.
- split;aw => //; fct_tac.
- move=>x y rxy.
have xt: inc x (target f) by rewrite - sr'; order_tac.
have yt: inc y (target f) by rewrite - sr'; order_tac.
by apply /h1; try Wtac; rewrite (inverse_V bf xt) (inverse_V bf yt).
move=> [inf inif]; red; split => // x y xsf ysf.
move: inf inif=> [_ _ _ h1] [_ _ _ h2].
split; first by move=> hy; apply: h1.
move=> hyp.
rewrite - (inverse_V2 bf xsf) - (inverse_V2 bf ysf).
by apply: h2.
Lemma order_isomorphism_opposite g r r':
order_isomorphism g r r' ->
order_isomorphism g (opp_order r) (opp_order r').
rewrite /order_isomorphism; move=> [pa pb [pc pd pe] pf].
move: (opp_osr pa) (opp_osr pb) => [qa qb] [qc qd].
split => //; first by split => //; ue.
move => x y xsg ysg.
transitivity (gle r y x) ; first by apply /igraph_pP.
transitivity (gle r' (Vf g y) (Vf g x)); first by apply/(pf _ _ ysg xsg).
symmetry; apply /igraph_pP.
We have u v u = u and v u v = v if u and v are decreasing,
v (u(x)) and u(v(x)) are both => x
Theorem decreasing_composition u v r r':
decreasing_fun u r r' -> decreasing_fun v r' r ->
(forall x, inc x (substrate r) -> gle r (Vf v (Vf u x)) x) ->
(forall x', inc x' (substrate r') -> gle r' (Vf u (Vf v x')) x') ->
(u \co v \co u = u /\ v \co u \co v = v).
move=> [or or' [fu sr sr'] du] [_ _ [fv svr svr'] dv] h h'.
have cvu: v \coP u by split => //; ue.
have fvu: function (v \co u) by fct_tac.
have cuv: u \coP v by split => //; ue.
have fuv: function (u \co v) by fct_tac.
have cuvu: (u \co v) \coP u by split => //; aw; ue.
have cvuv: (v \co u) \coP v by split => //; aw; ue.
apply: function_exten;aw; first by fct_tac.
move=> x xs.
rewrite sr in xs; move:(h _ xs)=> rel1; move: (du _ _ rel1)=> rel2.
have p: inc (Vf u x)(substrate r') by rewrite - sr';Wtac.
move: (h' _ p)=> rel3; aw; try ue.
apply: function_exten; aw; first by fct_tac.
move=> x xs.
rewrite svr in xs; move:(h' _ xs)=> rel1; move: (dv _ _ rel1)=> rel2.
have p: inc (Vf v x) (substrate r) by rewrite - svr';Wtac.
move: (h _ p)=> rel3; aw; try ue.
Definition maximal r a :=
inc a (substrate r) /\ forall x, gle r a x -> x = a.
Definition minimal r a :=
inc a (substrate r) /\ forall x, gle r x a -> x = a.
Lemma maximal_opp r: order r -> forall x,
(maximal (opp_order r) x <-> minimal r x).
move=> or x; rewrite /maximal /minimal (proj2 (opp_osr or)); split;
move => [xsr h]; split=> // y /igraph_pP;apply: h.
Lemma minimal_opp r: order r -> forall x,
(minimal (opp_order r) x <-> maximal r x).
move=> or x; rewrite /maximal /minimal (proj2 (opp_osr or)); split;
move => [xsr h]; split=> // y /igraph_pP;apply: h.
Example: For inclusion, the empty set is least;
if excluded, singletons become minimal
Lemma minimal_inclusion E y (F:= (powerset E) -s1 emptyset):
inc y F -> (minimal (sub_order F) y <-> singletonp y).
move=> yF.
rewrite/minimal (proj2 (sub_osr F)).
have Fp: forall x, inc x F <-> (sub x E /\ nonempty x).
rewrite /F=>w; split.
by move/setC1_P => [] /setP_P pa /nonemptyP nw.
by move => [pa /nonemptyP pb]; apply/setC1_P; split=> //; apply/setP_P.
move => [/Fp [yE [z zy]] sp].
have aux: sub (singleton z) y by apply:set1_sub.
have stF: inc (singleton z) F.
apply /Fp; split; [ apply: sub_trans aux yE | apply: set1_ne].
by exists z; symmetry; apply: sp;apply/graph_on_P1.
move=> /singletonP [_ hyp]; split => // x /graph_on_P1 [/Fp [xE [t tx]] _ xy].
apply: extensionality=>//.
by move: (xy _ tx)=> ty z zy; rewrite - (hyp _ _ ty zy).
Maximal partial functions for extension order are total functions
Lemma maximal_prolongation E F x:
nonempty F -> inc x (sub_functions E F) ->
(maximal (opp_order (extension_order E F)) x <-> (source x = E)).
move: (extension_osr E F) => [eo es].
move=> [t tF] xs; apply: (iff_trans (maximal_opp eo _)).
move: (xs) => /sfun_set_P [fx sx tx][_ h].
apply: extensionality=>// y yE.
ex_middle yns.
have aux: gle (extension_order E F) (extension x y t) x.
rewrite /extension;apply /extension_order_P1; split=> //;last by aw; fprops.
apply /sfun_set_P; split => //; aw.
- apply: extension_f => //.
- by move => z /setU1_P; case; [apply: sx |move=>->].
- rewrite - tx; apply /setU2id_Pr => s /set1_P ->; ue.
by rewrite -(h _ aux); rewrite /extension; aw; fprops.
move=> sx.
red; aw; split; first by ue.
move=> y /extension_orderP [ys _ et].
move: xs ys => /sfun_set_P [fx _ tx] /sfun_set_P [fy sy ty].
move: (extends_Ssource et)=> sy'.
symmetry;apply: function_exten=>//; try ue.
apply: extensionality=>//; ue.
move=> z zs /=; apply: (extends_sV et zs).
Definition greatest r a :=
inc a (substrate r) /\ forall x, inc x (substrate r) -> gle r x a.
Definition least r a :=
inc a (substrate r) /\ forall x, inc x (substrate r) -> gle r a x.
Lemma unique_greatest r: order r -> uniqueness (greatest r).
move=> or a b [asr h] [bsr bh].
apply: (order_antisymmetry or (bh _ asr) (h _ bsr)).
Lemma unique_least r: order r -> uniqueness (least r).
move=> or a b [asr h] [bsr bh].
apply: (order_antisymmetry or (h _ bsr) (bh _ asr)).
Definition the_least r := select (least r) (substrate r).
Definition the_greatest r := select (greatest r) (substrate r).
Lemma the_least_pr r:
order r -> (exists u, least r u) ->
least r (the_least r).
rewrite /the_least=> or h; apply: (proj1(select_pr _ _)).
by move: h => [z zl];exists z => //; move: zl => [ok _].
by move => x y xsr xlt yset ylt; apply: (unique_least or).
Lemma the_greatest_pr r:
order r -> (exists u, greatest r u) ->
greatest r (the_greatest r).
rewrite /the_greatest=> or h; apply: (proj1(select_pr _ _)).
by move: h => [z zl]; exists z => //; move: zl => [ok _].
by move => x y xsr xlt ysr ylt; apply: (unique_greatest or).
Lemma the_least_pr2 r x:
order r -> least r x -> the_least r = x.
move=> or le.
have exu: (exists u, least r u) by exists x.
exact: (unique_least or (the_least_pr or exu) le).
Lemma the_greatest_pr2 r x: order r ->
greatest r x -> the_greatest r = x.
move=> or le.
have exu: (exists u, greatest r u) by exists x.
exact: (unique_greatest or (the_greatest_pr or exu) le).
Lemma greatest_induced r s x:
order r -> sub s (substrate r) -> inc x s ->
greatest r x ->
the_greatest r = the_greatest (induced_order r s).
move=> or ssr xs grx.
move: (iorder_osr or ssr) => [pa pb].
rewrite (the_greatest_pr2 or grx).
symmetry; apply: the_greatest_pr2 => //.
red; rewrite pb; split => //.
by move => y yxs; apply/iorder_gleP=> //;apply (proj2 grx); apply: ssr.
Lemma least_induced r s x:
order r -> sub s (substrate r) -> inc x s ->
least r x ->
the_least r = the_least (induced_order r s).
move=> or ssr xs grx.
move: (iorder_osr or ssr) => [pa pb].
rewrite (the_least_pr2 or grx).
symmetry; apply: the_least_pr2 => //.
red; rewrite pb; split => //.
by move => y yxs; apply/iorder_gleP => //;apply (proj2 grx); apply: ssr.
Lemma least_and_greatest r x: order r ->
least r x -> greatest r x ->
singletonp (substrate r).
move => or [xs lex][_ gex]; exists x.
apply: (set1_pr xs) => z zs; move: (lex _ zs)(gex _ zs)=> xy yx.
Lemma greatest_opposite a r:
order r -> greatest r a -> least (opp_order r) a.
by move=> /opp_osr [_ pb] [asr hy]; split; rewrite pb // => x /hy /igraph_pP.
Lemma least_opposite a r:
order r -> least r a -> greatest (opp_order r) a.
by move=> /opp_osr [_ pb] [asr hy]; split; rewrite pb // => x /hy /igraph_pP.
Lemma the_least_opposite r: order r ->
(exists a, greatest r a) ->
the_least (opp_order r) = the_greatest r.
move=> or /(the_greatest_pr or) /(greatest_opposite or) hy.
apply: the_least_pr2 => //; apply: (proj1 (opp_osr or)).
Lemma greatest_maximal a r:
order r -> greatest r a -> maximal r a.
move=> or [asr h]; split=>// x ax;move: (h _ (arg2_sr ax)) => xa; order_tac.
Lemma least_minimal a r:
order r -> least r a -> minimal r a.
move=> or [asr h]; split=>// x ax;move: (h _ (arg1_sr ax)) => xa; order_tac.
Lemma greatest_unique_maximal a b r:
greatest r a -> maximal r b -> a = b.
Proof. by move=> [ar ha][br hb]; apply: hb; apply: ha. Qed.
Lemma least_unique_minimal a b r:
least r a -> minimal r b -> a = b.
by move=> [ar ha][br hb]; apply: hb; apply: ha.
Examples: subinclusion
Lemma least_is_setI s a:
least (sub_order s) a -> a = intersection s.
rewrite /least;move: (sub_osr s) => [_ ->] [asr h].
set_extens x => xs; last by apply: setI_hi xs asr.
apply: setI_i =>//; first by exists a.
by move => y ys; move: (h _ ys) => /graph_on_P1 [_ _ ]; apply.
Lemma greatest_is_setU s a:
greatest (sub_order s) a -> a = union s.
rewrite /greatest; move :(sub_osr s) => [_ ->] [asr h].
set_extens x => xs;first by union_tac.
by move: (setU_hi xs)=> [y xy ys];move: (h _ ys) => /graph_on_P1 [_ _]; apply.
Lemma setI_is_least s:
inc (intersection s) s ->
least (sub_order s) (intersection s) .
move=> iis;red; rewrite (proj2 (sub_osr s)); split => //.
by move => x xs;apply/graph_on_P1;split => //; apply: setI_s1.
Lemma setU_is_greatest s:
inc (union s) s -> greatest (sub_order s) (union s).
move=> iis;red; rewrite (proj2 (sub_osr s)); split => //.
by move=> x xs;apply/graph_on_P1;split; aw; apply: setU_s1.
example: inclusion on the powerset
Lemma emptyset_is_least E:
least (subp_order E) emptyset.
move:(setP_0i E) => eP.
have h: intersection (powerset E) = emptyset.
by apply /set0_P => t te; move: (setI_hi te eP) => /in_set0.
by rewrite -h;apply: setI_is_least; rewrite h.
Lemma wholeset_is_greatest E:
greatest (subp_order E) E.
have aux: inc E (powerset E) by apply: setP_Ti.
have h: union (powerset E) = E.
apply:extensionality;last by apply:(setU_s1 aux).
by apply:setU_s2 => y /setP_P.
by rewrite -{2} h; apply:setU_is_greatest; rewrite h.
The least function for extension is the empty function;
there is generally no greatest
Lemma least_prolongation E F:
least (opp_order (extension_order E F))
(empty_function_tg F).
move:(extension_osr E F) => [or sr]; red.
move: (opp_osr or) => [or' ->]; rewrite sr.
have p1:inc (empty_function_tg F) (sub_functions E F).
move: (empty_function_tg_function F) => [pa pb pc].
apply/sfun_set_P;split => //; rewrite pb; fprops.
split=>// x xs; apply/igraph_pP /extension_order_P1; split => //.
rewrite empty_function_graph; fprops.
Lemma greatest_prolongation E F x:
greatest (opp_order (extension_order E F)) x ->
nonempty E -> small_set F.
move=> ge [t tE].
case: (emptyset_dichot F); first by move=> -> u v uF vF; case: (in_set0 vF).
move:(extension_osr E F) => [oe sr].
move: (opp_osr oe) => []; set (r:= opp_order (extension_order E F)).
move => or sr' neF.
have alc: forall u (Ha:inc u F), x = constant_function E Ha.
move=> u Ha.
set (f:=constant_function E Ha).
have sF: source f = E by rewrite /f/constant_function; aw.
have fsf:inc f (sub_functions E F).
apply /sfun_set_P;split; [by apply: constant_f | ue |].
by rewrite /f/constant_function; aw.
move: sF;rewrite - (maximal_prolongation neF fsf) => sF.
apply :(greatest_unique_maximal ge sF).
move=> u v uF vF.
move: (alc _ vF); rewrite (alc _ uF) => eq.
move: (f_equal (Vf ^~ t) eq); do 2 rewrite constant_V //.
If X is a set whose elements are reflexive in E and
if the diagonal of E is in X, then it is the least element of X
ordered by inclusion, thanks to the next lemma.
Lemma least_equivalence r:
reflexivep r -> sub (diagonal (substrate r)) r.
by move=> rr t /diagonal_i_P [pt Ps PQ]; rewrite -pt -PQ; apply: rr.
If f:E->F is a bijection, r an ordering on E, there is a unique
ordering on F that makes f an isomorphism
Lemma order_transportation f r (r':= image_by_fun (ext_to_prod f f) r) :
bijection f -> order r -> substrate r = source f ->
order_isomorphism f r r'.
move=> bf or sr.
have ff: function f by fct_tac.
have fe: function (ext_to_prod f f) by apply: ext_to_prod_f.
have gr: sgraph r by fprops.
have aux: sub r (source (ext_to_prod f f)).
by rewrite /ext_to_prod; aw; rewrite - sr; apply:sub_graph_coarse_substrate.
set (E:= source f).
have zr': (forall z,inc z r' <-> (exists x y, [/\ inc x E, inc y E,
inc (J x y) r & z = J (Vf f x) (Vf f y)])).
move => z; rewrite /r'; split.
move /(Vf_image_P fe aux) => [x xr].
have xJ: J (P x) (Q x) = x by aw; apply: gr.
have pxs: inc (P x) (source f) by rewrite - sr; substr_tac.
have pys: inc (Q x) (source f) by rewrite - sr; substr_tac.
rewrite -xJ (ext_to_prod_V ff ff pxs pys) => ->.
exists (P x), (Q x); split => //; ue.
move=> [x [y [xE yE Jr zJ]]]; apply /(Vf_image_P fe aux); ex_tac.
have xs: inc x (source f) by rewrite - sr; substr_tac.
have ys: inc y (source f) by rewrite - sr; substr_tac.
by rewrite (ext_to_prod_V ff ff xs ys).
have gr': sgraph r' by move=> z; rewrite zr'; move=> [x [y [_ _ _ ->]]]; fprops.
have sr': substrate r' = target f.
set_extens t.
