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245 Articles de conférence
29 - Tree crown detection in high resolution optical and LiDAR images of tropical forest.
J. Zhou et C. Proisy et X. Descombes et I. Hedhli et N. Barbier et J. Zerubia et J.-P. Gastellu-Etchegorry et P. Couteron. Dans Proc. SPIE Symposium on Remote Sensing, Toulouse, France, septembre 2010.
Mots-clés : Tropical forest, tree detection, Marked point process.
30 - Multi-spectral Image Analysis for Skin Pigmentation Classification.
S. Prigent et X. Descombes et D. Zugaj et P. Martel et J. Zerubia. Dans Proc. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Hong-Kong, China, septembre 2010.
Mots-clés : skin hyper-pigmentation, Multi-spectral images, Support Vector Machines, Independant Component Analysis, Data reduction.
31 - Segmentation of networks from VHR remote sensing images using a directed phase field HOAC model.
A. El Ghoul et I. H. Jermyn et J. Zerubia. Dans Proc. ISPRS Technical Commission III Symposium on Photogrammetry Computer Vision and Image Analysis (PCV), Paris, France, septembre 2010.
Mots-clés : Champ de Phase, Shape prior, Directed networks, Road network extraction, river extraction, remote sensing.
Copyright : ISPRS
32 - Classification of very high resolution SAR images of urban areas by dictionary-based mixture models, copulas and Markov random fields using textural features.
A. Voisin et G. Moser et V. Krylov et S.B. Serpico et J. Zerubia. Dans Proc. of SPIE (SPIE Symposium on Remote Sensing 2010), Vol. 7830, Toulouse, France, septembre 2010.
Mots-clés : Images SAR, Supervised classification, Zones urbaines, Textural features, Copulas, Markov Random Fields.
Copyright : SPIE
33 - Building Detection in a Single Remotely Sensed Image with a Point Process of Rectangles.
C. Benedek et X. Descombes et J. Zerubia. Dans Proc. International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), Istanbul, Turkey, août 2010.
Mots-clés : Processus ponctuels marques, multiple birth-and-death dynamics, Building extraction.
34 - Graph-based Analysis of Textured Images for Hierarchical Segmentation.
R. Gaetano et G. Scarpa et T. Sziranyi. Dans Proc. British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC), Aberystwyth, UK, août 2010.
35 - Multichannel SAR Image Classification by Finite Mixtures, Copula Theory and Markov Random Fields.
V. Krylov et G. Moser et S.B. Serpico et J. Zerubia. Dans Proc. of Bayesian Inference and Maximum Entropy Methods in Science and Engineering (MaxEnt 2010), Vol. 1305, pages 319-326, Chamonix, France, juillet 2010.
Mots-clés : multichannel SAR, Classification, probability density function estimation, Markov random field, copula.
Copyright : AIP
36 - Hybrid Multi-view Reconstruction by Jump-Diffusion.
F. Lafarge et R. Keriven et M. Brédif et H. Vu. Dans Proc. IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), San Franscico, U.S., juin 2010.
37 - Spectral Analysis and Unsupervised SVM Classification for Skin Hyper-pigmentation Classification.
S. Prigent et X. Descombes et D. Zugaj et J. Zerubia. Dans Proc. IEEE Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing : Evolution in Remote Sensing (WHISPERS), Reykjavik, Iceland, juin 2010.
Mots-clés : Sectral analysis, Data reduction, Projection pursuit, Support Vector Machines, skin hyper-pigmentation.
38 - Hidden fuzzy Markov chain model with K discrete classes.
A. Gamal Eldin et Fabien Salzenstein et Christophe Collet. Dans Information Sciences Signal Processing and their Applications (ISSPA), mai 2010.
Mots-clés : hidden fuzzy Markov chain, multispectral image segmentation, parameterized joint density.

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