Clearly for any interval analysis method that deal with a problem involving expressions it is necessary to have a program that is able to interval evaluate these expressions. We will see also that having a program to interval evaluate the first and second derivatives may help to solve the problem. ALIAS-Maple provides various procedures that allow to create automatically such C++ program, being given only the expressions in Maple. These procedures will be presented in the next section. For testing purposes it may be interesting to have in Maple a procedure that interval evaluate an expression: such procedure will be presented in section 2.2. Special C++ code generating procedures will be presented in the section 2.3.
This set of procedures enable one to generate automatically C++ code for later use with the ALIAS-C++ library:
Make[FJH]("[C++ file name]","[procedure name]",[list of equations],[list of unknowns]);Thus:
with(ALIAS): expr := [x^2+y^2-1,x+y]: MakeF("Test.C","Test",expr,[x,y]);enable to create the following C++ program Test.C
/* Code automatically written by Maple */ INTERVAL_VECTOR Test(int l1, int l2, INTERVAL_VECTOR & v_IS) { INTERVAL_VECTOR V(2); if (l1<=1 && 1<=l2) V(1)=Sqr(v_IS(1))+Sqr(v_IS(2))-1; if (l1<=2 && 2<=l2) V(2)=v_IS(1)+v_IS(2); return V; }
Note that the program generated by MakeF has a specific form
that allows to interval evaluate all expressions or a specific set of
expressions: such format will be called the MakeF format. There
are also a MakeJ and MakeH format.
The procedures Make[FJH] makes an extensive use of the procedure
MinimalCout that try to find the optimal formulation of an
expression with respect to interval arithmetic. Indeed not all
mathematically equivalent formulation of an expression are interval
equivalent (i.e. they produce the same interval evaluation). For
example and
are equivalent but the second
formulation always produces the optimal interval evaluation as there
is only one occurrence of
. For further detail on
MinimalCout see
section 9.7. Note that the variable
`ALIAS/mincout` plays
an important role in the calculation time of these procedures.
Note that not all expression can be interval evaluated (e.g. 1/x cannot be evaluated if the interval for x includes 0). ALIAS provide an automatic way to avoid evaluation problems (see section 2.1.5). If you use your own procedure and are aware of evaluation problems and modify the returned values it will be a good policy to set C++ flags ALIAS_ChangeF, ALIAS_ChangeJ to 1 (default value 0) if a change occurs: this will allow the ALIAS C++ library to avoid using improperly the returned value (e.g in the interval Newton scheme).
There are two "optimized" versions of MakeF and MakeJ called MakeFO and MakeJO that may produce a better code from the view point of interval evaluation but with a larger computation time. Note that the Code procedure may be used to produce simple C++ equivalent of a formula. Note also that inequalities are also recognized by these procedures.
In most of the ALIAS-Maple procedures it may be possible for the user to provide its own procedure for the evaluation of the expressions and of their derivatives. This is obtained by setting the flag `ALIAS/user_func` to a string that is the name of the C++ file that defines a procedure which will be used for evaluating the expressions (the name of the procedure must be F. Similarly the flag `ALIAS/user_derivative` may be used for the derivative of the expressions in which the procedure name must be J.
For the MakeF the end-user may also indicate that he has already written the expressions in a form that is optimal and that MakeF should only translate as it the expression in C++ without any modification by setting the flag `ALIAS/as_itF` to 1.
For the MakeJ procedure the end-user may also indicate that he has already computed the derivatives by setting the flag `ALIAS/as_itJ` to 1 and by defining the variable `ALIAS/as_itJ_array` as an array that contains the derivatives of all the expressions (the i-th row of this array contains the derivatives of the i-th expression with respect to the variables). If you have determinant in the expression you have to set the flag `ALIAS/as_itJ_mat` to 1 to avoid MakeJ trying to find a better evaluation function.
Instead of generating C++ code these procedures may produce a C++ code that will use a parser. A motivation of using the parser is that the compilation time of the program necessary to interval evaluate a complex expression may be very large (note that the procedure Auto_Diff, section 2.3.2, may allow to reduce this compilation time).
