Schedule of the Computational Algebraic Geometry Workshop @ FoCM'08

20-22 June, 2008
Hong Kong, China

Friday 20th:

13:50-14:10: Ragni Piene: Classifying regular lattice polytopes via toric fibrations, Slides of this talk.
14:15-14:35: Hirotachi Abo: Higher Secant Varieties of Classically Studied Varieties, Slides of this talk.
14:40-15:00: Lihong Zhi: Computing the Multiple Roots of Polynomial Systems via Symbolic-numeric Elimination Method, Slides of this talk.
15:05-15:25: Bernard Mourrain: On Stable Methods for Solving Polynomial Equations, Slides of this talk.

16:00-16:45: David Cox (semiplenary): Some Challenges in Computational Algebraic Geometry, Slides of this talk.
16:50-17:35:  Lorenzo Robbiano: From Oil Fields to Hilbert Schemes, Slides of this talk.

Saturday 21st:

13:50-14:35: Charles Wampler (semiplenary): Regeneration: a New Algorithm in Numerical Algebraic Geometry, Slides of this talk.
14:40-15:00: Agnes Szanto: Moment Matrices, Trace Matrices and the Radical of Ideals, Slides of this talk.
15:05-15:25: Guillermo Matera: Deformation techniques for sparse systems, Slides of this talk.

16:00-16:20: Martin Avendano: Factorization of lacunary polynomials, Slides of this talk.
16-25-16:45: Laureano González Vega: Closed Formulae for interference and distance problems involving ellipses and ellipsoids, talk cancelled.
16:50-16:10: Sandra Di Rocco: C*-actions and Kinematics, Slides of this talk.
16:15-16:35: Wolfram Decker: Constructing Numerical Campedelli Surfaces, Slides of this talk.

Sunday 22nd:

13:50-14:10: André Galligo: On bivariate toric polynomial absolute factorization
14:15-14:35: Guillaume Chèze: The total order of reducibility: counting multiplicities
14:40-15:00: Eric Schost: Point counting in genus 2: towards 128 bits, Slides of this talk.
15:05-15:25: Rekha Thomas: Perfect Point Configurations, Slides of this talk.

16:00-16:20: Anders Jensen: Computations in tropical algebraic geometry, Slides of this talk.
16:25-16:45: Carlos D'Andrea: Computing the Newton polygon of offsets to plane algebraic curves, Slides of this talk.
16:50-17:35: Falai Chen (semiplenary): Some Examples on Implicitization Using Moving Surfaces, Slides of this talk.

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