+ case /(substrate_P gr') => [] [y] /zr'[u [v [uE vE Jr zJ]]].
by rewrite (pr1_def zJ); fprops.
by rewrite (pr2_def zJ); fprops.
+ move: bf=> [_ sj] tr; move: ((proj2 sj) _ tr) => [x xsf Wt].
apply: substr_i; rewrite zr'; exists x; exists x.
split=> //; [ order_tac; ue | ue].
suff or': order r'.
red;split => // x y xsr ysr; split.
move =>h;apply /zr'; exists x; exists y;split => //.
move/zr' => [x' [y' [xE' yE' pr sj]]].
move: (pr1_def sj) (pr2_def sj) => w1 w2.
by move: bf => [ [_ h] _]; rewrite (h _ _ xsr xE' w1)(h _ _ ysr yE' w2).
split; first by exact.
- move => y;rewrite sr' => yr; apply/zr'.
move: bf=> [_ sj]; move: ((proj2 sj) _ yr) => [x xsf Wt].
exists x; exists x; rewrite Wt; split => //; order_tac; ue.
- move=>x y z /zr' [a [b [aE bE J1r Jab]]] /zr' [c [d [cE dE J2r Jcd]]].
apply/zr'; exists a; exists d.
have bc: (b = c).
move: bf=> [[_ ij] _ ]; apply: ij =>//.
by rewrite - (pr2_def Jab) - (pr1_def Jcd).
rewrite bc in J1r.
by rewrite - (pr1_def Jab)- (pr2_def Jcd); split => //; order_tac.
- move=> x y /zr' [a [b [aE bE J1r Jab]]] /zr' [c [d [cE dE J2r Jcd]]].
have Wbc: Vf f b = Vf f c by rewrite - (pr2_def Jab) - (pr1_def Jcd).
have Wad: Vf f a = Vf f d by rewrite - (pr1_def Jab) - (pr2_def Jcd).
move: bf=> [[_ ij] _ ].
move:(ij _ _ bE cE Wbc) (ij _ _ aE dE Wad) => eq1 eq2.
have cd: c = d by rewrite eq1 eq2 in J1r; order_tac.
by rewrite (pr1_def Jab) (pr1_def Jcd) eq2 cd.
Any ordered set can be extended by adjoining a greatest element
Definition order_with_greatest r a :=
r \cup (((substrate r) +s1 a) *s1 a).
Lemma order_with_greatest_pr r a (r':=order_with_greatest r a):
order r -> ~ (inc a (substrate r)) ->
[/\ order_on r' ((substrate r) +s1 a),
r = induced_order r' (substrate r) & greatest r' a].
rewrite /r' /order_with_greatest => or nas {r'}.
set (E:=substrate r).
set r':= union2 r _.
have jaa: inc (J a a) ((E +s1 a) *s1 a) by apply: indexed_pi; fprops.
have src:sub r (coarse E)
by rewrite /E; apply: sub_graph_coarse_substrate; fprops.
have gr': sgraph r' by rewrite /r'/indexed; apply: setU2_graph; fprops.
have sr': substrate r'= E +s1 a.
set_extens x.
rewrite /E =>t; apply/setU1_P.
case /(substrate_P gr'):t => [][y] /setU2_P [];
try (left; rewrite /E;substr_tac); move/setXp_P => [];
[by move/setU1_P | by move => _ /set1_P => h;right].
case /setU1_P => hh; apply: substr_i; first by apply:setU2_1; order_tac.
by rewrite hh; apply:setU2_2.
have rr: reflexivep r'.
move => y;rewrite sr';case /setU1_P.
by move=> hyp;apply:setU2_1; order_tac.
move=> ->;apply:setU2_2; fprops.
have tr:transitivep r'.
move=> x y z;case /setU2_P=> h; case /setU2_P=> h'.
+ apply:setU2_1; order_tac.
+ apply:setU2_2; apply/setXp_P; move/setXp_P: h' => [pa pb];split => //.
apply:setU2_1; rewrite /E; substr_tac.
+ move/setXp_P: h => [pa pb]; case: nas; move/set1_P: pb => <-; substr_tac.
+ move/setXp_P: h' => [_] /set1_P ->; move/setXp_P: h => [pb] _.
by apply:setU2_2; apply: indexed_pi.
have ar:antisymmetricp r'.
move=> x y;case /setU2_P=> h; case /setU2_P=> h'.
+ order_tac.
+ case: nas; move/setXp_P: h' => [_] /set1_P <-; substr_tac.
+ case: nas; move/setXp_P: h => [_] /set1_P <-; substr_tac.
+ by move/setXp_P: h => [_] /set1_P ->; move/setXp_P: h' => [_] /set1_P ->.
have or': order r' by [].
split => //.
rewrite /r' /induced_order; set_extens x => xr.
by apply: setI2_i; [ apply/setU2_P; left| apply: src].
case/setI2_P: xr => /setU2_P [] //.
by move /setX_P => [_ _] /set1_P qa /setX_P [_ _]; rewrite qa.
red; rewrite sr'; split; fprops.
by move=> x xe; apply /setU2_P; right; apply: indexed_pi.
Theorem adjoin_greatest r a E:
order r -> substrate r = E -> ~ (inc a E) ->
exists !r', [/\ order_on r' (E +s1 a),
r = induced_order r' E & greatest r' a].
move=> or sr naE.
set (E':=E +s1 a).
set (r':=r \cup (E' \times (singleton a))).
apply /unique_existence; split.
exists (order_with_greatest r a).
rewrite - sr in naE; move: (order_with_greatest_pr or naE).
by rewrite sr.
pose p x := [/\ order_on x E', r = x \cap (coarse E) & greatest x a].
suff : forall x y, p x -> p y -> sub x y.
move=> hyp x y px py.
apply: extensionality; [ apply: hyp px py | apply: hyp py px].
move=> x y [[ox sx] ix gx] [[oy sy] iy gy] z zx.
have pz: pairp z by apply: (_ : sgraph x); fprops.
have PzE: inc (P z) E' by rewrite - sx; substr_tac.
have QzE: inc (Q z) E' by rewrite - sx; substr_tac.
case/setU1_P: PzE=> Pz.
case /setU1_P: QzE=> Qz.
have: (inc z r) by rewrite ix;apply: setI2_i=> //; apply /setX_P.
by rewrite iy; move /setI2_P => [].
move: gy=>[ay ga];rewrite -pz Qz; apply: ga; rewrite sy /E'; fprops.
case /setU1_P: QzE => Qz.
have rel2 : gle x (Q z) (P z).
move: gx=>[ax ga]; rewrite Pz; apply: ga; rewrite sx /E'; fprops.
have rel1 : gle x (P z) (Q z) by red; red; rewrite pz.
have PQ: P z = Q z by order_tac.
by case: naE; rewrite -Pz PQ.
rewrite -pz Qz; move: gy=>[ax]; apply; ue.
A set A is cofinal (resp. coinitial) if every element of E is bounded
above (resp. below) by an element of A
Definition cofinal r a :=
sub a (substrate r) /\
(forall x, inc x (substrate r) -> exists2 y, inc y a & gle r x y).
Definition coinitial r a :=
sub a (substrate r) /\
(forall x, inc x (substrate r) -> exists2 y, inc y a & gle r y x).
Lemma exists_greatest_cofinalP r:
(exists x, greatest r x) <->
(exists2 a, cofinal r a & singletonp a).
move=> [a [asr h]]; exists (singleton a).
split; first by move=> t /set1_P ->.
move=> x xr; exists a;fprops.
by exists a.
move=> [a [asr h] [b bp]];exists b;split.
apply: asr; rewrite bp; fprops.
by move=> x xsr; move:(h _ xsr)=> [y]; rewrite bp; move /set1_P => ->.
Lemma exists_least_coinitialP r:
(exists x, least r x) <->
(exists2 a, coinitial r a & singletonp a).
move=> [a [asr h]]; exists (singleton a).
split; first by move=> t /set1_P ->.
move=> x xr; exists a; fprops.
by exists a.
move=> [a [asr h] [b bp]];exists b;split.
apply: asr; rewrite bp; fprops.
by move=> x xsr; move:(h _ xsr)=> [y]; rewrite bp; move /set1_P => ->.
Definition upper_bound r X x :=
inc x (substrate r) /\ forall y, inc y X -> gle r y x.
Definition lower_bound r X x :=
inc x (substrate r) /\ forall y, inc y X -> gle r x y.
Lemma opposite_upper_boundP r: order r -> forall X x,
(upper_bound r X x <-> lower_bound (opp_order r) X x).
rewrite /upper_bound/lower_bound=> or X; rewrite (proj2 (opp_osr or)).
by split; move=> [xsr h]; split=>//; move=> y yR; move:(h _ yR); move/igraph_pP.
Lemma opposite_lower_boundP r: order r -> forall X x,
(lower_bound r X x <-> upper_bound (opp_order r) X x).
rewrite /upper_bound/lower_bound=> or X x; rewrite (proj2 (opp_osr or)).
by split; move=> [xsr h]; split=>//; move=> y yR; move:(h _ yR); move/igraph_pP.
Lemma smaller_lower_bound x y X r: preorder r ->
lower_bound r X x -> gle r y x -> lower_bound r X y.
rewrite /lower_bound=> [] [rr _ tr] [xH h] yx.
split; first by red in yx;substr_tac.
move=> z zX; apply: tr yx (h _ zX).
Lemma greater_upper_bound x y X r: preorder r ->
upper_bound r X x -> gle r x y -> upper_bound r X y.
rewrite /lower_bound=> [] [rr _ tr] [xH h] yx.
split; first by red in yx;substr_tac.
move=> z zX; apply: tr (h _ zX) yx.
Lemma sub_lower_bound x X Y r:
lower_bound r X x -> sub Y X-> lower_bound r Y x.
rewrite /lower_bound=> [] [xR lo] YX .
split=>//; move=> y yY; apply: lo (YX _ yY).
Lemma sub_upper_bound x X Y r:
upper_bound r X x -> sub Y X -> upper_bound r Y x.
rewrite /lower_bound=> [] [xR lo] YX .
split=>//; move=> y yY; apply: lo (YX _ yY).
Lemma least_elementP X r: order r -> sub X (substrate r) ->
((exists a, least (induced_order r X) a) <->
(exists2 x, lower_bound r X x & inc x X)).
rewrite /lower_bound/least=> or Xr.
rewrite (proj2 (iorder_osr or Xr)); split.
move=> [a [aX h]]; exists a => //;split; first by apply:Xr.
move=> y yX; move: (h _ yX); apply:iorder_gle1.
move=> [x [xsr hyp] xX]; ex_tac.
by move=> y yX; apply/iorder_gleP => //; apply: hyp.
Lemma greatest_elementP X r: order r -> sub X (substrate r) ->
((exists a, greatest (induced_order r X) a) <->
(exists2 x, upper_bound r X x & inc x X)).
rewrite /upper_bound/greatest=> or Xr.
rewrite (proj2 (iorder_osr or Xr)); split.
move=> [a []]; aw=> aX h; exists a => //;split; first by apply:Xr.
move=> y yX; move: (h _ yX); apply:iorder_gle1.
move=> [x [xsr hyp] xX]; ex_tac.
by move=> y yX; apply/iorder_gleP => //; apply: hyp.
A set can be bounded above, below, or both
Definition bounded_above r X := exists x, upper_bound r X x.
Definition bounded_below r X := exists x, lower_bound r X x.
Definition bounded_both r X := bounded_above r X /\ bounded_below r X.
Lemma bounded_above_sub X Y r:
sub Y X -> bounded_above r X -> bounded_above r Y.
Proof. move=> YX [x ux]; exists x; apply: (sub_upper_bound ux YX). Qed.
Lemma bounded_below_sub X Y r:
sub Y X -> bounded_below r X -> bounded_below r Y.
Proof. move=> YX [x ux]; exists x; apply: (sub_lower_bound ux YX). Qed.
Lemma bounded_both_sub X Y r:
sub Y X -> bounded_both r X -> bounded_both r Y.
rewrite /bounded_both=> YX [p1 p2].
split; [ apply: (bounded_above_sub YX p1) | apply: (bounded_below_sub YX p2)].
Lemma singleton_bounded x r:
singletonp x -> order r -> sub x (substrate r) -> bounded_both r x.
move=> [y yp] or xsr.
have ysr: inc y (substrate r) by apply: xsr;rewrite yp; fprops.
have yy: gle r y y by order_tac.
by split; exists y; split=>//; rewrite yp; move=> z /set1_P=> ->.
Definition greatest_lower_bound r X x :=
greatest (induced_order r (Zo (substrate r) (lower_bound r X))) x.
Definition least_upper_bound r X x :=
least (induced_order r (Zo (substrate r) (upper_bound r X))) x.
Lemma glbP r X:
order r -> sub X (substrate r) -> forall x,
(greatest_lower_bound r X x <-> (lower_bound r X x
/\ forall z, lower_bound r X z -> gle r z x)).
rewrite /greatest_lower_bound/greatest=> or Xr x.
set T:= Zo _ _.
have sT: sub T (substrate r) by apply: Zo_S.
rewrite (proj2 (iorder_osr or sT)).
move=> [xT hyp]; move: (xT) => /Zo_P [xsr lb]; split=>//.
move=> z lbz.
have zT: inc z T by apply: Zo_i=>//; move: lbz=> [].
move: (hyp _ zT); apply: iorder_gle1.
move=> [lbx hyp].
have xT: inc x T by rewrite /T Zo_P; split=>//; move: lbx=> [].
split=>//; move=> y yT; apply /iorder_gleP=> //.
move: yT => /Zo_P [_]; apply: hyp.
Lemma lubP r X:
order r -> sub X (substrate r) -> forall x,
(least_upper_bound r X x <-> (upper_bound r X x
/\ forall z, upper_bound r X z -> gle r x z)).
rewrite /least_upper_bound/least=>or Xr x.
set T:= Zo _ _.
have sT: sub T (substrate r) by apply: Zo_S.
rewrite (proj2 (iorder_osr or sT)).
move=> [xT hyp]; move: (xT) => /Zo_P [xsr lb]; split=>//.
move=> z lbz.
have zT: inc z T by apply: Zo_i=>//; move: lbz=> [].
by move: (hyp _ zT); apply: iorder_gle1.
move=> [lbx hyp].
have xT: inc x T by apply: Zo_i=>//; move: lbx=> [].
split=>//; move=> y yT; apply /iorder_gleP=> //.
move: yT => /Zo_P [_]; apply: hyp.
Lemma supremum_unique X r: order r -> uniqueness (least_upper_bound r X).
rewrite /least_upper_bound => or.
exact:(unique_least (proj1 (iorder_osr or (Zo_S (p:=upper_bound r X))))).
Lemma infimum_unique X r: order r -> uniqueness (greatest_lower_bound r X).
rewrite /greatest_lower_bound => or.
exact: (unique_greatest (proj1 (iorder_osr or (Zo_S (p:=lower_bound r X))))).
Definition of the supremum or infimum of a set or a pair
Definition infimum r X :=
the_greatest (induced_order r (Zo (substrate r) (lower_bound r X))).
Definition supremum r X :=
the_least (induced_order r (Zo (substrate r) (upper_bound r X))).
Definition sup r x y := supremum r (doubleton x y).
Definition inf r x y := infimum r (doubleton x y).
Definition has_supremum r X := (exists x, least_upper_bound r X x).
Definition has_infimum r X := (exists x, greatest_lower_bound r X x).
Lemma supremum_pr1 X r:
order r -> has_supremum r X ->
least_upper_bound r X (supremum r X).
move => or [z h].
apply: the_least_pr => //; last by exists z.
apply: (proj1 (iorder_osr or (Zo_S(p:=upper_bound r X)))).