Each expression to evaluate will be written in a file and the interval evaluation will be done at run-time by parsing the file. This allow to deal with large expressions at a small cost. This is obtained by setting the variable `ALIAS/use_parser` along the following rules:
ALIAS_FSIMPLIFY:=proc(fid,expr) local aux: if type(expr,string) then fprintf(fid,"INTERVAL SS,CC;\n"): fprintf(fid,"SS=Sin(v_IS(1));\n"): fprintf(fid,"CC=Cos(v_IS(1));\n"): RETURN(0): fi: aux:=expr: aux:=subs(sin(x)=SS,cos(x)=CC,aux): RETURN(aux): end:This procedure will be first called with a string for expr and a consequence is that at the beginning of the evaluation file fid the interval variable SS,CC will be defined and then assigned to the value of
The procedure Math_Func, see section 9.4, may be used to identify mathematical functions occurring in an expression and the list provided by this function may be used to write a generic ALIAS_FSIMPLIFY procedure that will automatically compute only once the more complex components of an expression. The procedure Auto_Diff, see section 2.3.2, may also be used to speed up the interval evaluation of an expression. Note also that a similar mechanism exists for expression involving determinants of matrices.
A determinant of a matrix A may appear in an equation using one of the syntax:
Fast_Determinant(A) Medium_Determinant(A) Slow_Determinant(A)the differences between the syntax being only in the computation time (from the fastest to the slowest) and in the width of the interval evaluation (from the largest to the narrowest). If you are interested in determining if a determinant may cancel you may also use Slow_NonZero_Determinant which is faster than Slow_Determinant.
Note that if determinants are present in the equations there are different ways to compute the determinant:
Note that you may speed up the interval evaluation of functions including
determinant of matrices (which are often computer intensive) by
defining intermediate interval variables and substituting these
variables in the expression. For example assume that the coefficients
of a matrix A involve a large number of sine and cosine depending upon
the unknown , the first unknown in our list of unknowns:
you first define a Maple procedure intro_A
that return an
array of strings that contain all the definition of the intermediate
variables. In our case the procedure is:
intro_A=proc() local h; h:=["INTERVAL SX;SX=Sin(v_IS(1));","INTERVAL SY;SY=Cos(v_IS(1));"] RETURN(h); end:Note that the name of the unknowns in the code generated by ALIAS is v_IS. The two strings of the array h will be automatically inserted in the C++ procedure generated by ALIAS. Hence the intermediate variable SX, SY will contain the value of the interval evaluation of
simplify_A:=proc(eq) local eq1; eq1:=subs(Sin(v_IS(1))=SX,Cos(v_IS(1)=CX,eq): RETURN(eq1); end:
The purpose of the control mechanism is to allow the user to calculate the interval evaluation of terms that may cause a problem for the evaluation and if this a case to attribute a default value to the expression that use these terms. This is done directly at the level of the C++ code.
First of all it will be necessary to define some C++ interval that will be used during the auxiliary computation. MakeF will look at the string `ALIAS/user_FINIT` and if it is not of 0 length will write it directly after the beginning of the procedure. Hence writing:
`ALIAS/user_FINIT`:="INTERVAL U;":will allow to use the C++ interval U for the auxiliary computation. The procedure MakeJ uses for a similar purpose the variable `ALIAS/user_JINIT`. For the MakeF procedure the user will have to define a Maple procedure ALIAS_F that will be called before the generation of the C++ code of each equations or inequalities involved in the calculation. The syntax of this procedure is:
ALIAS_F:=proc(fid,i)where fid is the Maple file descriptor in which the C++ code is written and i is the number of the expression that is considered. This procedure allows to include some C++ code right before the evaluation of the expression i.
