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Publications ~ Biological images Saturday, July 27th 2024, 02:24

Publications about Biological images

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	author = { Bhattacharya, A. and Roux, M. and Maitre, H. and Jermyn, I. H. and Descombes, X. and Zerubia, J. },
	title = { Indexing of mid-resolution satellite images with structural attributes },
	year = { 2008 },
	month = { July },
	booktitle = { The International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing },
	address = { Beijing, China },
	pdf = { },
	keyword = { Landscape, Segmentation, Features, Extraction, Classification, Modelling }

	author = { Peng, T. and Jermyn, I. H. and Prinet, V. and Zerubia, J. },
	title = { Extraction of main and secondary roads in VHR images using a higher-order phase field model },
	year = { 2008 },
	month = { July },
	booktitle = { Proc. XXI ISPRS Congress, Part A },
	pages = { 215-22 },
	address = { Beijing, China },
	pdf = { },
	keyword = { Road network, Urban areas, Satellite images, Segmentation, Modelling, Variational methods }

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