Lemma infimum_pr1 X r:
order r -> has_infimum r X ->
greatest_lower_bound r X (infimum r X).
move => or [z h].
apply: the_greatest_pr => //; last by exists z.
apply: (proj1 (iorder_osr or (Zo_S(p:=lower_bound r X)))).
Hint Resolve supremum_pr1 infimum_pr1: fprops.
Lemma supremum_pr2 r X a: order r ->
least_upper_bound r X a -> a = supremum r X.
move=> or le.
have hs: has_supremum r X by exists a.
apply: (supremum_unique or le (supremum_pr1 or hs)).
Lemma infimum_pr2 r X a: order r ->
greatest_lower_bound r X a -> a = infimum r X.
move=> or le.
have hs: has_infimum r X by exists a.
apply: (infimum_unique or le (infimum_pr1 or hs)).
Lemma inc_supremum_substrate X r:
order r -> sub X (substrate r) -> has_supremum r X ->
inc (supremum r X) (substrate r).
move=> or Xsr hs.
by move: (supremum_pr1 or hs)=> /(lubP or Xsr) [[aa _] _].
Lemma inc_infimum_substrate X r:
order r -> sub X (substrate r) -> has_infimum r X ->
inc (infimum r X) (substrate r).
move=> or Xsr hs.
by move: (infimum_pr1 or hs)=> /(glbP or Xsr) [[aa _] _].
Lemma supremum_pr X r:
order r -> sub X (substrate r) -> has_supremum r X ->
(upper_bound r X (supremum r X) /\
forall z, upper_bound r X z -> gle r (supremum r X) z).
Proof. by move=> or Xsr /(supremum_pr1 or) /(lubP or Xsr). Qed.
Lemma infimum_pr X r:
order r -> sub X (substrate r) -> has_infimum r X ->
(lower_bound r X (infimum r X) /\
forall z, lower_bound r X z -> gle r z (infimum r X)).
Proof. by move=> or Xsr /(infimum_pr1 or) /(glbP or Xsr). Qed.
Properties of sup and inf of pairs
Lemma sup_pr a b r:
order r -> inc a (substrate r) -> inc b (substrate r)
-> has_supremum r (doubleton a b) ->
[/\ gle r a (sup r a b), gle r b (sup r a b) &
forall z, gle r a z -> gle r b z -> gle r (sup r a b) z].
move=> or ast bsr hs.
have sd: sub (doubleton a b) (substrate r) by apply: sub_set2.
move: (supremum_pr or sd hs) => [[sr h1] h2]; split; try apply: h1; fprops.
move=> z az bz; apply: h2.
split; [by order_tac | by move=>y; case /set2_P => ->].
Lemma inf_pr a b r:
order r -> inc a (substrate r) -> inc b (substrate r)
-> has_infimum r (doubleton a b) ->
[/\ gle r (inf r a b) a, gle r (inf r a b) b &
forall z, gle r z a -> gle r z b -> gle r z (inf r a b)].
move=> or ast bsr hs.
have sd: sub (doubleton a b) (substrate r) by apply: sub_set2.
move: (infimum_pr or sd hs) => [[sr h1] h2]; split; try apply: h1; fprops.
move=> z az bz; apply: h2.
split; [by order_tac | by move=>y; case /set2_P => ->].
Lemma lub_set2 r x y z:
order r -> gle r x z -> gle r y z ->
(forall t, gle r x t -> gle r y t -> gle r z t) ->
least_upper_bound r (doubleton x y) z.
move=> or xz yz h.
move:(arg1_sr xz)(arg1_sr yz) => xsr ysr.
apply/(lubP or); first by move=>t /set2_P;case => ->.
split; first by split; [order_tac | by move=>t /set2_P;case => ->].
move=> t [_ tb]; apply: h; apply: tb; fprops.
Lemma glb_set2 r x y z:
order r -> gle r z x -> gle r z y ->
(forall t, gle r t x -> gle r t y -> gle r t z) ->
greatest_lower_bound r (doubleton x y) z.
move=> or xz yz h.
move:(arg2_sr xz) (arg2_sr yz) => xsr ysr.
apply/(glbP or); first by move=>t /set2_P;case => ->.
split;first by split; [order_tac | by move=>t /set2_P;case => ->].
move=> t [_ tb]; apply: h; apply: tb; fprops.
Link between supremum and greatest element
Lemma greatest_is_sup r X a:
order r -> sub X (substrate r) ->
greatest (induced_order r X) a -> least_upper_bound r X a.
move=> or Xsr []; rewrite (proj2 (iorder_osr or Xsr)) => aX h.
apply/(lubP or Xsr); split.
split; [by apply: Xsr | move=> y yX; move: (h _ yX); apply:iorder_gle1 ].
by move=> z [zs h2]; apply: (h2 _ aX).
Lemma least_is_inf r X a:
order r -> sub X (substrate r) ->
least (induced_order r X) a -> greatest_lower_bound r X a.
move=> or Xsr []; rewrite (proj2 (iorder_osr or Xsr)) => aX h.
apply/(glbP or Xsr); split.
split; [by apply: Xsr | by move=> y yX; move: (h _ yX); apply:iorder_gle1].
by move=> z [zs h2]; apply: (h2 _ aX).
Lemma inf_sup_oppP r X:
order r -> sub X (substrate r) -> forall a,
(greatest_lower_bound r X a <-> least_upper_bound (opp_order r) X a).
move=> or Xsr a.
move: (opp_osr or) => [oor osr].
have Xsor: sub X (substrate (opp_order r)) by ue.
apply:(iff_trans (glbP or Xsr a)); symmetry; apply:(iff_trans(lubP oor Xsor a)).
split; move => [pa pb]; split;
try (apply /(opposite_lower_boundP or) => //);
by move => z /(opposite_lower_boundP or) => h; apply/igraph_pP; apply: pb.
Lemma sup_inf_oppP r X:
order r -> sub X (substrate r) -> forall a,
(least_upper_bound r X a <-> greatest_lower_bound (opp_order r) X a).
move=> or Xsr a; symmetry.
move: (opp_osr or) => [oor osr].
have Xsor: sub X (substrate (opp_order r)) by ue.
move: (inf_sup_oppP oor Xsor a).
have -> //: (opp_order (opp_order r) = r) by apply igraph_involutive; fprops.
Supremum and infimum of the empty set
Lemma set_of_lower_bounds_set0 r:
Zo (substrate r) (lower_bound r emptyset) = substrate r.
apply: extensionality; first by apply: Zo_S.
move=> x xsr; apply /Zo_P; split=>//; split=>// y;case; case.
Lemma set_of_upper_bounds_set0 r:
Zo (substrate r) (upper_bound r emptyset) = substrate r.
apply: extensionality; first by apply: Zo_S.
move=> x xsr; apply /Zo_P; split=>//; split=>// y;case; case.
Lemma lub_set0 r: order r -> forall x,
(least_upper_bound r emptyset x = least r x).
move=> or; rewrite /least_upper_bound set_of_upper_bounds_set0.
by rewrite iorder_substrate.
Lemma glb_set0 r: order r -> forall x,
greatest_lower_bound r emptyset x = greatest r x.
move=> or; rewrite /greatest_lower_bound set_of_lower_bounds_set0.
by rewrite iorder_substrate.
Supremum and infimum for inclusion order
Lemma setI_inf s E: sub s (powerset E) ->
greatest_lower_bound (subp_order E) s
(Yo (nonempty s) (intersection s) E).
move=> sp.
move:(subp_osr E) => [oi si1].
have nee: ~ nonempty emptyset by move/nonemptyP.
case: (emptyset_dichot s)=> h.
rewrite h Y_false // glb_set0 //.
by apply: wholeset_is_greatest.
have si: sub (intersection s) E.
move: h=> [y ys]; apply: (@sub_trans y).
by apply: setI_s1.
by move: (sp _ ys) => /setP_P.
have ss: sub s (substrate (subp_order E)) by rewrite si1.
apply/(glbP oi ss); rewrite /lower_bound si1; split.
split; first by apply/setP_P.
move=> y ys; apply /subp_gleP; split => //.
by apply/setP_P; apply: sp.
by apply: setI_s1.
move=> z []/setP_P => zE hyp.
apply /subp_gleP;split => //; move=> t tz; apply: (setI_i h) => y ys.
by move: (hyp _ ys) => /subp_gleP [_ _]; apply.
Lemma setU_sup s E: sub s (powerset E) ->
least_upper_bound (subp_order E) s (union s).
move=> sp.
move:(subp_osr E) => [oi si1].
have su:sub (union s) E.
by apply: setU_s2; move=> y ys; move: (sp _ ys) => /setP_P.
have aux: sub s (substrate (subp_order E)) by ue.
apply/(lubP oi aux); rewrite /upper_bound si1; split.
split; first by apply/setP_P.
move => y ys.
have sy: sub y (union s) by apply: setU_s1.
by apply/subp_gleP; split => //; move: (sp _ ys) => /setP_P.
move=> z [zE hyp]; apply/subp_gleP; split => //; first by apply/setP_P.
apply: setU_s2 => y ys; move: (hyp _ ys) => /subp_gleP [_ _]; apply.
Lemma setU_sup1 s F E: sub F (powerset E) ->
sub s F -> inc (union s) F ->
least_upper_bound (sub_order F) s (union s).
move=> Fp sF uF.
move:(sub_osr F) => [oi si1].
have sss: sub s (substrate (sub_order F)) by ue.
apply/(lubP oi sss); rewrite /upper_bound si1; split.
split => //; move=> y ys.
by apply /sub_gleP; split => //; fprops;apply: setU_s1.
move=> z [zF hyp]; apply /sub_gleP; split => //.
apply: setU_s2=> y ys; move: (hyp _ ys) => /sub_gleP [_ _]; apply.
Lemma setI_inf1 s F E (T := (Yo (nonempty s) (intersection s) E)):
sub F (powerset E) ->
sub s F -> inc T F ->
greatest_lower_bound (sub_order F) s T.
rewrite /T;move=> Fp sF ssF.
move:(sub_osr F) => [oi si1].
have sss: sub s (substrate (sub_order F)) by ue.
apply/(glbP oi sss); rewrite /lower_bound si1; split.
split =>// y ys; apply /sub_gleP; split; fprops.
have nes: (nonempty s) by exists y.
Ytac0;apply: setI_s1=>//.
move=>z [zF hyp]; apply /sub_gleP; split => //.
case: (emptyset_dichot s) => sp.
by rewrite Y_false;[apply /setP_P /Fp | rewrite sp; move /nonemptyP ].
Ytac0;move=> t tz; apply: setI_i=>//.
by move=> y ys; move: (hyp _ ys) => /sub_gleP [_ _]; apply.
Supremum for extension order: is least common extension
Lemma sup_extension_order1 E F T f:
sub T (sub_functions E F) ->
least_upper_bound (opp_order (extension_order E F)) T f ->
forall u v x, inc u T -> inc v T -> inc x (source u) -> inc x (source v) ->
Vf u x = Vf v x.
move=> Ts lef.
move:(extension_osr E F)=> [oe sr].
move: (opp_osr oe) => [oo so].
have sTe: sub T (substrate (extension_order E F)) by ue.
have sT:sub T (substrate (opp_order (extension_order E F))) by ue.
move: lef => /(lubP oo sT) [[fs ub] hyp] u v x uT vT xs ys.
by rewrite (extension_order_pr (ub _ uT) xs) (extension_order_pr (ub _ vT) ys).
Lemma sup_extension_order2 E F T:
sub T (sub_functions E F) ->
(forall u v x, inc u T -> inc v T -> inc x (source u) -> inc x (source v) ->
Vf u x = Vf v x) ->
exists x, [/\ least_upper_bound (opp_order (extension_order E F)) T x,
(source x = unionb (Lg T source)),
(range (graph x) = unionb (Lg T (fun u => (range (graph u))))) &
(graph x) = unionb (Lg T graph)].
move=> Ts ag.
set h := Lg T source.
have fp: forall i, inc i (domain h) -> function_prop i (Vg h i) F.
rewrite /h/function_prop; bw => i iT;bw; move: (Ts _ iT) => /sfun_set_P.
by move => [pa pb pc].
have ag1: forall i j, inc i (domain h) -> inc j (domain h) ->
agrees_on ((Vg h i) \cap (Vg h j)) i j.
rewrite /h; bw;move=> i j iT jT; bw.
split; first by apply : subsetI2l.
by apply: subsetI2r.
move=> a /setI2_P [ai aj]; by apply: ag.
move:(extension_covering fp ag1).
set g := (common_ext h id F); move => [[fg sf tg] gg rg vg].
move:(extension_osr E F)=> [oe sr].
move: (opp_osr oe) => [oo os].
have ssEF:sub_functions E F =
substrate (opp_order (extension_order E F)) by ue.
have Tso: sub T (substrate (opp_order (extension_order E F))) by aw; ue.
have sTe: sub T (substrate (extension_order E F)) by ue.
have xss:inc g (sub_functions E F).
apply /sfun_set_P;split => //.
rewrite sf /h; move=> t /setUb_P; bw; move => [y yT]; bw => ty.
by move: (Ts _ yT) => /sfun_set_P [_ yE _]; apply: yE.
exists g; rewrite rg gg /h; bw; split => //; apply /(lubP oo Tso); split.
red;rewrite - ssEF; split => //.
move=> y yT; move:(Ts _ yT) => yss.
apply/extension_order_P2; split => //.
move => t ta; rewrite gg /h; apply /setUb_P; bw; ex_tac; bw.
move=> z; rewrite /upper_bound - ssEF; move => [zss hyp].
apply /extension_order_P2; split => //.
move=> t; rewrite gg /h;move /setUb_P; bw; move => [y yT]; bw => tgg.
by move: (hyp _ yT) => /extension_order_P2 [_ _]; apply.
Supremum and infimum of the range of a function
Definition is_sup_fun r f := least_upper_bound r (image_of_fun f).
Definition is_inf_fun r f:= greatest_lower_bound r (image_of_fun f).
Lemma is_sup_funP r f: order r -> substrate r = target f ->
function f -> forall x,
(is_sup_fun r f x <-> [/\ inc x (target f),
(forall a, inc a (source f) -> gle r (Vf f a) x)
&forall z, inc z (target f) -> (forall a, inc a (source f)
-> gle r (Vf f a) z) -> gle r x z]).
move=> or sr ff x.
have si: sub (image_of_fun f) (substrate r).
by rewrite sr; apply: fun_image_Starget1.
have gf: sgraph (graph f) by fprops.
apply: (iff_trans (lubP or si x)); split.
move=> [[xt p1] p2];split => //; first by ue.
move=> a afs; apply: p1; first by apply/(Vf_image_P1 ff);ex_tac.
move=> z zt sh; apply: p2; split; first by ue.
by move=> y /(Vf_image_P1 ff) [u usf ->]; apply: sh.
move=> [xt p1 p2];split.
split; first by ue.
by move=> yy/(Vf_image_P1 ff) [u usf ->]; apply: p1.
move=> z [ztg p3]; apply: p2; first by ue.
move=> a asf; apply: p3; apply /(Vf_image_P1 ff); ex_tac.
