26 - 28, September, 2007
INRIA Sophia Antipolis


  Invited talks
     Fabrice Rouillier
     Chee Yap
  Call for talks


Program - The Workshop will be held in the building Euler - Room E006

Mercredi 26 septembre
9h - 10h00
Welcome Coffee
10h - 10h30
10h30 - 11h00
11h00 - 11h15
11h15 - 11h45
11h45 - 12h15
12h15 - 14h00
14h00 - 14h30
14h30 - 15h00
15h00 - 15h30
15h30 - 16h00
Coffee Break
16h00 - 16h30
Julian M. Smith
16h30 - 17h00
  Julien Wintz
17h00 - 19h00   Private ACS Board Meeting
Jeudi 27 septembre
9h45 - 10h15
Daniel Lazard
10h15 - 10h45
Elias Tsigaridas
10h45 - 11h15
Coffee Break
11h15 - 11h45
Ioannis Emiris
11h45 - 12h15
Frédéric Edoukou
12h15 - 14h00
14h00 - 14h30
Eric Berberich
14h30 - 15h00
Michael Kerber
15h00 - 15h30
Coffee Break
15h30 - 17h00
Chee Yap
16h30 - ..........
Private Algebraic Kernel Meeting
19h30 - Workshop Dinner  
Vendredi 28 septembre
9h45 - 10h15
Frédéric Cazals
10h15 - 10h45
Ophir Setter
10h45 - 11h15
Coffee Break
11h15 - 11h45
George Tzoumas
11h45 - 12h15
Bernd Gaertner
12h15 - 12h45
Pierre Alliez
12h45 - 14h30
14h30 - 16h00
Fabrice Rouillier
16h00 - 16h30
Coffee Break
End of Workshop

Pierre Alliez
Voronoi-based Variational Reconstruction for Unoriented Point Sets

Abstract :
We introduce an algorithm for reconstructing watertight surfaces from unoriented point sets. Using the Voronoi diagram of the input point set, we deduce a tensor field whose principal axes and eccentricities locally represent respectively the most likely direction of the normal to the surface, and the confidence in this direction estimation. An implicit function is then computed by solving a generalized eigenvalue problem such that its gradient is most aligned with the principal axes of the tensor field, providing a best-fitting isosurface reconstruction. Our implicit function optimization provides resilience to noise, adjustable fitting to the data, and controllable smoothness of the reconstructed surface. Finally, the use of simplicial meshesand (an)isotropic Laplace operators renders the numerical treatment simple and robust.

Lionel Alberti
Planar curve topology computation through certified numerical computation.

Abstract :
Certified topology computations are usually based on "sweeping" methods that need unecessary computations and introduce irrelevant numerical and genericity problems.
The method we designed is based on subdivision techniques. It isolates the singularities of the curve using a bivariate polynomial solver and creates a partition of the plane that matches the geometry of the curve. The rapid focus on the topologically interesting points speeds up the algorithm. The smooth part is dealt with by classical optimized subdivision methods. The topology inside the isolating boxes for the singularities is recovered from what happens on the boundary by using topological degree computations. Because we need only look at what happens on the boundary of the boxes where there is no singularity, we can use fast certified numerical computations.

Eric Berberich, Efi Fogel, Dan Halperin, Kurt Mehlhorn and Ron Wein.
Sweeping and Maintaing Two-Dimensional Arrangements on Surfaces: A First Step

We introduce a general framework for processing a set of curves
defined on a continuous two-dimensional parametric surface, while sweeping the parameter space. We can handle planes, cylinders, spheres, tori, and surfaces homeomorphic to them. A major goal of our work is to maximize code reuse by generalizing the prevalent sweep-line paradigm and its implementation so that it can be employed on a large class of surfaces and curves embedded on them. We have realized our approach as a prototypical CGAL package.
We present experimental results for two concrete adaptations of the framework for: (i) arrangements of arcs of great circles embedded on a sphere, and (ii) arrangements of intersection curves between quadric
surfaces embedded on a quadric.

Frédéric Cazals, joint work with A. Parameswaran, Sylvain Pion.
Robust construction of the three-dimensional flow complex

The Delaunay triangulation and its dual the Voronoi diagram are ubiquitous geometric complexes. From a topological standpoint, the connection has recently been made between these cell complexes and the Morse theory of distance functions. In particular, in the generic setting, algorithms have been proposed to compute the flow complex ---the stable and unstable manifolds associated to the critical points of the distance function to a point set. As algorithms ignoring degenerate cases and numerical issues are bound to fail on general inputs, this talk will discuss the first complete and robust algorithm to compute the flow complex.
First, we present complete algorithms for flowing across Voronoi edges and facets, unraveling a delicate interplay between the degenerate cases of Delaunay and those which are flow specific. Second, we explain how stable and unstable manifolds can be constructed from these, avoiding dedicated algorithms as done previously.  Third, we discuss numerical issues related to predicates on cascaded constructions.  Finally, we report experimental results with CGAL's filtered kernel, showing that the construction of the flow complex incurs a small overhead wrt the Delaunay triangulation when moderate cascading occurs. These observations provide important insights on the relevance of the flow complex for (surface) reconstruction and medial axis approximation, and should foster flow complex based algorithms.

