Publications of Vincent Garcia
Articles in journal, book chapters |
Keelin Murphy,
Bram van Ginneken,
Joseph M. Reinhardt,
Sven Kabus,
Kai Ding,
Xiang Deng,
Kunlin Cao,
Kaifang Du,
Gary E. Christensen,
Vincent Garcia,
Tom Vercauteren,
Nicholas Ayache,
Olivier Commowick,
Gregoire Malandain,
Ben Glocker,
Nikos Paragios,
Nassir Navab,
Vladlena Gorbunova,
Jon Sporring,
Marleen de Bruijne,
Xiao Han,
Mattias P. Heinrich,
Julia A. Schnabel,
Mark Jenkinson,
Cristian Lorenz,
Marc Modat,
Jamie R. McClelland,
Sebastien Ourselin,
Sascha E.A. Muenzing,
Max A. Viergever,
Dante De Nigris,
D. Louis Collins,
Tal Arbel,
Marta Peroni,
Rui Li,
Gregory C. Sharp,
Alexander Schmidt-Richberg,
Jan Ehrhardt,
Rene Werner,
Dirk Smeets,
Dirk Loeckx,
Gang Song,
Nicholas Tustison,
Brian Avants,
James C. Gee,
Marius Staring,
Stefan Klein,
Berend C. Stoel,
Martin Urschler,
Manuel Werlberger,
Jef Vandemeulebroucke,
Simon Rit,
David Sarrut,
and Josien P.W. Pluim.
Evaluation of registration methods on thoracic CT: the EMPIRE10 challenge.
IEEE Trans Med Imaging,
November 2011.
Vincent Garcia,
Olivier Commowick,
and Grégoire Malandain.
A Robust and Efficient Block Matching Framework for Non Linear Registration of Thoracic CT Images.
In Grand Challenges in Medical Image Analysis (MICCAI workshop),
Beijing, China,
September 2010.
Vincent Garcia,
Tom Vercauteren,
Grégoire Malandain,
and Nicholas Ayache.
Diffeomorphic demons and the EMPIRE10 challenge.
In Grand Challenges in Medical Image Analysis (MICCAI workshop),
Beijing, China,
September 2010.
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Last modified: Wed Mar 12 12:30:02 2025
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