Lemma is_inf_funP r f: order r -> substrate r = target f ->
function f -> forall x,
(is_inf_fun r f x <->
[/\ inc x (target f),
(forall a, inc a (source f) -> gle r x (Vf f a))
& forall z, inc z (target f) -> (forall a, inc a (source f)
-> gle r z (Vf f a)) -> gle r z x]).
move=> or sr ff x.
have si: sub (image_of_fun f) (substrate r).
by rewrite sr; apply: fun_image_Starget1.
have gf: sgraph (graph f) by fprops.
apply: (iff_trans (glbP or si x)); split.
move=> [[xt p1] p2]; split => //; first by ue.
move=> a afs; apply: p1; first by apply/(Vf_image_P1 ff);ex_tac.
move=> z zt sh; apply: p2; split; first by ue.
by move=> y /(Vf_image_P1 ff) [u usf ->]; apply: sh.
move=> [xt p1 p2];split.
split; first by ue.
by move=> yy/(Vf_image_P1 ff) [u usf ->]; apply: p1.
move=> z [ztg p3]; apply: p2; first by ue.
move=> a asf; apply: p3; apply /(Vf_image_P1 ff); ex_tac.
Supremum and infimum of the range of a functional graph
Definition is_sup_graph r f := least_upper_bound r (range f).
Definition is_inf_graph r f := greatest_lower_bound r (range f).
Definition has_sup_graph r f := has_supremum r (range f).
Definition has_inf_graph r f := has_infimum r (range f).
Definition sup_graph r f:= supremum r (range f).
Definition inf_graph r f := infimum r (range f).
Lemma is_sup_graph_pr1 r f:
order r -> sub (range f) (substrate r) -> has_sup_graph r f ->
least_upper_bound r (range f) (sup_graph r f).
rewrite /has_sup_graph/sup_graph/is_sup_graph=> or sr hs; fprops.
Lemma is_inf_graph_pr1 r f:
order r -> sub (range f) (substrate r) -> has_inf_graph r f ->
greatest_lower_bound r (range f) (inf_graph r f).
Proof. rewrite /has_inf_graph/inf_graph/is_inf_graph; fprops. Qed.
Lemma is_sup_graphP r f: order r -> sub (range f) (substrate r) ->
fgraph f -> forall x,
(is_sup_graph r f x <-> [/\ inc x (substrate r),
(forall a, inc a (domain f) -> gle r (Vg f a) x)
& forall z, inc z (substrate r) -> (forall a, inc a (domain f)
-> gle r (Vg f a) z) -> gle r x z]).
move=> or sr fg.
have gf: sgraph f by fprops.
move/(lubP or sr) => [[pa pb] pc]; split => //.
by move=> a ad; apply: pb;fprops.
move=> z zs p; apply: pc; split => //.
move=> y /(rangeP gf) [t Jg].
by move: (pr2_V fg Jg); aw; move=> ->; apply: p; ex_tac.
move=> [xs p1 p2]; apply /(lubP or sr); split.
split=>//; move=> y /(rangeP gf) [z Jg]; move: (pr2_V fg Jg); aw.
move=> ->; apply: p1; aw; ex_tac.
move=> z [zr p3]; apply: p2 =>//; move=> a ad; apply: p3; fprops.
Lemma is_inf_graphP r f: order r -> sub (range f) (substrate r) ->
fgraph f -> forall x,
(is_inf_graph r f x <-> [/\ inc x (substrate r),
(forall a, inc a (domain f) -> gle r x (Vg f a))
& forall z, inc z (substrate r) -> (forall a, inc a (domain f)
-> gle r z (Vg f a)) -> gle r z x]).
move=> or sr fg.
have gf: sgraph f by fprops.
move/(glbP or sr) => [[pa pb] pc]; split => //.
by move=> a ad; apply: pb;fprops.
move=> z zs p; apply: pc; split => //.
move=> y /(rangeP gf) [t Jg].
by move: (pr2_V fg Jg); aw; move=> ->; apply: p; ex_tac.
move=> [xs p1 p2]; apply /(glbP or sr); split.
split=>//; move=> y /(rangeP gf) [z Jg]; move: (pr2_V fg Jg); aw.
move=> ->; apply: p1; aw; ex_tac.
move=> z [zr p3]; apply: p2 =>//; move=> a ad; apply: p3; fprops.
Theorem compare_inf_sup1 r A: order r -> sub A (substrate r) ->
has_supremum r A -> has_infimum r A ->
A = emptyset ->
(greatest r (infimum r A) /\ least r (supremum r A)).
move=> or As /(supremum_pr1 or) hs /(infimum_pr1 or) hi Ae.
move: hs hi; rewrite Ae glb_set0 // lub_set0 //.
Theorem compare_inf_sup2 r A: order r -> sub A (substrate r) ->
has_supremum r A -> has_infimum r A ->
nonempty A -> gle r (infimum r A) (supremum r A).
move=> or As hs hi [x xA].
move: (supremum_pr1 or hs)(infimum_pr1 or hi).
move /(lubP or As)=> [[uE p1] _ ] /(glbP or As) [[vE p2] _].
move: (p1 _ xA)(p2 _ xA)=> q1 q2; order_tac.
Theorem sup_increasing r A B: order r -> sub A (substrate r) ->
sub B (substrate r) -> sub A B ->
has_supremum r A -> has_supremum r B->
gle r (supremum r A) (supremum r B).
move=> or As Bs AB sA sB.
move: (supremum_pr1 or sA) (supremum_pr1 or sB).
move /(lubP or As)=> [uA p1] /(lubP or Bs) [[uB p2] _].
by apply: p1; split => // t tA; apply:p2; apply: AB.
Theorem inf_decreasing r A B: order r -> sub A (substrate r) ->
sub B (substrate r) -> sub A B ->
has_infimum r A -> has_infimum r B ->
gle r (infimum r B) (infimum r A) .
move=> or As Bs AB sA sB.
move: (infimum_pr1 or sA) (infimum_pr1 or sB).
move /(glbP or As)=> [uA p1] /(glbP or Bs) [[uB p2] _].
by apply: p1; split => // t tA; apply:p2; apply: AB.
Lemma sup_increasing1 r f j:
order r -> fgraph f -> sub (range f) (substrate r) -> sub j (domain f) ->
has_sup_graph r f ->
has_sup_graph r (restr f j) ->
gle r (sup_graph r (restr f j)) (sup_graph r f).
move => or fg sr sj hs1 hs2.
have srr: sub (range (restr f j)) (range f) by apply: restr_range1.
apply: sup_increasing=>//; apply: sub_trans srr sr.
Lemma inf_decreasing1 r f j:
order r -> fgraph f -> sub (range f) (substrate r) -> sub j (domain f) ->
has_inf_graph r f -> has_inf_graph r (restr f j) ->
gle r (inf_graph r f) (inf_graph r (restr f j)) .
move => or fg sr sj hs1 hs2.
have srr: sub (range (restr f j)) (range f) by apply: restr_range1.
apply: inf_decreasing=>//; apply: sub_trans srr sr.
Lemma sup_increasing2 r f f':
order r -> fgraph f -> fgraph f' -> domain f = domain f' ->
sub (range f) (substrate r) -> sub (range f') (substrate r) ->
has_sup_graph r f -> has_sup_graph r f'->
(forall x , inc x (domain f) -> gle r (Vg f x) (Vg f' x)) ->
gle r (sup_graph r f) (sup_graph r f').
move=> or gf gf' df sr sr' hs hs' ale.
move: (is_sup_graph_pr1 or sr hs)(is_sup_graph_pr1 or sr' hs').
move /(is_sup_graphP or sr gf) => [sgr p1 p2].
move /(is_sup_graphP or sr' gf') => [sgr' p1' p2'].
apply: p2=>// a ad.
apply: (@order_transitivity r _ (Vg f' a) _ or); [apply:ale=>//|apply: p1']; ue.
Lemma inf_increasing2 r f f':
order r -> fgraph f -> fgraph f' -> domain f = domain f' ->
sub (range f) (substrate r) -> sub (range f') (substrate r) ->
has_inf_graph r f ->
has_inf_graph r f'->
(forall x , inc x (domain f) -> gle r (Vg f x) (Vg f' x)) ->
gle r (inf_graph r f) (inf_graph r f').
move=> or gf gf' df sr sr' hs hs' ale.
move: (is_inf_graph_pr1 or sr hs)(is_inf_graph_pr1 or sr' hs').
move/(is_inf_graphP or sr gf) => [sgr p1 p2].
move/(is_inf_graphP or sr' gf') => [sgr' p1' p2'].
apply: p2'=>// a ad.
apply: (@order_transitivity r _ (Vg f a) _ or);[apply: p1 |apply: ale=>//]; ue.
Associativity of sup and inf
Lemma sup_A r f c x:
order r -> fgraph f -> sub (range f) (substrate r) ->
fgraph c -> (domain f) = (unionb c) ->
(forall l, inc l (domain c) -> has_sup_graph r (restr f (Vg c l))) ->
(is_sup_graph r f x <->
is_sup_graph r (Lg (domain c) (fun l => sup_graph r (restr f (Vg c l)))) x).
move=> or gf sr fcc sdu alsup.
set g:= Lg _ _.
have fgg:fgraph g by rewrite /g; fprops.
have ranr: forall a, inc a (domain c) ->
(sub (range (restr f (Vg c a))) (substrate r)).
move => a ac; apply: sub_trans sr; apply: restr_range1 => //.
rewrite sdu => s su; union_tac.
have srh: (sub (range g) (substrate r)).
move=> t /(Lg_range_P) [b bd st].
move: (is_sup_graph_pr1 or (ranr b bd) (alsup _ bd)).
by rewrite st; move /(lubP or (ranr b bd)) => [[? _] _].
move/(is_sup_graphP or sr gf) =>[xsr p1 p2].
apply/(is_sup_graphP or srh fgg); split => //.
rewrite /g; bw;move=> a adc; bw.
move: (is_sup_graph_pr1 or (ranr a adc) (alsup _ adc)).
move /(lubP or (ranr a adc))=> [_ ]; apply.
split=> // y /funI_P [z /funI_P [s sv ->] ->]; aw; apply: p1.
rewrite sdu; union_tac.
move=> z zr hyp.
apply: p2 =>//; move=> a; rewrite sdu => /setUb_P [y yd aV].
apply: (@order_transitivity r _ (sup_graph r (restr f (Vg c y))) _ or).
move: (is_sup_graph_pr1 or (ranr y yd) (alsup _ yd)).
move/(lubP or (ranr y yd)) => [[ _ p] _]; apply: p.
apply /funI_P; exists (J a (Vg f a)); aw; apply /funI_P; ex_tac.
move: hyp; rewrite /g; bw => xx; move: (xx _ yd); bw.
move/(is_sup_graphP or srh fgg) =>[xsr p1 p2].
have dgdc: domain g = domain c by rewrite /g; bw.
rewrite dgdc in p1 p2.
apply/(is_sup_graphP or sr gf); split => //.
move=> a; rewrite sdu => /setUb_P [y yd aV].
move: (p1 _ yd); bw=> aux.
apply: order_transitivity aux => //.
move: (is_sup_graph_pr1 or (ranr y yd) (alsup _ yd)).
move /(lubP or (ranr y yd)) => [[_ p] _]; rewrite /g; bw; apply:p.
apply /funI_P; exists (J a (Vg f a)); aw; apply /funI_P;ex_tac.
move=> z zr h; apply: p2 =>//.
move=> a ad;rewrite /g; bw.
move: (is_sup_graph_pr1 or (ranr a ad) (alsup _ ad)).
move /(lubP or (ranr a ad)) => [_ p]; apply:p.
split=>// y /funI_P [t /funI_P [s sa ->] ->]; aw; apply: h.
rewrite sdu; union_tac.
Lemma inf_A r f c x:
order r -> fgraph f -> sub (range f) (substrate r) ->
fgraph c -> (domain f) = (unionb c) ->
(forall l, inc l (domain c) -> has_inf_graph r (restr f (Vg c l))) ->
(is_inf_graph r f x <->
is_inf_graph r (Lg (domain c) (fun l => inf_graph r (restr f (Vg c l)))) x).
move=> or gf sr fcc sdu alinf.
set g:= Lg _ _.
have fgg:fgraph g by rewrite /g; fprops.
have ranr: forall a, inc a (domain c) ->
(sub (range (restr f (Vg c a))) (substrate r)).
move => a ac; apply: sub_trans sr; apply: restr_range1 => //.
rewrite sdu => s su; union_tac.
have srh: (sub (range g) (substrate r)).
move=> t /(Lg_range_P) [b bd st].
move: (is_inf_graph_pr1 or (ranr b bd) (alinf _ bd)).
by rewrite st; move /(glbP or (ranr b bd)) => [[? _] _].
move/(is_inf_graphP or sr gf) =>[xsr p1 p2].
apply/(is_inf_graphP or srh fgg); split => //.
rewrite /g; bw;move=> a adc; bw.
move: (is_inf_graph_pr1 or (ranr a adc) (alinf _ adc)).
move /(glbP or (ranr a adc))=> [_ ]; apply.
split=> // y /funI_P [z /funI_P [s sv ->] ->]; aw; apply: p1.
rewrite sdu; union_tac.
move=> z zr hyp.
apply: p2 =>//; move=> a; rewrite sdu => /setUb_P [y yd aV].
apply: (@order_transitivity r _ (inf_graph r (restr f (Vg c y))) _ or).
move: hyp; rewrite /g; bw => xx; move: (xx _ yd); bw.
move: (is_inf_graph_pr1 or (ranr y yd) (alinf _ yd)).
move/(glbP or (ranr y yd)) => [[ _ p] _]. apply: p.
apply /funI_P; exists (J a (Vg f a)); aw; apply /funI_P; ex_tac.
move/(is_inf_graphP or srh fgg) =>[xsr p1 p2].
have dgdc: domain g = domain c by rewrite /g; bw.
rewrite dgdc in p1 p2.
apply/(is_inf_graphP or sr gf); split => //.
move=> a; rewrite sdu => /setUb_P [y yd aV].
move: (p1 _ yd); bw=> aux.
apply: (order_transitivity or aux).
move: (is_inf_graph_pr1 or (ranr y yd) (alinf _ yd)).
move /(glbP or (ranr y yd)) => [[_ p] _]; rewrite /g; bw; apply:p.
apply /funI_P; exists (J a (Vg f a)); aw;apply /funI_P;ex_tac.
move=> z zr h; apply: p2 =>//.
move=> a ad;rewrite /g; bw.
move: (is_inf_graph_pr1 or (ranr a ad) (alinf _ ad)).
move /(glbP or (ranr a ad)) => [_ p]; apply:p.
split=>// y /funI_P [t /funI_P [s sa ->] ->]; aw; apply: h.
rewrite sdu; union_tac.
Lemma sup_A1 r f c:
order r -> fgraph f -> sub (range f) (substrate r) ->
fgraph c -> (domain f) = (unionb c) ->
(forall l, inc l (domain c) -> has_sup_graph r (restr f (Vg c l))) ->
(has_sup_graph r f <->
has_sup_graph r (Lg (domain c) (fun l => sup_graph r (restr f (Vg c l))))).
move=> or ff sr co1 co2 alsup.
split; move=> [x xs];
move: (sup_A x or ff sr co1 co2 alsup);
by rewrite /is_sup_graph /has_sup_graph => aux; exists x; apply aux.
Lemma inf_A1 r f c:
order r -> fgraph f -> sub (range f) (substrate r) ->
fgraph c -> (domain f) = (unionb c) ->
(forall l, inc l (domain c) -> has_inf_graph r (restr f (Vg c l))) ->
(has_inf_graph r f <->
has_inf_graph r (Lg (domain c) (fun l => inf_graph r (restr f (Vg c l))))).
move=> or ff sr co1 co2 alsup.
split; move=> [x xs];
move: (inf_A x or ff sr co1 co2 alsup);
by rewrite /is_inf_graph /has_inf_graph => aux; exists x; apply aux.