Stéphane Chau
Computing the topology of 4d implicit curves by using a subdivision method.

In Computer Aided Geometric Design (CAGD), the parameterized surfaces are used delimiting volumes. The computation of the intersection curve between such two surfaces is thus crucial for the description of the CAGD objects. An often used method to address this problem consist in using a mesh for each surface, and then to proceed to their intersection (intersection of triangles).
Other methods for the intersection problem deal with global representations of the surfaces such as B-splines, however the usual CAGD procedures (offsetting, drafting, ...) do not conserve this model and procedural surfaces that are based on approximations are required. So, even if the intersection methods are exact, they only provide an approximation of the "real" intersection curve.
This can be of bad quality, because the approximations of the surfaces are separated from the intersection process and are somehow "global''. In the general case, the only informations that we can access for a parameterized surface are "local" (its evaluation). Thus, a general algorithm is a sampling algorithm like the mesh representation. If we use shapes more complex than the triangles, then the quality of the surfaces approximation will be better and thus the intersection locus too. For example, we can use Bézier surface patches of small degree. But if we want to use this kind of representation, we have to intersect efficiently such two polynomial prameterized surfaces. In this talk, we deal with this problem. This work presents a subdivision method in order to compute the topology of a four dimension implicit curve. This approach is efficient and avoid some drawbacks that appear in projection methods which are used by many authors.

Frédéric Edoukou
Error-Correcting Codes Constructed From Algebraic Varieties

We study the functional code defined on a projective algebraic variety X on a finite field, as this has been done by V. Goppa on algebraic curves. The minimum distance of this code is determined by computing the number of rational points of the intersection of X with all the hypersurfaces of a given degree. In the case where X is a non-degenerate hermitian sur- face, A.B. Sorensen has formulated a conjecture in his Ph.D thesis (1991), which should give the exact value of the minimum distance of this code.
In this talk, we give a proof of Sorensen's conjecture for quadratic surfaces. By using some results of finite geometries we give the weight distribution associated to this code. We will study also the functional code of order 2 defined on quadratic surfaces and will show that for the ones built on ellip tic quadratic surfaces according to their parameters, their are good codes. We will give the best upper bounds for the number of points of quadratic section of quadric varieties, and non-degenerate hermitian variety, in projective dimension 4. Finally we will propose a generalisation of the studied conjecture for higher dimensional varieties.

Ioannis Emiris
Computational geometry in sparse elimination

Abstract :
This talk reviews some basic concepts of sparse, or toric, algebraic elimination theory and emphasize problems that are related to or generalize questions encountered in computational geometry. In particular, we discuss convex polytopes and projections of such, Minkowski sums and mixed subdivisions, regular triangulations and secondary polytopes.

Bernd Gaertner
Approximate smallest enclosing ellipsoids in CGAL

Abstract :
The smallest ellipsoid containing a point set in d-dimensional space (also known as the Loewner-John ellipsoid) is a very attractive bounding volume, since it approximates the shape of the point set well. This sets ellipsoids apart from other simple bounding volumes like balls or boxes. Unfortunately, for d > 2, no algorithm is known that can efficiently compute the exact smallest enclosing ellipsoid of a given point set. The reason is that the coefficients of this ellipsoid are in general algebraic numbers of high degree.
In practice, it is usually enough to approximate the Loewner-John ellipsoid up to a given accuracy, and for this problem, Khachyian gave an efficient algorithm.
In this talk, I survey Khachyian's algorithm and describe a robust CGAL implementation of it. This implementation lets the user specify the desired accuracy eps. The output is an ellipsoid and an accuracy eps' (which is usually at most eps, but it can also be slightly larger) such that the returned ellipsoid is guaranteed to be a (1+eps')-approximation of the true Loewner-John ellipsoid.

Laureano Gonzalez-Vega, D.A. Aruliah, Rob Corless, Mario Fioravanti, Azar Shakoori
Offsets of real algebraic plane curves: topology and extraneous components.

Abstract :
Offsets of curves and surfaces appear very often in Computer Aided Geometric Design. Even if the initial curve or surface is rational, in general, the resulting offset is not rational but algebraic with a usually huge implicit equation. It is shown how to use the defining equations of the points on the offset to a real algebraic plane curve to determine its topology and the so called geometric extraneous components. These points need to be known in advance in order to use properly algebraic tools for solving intersection problems with the offset of the considered curve.

