Generative model of heart growth using Exoshape

Surface registration with LDDMM & currents

The smooth diffeomorphic transformation ϕi that registers the template T to the observations Ti is estimated using the Large Deformation Diffeomorphic Mappings (LDDMM) method [234] on currents [15]. Diffeomorphic transformations are crucial as they ensure one-to-one mapping between the two shapes. No material loss nor topology changes are allowed, thus guaranteeing the consistency of the analysis. ϕi is obtained by integrating the Lagrangian transport equation ∂ϕi(x,t)∕∂t = vi(ϕi(x,t),t), ϕi(x,t = 0) = x. However, the velocity field vi now varies over time, yet completely determined by the initial velocity field vi(x,t = 0), denoted v0(x) to simplify the notations. As for the currents, the initial velocities v0i(x) belong to a r.k.h.s. V generated by the Gaussian kernel KV (x,y) = exp(-∥x -y2∕λV 2). They are thus parameterised by moment vectors βi. Intuitively, the moment vectors contain the initial kinetic energy that is necessary to cover the geodesic path ϕi. For discrete surfaces, the moments are defined at the location xk of the Dirac delta currents. As a result, the initial velocity field verifies v0i(x) = kKV (xk,x)βki. The kernel KV defines an inner product of the space of velocities V , < v0i,v0j > V = k,lβkiT KV (xk,xl)βlj.

The transformation ϕi is estimated by minimising the registration energy defined on the current:

               --           ∫ 1
E (v)= ∥ϕi(t = 1)*T - T i∥2W*+ λ  ∥v(t)∥Vdt

where λ is a weight parameter that controls the strength of the regularisation and ϕi(t = 1)*T is the action of the diffeomorphism at time t = 1 on the template T. How this energy is minimised is detailed in [51]. What is important to consider for our application is the effect of the kernel KV on the estimated deformations. The matching criterion on currents is regularised by minimising the length along the geodesic diffeomorphism, which is computed by integrating the velocity field v(t) over time. As an analogy, the length of the geodesic ϕ is the distance that a car would cover between time t = 0 and t = 1 when its instant velocity is v(t). The norm of the velocity is computed in the space V , whose members are obtained by convolving the moment vectors with the kernel KV . Hence, the kernel KV controls the smoothness of the velocity v0, and thus of the transformation ϕ. In other words, λV 2 controls the size of the spatial region that is deformed consistently. When λV 2 is large, wide spatial regions are deformed in a coherent way, and reversely. Thus, one can control the amount of shape variability to analyse. For studying global shape differences, large λV 2 are suggested, and conversely.


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