Theorem sup_A2 r f c:
order r -> fgraph f -> sub (range f) (substrate r) ->
fgraph c -> (domain f) = (unionb c) ->
(forall l, inc l (domain c) -> has_sup_graph r (restr f (Vg c l))) ->
((has_sup_graph r f <->
has_sup_graph r (Lg (domain c)(fun l => sup_graph r (restr f (Vg c l))))) /\
(has_sup_graph r f -> sup_graph r f =
sup_graph r (Lg (domain c) (fun l => sup_graph r (restr f (Vg c l)))))).
move=> or fgf sr co1 co2 alsup.
split; first by apply: sup_A1=>//.
move=> hyp; rewrite /sup_graph.
set (g:= Lg (domain c) (fun l => sup_graph r (restr f (Vg c l)))).
have lu:= (is_sup_graph_pr1 or sr hyp).
have lu': (least_upper_bound r (range f) (supremum r (range f))).
by apply: supremum_pr1.
have lug: least_upper_bound r (range g) (sup_graph r f).
by apply/ (sup_A (sup_graph r f) or fgf sr co1 co2 alsup).
rewrite -(supremum_unique or lu lu').
have lug': least_upper_bound r (range g) (supremum r (range g)).
by apply: supremum_pr1 => //; exists (sup_graph r f).
by rewrite -(supremum_unique or lug lug').
Theorem inf_A2 r f c:
order r -> fgraph f -> sub (range f) (substrate r) ->
fgraph c -> (domain f) = (unionb c) ->
(forall l, inc l (domain c) -> has_inf_graph r (restr f (Vg c l))) ->
((has_inf_graph r f <->
has_inf_graph r (Lg (domain c)(fun l => inf_graph r (restr f (Vg c l))))) /\
(has_inf_graph r f -> inf_graph r f =
inf_graph r (Lg (domain c) (fun l => inf_graph r (restr f (Vg c l)))))).
move=> or fgf sr co1 co2 alsup.
split; first by apply: inf_A1=>//.
move=> hyp; rewrite /inf_graph.
set (g:= Lg (domain c) (fun l => inf_graph r (restr f (Vg c l)))).
move: (is_inf_graph_pr1 or sr hyp)=> lu.
have lu': (greatest_lower_bound r (range f) (infimum r (range f))).
by apply: infimum_pr1.
have lug: greatest_lower_bound r (range g) (inf_graph r f).
by apply/ (inf_A (inf_graph r f) or fgf sr co1 co2 alsup).
rewrite -(infimum_unique or lu lu').
have lug': greatest_lower_bound r (range g) (infimum r (range g)).
by apply: infimum_pr1 => //; exists ( inf_graph r f).
by rewrite -(infimum_unique or lug lug').
Definition partial_fun f x m := restr f (x *s1 m).
Lemma sup_A3 r f x y:
order r -> fgraph f -> sub (range f) (substrate r) ->
domain f = x \times y ->
(forall m, inc m y -> has_sup_graph r (partial_fun f x m)) ->
((has_sup_graph r f <->
has_sup_graph r (Lg y (fun m => sup_graph r (partial_fun f x m)))) /\
(has_sup_graph r f -> sup_graph r f =
sup_graph r (Lg y (fun m => sup_graph r (partial_fun f x m))))).
move=> or fgf sr df alsup.
set (c:= Lg y (fun m => x \times (singleton m))).
have co1: fgraph c by rewrite /c; fprops.
have co2: (domain f) = (unionb c).
rewrite /c df; set_extens t.
move => /setX_P [pt Px Qy].
apply: (@setUb_i _ (Q t)); bw; apply: setX_i; fprops.
move /setUb_P; bw; move => [z zy]; bw; move /setX_P => [pt Px /set1_P Qy].
apply: setX_i; fprops; ue.
have dc: y = domain c by rewrite /c; bw.
have pfx: forall m, inc m y -> partial_fun f x m = restr f (Vg c m).
move=> m my; rewrite /partial_fun /c; bw.
have hsg: forall l, inc l (domain c) -> has_sup_graph r (restr f (Vg c l)).
by move=> l; rewrite -dc=> ld; rewrite - pfx //;apply: alsup.
have aux: ( Lg (domain c) (fun l => sup_graph r (restr f (Vg c l))) =
Lg y (fun m : Set => sup_graph r (partial_fun f x m))).
by rewrite -dc; apply: Lg_exten; move=> t ty /=; rewrite pfx.
rewrite - aux; apply: sup_A2 => //.
Lemma inf_A3 r f x y:
order r -> fgraph f -> sub (range f) (substrate r) ->
domain f = x \times y ->
(forall m, inc m y -> has_inf_graph r (partial_fun f x m)) ->
((has_inf_graph r f <->
has_inf_graph r (Lg y (fun m => inf_graph r (partial_fun f x m)))) /\
(has_inf_graph r f -> inf_graph r f =
inf_graph r (Lg y (fun m => inf_graph r (partial_fun f x m))))).
move=> or fgf sr df alinf.
set (c:= Lg y (fun m => x \times (singleton m))).
have co1: fgraph c by rewrite /c; fprops.
have co2: (domain f) = (unionb c).
rewrite /c df; set_extens t.
move => /setX_P [pt Px Qy].
apply: (@setUb_i _ (Q t)); bw; apply: setX_i; fprops.
move /setUb_P; bw; move => [z zy]; bw; move /setX_P => [pt Px /set1_P Qy].
apply: setX_i; fprops; ue.
have dc: y = domain c by rewrite /c; bw.
have pfx: forall m, inc m y -> partial_fun f x m = restr f (Vg c m).
move=> m my; rewrite /partial_fun /c; bw.
have hsg: forall l, inc l (domain c) -> has_inf_graph r (restr f (Vg c l)).
by move=> l; rewrite -dc=> ld; rewrite - pfx //;apply: alinf.
have aux: ( Lg (domain c) (fun l => inf_graph r (restr f (Vg c l))) =
Lg y (fun m : Set => inf_graph r (partial_fun f x m))).
by rewrite -dc; apply: Lg_exten; move=> t ty /=; rewrite pfx.
by rewrite - aux; apply: inf_A2.
We compute the supremum of a product by taking the supremum of
each component
Theorem sup_in_product g A:
let f := fam_of_substrates g in
let Ai:= fun i => (image_by_fun (pr_i f i) A) in
let has_sup :=
forall i, inc i (domain g) -> has_supremum (Vg g i) (Ai i) in
order_fam g -> sub A (productb f) ->
((has_sup <-> has_supremum (order_product g) A) /\
(has_sup -> supremum (order_product g) A =
Lg (domain g) (fun i => supremum (Vg g i) (Ai i)))).
move=> f Ai hs po Ab.
move: (po)=> allo.
have fgf: fgraph f by apply: fos_graph.
have df: domain f = domain g by rewrite /f; bw.
have als: forall i, inc i (domain g) -> substrate (Vg g i) = Vg f i.
by move=> i id; rewrite /f; bw.
have Asi: forall i, inc i (domain g) -> sub A (source (pr_i f i)).
by move=> i idg; rewrite /pr_i; aw.
have afi: forall i, inc i (domain g) -> function (pr_i f i).
move => i idg; apply: pri_f =>//; ue.
have Ais: forall i, inc i (domain g) -> sub (Ai i) (substrate (Vg g i)).
move=> i id; rewrite als /Ai //.
move: (Asi _ id) =>As.
move=> t /(Vf_image_P (afi _ id) As) [u uA ->].
have ->: (Vg f i = target (pr_i f i)) by rewrite /pr_i; aw.
have p1: (hs -> (forall i, inc i (domain g) ->
least_upper_bound (Vg g i) (Ai i) (supremum (Vg g i) (Ai i)))).
move => hts i idg; apply: (supremum_pr1 (allo _ idg)); apply: hts =>//.
set mysup := Lg _ _.
move:(order_product_osr allo) => [opg srg].
have hlu: hs -> least_upper_bound (order_product g) A mysup.
move=> hst.
have mp: inc mysup (productb f).
rewrite /mysup; apply/ setXb_P;split => //; [fprops | by bw |].
rewrite df; move=> i idg; bw.
rewrite -als //; apply: inc_supremum_substrate; fprops.
have sas :sub A (substrate (order_product g)) by ue.
apply/(lubP opg sas);split.
split; first by rewrite srg.
move=> y yA; apply/order_product_gleP => //.
split => //; first by apply: Ab.
move=> i idg; rewrite /mysup; bw.
move: (supremum_pr (allo _ idg) (Ais _ idg) (hst _ idg)).
move=> [[_ h]_]; apply: h.
apply /(Vf_image_P (afi _ idg) (Asi _ idg)).
by ex_tac; rewrite -df in idg; rewrite (pri_V idg (Ab _ yA)).
move=> z [zs zp]; apply /order_product_gleP => //.
split=>//; first by rewrite srg in zs.
move=> i idg.
move: (supremum_pr (allo _ idg) (Ais _ idg) (hst _ idg)).
rewrite /mysup; bw; move=> [_]; apply.
split; first by apply:prod_of_substrates_p => //; move: zs; ue.
move: (Asi _ idg) => As.
move=> y; move /(Vf_image_P (afi _ idg) (Asi _ idg)) => [u uA ->].
rewrite -df in idg; rewrite (pri_V idg (Ab _ uA)).
move: (zp _ uA) => /(order_product_gleP) [_ _]; apply; ue.
have hsu: hs -> has_supremum (order_product g) A.
by move=> hst; exists mysup; apply: hlu.
have g2: hs-> supremum (order_product g) A = mysup.
move => hst; move:(hlu hst) => s1; move:(supremum_pr1 opg (hsu hst)) => s2.
by apply: (supremum_unique opg s2 s1).
split=>//;split =>//.
have sAs: sub A (substrate (order_product g)) by ue.
move=> [x] /(lubP opg sAs) [[xs ub] lub].
move=> i idg.
move: (allo _ idg) => p2; move: (Ais _ idg)=> p3; move: (Asi _ idg)=> p4.
have fi: function (pr_i f i) by apply: pri_f=>//; ue.
exists (Vg x i); apply/(lubP p2 p3).
move: xs; rewrite srg; move/(prod_of_substratesP) => [fgx dx iVs].
split; first by apply: iVs.
move=> y /(Vf_image_P (afi _ idg) (Asi _ idg)) [u uA ->].
rewrite -df in idg; rewrite (pri_V idg (Ab _ uA)).
move: (ub _ uA) => /(order_product_gleP) [_ _]; apply; ue.
move=> z [zs h4].
set (y:= Lg (domain g) (fun j=> Yo(j = i) z (Vg x j))).
have ->: (z = Vg y i) by rewrite /y; bw; Ytac0.
have yp: inc y (productb f).
apply/setXb_P; rewrite /y df;split => //; bw; fprops.
move=> k kd; bw;rewrite -als//;Ytac ki; first by rewrite ki; apply: zs.
by apply: iVs.
have aux: (upper_bound (order_product g) A y).
split;first by rewrite srg.
move=> t tA; apply/(order_product_gleP); split => //; first by apply: Ab.
move => k kd; rewrite /y; bw.
move: (ub _ tA) => /(order_product_gleP) [_ _ h5].
Ytac ki; last by apply: h5.
rewrite ki; apply: h4; apply/(Vf_image_P (afi _ idg) (Asi _ idg)); ex_tac.
by rewrite -df in idg; rewrite (pri_V idg (Ab _ tA)).
by move: (lub _ aux) => /(order_product_gleP) [_ _ ]; apply.
Theorem inf_in_product g A:
let f := fam_of_substrates g in
let Ai:= fun i => (image_by_fun (pr_i f i) A) in
let has_inf :=
forall i, inc i (domain g) -> has_infimum (Vg g i) (Ai i) in
order_fam g -> sub A (productb f) ->
((has_inf <-> has_infimum (order_product g) A) /\
(has_inf -> infimum (order_product g) A =
Lg (domain g) (fun i => infimum (Vg g i) (Ai i)))).
move=> f Ai hs po Ab.
have fgf: fgraph f by apply: fos_graph.
have df: domain f = domain g by rewrite /f; bw.
have als: forall i, inc i (domain g) -> substrate (Vg g i) = Vg f i.
by move=> i id; rewrite /f; bw.
have Asi: forall i, inc i (domain g) -> sub A (source (pr_i f i)).
by move=> i idg; rewrite /pr_i; aw.
have afi: forall i, inc i (domain g) -> function (pr_i f i).
move => i idg; apply: pri_f =>//; ue.
have Ais: forall i, inc i (domain g) -> sub (Ai i) (substrate (Vg g i)).
move=> i id; rewrite als /Ai //.
move: (Asi _ id) =>As.
move=> t /(Vf_image_P (afi _ id) As) [u uA ->].
have ->: (Vg f i = target (pr_i f i)) by rewrite /pr_i; aw.
have p1: (hs -> (forall i, inc i (domain g) ->
greatest_lower_bound (Vg g i) (Ai i) (infimum (Vg g i) (Ai i)))).
move => hts i idg; apply: (infimum_pr1 (po _ idg)); apply: hts =>//.
set mysup := Lg _ _.
move:(order_product_osr po) => [opg srg].
have hlu: hs -> greatest_lower_bound (order_product g) A mysup.
move=> hst.
have mp: inc mysup (productb f).
rewrite /mysup; apply/setXb_P;split => //; [fprops | by bw |].
rewrite df; move=> i idg; bw.
rewrite -als //; apply: inc_infimum_substrate; fprops.
have sas :sub A (substrate (order_product g)) by ue.
apply/(glbP opg sas);split.
split; first by ue.
move=> y yA; apply/order_product_gleP => //.
split => //;first by apply: Ab.
move=> i idg; rewrite /mysup; bw.
move: (infimum_pr (po _ idg) (Ais _ idg) (hst _ idg)).
move=> [[_ h]_]; apply: h.
apply /(Vf_image_P (afi _ idg) (Asi _ idg)).
by ex_tac; rewrite -df in idg; rewrite (pri_V idg (Ab _ yA)).
move=> z [zs zp]; apply /order_product_gleP => //.
split => //; first by rewrite srg in zs.
move=> i idg.
move: (infimum_pr (po _ idg) (Ais _ idg) (hst _ idg)).
rewrite /mysup; bw; move=> [_]; apply.
split; first by apply:prod_of_substrates_p => //; move: zs; ue.
move: (Asi _ idg) => As.
move=> y; move /(Vf_image_P (afi _ idg) (Asi _ idg)) => [u uA ->].
rewrite -df in idg; rewrite (pri_V idg (Ab _ uA)).
move: (zp _ uA) => /(order_product_gleP) [_ _]; apply; ue.
have hsu: hs -> has_infimum (order_product g) A.
by move=> hst; exists mysup; apply: hlu.
have g2: hs-> infimum (order_product g) A = mysup.
move => hst; move:(hlu hst) => s1; move:(infimum_pr1 opg (hsu hst)) => s2.
by apply: (infimum_unique opg s2 s1).
split=>//;split =>//.
have sAs: sub A (substrate (order_product g)) by ue.
move=> [x] /(glbP opg sAs) [[xs ub] lub].
move=> i idg.
move: (po _ idg) => p2; move: (Ais _ idg)=> p3; move: (Asi _ idg)=> p4.
have fi: function (pr_i f i) by apply: pri_f=>//; ue.
exists (Vg x i); apply/(glbP p2 p3).
move: xs; rewrite srg; move/(prod_of_substratesP) => [fgx dx iVs].
split; first by apply: iVs.
move=> y /(Vf_image_P (afi _ idg) (Asi _ idg)) [u uA ->].
rewrite -df in idg; rewrite (pri_V idg (Ab _ uA)).
move: (ub _ uA) => /(order_product_gleP) [_ _ ]; apply; ue.
move=> z [zs h4].
set (y:= Lg (domain g) (fun j=> Yo(j = i) z (Vg x j))).
have ->: (z = Vg y i) by rewrite /y; bw; Ytac0.
have yp: inc y (productb f).
apply/setXb_P; rewrite /y df;split => //; bw; fprops.
move=> k kd; bw;rewrite -als//;Ytac ki; first by rewrite ki; apply: zs.
by apply: iVs.
have aux: (lower_bound (order_product g) A y).
split;first by ue.
move=> t tA; apply/(order_product_gleP); split => //; first by apply: Ab.
move => k kd; rewrite /y; bw.
move: (ub _ tA) => /(order_product_gleP) [_ _ h5].