Michael Kerber, joint work with Arno Eigenwillig
Exact and Efficient 2D-Arrangements of Arbitrary Algebraic Curves

We show how to compute the planar arrangement induced by segments of arbitrary algebraic curves with the Bentley-Ottmann sweep-line algorithm.  The necessary geometric primitives reduce to cylindrical algebraic decompositions of the plane for one or two curves. We compute them by a new and efficient method that combines adaptive-precision root finding (the Bitstream Descartes method of Eigenwillig et~al.,\ 2005) with a small number of symbolic computations, and that delivers the exact result in all cases. Thus we obtain an algorithm which produces the mathematically true arrangement, undistorted by rounding error, for any set of input segments.
Our algorithm is implemented in the EXACUS library AlciX. We report on experiments; they indicate the efficiency of our approach.

Daniel Lazard
Cell decomposition: a promising data structure for semi-algebraic sets.

A semi-algebraic cell (SAC) is an oriented semi-algebraic set which is isomorphic to the affine space R^k. A cell decomposition of a semi-algebraic set is a disjoint decomposition into SAC's such that each cell which intersects the border of another cell is included in it. A cell decomposition is effective if, for every cell, one knows an isomorphism onto an open subset of R^k and the list of the signed cells in its border is known, the sign indicating if the orientations are the same or not. An effective chain decomposition is, especially, a chain complex, and allows to known completely the topology of the semi-algebraic set.
Computing a SAC decomposition of an arbitrary semi-algebraic set is theoretically feasible but is, in practice, an open problem. On the other hand, most operations of algorithmic geometry are easier on semi-algebraic sets effectively decomposed into cells.
This allows to hope to devise practical algorithms for arrangement, convex hull, Voronoi diagram, ... of any number of semi-algebraic objects of low degree, under the condition that the the same problem is solved for 3 or 4 objects (in 3D space).

Sylvain Lazard, Luis Penaranda
A CGAL algebraic kernel based on RS and applications to arrangements of polynomial functions.

The aim of this work is to validate the use of algebraic tools in computational geometry and, in particular, for computing arrangements of algebraic curves. We focus here on the case of curves defined by polynomial univariate functions.
More specifically, we describe an implementation of a CGAL algebraic kernel using the RS software for isolation of univariate polynomials. We then explain how this kernel is used with the CGAL arrangement package and show some benchmarks to demonstrate the effectiveness of this approach.

Sylvain Lazard, Luis Penaranda, Marc Pouget, Fabrice Rouillier, Elias Tsigaridas
Real Algebraic Plane Curve Topology and Geometry

The problem addressed is the analysis of a real algebraic plane curve. Its topology is of prime interest, but in addition some geometric information is relevant such that the position of special
points: singular or critical points.  A difficulty is to compute this information for the given coordinate system even if the curve is not in generic position. In addition, costly computations with polynomials with algebraic coefficients should be avoided, if possible in all the cases.
An algorithm is presented that overcome these difficulties. The  novelty of this algorithm relies upon the combination of (1) a  formula of Teissier relating univariate multipicities in fibers and multiplicities in bivariate systems, and (2) the Rational Univariate  Representation (RUR) of the solutions of bivariate system to isolate  and compute the required multiplicities. It is worth mentioning that  this approach avoids computations of subresultant sequences in all  the cases.

Frédéric Cazals, Sébastien Loriot, Pedro M.M. de Castro, Monique Teillaud.
Design of the CGAL 3D spherical kernel, and application to arrangements of circles on a sphere

This talk presents a new CGAL kernel for algorithms manipulating 3D spheres, circles, and circle arcs. The talk presents three contributions. First, the design of the concept is developed, following the global kernel design introduced by Emiris et al. for curved objects. Second, we present a two parts implementation, one for the general setting, and one dedicated to the case where all the objects handled are located on a reference sphere. In both cases, the mathematical derivations for predicates and constructions are detailed. Finally, an application to the construction of the exact arrangement of circles on a sphere is given.

Dan Halperin, Ophir Setter, Micha Sharir
Exact and Efficient Construction of General Voronoi Diagrams in the Plane via Divide and Conquer of Envelopes in Space

We present a general framework for implementing Voronoi diagrams of convex sites of constant description complexity in the plane under various distance functions. The computation of the diagrams employs the CGAL software for constructing the envelopes of surfaces in 3-space, which implements a divide-and-conquer algorithm. A straightforward usage of the divide-and-conquer approach for Voronoi diagrams yields near-quadratic time algorithms in the worst case.
We show that through randomization, the expected running time is only near-linear. We describe the interface between the construction of the diagrams and the underlying construction of the envelopes, together with means we have applied to speed up the computation. We then present experimental results obtained with our implementation of a variety of diagrams including power diagrams, Apollonius diagrams, anisotropic diagrams, diagrams of line segments, and more.

