Polynomial solvers

The library provides several type of solvers of polynomial equations. The general signature for these functions is
 Seq<S> solve (E, Mth<S,...>(...))
 S      RootOf(E, Mth<S,...>(...))

A solve function computes a sequence of solutions, where as RootOf computes one specific root.

Univariate solvers

Univariate solvers take as input a polynomial of the type UPolDse. We illustrate their use on several exemples, now.

Suppose for instance that we are manipulating univariate polynomials with integer coefficients (ZZ) and that we want to compute the real roots by the Aberth method. Then after including the file:

#include <synaps/usolve/Aberth.h>

we can use the instruction:

 UpolDse<ZZ> p("x^7-2324325131254354*x+1");
 Seq<RR> sol= solve(p, Aberth<RR>());
We obtain

\[ 4.30232 e^{- 16}, - 4.99422, 4.99422 \]

Instead, if we use Aberth<CC>(), we obtain the sequence of all the $23$ complex roots. Notice that these are approximate values of the actual roots. The way to decide wether we have a real or a complex roots depends on a threshold. The level of approximation is controled by the class Aberth.


#include <synaps/init.h>
#include <synaps/arithm/gmp.h>
#include <synaps/upol/UPolDse.h>
#include <synaps/usolve/Aberth.h>

int main(int argc, char** argv) 
  using std::cout;
  using std::endl;
  UPolDse<QQ> p("x^7-2324325131254354*x-1");
  Seq<RR> sol= solve(p, SlvAberth<RR>());

int main(int argc, char** argv) {}

Exercise: Compute the real (resp. complexe) roots of the polynomial $W_n (x) = \prod_1^n (x - i) \in \mathbbm{Q}[x]$ for n=20. Same question for $W_{20} (x) + \frac{1}{10^{12}} x^{12}$ . $\boxdot$

If one is intereseted in the root of polynomial in an interval, subdivision solvers may be used. The following solver is using the Bernstein basis representation in order to approximate or isolate the real roots of a polynomial. It requires the following files:

#include <synaps/usolve/bezier/SlvBzStd.h>
#include <synaps/usolve/bezier/SlvBzBdg.h>
#include <synaps/usolve/bezier/IslBzStd.h>
and is illustrated now:
 UpolDse<ZZ> p("x^7-2324325131254354*x-1");
 cout<< solve(p, SlvBzStd<double>(1e-6)) << endl; 
 cout<< solve(p, SlvBzBdg<double>(1e-6), -400., 500.) << endl;
The parameter 1e-6 of the class SlvBzStd gives the level of approximation of the roots. In this computation we look at the roots of p in the interval $[- 400, 500]$. The two solvers yields different approximation of the roots:

\begin{eqnarray*} - 363.912 & - 4.76837 e^{- 07} & 363.912\\ - 363.956 & - 2.78912 e^{- 08} & 363.956 \end{eqnarray*}

We can simply be interested by intervals containing one root:
 cout<< solve(p, IslBzStd<QQ>(1e-6)) << endl;
This computes a sequence of intervals with end values in $\mathbbm{Q}$ such that $[a_i, b_i]$ contains only one root of p:

\[ - 2324325131254355, - 1, - 1, 0, 1, 2324325131254355 \]

The naming convention, which we use is the following: Slv... is solver which approximate the real roots, Isl... is a solver which isolate the real roots.


#include <synaps/init.h>
#include <synaps/arithm/gmp.h>
#include <synaps/upol/UPolDse.h>
#include <synaps/usolve/bezier/SlvBzStd.h>
#include <synaps/usolve/bezier/SlvBzBdg.h>
#include <synaps/usolve/bezier/IslBzStd.h>

int main(int argc, char** argv) 
  using std::cout;
  using std::endl;
  UPolDse<ZZ> p("x^7-2324325131254354*x-1");

  cout<<solve(p, SlvBzStd<double,double>())<<endl;
  cout<<solve(p, SlvBzBdg<double,QQ>(), -400., 500.)<<endl;
  cout<<solve(p, IslBzStd<QQ,QQ>())<<endl;
int main(int argc, char** argv) {}

Roots of polynomials over $\mathbbm{Z}$ can be manipulated exactly, as algebraic numbers. Their internal representation will be the defining polynomial and an interval of isolation. It requires the following file:

#include <synaps/usolve/Algebraic.h>
Here is an example, where we compute the real roots with rational isolating interval and evaluate the sign of a polynomial at the first root:
 UpolDse<ZZ> p("x^7-2314*x-1"),q("x^3-2*x+1");
 typedef algebraic::real<QQ> algebraic_t;
 Seq<algebraic_t> sol= solve(p, Algebraic<QQ>());
It yields

\begin{eqnarray*} \tmop{root}_\tmop{of} (x^7 - 2324325131254354) x - 1, 1) \tmop{in} & [- \frac{2324325131254355}{439804651104}, \frac{- 2324325131254355}{8796093022208}], & \tmop{approx} = - 363.956,,\\ \tmop{root}_\tmop{of} (x^7 - 2324325131254354 x - 1, 1) \tmop{in} & [0, 2324325131254355], & \tmop{approx} = 363.956,\\ \tmop{root}_\tmop{of} (x^7 - 2324325131254354) x - 1, 1) \tmop{in} & [ \frac{- 2324325131254355}{8796093022208}, 0], & \tmop{approx} = - 3.00412 e^{- 11} \end{eqnarray*}


#include <synaps/init.h>
#include <synaps/arithm/gmp.h>
#include <synaps/upol/UPolDse.h>
#include <synaps/usolve/algebraic/sign_fct.h>
#include <synaps/usolve/Sturm.h>

typedef ALGEBRAIC::root_of<ZZ> algebraic_t;

int main(int argc, char** argv) 
  using std::cout;
  using std::endl;
  UPolDse<ZZ> p("x^7-2324325131254354*x-1"), q("x^3-2*x-1");
  Seq<algebraic_t> sol = solve(p, Sturm<ZZ>());
int main(int argc, char** argv) {}