Ytac ki; last by apply: h5.
rewrite ki; apply: h4; apply/(Vf_image_P (afi _ idg) (Asi _ idg)); ex_tac.
by rewrite -df in idg; rewrite (pri_V idg (Ab _ tA)).
by move: (lub _ aux) => /(order_product_gleP) [_ _ ]; apply.
Sup and inf of induced order
Theorem sup_induced1 r A F: order r -> sub F (substrate r) -> sub A F ->
has_supremum r A -> has_supremum (induced_order r F) A ->
gle r (supremum r A) (supremum (induced_order r F) A).
move=> or Fs AF sA siA.
move:(iorder_osr or Fs)=> [oi si].
have As:sub A (substrate r) by apply: sub_trans Fs.
have Asi: sub A (substrate (induced_order r F)) by ue.
move: (supremum_pr1 or sA) (supremum_pr1 oi siA).
set (u:= supremum r A).
set (v:=supremum (induced_order r F) A).
move=> /(lubP or As) [ub lub] /(lubP oi Asi) [[us ubi] lubi]; apply: lub.
move: us; rewrite si=> vF.
split;[ by apply: Fs | move=> y yA; move: (ubi _ yA); apply:iorder_gle1].
Theorem inf_induced1 r A F: order r -> sub F (substrate r) -> sub A F ->
has_infimum r A -> has_infimum (induced_order r F) A ->
gle r (infimum (induced_order r F) A) (infimum r A).
move=> or Fs AF sA siA.
move:(iorder_osr or Fs)=> [oi si].
have As:sub A (substrate r) by apply: sub_trans Fs.
have Asi: sub A (substrate (induced_order r F)) by ue.
move: (infimum_pr1 or sA) (infimum_pr1 oi siA).
set (u:= infimum r A).
set (v:=infimum (induced_order r F) A).
move=> /(glbP or As) [ub lub] /(glbP oi Asi) [[us ubi] lubi]; apply: lub.
move: us; rewrite si => vF.
split;[ by apply: Fs | move=> y yA; move: (ubi _ yA); apply:iorder_gle1].
Theorem sup_induced2 r A F: order r -> sub F (substrate r) -> sub A F ->
has_supremum r A -> inc (supremum r A) F ->
(has_supremum (induced_order r F) A /\
supremum r A = supremum (induced_order r F) A).
move=> or Fs AF hsA sAF.
move:(iorder_osr or Fs)=> [oi si].
have As: sub A (substrate r) by apply: sub_trans Fs.
have Asi:sub A (substrate (induced_order r F)) by ue.
move:(supremum_pr1 or hsA).
set (u:= supremum r A).
move=> lub.
have lubi: least_upper_bound (induced_order r F) A u.
move: lub => /(lubP or As) [[us ub] lub]; apply/(lubP oi Asi).
split; [by rewrite si | move=> y yA; apply/iorder_gleP; fprops].
move=> z []; rewrite si // => zF zub.
apply/iorder_gleP; fprops; apply: lub; split; first by apply: Fs.
move=> y yA; move: (zub _ yA); apply:iorder_gle1.
have aux: has_supremum (induced_order r F) A by exists u.
move: (supremum_pr1 oi aux) =>lubi'.
split=>//;apply: (supremum_unique oi lubi lubi').
Theorem inf_induced2 r A F: order r -> sub F (substrate r) -> sub A F ->
has_infimum r A -> inc (infimum r A) F ->
(has_infimum (induced_order r F) A /\
infimum r A = infimum (induced_order r F) A).
move=> or Fs AF hsA sAF.
move:(iorder_osr or Fs)=> [oi si].
have As: sub A (substrate r) by apply: sub_trans Fs.
have Asi:sub A (substrate (induced_order r F)) by ue.
move:(infimum_pr1 or hsA).
set (u:= infimum r A).
move=> lub.
have lubi: greatest_lower_bound (induced_order r F) A u.
move: lub => /(glbP or As) [[us ub] lub]; apply/(glbP oi Asi).
split; [by rewrite si| move=> y yA; apply/iorder_gleP; fprops].
move=> z []; rewrite si // => zF zub.
apply/iorder_gleP; fprops; apply: lub; split; first by apply: Fs.
move=> y yA; move: (zub _ yA); apply:iorder_gle1.
have aux: has_infimum (induced_order r F) A by exists u.
move: (infimum_pr1 oi aux) =>lubi'.
split=>//;apply: (infimum_unique oi lubi lubi').
Definition right_directed r :=
order r /\ forall x, forall y, inc x (substrate r) -> inc y (substrate r) ->
bounded_above r (doubleton x y).
Definition left_directed r :=
order r /\ forall x, forall y, inc x (substrate r) -> inc y (substrate r) ->
bounded_below r (doubleton x y).
Lemma right_directedP r:
right_directed r <-> (order r /\
forall x, forall y, inc x (substrate r) -> inc y (substrate r) -> exists z,
[/\ inc z (substrate r), gle r x z & gle r y z]).
split; move=> [or h]; split=>//.
move=> x y xs ys; move: (h _ _ xs ys).
move=> [t [ts tb]]; exists t; split => //; fprops.
move=> x y xs ys; move: (h _ _ xs ys).
move=> [z [zs xz yz]].
exists z; split =>//; move=> t td.
by case /set2_P: td=>->.
Lemma left_directedP r:
left_directed r <-> (order r /\
forall x, forall y, inc x (substrate r) -> inc y (substrate r) -> exists z,
[/\ inc z (substrate r), gle r z x & gle r z y]).
split; move=> [or h]; split=>//.
move=> x y xs ys; move: (h _ _ xs ys).
move=> [t [ts tb]]; exists t; split; fprops.
move=> x y xs ys; move: (h _ _ xs ys).
move=> [z [zs xz yz]].
exists z; split =>//; move=> t td.
by case /set2_P: td => ->.
Lemma greatest_right_directed r: order r ->
(exists a, greatest r a ) -> right_directed r.
move=> or [a [asr ga]]; apply right_directedP.
split =>//; move=> x y xr yr; exists a; split; fprops.
Lemma least_left_directed r: order r ->
(exists a, least r a ) -> left_directed r.
move=> or [a [asr ga]]; apply /left_directedP.
split =>//; move=> x y xr yr; exists a; split; fprops.
Lemma opposite_right_directedP r: sgraph r ->
(right_directed r <-> left_directed(opp_order r)).
move=> gr.
apply: (iff_trans (right_directedP r)); symmetry.
apply: (iff_trans (left_directedP (opp_order r))).
split; move=> [or hyp].
move: (opp_osr or) => [].
rewrite /opp_order igraph_involutive// => odr sa.
split=>//; move => x y xs ys.
move: hyp; rewrite - sa => hyp.
move: (hyp _ _ xs ys) => [z [zs xz yz]].
by exists z; split => //;apply/igraph_pP.
move: (opp_osr or) => [ooi oisr].
split=>//; rewrite oisr; move => x y xs ys.
move: (hyp _ _ xs ys)=> [z [zs xz yz]].
by exists z;split => //; apply/igraph_pP.
Lemma opposite_left_directedP r: sgraph r ->
(left_directed r <-> right_directed (opp_order r)).
move=>g; symmetry.
have go: sgraph (opp_order r) by fprops.
move:(opposite_right_directedP go).
by rewrite /opp_order (igraph_involutive g).
products of directed sets are directed
Lemma setX_right_directed g:
order_fam g -> (allf g right_directed)
-> right_directed (order_product g).
move=> pa alri; move: (order_product_osr pa) => [pb pc].
apply/right_directedP; split =>//.
move=> x y xs ys.
set (z:= Lg (domain g)(fun i => choose (fun w =>
upper_bound (Vg g i) (doubleton (Vg x i) (Vg y i)) w))).
have alu: (forall i, inc i (domain g) ->
upper_bound (Vg g i) (doubleton (Vg x i) (Vg y i)) (Vg z i)).
move=> i idg; rewrite /z; bw.
move: xs ys; rewrite pc.
move/(prod_of_substratesP) => [_ _ p1] /(prod_of_substratesP)[_ _ p2].
move:(p1 _ idg)(p2 _ idg)=> p3 p4.
move: (alri _ idg)=> [t h]; move: (h _ _ p3 p4)=> [b bii].
by apply:choose_pr; exists b.
have zs:inc z (substrate (order_product g)).
rewrite pc;apply/prod_of_substratesP.
split; first by rewrite/z; fprops.
by rewrite/z; bw.
by move => i idg; move: (alu _ idg); move=> [us ub]; apply: us.
move: xs ys zs; rewrite pc => xs ys zs.
exists z; split => //;apply /(order_product_gleP);
split => //i idg; move: (alu _ idg); move=> [_ h]; apply: h; fprops.
Lemma setX_left_directed g:
order_fam g -> (allf g left_directed)
-> left_directed (order_product g).
move=> pa alri; move: (order_product_osr pa) => [pb pc].
apply/left_directedP; split =>//.
move=> x y xs ys.
set (z:= Lg (domain g)(fun i => choose (fun w =>
lower_bound (Vg g i) (doubleton (Vg x i) (Vg y i)) w))).
have alu: (forall i, inc i (domain g) ->
lower_bound (Vg g i) (doubleton (Vg x i) (Vg y i)) (Vg z i)).
move=> i idg; rewrite /z; bw.
move: xs ys; rewrite pc.
move/(prod_of_substratesP) => [_ _ p1] /(prod_of_substratesP)[_ _ p2].
move:(p1 _ idg)(p2 _ idg)=> p3 p4.
move: (alri _ idg)=> [t h]; move: (h _ _ p3 p4)=> [b bii].
by apply:choose_pr; exists b.
have zs:inc z (substrate (order_product g)).
rewrite pc;apply/(prod_of_substratesP).
split; first by rewrite/z; fprops.
by rewrite/z; bw.
by move => i idg; move: (alu _ idg); move=> [us ub]; apply: us.
move: xs ys zs; rewrite pc => xs ys zs.
exists z;split => //; apply /(order_product_gleP);
split => // i idg; move: (alu _ idg); move=> [_ h]; apply: h; fprops.
cofinal sets of directed sets are directed
Lemma cofinal_right_directed r A:
right_directed r -> cofinal r A -> right_directed (induced_order r A).
move/right_directedP => [or rr] [As co]; apply /right_directedP.
move: (iorder_osr or As) => [pa pb].
split; [ exact | rewrite pb].
move=> x y xA yA; move: (rr _ _ (As _ xA)(As _ yA))=> [z [zr xz yz]].
move:(co _ zr)=> [t tA tz]; ex_tac;apply/iorder_gleP => //;order_tac.
Lemma coinitial_left_directed r A:
left_directed r -> coinitial r A -> left_directed (induced_order r A).
move/left_directedP => [or rr] [As co]; apply /left_directedP.
move: (iorder_osr or As) => [pa pb].
split; [ exact | rewrite pb].
move=> x y xA yA; move: (rr _ _ (As _ xA)(As _ yA))=> [z [zr xz yz]].
move:(co _ zr)=> [t tA tz]; ex_tac; apply/iorder_gleP => //;order_tac.
a maximal element in a right directed set is greatest.
Theorem right_directed_maximal r x:
right_directed r -> maximal r x -> greatest r x.
move=> rr [xsr ma]; split=>// t ts.
move /right_directedP:rr => [or rr].
by move:(rr _ _ xsr ts) => [z [zr xz tz]]; rewrite - (ma _ xz).
Theorem left_directed_minimal r x:
left_directed r -> minimal r x -> least r x.
move=> rr [xsr ma]; split=>// t ts.
move/left_directedP: rr => [or rr].
by move:(rr _ _ xsr ts) => [z [zr xz tz]];rewrite - (ma _ xz).
Definition lattice r := order r /\
forall x y, inc x (substrate r) -> inc y (substrate r) ->
(has_supremum r (doubleton x y) /\ has_infimum r (doubleton x y)).
Lemma lattice_sup_pr r a b:
lattice r -> inc a (substrate r) -> inc b (substrate r) ->
[/\ gle r a (sup r a b), gle r b (sup r a b) &
forall z, gle r a z -> gle r b z -> gle r (sup r a b) z].
move=> [or lr] asr bsr.
by move: (lr _ _ asr bsr)=> [p1 p2]; apply: sup_pr.
Lemma lattice_inf_pr r a b:
lattice r -> inc a (substrate r) -> inc b (substrate r) ->
[/\ gle r (inf r a b) a, gle r (inf r a b) b &
forall z, gle r z a -> gle r z b -> gle r z (inf r a b)].
move=> [or lr] asr bsr.
by move: (lr _ _ asr bsr)=> [p1 p2]; apply: inf_pr.
Lemma inf_inclusion A x y: sub x A -> sub y A ->
greatest_lower_bound (subp_order A) (doubleton x y) (x \cap y).
move=> xA yA.
have sd: (sub (doubleton x y) (powerset A)) by apply: sub_set2; apply/setP_P.
move: (setI_inf sd);rewrite Y_true //; apply: set2_ne.
Lemma sup_inclusion A x y: sub x A -> sub y A ->
least_upper_bound (subp_order A) (doubleton x y) (x \cup y).
move=> xA yA.
have sd: (sub (doubleton x y) (powerset A)) by apply: sub_set2; apply/setP_P.
apply: (setU_sup sd).
Lemma setP_lattice A: lattice (subp_order A).
move: (subp_osr A) => [pa pb].
split; [exact | rewrite pb].
move=> x y /setP_P xp /setP_P yp; split.
by exists (x \cup y); apply: sup_inclusion.
by exists (x \cap y); apply: inf_inclusion.
Lemma setP_lattice_pr A x y (r := subp_order A):
inc x (powerset A) -> inc y (powerset A) ->
(sup r x y = x \cup y /\ inf r x y = x \cap y).
move => /setP_P xA /setP_P yA.
move: (proj1 (setP_lattice A)) => or.
move: (inf_inclusion xA yA) (sup_inclusion xA yA) => pa pb.
by rewrite (infimum_pr2 or pa) (supremum_pr2 or pb).
Lemma setX_lattice g:
order_fam g -> (allf g lattice)
-> lattice (order_product g).
move=>po all.
move: (order_product_osr po) => [pa pb].
split; [exact | rewrite pb].
move=> x y xs ys.
have sd: sub (doubleton x y) (prod_of_substrates g).
by move=> t;case /set2_P => ->.
set (f := fam_of_substrates g).
have fgf: fgraph f by apply: fos_graph.
have df: domain f = domain g by rewrite /f; bw.
have pf: productb f = prod_of_substrates g by [].
have aux: (forall i, inc i (domain g) -> exists u, exists v,
[/\ inc u (substrate (Vg g i)), inc v (substrate (Vg g i)) &
(image_by_fun (pr_i f i) (doubleton x y) = doubleton u v)]).
move=> i idg; exists (Vg x i); exists (Vg y i).
move: (xs) (ys) => /(prod_of_substratesP) [fx dx iVx]
/(prod_of_substratesP) [fy dy iVy].
split; first by apply: iVx.
by apply: iVy.
have sds: sub (doubleton x y) (source (pr_i f i)).
rewrite /pr_i lf_source.
by move=> t; case /set2_P => ->.
have fi: function (pr_i f i) by apply: pri_f=>//; ue.
have Wx: (Vf (pr_i f i) x = (Vg x i)) by apply: pri_V=>//; ue.
have Vfy: (Vf (pr_i f i) y = (Vg y i)) by apply: pri_V=>//; ue.
set_extens z.
move/(Vf_image_P fi sds)=> [u ud ->]; case /set2_P: ud => ->; ue.
case /set2_P => ->;apply /(Vf_image_P fi sds); [exists x |exists y]; fprops.
move:(sup_in_product po sd) => [h _]; rewrite -h.
move:(inf_in_product po sd) => [h' _]; rewrite -h'.
move=> i idg; move: (aux _ idg) => [u [v [us vs ->]]].
move: (all _ idg)=> [_ lt]; move: (lt _ _ us vs)=> [lt1 lt2].
apply: lt1.
move=> i idg; move: (aux _ idg) => [u [v [us vs ->]]].
move: (all _ idg)=> [_ lt]; move: (lt _ _ us vs)=> [lt1 lt2].
apply: lt2.
