Uses of Class

Packages that use Expression
jml2b.formula Provides the classes necessary to create and manage formulas. 
jml2b.structure.jml Provides the classes necessary to create and manage jml clauses such that depends, represents, specification cases, modifies and exsures. 
jml2b.structure.statement Provides the classes necessary to create and manage java and jml statements and expressions. 

Uses of Expression in jack.plugin

Methods in jack.plugin that return Expression
 Expression JackJml2bConfiguration.getDefaultRequires()
 Expression JackJml2bConfiguration.getDefaultEnsures()

Uses of Expression in jml2b

Methods in jml2b that return Expression
 Expression IJml2bConfiguration.getDefaultRequires()
          Returns the default requires clause
 Expression IJml2bConfiguration.getDefaultEnsures()
          Returns the default ensures clause
 Expression Jml2bConfig.getDefaultRequires()
 Expression Jml2bConfig.getDefaultEnsures()

Uses of Expression in jml2b.formula

Methods in jml2b.formula that return Expression
 Expression TerminalForm.toExp()

Uses of Expression in jml2b.pog.lemma

Methods in jml2b.pog.lemma with parameters of type Expression
 void Proofs.finalize(IJml2bConfiguration config, Formula param, Expression invStaticFinalFields, Formula hyp, Formula req, java.lang.String name, ColoredInfo b, ColoredInfo method)
          Finalize the proof obligations by adding the parameters typing in hypothesis adding the invariant coming from the final static field initialization in hypothesis adding the invariant in hypothesis adding the requires of the current method in hypothesis assigning a name
 Proofs Proofs.param(IJml2bConfiguration config, java.util.Vector signature, Expression param, ExceptionalBehaviourStack exceptionalBehaviour)
          Renames the formal parameter of a called method by the calling parameters.

Constructors in jml2b.pog.lemma with parameters of type Expression
ExsuresLemma(IJml2bConfiguration config, Exsures ex, Expression b, GoalOrigin origin)
          Constructs an exsures lemma from an exsures clause
SimpleLemma(IJml2bConfiguration config, Expression f, GoalOrigin origin)
          Constructs a lemma from an expression.
Theorem(IJml2bConfiguration config, java.util.Enumeration e, Expression b, GoalOrigin origin)
          Construct a theorem from an enumeration of Exsures.
VariantLemma(IJml2bConfiguration config, Expression f)

Uses of Expression in jml2b.pog.util

Constructors in jml2b.pog.util with parameters of type Expression
TemporaryField(ParsedItem pi, Modifiers m, Type t, java.lang.String n, Expression a)
          Constructs a temporary field from a field with a new name.

Uses of Expression in jml2b.structure

Methods in jml2b.structure that return Expression
abstract  Expression AField.getAssign()
abstract  Expression AMethod.getNormalizedRequires(IJml2bConfiguration config)
abstract  Expression AMethod.getNormalizedEnsures(IJml2bConfiguration config)
abstract  Expression AMethod.getRequires()

Uses of Expression in jml2b.structure.bytecode

Methods in jml2b.structure.bytecode that return Expression
 Expression ClassField.getAssign()
 Expression ClassFile.getStaticFinalFieldsInvariants()
 Expression ClassMethod.getNormalizedRequires(IJml2bConfiguration config)
 Expression ClassMethod.getNormalizedEnsures(IJml2bConfiguration config)
 Expression ClassMethod.getRequires()

Uses of Expression in

Methods in that return Expression
abstract  Expression AClass.getStaticFinalFieldsInvariants()
 Expression Class.getStaticFinalFieldsInvariants()
 Expression Field.getAssign()
          Returns the Expression object corresponding to the assign clause of this field The assign clause of a field corresponds to its initialisation, when an initialisation is given during the declaration of the field.
 Expression Field.getDefaultInitialiser()
 Expression Invariant.getInvariant()
          Returns the expression corresponding to the invariant.
 Expression Method.getNormalizedRequires(IJml2bConfiguration config)
 Expression Method.getNormalizedEnsures(IJml2bConfiguration config)
 Expression Method.getExsuresAsExpression(IJml2bConfiguration config)
 Expression Method.getEnsuresAsExpression(IJml2bConfiguration config)
 Expression Method.getRequires()