Multivariate solvers

Two type of multivariate solvers are available in the library:

The normal form solver can be used from the file:
#include <synaps/msolve/Newmac.h>
as follows:
 typedef MPol<RR> mpol_t;
 std::list<mpol_t> E;

 Seq<VectDse<std:complex<long double> > > sol = solve(E, Newmac<RR>());
 cout<< sol <<endl;
It yields a sequence of vectors with complex numbers over the {{long double}}:

\begin{eqnarray*} {}[ & (1.40281, 0.277651), (1.40281, 0.277651), (0.450884, - 1.72768) & ],\\ {}[ & (1.40281, - 0.277651), (1.40281, - 0.277651), (0.450884, 1.72768) & ],\\ {}[ & (- 0.305627, - 1.35784 e^{- 17}), (- 0.30 b 5627, - 2.26906 e^{- 17}), (- 0.901767, - 4.39707 e^{- 17}) & ],\\ {}[ & (- 0.576379, - 1.25406 e^{- 17}), (- 1.62598 e^{- 16}, 2.08405 e^{- 17}), (- 0.817183, - 2.11964 e^{- 17}) & ],\\ {}[ & (1.28819, - 0.274842), (9.78732 e^{- 17}, 3.27854 e^{- 16}), (0.408591, 0.866511) & ],\\ {}[ & (1.28819, 0.274842), (2.14442 e^{- 16}, - 6.61071 e^{- 17}), (0.408591, - 0.866511) & ],\\ {}[ & (1.40634 e^{- 09}, 1.43066 e^{- 08}), (- 9.37557 e^{- 10}, - 9.53772 e^{- 09}), (1, 2.382 e^{- 15}) & ],\\ {}[ & (- 1.40634^{- 09}, - 1.43066 e^{- 08}), (9.37557 e^{- 10}, 9.53772 e^{- 09}), (1, - 7.4936 e^{- 16}) & ] \end{eqnarray*}


#include <synaps/init.h>
#include <synaps/arithm/gmp.h>
#include <synaps/mpol.h>
#include <synaps/msolve/Newmac.h>

typedef MPol<double> mpol_t;

int main(int argc, char** argv) 
  using std::cout;
  using std::endl;
  std::list<mpol_t> E;

  //  [(1.40281,0.277651),(1.40281,0.277651),(0.450884,-1.72768)], 
  //  [(1.40281,-0.277651),(1.40281,-0.277651),(0.450884,1.72768)], 
  //  [(-0.305627,-1.35784e-17),(-0.305627,-2.26906e-17),(-0.901767,-4.39707e-17)], 
  //  [(-0.576379,-1.25406e-17),(-1.62598e-16,2.08405e-17),(-0.817183,-2.11964e-17)], 
  //  [(1.28819,-0.274842),(9.78732e-17,3.27854e-16),(0.408591,0.866511)], 
  //  [(1.28819,0.274842),(2.14442e-16,-6.61071e-17),(0.408591,-0.866511)]
  //  [(1.40634e-09,1.43066e-08),(-9.37557e-10,-9.53772e-09),(1,2.382e-15)], 
  //  [(-1.40634e-09,-1.43066e-08),(9.37557e-10,9.53772e-09),(1,-7.4936e-16)], 
int main(int argc, char** argv) {}

The subdivision solver can be used from the file

#include <synaps/msolve/sbdslv.h>

We define the domain $[a_1, b_1] \times \cdots \times [a_n, b_n]$ where we search the roots by the vector:

  VectDse<double> domain(6,"-1 1.1 -1 1.1 -1 1.1");
and call the subdivision solver with the standard preconditionner:
 cout<<solve(E, SBDSLV<double,SBDSLV_RDRDL>(1e-6), domain)<<endl;

It yields a sequence of 3 real vectors:

\begin{eqnarray*} {}[ & 5.72114 e^{- 08} 4.53431 e^{- 08} 1 & ]\\ {}[ & - 0.576379 - 2.21964 e^{- 10} - 0.817183 & ]\\ {}[ & - 0.305627 - 0.305627 - 0.901767 & ] \end{eqnarray*}


#include <synaps/init.h>
#include <synaps/arithm/gmp.h>
#include <synaps/mpol.h>
#include <synaps/msolve/Newmac.h>

typedef MPol<double> mpol_t;

int main(int argc, char** argv) 
  using std::cout;
  using std::endl;
  std::list<mpol_t> E;

  //  [(1.40281,0.277651),(1.40281,0.277651),(0.450884,-1.72768)], 
  //  [(1.40281,-0.277651),(1.40281,-0.277651),(0.450884,1.72768)], 
  //  [(-0.305627,-1.35784e-17),(-0.305627,-2.26906e-17),(-0.901767,-4.39707e-17)], 
  //  [(-0.576379,-1.25406e-17),(-1.62598e-16,2.08405e-17),(-0.817183,-2.11964e-17)], 
  //  [(1.28819,-0.274842),(9.78732e-17,3.27854e-16),(0.408591,0.866511)], 
  //  [(1.28819,0.274842),(2.14442e-16,-6.61071e-17),(0.408591,-0.866511)]
  //  [(1.40634e-09,1.43066e-08),(-9.37557e-10,-9.53772e-09),(1,2.382e-15)], 
  //  [(-1.40634e-09,-1.43066e-08),(9.37557e-10,9.53772e-09),(1,-7.4936e-16)], 
int main(int argc, char** argv) {}
