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Single bisection mode

We may use the single bisection mode i.e. bisect only one variable at a time. Fives modes exist for determining the variable to be bisected, the choice being made by setting Single_Bisection to a value from 1 to 8

The smear mode leads in general to better result than the other modes (but there are exception, see example in section There is another mode called the mixed bisection: among the $n$ variables we will bisect $m_1 <n$ variables, which will lead to $2^{m_1}$ new boxes. This mode is obtained by setting the global integer variable ALIAS_Mixed_Bisection to $m_1-1$. Here we will order the variables according to the value of their smear function (if the flag Single_Bisection is 2 or 3) or according to their width (for 1,4,5).

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Jean-Pierre Merlet 2012-12-20