For example assume that you have a set of inequalities function of the variable x, y that are defined in the list INEQ and that some of these inequalities may have interval denominator. Hence before the evaluation it is necessary to check if the denominator evaluation may include 0, in which case the whole expression has to be evaluated to a large interval including 0 (indeed the algorithm of ALIAS will then consider that this inequality is not satisfied). An ALIAS_F procedure for this case may be written as:
ALIAS_F:=proc(fid,i) global INEQ: local j,aux: # denom of inequality i is numeric: do nothing if type(denom(op(1,INEQ[i])),numeric) then RETURN(0): fi: # denom is not numeric, evaluate the denominator aux:=denom(op(1,INEQ[i])): # #in the C++ evaluation procedure the unknown are in the table v_IS aux:=subs(x=v_IS(1),y=v_IS(2),aux): #substitute the mathematical operator by their interval equivalent #using ALIAS procedure aux:=`ALIAS/ReplaceText`("..",",",convert(aux,string)): #write the denominator evaluation in the C++ file fprintf(fid,"U=(%s);\n",aux): #if the denominator evaluation include 0 return a large interval #for expression i fprintf(fid,"if((0<=U))V(%d)=INTERVAL(-1.e6,1.e6);\n",i): #otherwise proceed with the real evaluation fprintf(fid,"else\n"): RETURN(0): end:Note that for MakeF the C++ evaluation of the i-th expression is preceded by the label nexti (hence expression has label next2, expression 3 next3 and so on). Hence you may use a goto next3 to skip the evaluation of the second expression.
A similar mechanism is available for the MakeJ procedure. Before writing the code for the evaluation of the derivative of the expression i with respect to the unknown j the procedure ALIAS_J will be called. The syntax of this procedure is
ALIAS_J:=proc(fid,i,j)Note that in this case is compulsory to return a large interval if the evaluation cannot be done as the derivative may be used to improve the evaluation using a first order Taylor expansion. Note that the C++ procedure created by MakeJ evaluates the components of the jacobian element by element although it returns an interval matrix V.
This package allows to deal automatically with expressions that cannot be evaluated using interval arithmetic for some range for the unknowns. Their purpose is to create ALIAS_F and ALIAS_J procedures that will be used by MakeF and MakeJ.
The first procedure in this package is Problem_Expression that will create a list A_CONSTS of constraints that must be verified to be able to evaluate an expression. The end-user may provide information on constraints that will always be satisfied by writing them in the global list variable A_CONSTS_ALWAYS_OK.
The syntax of Problem_Expression is:
Problem_Expression(expr)For example
Problem_Expression(x/(y-2)+sqrt(x+1));will produce the list
[y - 2 <> 0, -x - 1 <= 0]that indicates that the denominator of x/(y-2) must not include 0 and that the argument of sqrt cannot be an interval that includes negative numbers. Note that some element of this list of constraints may be used to speed up the solving of a problem by using the HullIConsistency procedure (see section 4.2.1) that will modify the ranges of the unknowns so that the expressions may be evaluated or even reject ranges for which one (or more) expression cannot be evaluated.
This procedure deals with the following evaluation problems:
Verify_Problem_Expression(EQ,VAR)where EQ is a list of expressions and VAR a list of unknown names. The global list variable `ALIAS/Problems will contain the number of evaluation problems detected for each element of EQ.
This procedure generates also a C++ file ALIAS_F_AUTOMATIC.c with two procedures
If these procedures have been created, then the flag `ALIAS/has_test_evaluate` will be set to 1 (the procedure uses also the internal flag `ALIAS/test_evaluate`) to determine what should be done when a non-evaluability condition is satisfied for a given variable U. The code will be
if (non evaluable condition) { U=default value; goto next[i];} #if `ALIAS/test_evaluate`=0, i being computed return 0;} #if `ALIAS/test_evaluate`=1 } #`ALIAS/test_evaluate`=2 goto next[i];} #`ALIAS/test_evaluate`=3, i =ALIAS_Next U=real U value; next[i]: ; if (non evaluable condition) { ....If `ALIAS/test_evaluate` is set to 3 the label number is given by the global ALIAS variable ALIAS_Next.
These procedures may be used to test if an expression may be evaluated before using them for a filtering algorithm. For example the HullConsistency, HullIConsistency and Simp2B that implement the 2B filtering use automatically these procedures as soon as Verify_Problem_Expression has been called before their use (but Verify_Problem_Expression has to be called with the same list of unknowns and variables than the consistency procedures).
