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Publications Dimanche 8 décembre 2024, 19h13

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101 Articles
91 - A Markov Pixon Information approach for low level image description.
X. Descombes et F. Kruggel. IEEE Trans. Pattern Analysis ans Machine Intelligence, 21(6): pages 482-494, juin 1999.
92 - Non linear regularization for helioseismic inversions. Application for the study of the solar tachocline.
T. Corbard et L. Blanc-Féraud et G. Berthomieu et J. Provost. Astronomy and Astrophysics, (344): pages 696-708, 1999.
93 - GMRF Parameter Estimation in a non-stationary Framework by a Renormalization Technique: Application to Remote Sensing Imaging.
X. Descombes et M. Sigelle et F. Prêteux. IEEE Trans. Image Processing, 8(4): pages 490-503, 1999.
94 - Unsupervised parallel image classification using Markovian models.
Z. Kato et J. Zerubia et M. Berthod. Pattern Recognition, 32(4): pages 591-604, 1999.
Mots-clés : Markov random field model, Hierarchical model, Parameter estimation, Parallel unsupervised image classification.
95 - Particle tracking with iterated Kalman filters and smoothers : the PMHT algorithm.
A. Strandlie et J. Zerubia. Computer Physics Communications, 123(1-3): pages 77-87, 1999.
96 - A generalized sampling theory without bandlimiting constraints.
M. Unser et J. Zerubia. IEEE Trans. on Circuits And Systems II, 45(8): pages 959-969, août 1998.
97 - Variational approach for edge preserving regularization using coupled PDE's.
S. Teboul et L. Blanc-Féraud et G. Aubert et M. Barlaud. IEEE Trans. Image Processing, 7(3): pages 387-397, mars 1998.
98 - Combined constraints for efficient algebraic regularized methods.
I. Laurette et J. Darcourt et L. Blanc-Féraud et P.M. Koulibaly et M. Barlaud. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 43(4): pages 991-1000, 1998.
99 - fMRI Signal Restoration Using an Edge Preserving Spatio-temporal Markov Random Field.
X. Descombes et F. Kruggel et Y. von Cramon. NeuroImage, 8: pages 340-349, 1998.
Mots-clés : fMRI, Restauration, Champs de Markov.
Copyright : published in NeuroIMage by Elsevier ||
100 - Spatio-temporal fMRI analysis using Markov Random Fields.
X. Descombes et F. Kruggel et Y. Von Cramon. IEEE Trans. Medical Imaging, 17(6): pages 1028-1039, 1998.
Note : à paraître.
Mots-clés : fMRI, Markov Random Fields.

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