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Extrapolation: a solution for force feedback ?

Guillaume Picinbono% latex2html id marker 649
\setcounter{footnote}{2}\fnsymbol{footnote} - Jean-Christophe Lombardo% latex2html id marker 650

2004, route des Lucioles, B.P. 93
06902 Sophia Antipolis, Cedex - France


Using a force feedback device within the framework of deformable object simulation remains difficult because of the incompatibility between the computation time needed by realistic deformable models and high refresh frequencies necessary for real-time haptic rendering. Giving the user a good haptic sensation requires refreshing the applied forces at least ten times more often than for giving a good visual sensation. Even though visually interactive deformable models exists, they can not be directly used for haptic rendering.
We suggest, in this paper, to extrapolate the forces computed by the deformable model to go beyond interactivity to haptic real-time.

Keywords: simulation, deformable models, real-time, force feedback, extrapolation.

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Jean-Christophe Lombardo