Note that Verify_Problem_Expression may have a third argument which is a string (e.g. "ALIAS_Coeff"). In that case instead of creating the ALIAS_F_AUTOMATIC file with the ALIAS_F Maple procedure the file ALIAS_Coeff will be created describing the Maple procedure ALIAS_Coeff(fid,i). If this procedure is called for expression i of func the procedure will create in the file described by fid the C++ code necessary to determine if this expression can be interval-valuated. If not then it is necessary to affect the i-th element of the interval vector that will be returned by the procedure. As we do not know the name of this vector it shall be indicated as the fourth argument of Verify_Problem_Expression. Hence
Verify_Problem_Expression(func ,Vars,"ALIAS_F_AUTOMATIC","V")is equivalent to Verify_Problem_Expression(func ,Vars). See an application of this use in section 8.3.
The Verify_Problem_ExpressionJ procedure creates in the same way a Maple procedure ALIAS_J. The rules are identical but the syntax of the procedure is
Verify_Problem_ExpressionJ(J,VAR)where J is an array that define the jacobian of EQ with respect to VAR. A typical call to this procedure is
with(linalg): J:=jacobian(EQ,VAR): Verify_Problem_ExpressionJ(eval(J),VAR)The name of the variables that allows one to specify what should be the return value of the expression are: `ALIAS/low_value_exprJ_violated`, `ALIAS/high_value_exprJ_violated`.
Note that in the C++ procedures generated by MakeF, MakeJ if an evaluation problem occurs the C++ flags ALIAS_ChangeF, ALIAS_ChangeJ will be set to 1 (default value 0) to indicate that the resulting computed value should be used with some care.
Maple provides the package evalr that calculate the interval evaluation of an expression. An example follows:
readlib(evalr): X:=INTERVAL(0..1): evalr(sin(X)*cos(X)+X);But this package does not evaluate correctly some expressions (for example X-X will be evaluated to 0 whatever is the interval for X). ALIAS-Maple provides the procedure Interval that allows for the interval evaluation of an expression as shown in the following example:
Interval([x*cos(y)+sin(x*y),x^2-cosh(y)],[x,y],[[-2,2],[-2,2]]); [[[-3, 3]], [[-7.3890560989307,3.8646647167634]]]The first argument is a list of expression, the second argument is the name of the variables and the third a list of intervals for the variables. The procedure generates a C++ program and hence may take some seconds. But as soon as the executable has been created it is possible to re-use it with other intervals using the Restart procedure
Restart("Interval",[[-0.5,0.5],[-0.5,0.5]]);Note however that as soon as you have defined the `ALIAS/ID` string before generating an executable it is necessary to reset this string to the same name before using the Restart procedure to re-run the same executable
An optional 4th argument allows to control the evaluation. Indeed by default the expression will be transformed into a compact form (as provided by the procedure MinimalCout) that may lead to a better evaluation. The fourth argument may be:
Interval([x*sin(x)+cos(x)],[x],[[0,1]]); [[[.54030230586814, 1.8414709848079]]] Interval([x*sin(x)+cos(x)],[x],[[0,1]],"Gradient"); [[[1, 1.381773290676]]]in which the use of the "Gradient" option allows to get the exact interval evaluation. It must be reminded that the interval evaluation of an expression is very sensitive to the manner with which the expression is written. For example the expression
Interval([x^2+2*x+1],[x],[[-1,1]],"AsIt"); [[[-1, 4]]]If the option AsIt is not used ALIAS will convert the expression into the Horner form
Interval([x^2+2*x+1],[x],[[-1,1]]); [[[-2, 4]]]Here it may be noticed that the Horner form leads to a worst interval evaluation. But we may factor this expression as
Interval([(x+1)^2],[x],[[-1,1]],"AsIt"); [[[0, 4]]]
The BIAS/Profil C++ version of an arbitrary Maple expression may be obtained by using the procedure Code that will display on the standard output the C++ equivalent of the Maple expression. The syntax of this command is:
Code(eq); Code([eq1,eq2,eq3]);In the later case the components of the interval vector v_IS will be affected to each component in the list.
