Usefull Links
Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, Web Mining
- Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Research Bibliography ,
- ACM group KDD
- KDnuggets, KDD Resources
- KDnuggets, KDD Tools
- Quest group on Data Mining (IBM)
- Others Web sites for Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery
- French Working Group In Machine Learning (In french)
Adaptive Hypermedia
- Adaptative Hypertext and Hypermedia
- Peter Brusilovsky's Home Page (Univ of Pittsburgh)
- Paul De Bra's Home Page (Eindhoven Univ of technology)
User Modelling, Viewpoints
- I nternational Conferences on User Modelling Conferences .
- User Modeling 97 reader's Guide.
- Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) /A>
French Research in AI, Web Usage Mining, Web documents
CSCW, Group Decision and Argumentation
- CSCW & Groupware
- Zeno Project
- BSCW Project
- VIM Consortium
- The USEweb Group
- Sophia-Antipolis On-Line
- AFIA server, the Francophon AI Association
- The Collection of Computer Science Bibliographies
F.Bonacina, updated 01-August-2010