Methods in with parameters of type Expression
 void Field.setAssign(Expression a)
          Sets the Expression object corresponding to the assign clause of the field.
 void Method.addAnnotation(IJml2bConfiguration config, Expression req, SpecCase sc)
 boolean Method.addAnnotation(IJml2bConfiguration config, Expression req, Expression ens, ModifiesClause mod)
 boolean Method.addComputedRequires(IJml2bConfiguration config, Expression r)
 void Method.setRequires(Expression expression)

Constructors in with parameters of type Expression
Field(ParsedItem pi, Modifiers m, Type t, java.lang.String n, Expression a)

Uses of Expression in jml2b.structure.jml

Methods in jml2b.structure.jml that return Expression
 Expression Exsures.getExpression()
          Returns the property ensured by this exsures clause.
 Expression ModifiesDot.getLeftE()
 Expression Represents.getGluingInvariant()
          Returns the gluing invariant.
 Expression SpecArrayDotDot.getE1()
 Expression SpecArrayDotDot.getE2()
 Expression SpecArrayExpr.getE()
 Expression SpecCase.getNormalizedEnsures()
          Returns the ensures clause guarded by the requires clause
 Expression SpecCase.getExsuresAsExpression()
 Expression SpecCase.getEnsures()
          Returns the content of the ensures clause.
 Expression SpecCase.getRequires()
          Returns the content of the requires clause.

Methods in jml2b.structure.jml with parameters of type Expression
 JmlExpression JmlExpression.instancie(Expression b)
          Replaces this with the parameter in the expression.
abstract  void ModifiesClause.instancie(Expression b, IJml2bConfiguration config)
          Replace this with the parameter in the modifies clause.
 void ModifiesEverything.instancie(Expression b, IJml2bConfiguration config)
 void ModifiesList.instancie(Expression b, IJml2bConfiguration config)
 void ModifiesNothing.instancie(Expression b, IJml2bConfiguration config)
 JmlExpression Represents.instancie(Expression b)
 void SpecCase.completeSpecCase(IJml2bConfiguration config, Expression req, java.util.Vector labels, Modifiers mods, Modifiers methodMods, int type)
          Completes the modifies, if no modifies were declared, the modifies becomes a modifies \everything
 boolean SpecCase.addAnnotation(IJml2bConfiguration config, Expression ens, ModifiesClause mod)
 void SpecCase.setEnsures(Expression expression)
 void SpecCase.setRequires(Expression expression)

Constructors in jml2b.structure.jml with parameters of type Expression
Exsures(Type t, java.lang.String name, Expression s)
          Constructs an exsure clause.
SpecCase(Expression ens, ModifiesClause mod)

Uses of Expression in jml2b.structure.statement

Subclasses of Expression in jml2b.structure.statement
 class ArrayInitializer
          This class implements an array initializer statement, that is, for instance, { {"car", "house" }, {"dog", "cat", "monkey"} }.
 class BinaryExp
          This class implements binary expressions.
 class IsSubtypeOfExp
          This class implements subtype JML expression, it corresponds to code like a <: b
 class MethodCallExp
          This class implements a method call expression
 class QuantifiedExp
          This class implements a quantified expression, that is \forall type var; body or \exists type var; body.
 class QuestionExp
          This class implements a question expression, that is a ? b :c
 class TerminalExp
          This class implements a terminal expression.
 class TTypeExp
          This class implements expressions corresponding to types.
 class UnaryExp
          This class implements unary expressions.
 class WithTypeExp
          This class implements expression with type, that is object and array creation, casting and instanceof.

