Uses of Class

Packages that use ParsedItem
jml2b.formula Provides the classes necessary to create and manage formulas.   
jml2b.structure.jml Provides the classes necessary to create and manage jml clauses such that depends, represents, specification cases, modifies and exsures. 
jml2b.structure.statement Provides the classes necessary to create and manage java and jml statements and expressions. 

Uses of ParsedItem in jml2b.exceptions

Constructors in jml2b.exceptions with parameters of type ParsedItem
LinkException(java.lang.String message, ParsedItem b)
PogException(java.lang.String msg, ParsedItem b)
          Constructs an exception and add an error into the error handler.
TypeCheckException(java.lang.String message, ParsedItem b)

Uses of ParsedItem in jml2b.formula

Methods in jml2b.formula with parameters of type ParsedItem
 void TerminalForm.setBox(ParsedItem box)
          Sets the box.

Uses of ParsedItem in

Subclasses of ParsedItem in
 class JavaType

Uses of ParsedItem in jml2b.pog.util

Subclasses of ParsedItem in jml2b.pog.util
 class TemporaryField
          This class provides services to create and use temporary fields that are usefull during the proof obligation calculation.

Constructors in jml2b.pog.util with parameters of type ParsedItem
ColoredInfo(ParsedItem b)
          Constructs a green colored info
ColoredInfo(ParsedItem b, byte c)
          Constructs a red colored info or a blue without additional informations.
ColoredInfo(ParsedItem b, byte c, java.lang.String s)
          Constructs a blue colored info with informations.
TemporaryField(ParsedItem pi, Modifiers m, Type t, java.lang.String n, Expression a)
          Constructs a temporary field from a field with a new name.
TemporaryField(ParsedItem pi, Type t, java.lang.String n)
          Constructs a tempory field with a given name and a given type.

Uses of ParsedItem in jml2b.structure

Subclasses of ParsedItem in jml2b.structure
 class AField
 class AMethod

Methods in jml2b.structure with parameters of type ParsedItem
abstract  java.util.Vector AMethod.getClonedSpecCases(ParsedItem pi)

Constructors in jml2b.structure with parameters of type ParsedItem
AField(ParsedItem pi, Modifiers mods)
AMethod(ParsedItem pi, Modifiers m, Class defining)

Uses of ParsedItem in jml2b.structure.bytecode

Subclasses of ParsedItem in jml2b.structure.bytecode
 class ClassDefaultConstructor
 class ClassField
 class ClassFile
 class ClassMethod

Methods in jml2b.structure.bytecode with parameters of type ParsedItem
 java.util.Vector ClassMethod.getClonedSpecCases(ParsedItem pi)

Uses of ParsedItem in

Subclasses of ParsedItem in
 class AClass
 class Class
          Internal representation of classes.
 class Constraint
 class Constructor
          Specialisation of the Method class suitable for representing constructors.
 class Declaration
          Base class for representing declarations.
 class Field
          Class representing fields.
 class Invariant
          class representing invariants.
 class Method
 class NamedNode
 class Package
          class representing packages.
 class Type
          Class representing types.

Methods in with parameters of type ParsedItem
 void Field.setParsedItem(ParsedItem pi)
 LinkInfo Identifier.linkFieldIdent(IJml2bConfiguration config, LinkContext ctx, ParsedItem ident_box)
 java.util.Vector Method.getClonedSpecCases(ParsedItem pi)
 void ParsedItem.setBox(ParsedItem b)
          Deines an item from another.
 void ParsedItem.change(ParsedItem pi)
 void Type.setParsedItem(ParsedItem pi)

Constructors in with parameters of type ParsedItem
Declaration(ParsedItem pi, Modifiers mods)
          Creates a new instance with the given modifiers from the given parsed item.
Declaration(ParsedItem pi, Modifiers mods, Class defining)
          Creates a new declaration instance.
Field(ParsedItem pi, Modifiers m, Type t, java.lang.String n, Expression a)
Field(ParsedItem pi, Type t, java.lang.String n)
Method(ParsedItem pi, Modifiers m, Class defining)
NamedNode(ParsedItem pi)
ParsedItem(ParsedItem b)
          Constructs an item from another.