Lemma lattice_directed r:
lattice r -> (right_directed r /\ left_directed r).
move=> [or lr]; split; split =>// x y xs ys; move: (lr _ _ xs ys)=> [p1 p2].
have sd: sub (doubleton x y) (substrate r) by apply: sub_set2.
by move: p1=> [s] /(lubP or sd)[ub _]; exists s.
have sd: sub (doubleton x y) (substrate r) by apply: sub_set2.
by move: p2=> [s] /(glbP or sd)[ub _] ; exists s.
Lemma lattice_opposite: forall r, lattice r -> lattice (opp_order r).
move=> r [or lr]; move: (opp_osr or) => [oor soi]; split => //.
rewrite soi; move=> x y xs ys.
move: (lr _ _ xs ys) => [[x1 p1] [x2 p2]].
exists x2; apply /(inf_sup_oppP or) => //; apply: sub_set2 =>//.
exists x1; apply /(sup_inf_oppP or) => //; apply: sub_set2 =>//.
Definition ocomparable r x y := gle r x y \/ gle r y x.
Definition total_order r :=
order r /\ forall x y, inc x (substrate r) -> inc y (substrate r) ->
ocomparable r x y.
Lemma total_orderP r:
total_order r <->
[/\ r \cg r = r,
r \cap (inverse_graph r) = diagonal (substrate r)&
r \cup (inverse_graph r) = coarse (substrate r) ].
rewrite /total_order.
move=> [or to]; move: (or); move/orderP => [p1 p2].
split => //; set_extens x => xu.
case /setU2_P: xu.
have gr: (sgraph r) by fprops.
apply: (sub_graph_coarse_substrate gr).
move: (opp_osr or) => [oor sor].
have gr: sgraph (opp_order r) by fprops.
by rewrite - sor; apply: (sub_graph_coarse_substrate gr).
move: xu => /setX_P [ px Ps Qs]; rewrite - px.
by case:(to _ _ Ps Qs)=> xx;apply/setU2_P;[ by left | right; apply/igraph_pP].
move=> [cg i2 u2].
have or :order r by apply/orderP.
split=>// x y xs ys.
have Jc: inc (J x y) (coarse (substrate r)) by apply/setXp_P; split.
move: Jc; rewrite -u2;case /setU2_P=> xx; [by left | right].
by apply/igraph_pP.
Lemma total_order_pr1 r x y:
total_order r -> inc x (substrate r) -> inc y (substrate r) ->
[\/ glt r x y, glt r y x | x = y ].
move=> [_ p] xs ys.
case: (equal_or_not x y); [by constructor 3 | move => xy].
rewrite /glt; case:(p _ _ xs ys); [constructor 1 | constructor 2]; fprops.
Lemma total_order_pr2 r x y:
total_order r -> inc x (substrate r) -> inc y (substrate r) ->
(glt r x y \/ gle r y x).
move=> tor xs ys.
move: tor=> [_ p]; rewrite /glt; case: (p _ _ xs ys); last by right.
by case: (equal_or_not x y); [ move=> ->; right | left].
Lemma total_order_sub r x:
total_order r -> sub x (substrate r) -> total_order (induced_order r x).
move=> [or tor] xs; move: (iorder_osr or xs) => [pa pb].
split; [ by exact | rewrite pb /ocomparable;aw; move=> a b asr bsr].
by case:(tor _ _ (xs _ asr) (xs _ bsr)) =>h; [left | right]; apply/iorder_gleP.
Lemma total_order_small r:
order r -> small_set (substrate r) -> total_order r.
move=> or ss; split=>// x y xs ys; rewrite (ss _ _ xs ys).
by left; order_tac.
Lemma total_order_counterexample:
~ (total_order (subp_order C2)).
move=> [or].
rewrite (proj2 (subp_osr C2)) => to.
have sa: (inc (singleton C0) (powerset C2)).
apply/setP_P; move=> t /set1_P ->; fprops.
have sb: (inc (singleton C1) (powerset C2)).
apply/setP_P; move=> t /set1_P ->; fprops.
case: (to _ _ sa sb) => /subp_gleP [_ _] /sub1setP /set1_P; fprops.
Lemma total_order_opposite r:
total_order r -> total_order (opp_order r).
move=> [or tor]; red; move: (opp_osr or) => [oo ->]; split => //.
move=> x y xs ys.
by case: (tor _ _ xs ys)=> h; [right |left]; apply/igraph_pP.
If x is smaller than y, the pair has a supremum and an infimum
Lemma sup_comparable r x y: gle r x y ->
order r -> least_upper_bound r (doubleton x y) y.
Proof. move=> xy or; apply: lub_set2 =>//;order_tac; order_tac. Qed.
Lemma inf_comparable r x y: gle r x y ->
order r -> greatest_lower_bound r (doubleton x y) x.
Proof. move=> xy or; apply: glb_set2 =>//;order_tac; order_tac. Qed.
Lemma inf_comparable1 r x y: order r -> gle r x y ->
inf r x y = x.
Proof. by symmetry; apply: infimum_pr2 =>//; apply: inf_comparable. Qed.
Lemma sup_comparable1 r x y: order r -> gle r x y ->
sup r x y = y.
Proof. by symmetry; apply: supremum_pr2 =>//; apply :sup_comparable. Qed.
Lemma infimum_singleton r x:
order r -> inc x (substrate r) -> infimum r (singleton x) = x.
Proof. by move=> or xsr;apply: inf_comparable1 => //; order_tac. Qed.
Lemma supremum_singleton r x:
order r -> inc x (substrate r) -> supremum r (singleton x) = x.
Proof. by move=> or xsr; apply: sup_comparable1=> //; order_tac. Qed.
Lemma total_order_lattice r:
total_order r -> lattice r.
move=> [or tor]; split=>//.
move=> x y xsr ysr; case: (tor _ _ xsr ysr).
move => hyp; split.
by exists y; apply: sup_comparable.
by exists x; apply: inf_comparable.
rewrite set2_C => hyp; split.
by exists x; apply: sup_comparable.
by exists y; apply: inf_comparable.
Lemma total_order_directed r:
total_order r -> (right_directed r /\ left_directed r).
Proof. by move=>to; apply: lattice_directed; apply: total_order_lattice. Qed.
Lemma inf_C r x y: inf r x y = inf r y x.
Proof. by rewrite /inf set2_C. Qed.
Lemma sup_C r x y: sup r x y = sup r y x.
Proof. by rewrite /sup set2_C. Qed.
Lemma least_greatest_pr r: order r ->
[/\ (forall a, inc a (substrate r) -> (exists u, least r u) ->
sup r (the_least r) a = a),
(forall a, inc a (substrate r) -> (exists u, greatest r u) ->
inf r a (the_greatest r) = a),
(forall a, inc a (substrate r) -> (exists u, least r u) ->
inf r (the_least r) a = (the_least r))&
(forall a, inc a (substrate r) -> (exists u, greatest r u)->
sup r a (the_greatest r) = (the_greatest r))].
move=> or; split.
+ move => a asr h; apply: sup_comparable1 => //.
by move: (the_least_pr or h) => [_ sp]; apply: sp.
+ move => a asr h; apply: inf_comparable1 => //.
by move: (the_greatest_pr or h) => [_ sp]; apply: sp.
+ move => a asr h; apply: inf_comparable1 => //.
by move: (the_least_pr or h) => [_ sp]; apply: sp.
+ move => a asr h; apply: sup_comparable1 => //.
by move: (the_greatest_pr or h) => [_ sp]; apply: sp.
Section LatticeProps.
Variable (r: Set).
Hypothesis lr: lattice r.
Let E := substrate r.
Lemma lattice_props:
( (forall x y, inc x E-> inc y E -> inc (sup r x y) E)
/\ (forall x y, inc x E-> inc y E -> inc (inf r x y) E)
/\ (forall x y, inc x E-> inc y E -> sup r (inf r x y) y = y)
/\ (forall x y, inc x E-> inc y E -> inf r (sup r x y) y = y)
/\ (forall x y z, inc x E-> inc y E -> inc z E ->
sup r x (sup r y z) = sup r (sup r x y) z)
/\ (forall x y z, inc x E-> inc y E -> inc z E ->
inf r x (inf r y z) = inf r (inf r x y) z)
/\ (forall x, inc x E -> sup r x x = x)
/\ (forall x, inc x E -> inf r x x = x)
/\ (forall x y, inc x E-> inc y E -> sup r (sup r x y) x = sup r x y)
/\ (forall x y, inc x E-> inc y E -> inf r (inf r x y) x = inf r x y)
move: (lr) => [or _].
have sa:(forall x y z, inc x E-> inc y E -> inc z E ->
sup r x (sup r y z) = sup r (sup r x y) z).
move => x y z xE yE zE.
move: (lattice_sup_pr lr xE yE) (lattice_sup_pr lr yE zE).
move => [le1 le2 le3] [le4 le5 le6].
have s1r: (inc (sup r y z) (substrate r)) by order_tac.
have s2r: (inc (sup r x y) (substrate r)) by order_tac.
move: (lattice_sup_pr lr xE s1r) (lattice_sup_pr lr s2r zE).
move => [le1' le2' le3'] [le4' le5' le6'].
apply: (order_antisymmetry or).
apply: le3'.
apply: (order_transitivity or le1 le4').
apply: le6 => //; apply: (order_transitivity or le2 le4').
apply: le6'.
apply: le3 => //.
apply: (order_transitivity or le4 le2').
apply: (order_transitivity or le5 le2').
have ia: (forall x y z, inc x E-> inc y E -> inc z E ->
inf r x (inf r y z) = inf r (inf r x y) z).
move => x y z xE yE zE.
move: (lattice_inf_pr lr xE yE) (lattice_inf_pr lr yE zE).
move => [le1 le2 le3] [le4 le5 le6].
have s1r: (inc (inf r y z) (substrate r)) by order_tac.
have s2r: (inc (inf r x y) (substrate r)) by order_tac.
move: (lattice_inf_pr lr xE s1r) (lattice_inf_pr lr s2r zE).
move => [le1' le2' le3'] [le4' le5' le6'].
apply: (order_antisymmetry or).
apply: le6'.
apply: le3 => //.
apply: (order_transitivity or le2' le4).
apply: (order_transitivity or le2' le5).
apply: le3'.
apply: (order_transitivity or le4' le1).
apply: le6 => //; apply: (order_transitivity or le4' le2).
have sxx:forall x : Set, inc x E -> sup r x x = x.
by move => x xE; apply: sup_comparable1 => //; order_tac.
have ixx:forall x : Set, inc x E -> inf r x x = x.
by move => x xE; apply: inf_comparable1 => //; order_tac.
move => x y xE yE; move: (lattice_sup_pr lr xE yE) => [le1 e2 le3].
rewrite /E;order_tac.
move => x y xE yE; move: (lattice_inf_pr lr xE yE) => [le1 le2 le3].
rewrite /E;order_tac.
move => x y xE yE; move: (lattice_inf_pr lr xE yE) => [le1 le2 le3].
apply: (sup_comparable1 or le2).
move => x y xE yE; move: (lattice_sup_pr lr xE yE) => [le1 le2 le3].
rewrite inf_C; apply: (inf_comparable1 or le2).
split; [ exact | split; [exact | split ; [exact | split => //]]].
by move => x y xE yE; rewrite sup_C sa // sxx.
by move => x y xE yE; rewrite inf_C ia // ixx.
Lemma sup_monotone a b c: inc a E -> gle r b c-> gle r (sup r a b) (sup r a c).
move=> asr bc.
move: (lattice_sup_pr lr asr (arg1_sr bc)).
move: (lattice_sup_pr lr asr (arg2_sr bc)).
move: lr => [or _] [p1 p2 _][_ _ p6].
by apply: p6; [ apply: p1 | apply: order_transitivity p2].
Lemma inf_monotone a b c: inc a E -> gle r b c-> gle r (inf r a b) (inf r a c).
move=> asr bc.
move: (lattice_inf_pr lr asr (arg1_sr bc)).
move: (lattice_inf_pr lr asr (arg2_sr bc)).
move: lr => [or _] [_ _ p6] [p1 p2 _].
by apply: p6; [ apply: p1 | apply: order_transitivity bc].
Lemma lattice_finite_sup1 X x a:
sub X E -> least_upper_bound r X x -> inc a E ->
least_upper_bound r (X +s1 a) (sup r x a).
move=> Xsr lub asr.
have or: (order r) by move: lr => [ok _].
have st: (sub (X +s1 a) (substrate r)) by apply: setU1_sub.
move : lub => /(lubP or Xsr) [[lu1 lu2] lu3].
move: (lattice_sup_pr lr lu1 asr); move=> [p1 p2 p3].
apply /(lubP or st); split.
split; first by order_tac.
move=> y; case /setU1_P => h;[move: (lu2 _ h)=> h'; order_tac| ue].
move=>z [z1 z2]; apply:p3;[apply: lu3; split => //t tx |];apply: z2; fprops.
Lemma lattice_finite_inf1 X x a:
sub X E -> greatest_lower_bound r X x -> inc a E ->
greatest_lower_bound r (X +s1 a) (inf r x a).
move=> Xsr lub asr.
have or: (order r) by move: lr => [ok _].
have st: (sub (X +s1 a) (substrate r)) by apply: setU1_sub.
move: lub => /(glbP or Xsr) [[lu1 lu2] lu3].
move: (lattice_inf_pr lr lu1 asr); move=> [p1 p2 p3].
apply /(glbP or st); split.
split; first by order_tac.
move=> y; case /setU1_P => h;[move: (lu2 _ h)=> h'; order_tac| ue].
move=>z [z1 z2]; apply: p3;[apply: lu3;split => // t tx |];apply: z2; fprops.
End LatticeProps.
Theorem total_order_monotone_injective f r r':
total_order r -> strict_monotone_fun f r r' -> injection f.
move=> tor.
case;move=>[or or' [ff sr sr'] hyp]; split=>//; move=> x y xs ys sW.
rewrite sr in xs ys.
case:(total_order_pr1 tor xs ys) => h //.
by move: (hyp _ _ h); rewrite sW; move => [].
have h'': glt r y x by move: h => [].
by move: (hyp _ _ h''); rewrite sW; move => [].
rewrite sr in xs ys.
by case:(total_order_pr1 tor xs ys) => // /hyp [_]; rewrite sW.
Theorem total_order_increasing_morphism f r r':
total_order r -> strict_increasing_fun f r r' -> order_morphism f r r'.
move=> tor si.
have ijf: (injection f) .
by apply: (@total_order_monotone_injective f r r') =>//;red; left.
move: (strict_increasing_w si) => ic.
move: si ic => [or or' [ff sr sr'] sif] [_ _ _ nif].
split => // x y xs ys; split; first by apply: nif.
rewrite sr in xs ys.
case: (total_order_pr2 tor ys xs) => //.
move=> h; move: (sif _ _ h)=> p1 p2; order_tac.