Methods in jml2b.structure.statement that return Expression
 Expression ArrayInitializer.subField(Field f, Field newF)
 Expression ArrayInitializer.subResult(java.lang.String ww)
 Expression BinaryExp.subField(Field f, Field newF)
 Expression BinaryExp.subResult(java.lang.String ww)
 Expression BinaryExp.getLeft()
          Returns the left expression.
 Expression BinaryExp.getRight()
          Returns the right expression.
static Expression Expression.getNull()
          Returns the expression null.
static Expression Expression.getFalse()
          Returns the expression false.
static Expression Expression.getTrue()
          Returns the expression true.
static Expression Expression.getZero()
          Returns the expression 0.
static Expression Expression.getFromString(java.lang.String expression)
static Expression Expression.createE(JmlFile jf, antlr.collections.AST tree)
          Creates an expression from an AST node.
 Expression Expression.normComma(Expression t)
          Normalized comma expression (a,b),c in a,(b,c).
 Expression Expression.renameParam(Parameters signature, Parameters newSignature)
          Renames the fields belonging to the parameter list with new names.
abstract  Expression Expression.subField(Field f, Field newF)
abstract  Expression Expression.subResult(java.lang.String ww)
 Expression Expression.addInConjonction(Expression req)
 Expression IsSubtypeOfExp.subField(Field f, Field newF)
 Expression IsSubtypeOfExp.subResult(java.lang.String ww)
 Expression IsSubtypeOfExp.getSubType()
 Expression IsSubtypeOfExp.getType()
 Expression MethodCallExp.subField(Field f, Field newF)
 Expression MethodCallExp.subResult(java.lang.String ww)
 Expression MethodCallExp.getLeft()
          Returns the expression corresponding to the called method.
 Expression MethodCallExp.getRight()
 Expression QuantifiedExp.subField(Field f, Field newF)
 Expression QuantifiedExp.subResult(java.lang.String ww)
 Expression QuantifiedExp.getBody()
 Expression QuestionExp.subField(Field f, Field newF)
 Expression QuestionExp.subResult(java.lang.String ww)
 Expression QuestionExp.getCond()
 Expression QuestionExp.getLeft()
 Expression QuestionExp.getRight()
 Expression StAssert.getExp()
 Expression StLoops.getLoop_invariant()
          Returns the loop invariant.
 Expression StLoops.getLoop_variant()
 Expression TTypeExp.subField(Field f, Field newF)
 Expression TTypeExp.subResult(java.lang.String ww)
 Expression TerminalExp.subField(Field f, Field newF)
 Expression TerminalExp.subResult(java.lang.String ww)
 Expression UnaryExp.subField(Field f, Field newF)
 Expression UnaryExp.subResult(java.lang.String ww)
 Expression UnaryExp.getExp()
 Expression WithTypeExp.subField(Field f, Field newF)
 Expression WithTypeExp.subResult(java.lang.String ww)
 Expression WithTypeExp.getExp()

Methods in jml2b.structure.statement with parameters of type Expression
 boolean ArrayInitializer.equals(Expression e)
 JmlExpression ArrayInitializer.instancie(Expression b)
 boolean BinaryExp.equals(Expression e)
 JmlExpression BinaryExp.instancie(Expression b)
static BinaryExp Expression.and(Expression s1, Expression s2)
          Returns the conjonction of two expressions.
 Expression Expression.normComma(Expression t)
          Normalized comma expression (a,b),c in a,(b,c).
abstract  boolean Expression.equals(Expression e)
          Returns whether two expressions are equal.
abstract  JmlExpression Expression.instancie(Expression b)
          Replaces this with the parameter in the expression.
 Expression Expression.addInConjonction(Expression req)
 boolean IsSubtypeOfExp.equals(Expression e)
 JmlExpression IsSubtypeOfExp.instancie(Expression b)
 boolean MethodCallExp.equals(Expression e)
 JmlExpression MethodCallExp.instancie(Expression b)
 boolean QuantifiedExp.equals(Expression e)
 JmlExpression QuantifiedExp.instancie(Expression b)
 boolean QuestionExp.equals(Expression e)
 JmlExpression QuestionExp.instancie(Expression b)
 boolean TTypeExp.equals(Expression e)
 JmlExpression TTypeExp.instancie(Expression b)
 boolean TerminalExp.equals(Expression e)
 JmlExpression TerminalExp.instancie(Expression b)
          If the current expression is LITERAL_this, return b else return this.
 boolean UnaryExp.equals(Expression e)
 JmlExpression UnaryExp.instancie(Expression b)
 boolean WithTypeExp.equals(Expression e)
 JmlExpression WithTypeExp.instancie(Expression b)

Constructors in jml2b.structure.statement with parameters of type Expression
BinaryExp(int nodeType, Expression left, java.lang.String nodeText, Expression right)
          Constructs a quantified expression form another one
MethodCallExp(int nodeType, Expression left, java.lang.String nodeText, Expression right)
          Constructs a method call expression form another one
QuantifiedExp(int nodeType, java.lang.String nodeText, QuantifiedVar vars, Expression body)
          Constructs a quantified expression form another one
UnaryExp(int nodeType, java.lang.String nodeText, Expression exp)
          Constructs an unary expression form another unary expression.

Uses of Expression in jml2b.util

Methods in jml2b.util that return Expression
static Expression StatementUtils.andEnumeration(java.util.Enumeration e)
          Return an expression corresponding to the "and" of all the expression enumerated.