Uses of ParsedItem in jml2b.structure.jml

Subclasses of ParsedItem in jml2b.structure.jml
 class Depends
          This class implements a depends clause.
 class GuardedModifies
          This class implements a guarded modifies clause.
 class Modifies
          This class represents a modified variable.
 class ModifiesClause
          This class describes the content of a modifies clause.
 class ModifiesDot
          This class implements a modifies corresponding to a member field.
 class ModifiesEverything
          This class implements a \everything
 class ModifiesIdent
          This class corresponds to a modified field.
 class ModifiesLbrack
          This class implements a modifies corresponding to array elements, that is a[b], a[b..c] or a[*] where a, b and c are expressions.
 class ModifiesList
          This class describes the modifies clause as a list of Modifies elements.
 class ModifiesNothing
          This class implements a \nothing modifies clause.
 class Represents
          This abstract class describes a represents clause.
 class SpecArray
          This class defines the possible indexes set of an array in the modifies clause.
 class SpecArrayDotDot
          This class represents an indexes interval
 class SpecArrayExpr
          This class represents an index of an array
 class SpecArrayStar
          This class describes all the indexes of an array that are declared to be potentially modified.
 class SpecCase
          This class implements a specification case, that is a labelled record of requires, modifies, ensures and exsures.

Methods in jml2b.structure.jml with parameters of type ParsedItem
 void Exsures.setParsedItem(ParsedItem pi)
 void GuardedModifies.setParsedItem(ParsedItem pi)
abstract  void ModifiesClause.setParsedItem(ParsedItem pi)
 void ModifiesEverything.setParsedItem(ParsedItem pi)
 void ModifiesList.setParsedItem(ParsedItem pi)
 void ModifiesNothing.setParsedItem(ParsedItem pi)
 void SpecCase.setParsedItem(ParsedItem pi)

Constructors in jml2b.structure.jml with parameters of type ParsedItem
ModifiesDot(ParsedItem pi, Type t, Formula f, ModifiesIdent m)
          Constructs a modified identifier from a formula and a modified field.
ModifiesIdent(ParsedItem pi, Type t, Identifier ident)
          Constructs a modified identifier from an identifier.

Uses of ParsedItem in jml2b.structure.statement

Subclasses of ParsedItem in jml2b.structure.statement
 class ArrayInitializer
          This class implements an array initializer statement, that is, for instance, { {"car", "house" }, {"dog", "cat", "monkey"} }.
 class BinaryExp
          This class implements binary expressions.
 class Expression
          This class defines a Java expression.
 class IsSubtypeOfExp
          This class implements subtype JML expression, it corresponds to code like a <: b
 class MethodCallExp
          This class implements a method call expression
 class QuantifiedExp
          This class implements a quantified expression, that is \forall type var; body or \exists type var; body.
 class QuantifiedVar
          This class implements a list of quantified fields.
 class QuestionExp
          This class implements a question expression, that is a ? b :c
 class StAssert
 class Statement
          This class defines a Java statement.
 class StBlock
          This class implements a block statement
 class StControlFlowBreak
          This class implements a control flow break statement, that is a throw, a continue, a break or a return.
 class StDoWhile
 class StFor
 class StIf
 class StImplementsLabel
          This class implements an implements label statement.
 class StLabel
 class StLoops
          This abstract class implements a loop statement.
 class StSequence
          This class implements a sequence of two statements.
 class StSkip
          This class implements a skip statement.
 class StSpecBlock
          This class implements a specified block.
 class StSwitch
          This class implements a switch statement
 class StTry
          This class implements a try catch finally statement or a try catch or a try finally statement.
 class StVarDecl
          This class implements a set of local field declaration statement
 class TerminalExp
          This class implements a terminal expression.
 class TTypeExp
          This class implements expressions corresponding to types.
 class UnaryExp
          This class implements unary expressions.
 class WithTypeExp
          This class implements expression with type, that is object and array creation, casting and instanceof.

Methods in jml2b.structure.statement with parameters of type ParsedItem
 void ArrayInitializer.setParsedItem(ParsedItem pi)
 void BinaryExp.setParsedItem(ParsedItem pi)
abstract  void Expression.setParsedItem(ParsedItem pi)
 void IsSubtypeOfExp.setParsedItem(ParsedItem pi)
 void MethodCallExp.setParsedItem(ParsedItem pi)
 void QuantifiedExp.setParsedItem(ParsedItem pi)
 void QuantifiedVar.setParsedItem(ParsedItem pi)
 void QuestionExp.setParsedItem(ParsedItem pi)
 void TTypeExp.setParsedItem(ParsedItem pi)
 void TerminalExp.setParsedItem(ParsedItem pi)
 void UnaryExp.setParsedItem(ParsedItem pi)
 void WithTypeExp.setParsedItem(ParsedItem pi)

Constructors in jml2b.structure.statement with parameters of type ParsedItem
QuantifiedVar(ParsedItem pi, Field f, QuantifiedVar n)
          Constructs a quantified fields list form another one.
StSequence(ParsedItem pi, Statement left, Statement right)
          Constructs a sequence from another one.