If this procedure has a second argument which is a list of variable the procedure will provide a C++ evaluation formula where the unknown has been substituted by the element of the interval vector v_IS (which the name of the interval vector used internally by ALIAS):
Code(x^2+2*x+1,[x]); Sqr(v_IS(1)) + 2 v_IS(1) + 1
An optional last argument, the string "minimal" may be added: in that case the procedure will try to produce a compact form for the expression that may be more appropriate for interval evaluation and is the result of the procedure MinimalCout:
Code(x^2+2*x+1); v_IS=Sqr(x)+2*x+1; Code(x^2+2*x+1,"minimal"); v_IS=1+(2+x)*x;
The procedure Auto_Diff addresses two main problems:
Auto_Diff(Func,Vars,N,REM)where N is the order of the Taylor remainder (if N is set to 0 this remainder is the expression itself) and REM is a string that will be the name of the C++ program that will compute the remainder (the program is written in the file REM.c). Note that REM is a procedure using MakeF format.
As the remainder may be a very large expression but which includes multiple occurrences of the same elementary components Auto_Diff uses the Decompose_Diff procedure to reduce the number of interval evaluation of the same elementary components.
Consider the expression
Auto_Diff((sin(x)^2+cos(x)^3)/x+x*(sin(x)^2+cos(x)^3),[x],0,"REM"); (ALIAS_B4 + ALIAS_B5) ALIAS_B1 + x (ALIAS_B4 + ALIAS_B5)This indicates that the terms
The calculation of these dummy variables is done in the procedure ALIAS_DIFF.C:
#include <fstream.h> #include "Functions.h" #include "Vector.h" #include "IntervalVector.h" #include "IntervalMatrix.h" #include "IntervalMatrix.h" #include "IntegerVector.h" #include "IntegerMatrix.h" INTERVAL_VECTOR ALIAS_DIFF(INTERVAL_VECTOR &v_IS) { INTERVAL_VECTOR B(3); INTERVAL_VECTOR AD(5); Clear(AD); B(1)=Sqr(Sin(v_IS(1))); B(2)=Power(Cos(v_IS(1)),3); B(3)=1/v_IS(1); AD(1)=B(3); AD(2)=B(1); AD(3)=B(2); AD(4)=B(1); AD(5)=B(2); return AD; }Note that ALIAS_DIFF.C is a self-contained program that can be compiled independently. The code for REM.c is
INTERVAL_VECTOR ALIAS_DIFF(INTERVAL_VECTOR &v_IS); #include "ALIAS_REM.c" INTERVAL_VECTOR REM(int l1,int l2,INTERVAL_VECTOR & v_IS) { INTERVAL_VECTOR V(1),X(5),XX(6); int i; //computation of the elementary components X=ALIAS_DIFF(v_IS); for(i=1;i<=1;i++)XX(i)=v_IS(i); for(i=1;i<=5;i++)XX(i+1)=X(i); //XX contains the unknowns and then the elementary components V=ALIAS_REM(1,1,XX); return V; }Here the interval vector XX contains first the variable and then the dummy variables. The calculation of the expression is then performed by the ALIAS_REM procedure:
INTERVAL_VECTOR ALIAS_REM(int l1, int l2, INTERVAL_VECTOR & v_IS) { INTERVAL_VECTOR V(1); next1: if (l1<=1 && 1<=l2) { V(1)=(v_IS(5)+v_IS(6))*v_IS(2)+v_IS(1)*(v_IS(5)+v_IS(6)); } next2: ; return V; }
For a remainder let's use
Auto_Diff((sin(x)^2+cos(x)^3)/x+x*(sin(x)^2+cos(x)^3),[x],1,"REM");which returns
(ALIAS_B4 ALIAS_B3 + ALIAS_B7 + ALIAS_B8 + ALIAS_B4 ALIAS_B2 + (ALIAS_B7 + ALIAS_B8) ALIAS_B1 + x (ALIAS_B3 + ALIAS_B2)) W_x_1Here W_x_1 represents
Note that Auto_Diff try to improve the interval evaluation by using a Horner form. But it can be seen that it does not always provide the best one. In the previous example
((ALIAS_B7 + ALIAS_B8)(1+ ALIAS_B1) + (x+ALIAS_B4) (ALIAS_B3 + ALIAS_B2)) W_x_1will have been optimal.
jean-pierre merlet