Günter Rote
Adaptive intersection of splines.

We present a subdivision algorithm for computing the intersection of spline curves. The complexity depends on geometric quantities that represent the hardness of the computation in a natural way, like the angle of the intersection. The main idea is the application of the super-composition technique, which considers unions of adjacent parameter intervals that are not siblings in the subdivision tree. This approach addresses the common difficulty of non-termination of the classical subdivision approach when the intersection coincides with a subdivision point, but it avoids the numerical overhead associated to alternative methods like a random shift of the parameter.

Fabrice Rouillier
Polynomial system solving and computational geometry.

Many algorithms from computer algebra are used in computational geometry such as cylindrical algebraic decomposition for computing the topology of curves. They mostly concern univariate solving (resultants, Sturm sequences, Descartes method, etc.).
In this lecture, the goal is to show that recent algorithms for exact/certified multivariate solving can also be used efficiently in computational geometry after eventually formulating the problem in a different way.

Julian M. Smith
Aiming for a robust Boolean algorithm using approximate arithmetic

Robust implementations of the Boolean operation on boundary representations of shapes are highly problematic when the computations are based on inexact machine arithmetic. The arithmetic computations required can yield inconsistencies in the results, hindering the possibility of creating a topologically correct boundary. These difficulties are compounded by the fact that most operations perturb the boundary, which can lead to geometric errors such as boundary self-intersections. While the exact arithmetic paradigm can be used to avoid such problems, it introduces new difficulties, such as performance degradation for serial operations.
I present a topologically robust Boolean algorithm for polygonal/polyhedral shapes. It is based on a hierarchy of interdependent operations guaranteed to yield consistent intermediate results; hence, the algorithm provably always generates a topologically correct final result from topologically correct input, irrespective of the extent of any numerical rounding. The algorithm is tolerant to geometric errors, but does not resolve them. For the result to be acceptable to end-users, it is generally desirable to apply a smoothing post-process to remove marginal gaps, slivers and overlaps. I go on to discuss my present work, concerning how to devise a robust algorithm for resolving geometric errors in a (topologically correct) shape representation. I discuss both algorithms in the context of the requirements for a robust approximate algorithm.

Elias P. Tsigaridas
Algebraic computations for non-linear computational geometry

We present new algorithmic and complexity results for the problems of real solving bivariate polynomial systems, computing the topology of a real plane algebraic curve and for the basic operations with two real algebraic numbers. Our main ingredients are signed polynomial remainder sequences, extended to many variables using the technique of binary segmentation and the recent advances in the algorithms for real root isolation of univariate integer polynomials.

George Tzoumas
Real-time implementation of the predicates for the Voronoi diagram of ellipses.

The talk concentrates on the predicates for the Voronoi diagram of ellipses from a certified numerics point of view. We apply interval arithmetic to the
required predicates and show that for InCircle, a certified numeric algorithm that achieves quadratic convergence is able to answer the predicate in
real-time. The subdivision method for InCircle readily generalizes to smooth convex curves. We develop interval-arithmetic techniques in C++ based on the package ALIAS. For degenerate cases, we switch to an algebraic approach applying real solving and resultant theory.

Julien Wintz
A subdivision arrangement algorithm for semi-algebraic curves.

We present a new method for computing the arrangement of semi-algebraic curves, based on subdivision methods. A subdivision approach is used to compute the topology of the algebraic objects and to segment the boundary of regions defined by these objects. An efficient insertion technique is described, which detects regions in conflict and updates the underlying arrangement structure.
We will describe the generic framework of this method, the main region insertion operation and the specializations of the key ingredients for the different types of objects: piecewise linear curves, parametric curves (polynomial rational, bspline or nurbs) and implicit curves. Each specialization of this generic arrangement algorithm will be illustrated using the algebraic-geometric modeler Axel.

Chee Yap
Complete Adaptive Algorithms for Curves and their Analysis.

Geometric operations on curves and surfaces can be based on algebraic techniques (e.g., cylindrical algebraic decomposition, resultants) or on numerical/geometric techniques (e.g., subdivision methods, marching cubes).
The latter techniques are practical, adaptive but usually incomplete.
We shall describe some new research to provide adaptive algorithms for geometric operations that are complete.
In particular, we address the problems of computing intersection of curves and topologically correct meshing of singular curves.
Another major challenge is the complexity analysis of such problems. We describe some progress in this direction.

last modified : 27-Sep-2007 2:10 PM