If the source is totally ordered,
an increasing injective function is a morphism
Lemma total_order_morphism f r r':
total_order r -> order r' ->
injection f -> substrate r = source f -> substrate r' = target f ->
{inc source f &, fincr_prop f r r'} ->
order_morphism f r r'.
move=> to or' [ff injf] sf tf incf.
apply: total_order_increasing_morphism => //.
move: to => [or _]; split => // x y [lexy nxy].
have xsf:inc x (source f) by rewrite - sf; order_tac.
have ysf:inc y (source f) by rewrite - sf; order_tac.
by split; [apply: incf | dneg aa; apply: injf].
Lemma total_order_isomorphism f r r':
total_order r -> order r' ->
bijection f -> substrate r = source f -> substrate r' = target f ->
{inc source f &, fincr_prop f r r'} ->
order_isomorphism f r r'.
move=> to or' bjf sf tf incf.
move: (bjf) => [injf _].
have: (order_morphism f r r') by apply: total_order_morphism.
by move=> [p1 p2 [p3 p4 p5] p6].
Theorem sup_in_total_order r X x: total_order r -> sub X (substrate r)->
(least_upper_bound r X x <-> (upper_bound r X x /\
(forall y, glt r y x -> exists z, [/\ inc z X, glt r y z & gle r z x]))).
move=> tor Xs.
have or: order r by move: tor=> [].
move /(lubP or Xs) => [ub lub]; split=>//.
move=> y yx.
have nu: (~ (upper_bound r X y)).
by move=> ys; move: (lub _ ys)=> xy; order_tac.
have ysr: (inc y (substrate r)) by order_tac.
have [z zX yz]: (exists2 z, inc z X & glt r y z).
ex_middle bad; case: nu; split => //.
move=> u ux; case: (total_order_pr2 tor ysr (Xs _ ux)) =>// aux.
case: bad; ex_tac.
by exists z; split => //; move: ub=> [_]; apply.
move => [pa pb]; apply/(lubP or Xs); split => //.
move=> z ubz.
have xs:inc x (substrate r) by move: pa=> [].
have zs:inc z (substrate r) by move: ubz=> [].
case: (total_order_pr2 tor zs xs) =>//.
move=> h; move: (pb _ h)=> [t [tX yt tx]].
move: ubz=> [_ h']; move: (h' _ tX) => h''.
Theorem inf_in_total_order r X x: total_order r -> sub X (substrate r)->
(greatest_lower_bound r X x <-> (lower_bound r X x /\
(forall y, glt r x y -> exists z, [/\ inc z X, glt r z y & gle r x z]))).
move=> tor Xs.
have or: order r by move: tor=> [].
move /(glbP or Xs) => [ub lub]; split=>//.
move=> y yx.
have nu: (~ (lower_bound r X y)).
by move=> ys; move: (lub _ ys)=> xy; order_tac.
have ysr: (inc y (substrate r)) by order_tac.
have [z zX yz]: (exists2 z, inc z X & glt r z y).
ex_middle bad;case: nu; split =>// u ux.
case: (total_order_pr2 tor (Xs _ ux) ysr) =>// aux.
case: bad; ex_tac.
by exists z; split => //; move: ub=> [_]; apply.
move => [ub lub]; apply/(glbP or Xs); split => //.
move=> z ubz.
have xs:inc x (substrate r) by move: ub=> [].
have zs:inc z (substrate r) by move: ubz=> [].
case: (total_order_pr2 tor xs zs) =>//.
move=> h; move: (lub _ h)=> [t [tX yt tx]].
move: ubz=> [_ h']; move: (h' _ tX) => h''.
Definition interval_oo r a b :=Zo(substrate r)(fun z => glt r a z /\ glt r z b).
Definition interval_oc r a b :=Zo(substrate r)(fun z => glt r a z /\ gle r z b).
Definition interval_ou r a := Zo(substrate r)(fun z => glt r a z).
Definition interval_co r a b := Zo(substrate r)(fun z=> gle r a z /\ glt r z b).
Definition interval_cc r a b := Zo(substrate r)(fun z=> gle r a z /\ gle r z b).
Definition interval_cu r a := Zo (substrate r)(fun z => gle r a z).
Definition interval_uo r b := Zo (substrate r) (fun z => glt r z b).
Definition interval_uc r b := Zo (substrate r) (fun z => gle r z b).
Definition interval_uu r := Zo (substrate r) (fun z => True).
Definition closed_interval r x := exists a, exists b,
[/\ inc a (substrate r), inc b (substrate r), gle r a b &
x = interval_cc r a b].
Definition open_interval r x := exists a, exists b,
[/\ inc a (substrate r), inc b (substrate r), gle r a b &
x = interval_oo r a b].
Definition semi_open_interval r x := exists a, exists b,
[/\ inc a (substrate r) , inc b (substrate r), gle r a b &
(x = interval_oc r a b \/ x = interval_co r a b)].
Definition bounded_interval r x := closed_interval r x \/
open_interval r x \/ semi_open_interval r x.
Definition left_unbounded_interval r x :=
exists2 b, inc b (substrate r)& (x = interval_uc r b \/ x = interval_uo r b).
Definition right_unbounded_interval r x :=
exists2 a, inc a (substrate r)& (x = interval_cu r a \/ x = interval_ou r a).
Definition unbounded_interval r x :=
left_unbounded_interval r x \/ right_unbounded_interval r x \/
x = interval_uu r.
Definition interval r x :=
bounded_interval r x \/ unbounded_interval r x.
Lemma the_least_interval r a b: order r ->
gle r a b -> the_least (induced_order r (interval_cc r a b)) = a.
move=> or ab.
have sab: (sub (interval_cc r a b) (substrate r)) by apply: Zo_S.
have asr: inc a (substrate r) by apply: (arg1_sr ab).
have aicc: inc a (interval_cc r a b).
by apply: Zo_i =>//; split=>//; order_tac.
move: (iorder_osr or sab)=> [or' sr].
apply: the_least_pr2; [exact | red;rewrite sr].
split =>//;move=> x xi; apply/iorder_gleP => //.
by move/Zo_P: xi => [_ []].
Lemma the_greatest_interval r a b: order r ->
gle r a b -> the_greatest (induced_order r (interval_cc r a b)) = b.
move=> or ab.
have sab: (sub (interval_cc r a b) (substrate r)) by apply: Zo_S.
have asr: inc b (substrate r) by apply: (arg2_sr ab).
have aicc: inc b (interval_cc r a b).
by apply: Zo_i =>//; split=>//; order_tac.
move: (iorder_osr or sab)=> [or' sr].
apply: the_greatest_pr2; [exact | red;rewrite sr].
split =>//;move=> x xi; apply/iorder_gleP => //.
by move/Zo_P: xi => [_ []].
Lemma nonempty_closed_interval r x:
order r -> closed_interval r x -> nonempty x.
move=> or [a [b [asr bsr ab xab]]].
exists a; rewrite xab; apply: Zo_i =>//.
by split=>//; order_tac.
Lemma singleton_interval r a:
order r -> inc a (substrate r) -> singletonp (interval_cc r a a).
move=> or asr; exists a; apply: set1_pr.
by apply:Zo_i=> //;split => //; order_tac.
move=> z /Zo_P [_ [p1 p2]]; order_tac.
Lemma empty_interval r a:
order r -> inc a (substrate r) ->
[/\ empty (interval_co r a a), empty (interval_oc r a a) &
empty (interval_oo r a a)].
move=> or asr; split => // y /Zo_hi [p1 p2]; order_tac.
Lemma setI2_4 A B C D:
(A \cap B) \cap (C \cap D)
= (A \cap C) \cap (B \cap D).
rewrite -2! setI2_A; apply:f_equal.
by rewrite 2! setI2_A (setI2_C B C).
Lemma setI_i1 r x:
interval r x -> x \cap (interval_uu r) = x.
move=> hyp.
have ->: interval_uu r = substrate r.
apply: extensionality; first by apply: Zo_S.
by move=> t tr; apply /Zo_P.
suff: sub x (substrate r).
move=> h; apply: extensionality; first by apply: subsetI2l.
by move=> t tx; apply: setI2_i=>//; apply: h.
case: hyp.
case; first by move=> [a [b [_ _ _ ->]]] ; apply: Zo_S.
move=> [a [b [_ _ _ ->]]]; apply: Zo_S.
move=> [a [b [_ _ _]]].
case; move=> ->; apply: Zo_S.
case; first by move=> [a _]; case; move=> ->; apply: Zo_S.
case; first by move=> [a _]; case; move=> ->; apply: Zo_S.
move=> ->; apply: Zo_S.
Definition lu_interval r x :=
x = interval_uu r \/ left_unbounded_interval r x.
Definition ru_interval r x :=
x= interval_uu r \/ right_unbounded_interval r x.
Ltac zztac2 v := set_extens v ;
try (move/setI2_P=>[] /Zo_P [pa pb] /Zo_P [pc pd]; apply: Zo_i => //);
try (move /Zo_P => [ pa pb]; apply /setI2_P; split; apply: Zo_i => //).
Lemma setI_i2 r x:
interval r x ->
(exists u, exists v, [/\ lu_interval r u, ru_interval r v &
u \cap v = x]).
move=> ix; move: (ix).
have p1: forall b, inc b (substrate r) -> lu_interval r (interval_uc r b).
by move=> b hb; right; exists b => //; left.
have p2: forall b, inc b (substrate r) -> lu_interval r (interval_uo r b).
by move=> b hb; right; exists b => //; right.
have p3: forall b, inc b (substrate r) -> ru_interval r (interval_cu r b).
by move=> b hb; right; exists b => //; left.
have p4: forall b, inc b (substrate r) -> ru_interval r (interval_ou r b).
by move=> b hb; right; exists b => //; right.
move=> [a [b [au bu ab xab]]].
exists (interval_uc r b), (interval_cu r a); split; fprops.
by rewrite xab; zztac2 y; case :pb.
move=> [a [b [au bu ab xab]]].
exists (interval_uo r b), (interval_ou r a); split; fprops.
by rewrite xab; zztac2 y; case: pb.
move=> [a [b [au bu ab xab]]].
case: xab=> ->.
exists (interval_uc r b), (interval_ou r a); split; fprops.
by zztac2 y; case: pb.
exists (interval_uo r b), (interval_cu r a); split; fprops.
by zztac2 y; case: pb.
move=>[a au xa].
exists x, (interval_uu r);split.
+ by case: xa => ->; fprops.
+ by left.
+ by apply: setI_i1.
move=>[a au xa].
exists (interval_uu r), x; split.
+ by left.
+ case: xa => ->; fprops.
+ by rewrite setI2_C; apply: setI_i1.
move=> h; exists x, x; rewrite h.
split; try (left => //);apply: setI_i1; ue.
Lemma setI_i3 r x y: lattice r ->
left_unbounded_interval r x -> left_unbounded_interval r y ->
left_unbounded_interval r (x \cap y).
move=> lar [a asr xa][b bsr yb].
have or: order r by move: lar=> [].
move: (lattice_inf_pr lar asr bsr).
set (u:=inf r a b); set (v:= sup r a b).
move=> [ua ub uab].
exists u; first by order_tac.
case: xa => ->.
case: yb => ->.
left; zztac2 z; [ by apply:uab | order_tac | order_tac ].
case: (p_or_not_p (glt r u b)).
left; zztac2 z; try order_tac; apply: uab => //; order_tac.
move=> ltuv; right; zztac2 z; try order_tac.
split; first by apply: uab => //; order_tac.
by move=> zu; rewrite zu in pd; case: ltuv.
move: pb => [pb _]; order_tac.
case: yb=> ->.
case: (p_or_not_p (glt r u a)) => qe.
left; zztac2 z; try order_tac;apply: uab => //; order_tac.
right; zztac2 z;try order_tac.
split; first by apply: uab => //; order_tac.
by move=> zu; rewrite zu in pb; case: qe.
move: pb => [pb _]; order_tac.
case: (p_or_not_p (glt r u a /\ glt r u b)).
move=> [p1 p2].
left; zztac2 z; try order_tac; apply: uab => //; order_tac.
move=> p1p2; right; zztac2 z; try order_tac; split.
apply: uab => //; order_tac.
by move=> zu; rewrite zu in pb pd; case: p1p2; split.
Theorem setI_interval r x y:
lattice r -> interval r x -> interval r y ->
interval r (x \cap y).
move=> lar ix iy.
have or: order r by move: lar=> [].
move: (setI_i2 ix) (setI_i2 iy).
move=> [a [b [lua rub abx]]][c [d [luc rud cdy]]].
rewrite -abx -cdy setI2_4.
have lu1: lu_interval r (a \cap c).
case: lua.
move=>->; rewrite setI2_C setI_i1 //.
right; red; case: luc; fprops.
case: luc.
move=>-> p; rewrite setI_i1;[ by right| by right; left].
by move=> p1 p2; right; apply: setI_i3.
have ru1: ru_interval r (b \cap d).
case: rub.
move=>->; rewrite setI2_C setI_i1 //.
right; red; case: rud; fprops.
move=> irub; case: rud.
move=>->; rewrite setI_i1 //; [by right | by right; right; left].
move=> irud.
move: (opp_osr or) => [ha hb].
have Ha: forall a, interval_cu r a = interval_uc (opp_order r) a.
move=> t; set_extens u; move/Zo_P => []; aw => pa pb;
apply:Zo_i; try ue; by apply/igraph_pP.
have Hb: forall a, interval_ou r a = interval_uo (opp_order r) a.
move=> t; set_extens u; move/Zo_P => []; aw; move => pa [p pc];
apply:Zo_i; try ue; split; try (apply/igraph_pP => //); fprops.
have Hc: left_unbounded_interval (opp_order r) b.
move:irub => [e es be]; case: be => ->; exists e;try ue; fprops.
have Hd: left_unbounded_interval (opp_order r) d.
move:irud => [e es be]; case: be => ->; exists e; try ue;fprops.
have He :lattice (opp_order r) by apply: lattice_opposite.
move: (setI_i3 He Hc Hd) => [e es].
rewrite -Ha -Hb; move: es; try ue; move => es//.
case => ->; right; exists e; try ue;fprops.
have i1: interval r (a \cap c) by right; red; case: lu1; fprops.
have i2: interval r (b \cap d) by right; red; case: ru1; fprops.
case: lu1.
move=> ->; rewrite setI2_C setI_i1 //.
move=> lu2; case: ru1; first by move=>->;rewrite setI_i1 =>//.
move=> ru2.
move: lu2 ru2 => [e es ace][f fs bdf].
case: (p_or_not_p (gle r f e)) => fe.
case: ace=> ->.
case: bdf=> ->.
by left; exists f; exists e; split => //; zztac2 t; case: pb.
by right;right;exists f; exists e; split => //; left; zztac2 t; case: pb.
case: bdf=> ->.
by right;right;exists f; exists e; split => //; right; zztac2 t; case: pb.
by right; left ;exists f; exists e; split => //; zztac2 t; case: pb.
suff: (empty ((a \cap c) \cap (b \cap d))).
move=> h.
move:(empty_interval or fs) => [_ _ oo]; right; left.
exists f; exists f; split => //; try order_tac => //.
by set_extens t => te; [ case: (h t) | case: (oo t)].
move=> t /setI2_P [ti1 ti2]; case: fe.
have p1: gle r t e.
move: ti1; case: ace=> ->; move/Zo_P => [pa pb] //; order_tac.
have p2: gle r f t.
move: ti2; case: bdf=> ->; move/Zo_P => [pa pb] //; order_tac.
End Border.
Export Border.