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101 Articles
1 - Unsupervised amplitude and texture classification of SAR images with multinomial latent model.
K. Kayabol and J. Zerubia. IEEE Trans. on Image Processing, 22(2): pages 561-572, February 2013.
Keywords : COSMOSkyMed, Classification EM, High resolution SAR, Jensen-Shannon criterion, Classification, Multinomial logistic.
2 - Building Development Monitoring in Multitemporal Remotely Sensed Image Pairs with Stochastic Birth-Death Dynamics.
C. Benedek and X. Descombes and J. Zerubia. IEEE Trans. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 34(1): pages 33-50, January 2012.
Keywords : Building extraction, Change detection, Marked point process, multiple birth-and-death dynamics.
Copyright : IEEE
3 - Classification of Very High Resolution SAR Images of Urban Areas Using Copulas and Texture in a Hierarchical Markov Random Field Model.
A. Voisin and V. Krylov and G. Moser and S.B. Serpico and J. Zerubia. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 2012.
Note : to appear in 2013
Keywords : Hierarchical Markov random fields (MRFs) , Supervised classification, synthetic aperture radar (SAR), Textural features, urban areas, wavelets.
4 - Supervised High Resolution Dual Polarization SAR Image Classification by Finite Mixtures and Copulas.
V. Krylov and G. Moser and S.B. Serpico and J. Zerubia. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, 5(3): pages 554-566, June 2011.
Keywords : Polarimetric synthetic aperture radar, Supervised classification, probability density function (pdf), dictionary-based pdf estimation, Markov random field, copula.
Copyright : IEEE
5 - An automatic counter for aerial images of aggregations of large birds.
S. Descamps and A. Béchet and X. Descombes and A. Arnaud and J. Zerubia. Bird Study, : pages 1-7, June 2011.
6 - On the Illumination Invariance of the Level Lines under Directed Light: Application to Change Detection.
P. Weiss and A. Fournier and L. Blanc-Féraud and G. Aubert. SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, 4(1): pages 448-471, March 2011.
Keywords : Level Lines, topographic map, illumination invariance, Change detection, contrast equalization, remote sensing.
7 - Enhanced Dictionary-Based SAR Amplitude Distribution Estimation and Its Validation With Very High-Resolution Data.
V. Krylov and G. Moser and S.B. Serpico and J. Zerubia. IEEE-Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 8(1): pages 148-152, January 2011.
Keywords : finite mixture models, parametric estimation, probability-density-function estimation, Stochastic EM (SEM), synthetic aperture radar.
Copyright : IEEE
8 - Multiple Birth and Cut Algorithm for Multiple Object Detection.
A. Gamal Eldin and X. Descombes and Charpiat G. and J. Zerubia. Journal of Multimedia Processing and Technologies, 2011.
Keywords : Markov point process, Multiple Birth and Cut, Graph Cut, Belief Propagation, flamingo counting.
9 - A Marked Point Process Model Including Strong Prior Shape Information Applied to Multiple Object Extraction From Images.
M. S. Kulikova and I. H. Jermyn and X. Descombes and E. Zhizhina and J. Zerubia. International Journal of Computer Vision and Image Processing, 1(2): pages 1-12, 2011.
Keywords : Active contour, Marked point process, multiple birth-and-death dynamics, multiple object extraction, Shape prior.
10 - Approche non supervisée par processus ponctuels marqués pour l'extraction d'objets à partir d'images aériennes et satellitaires.
S. Ben Hadj and F. Chatelain and X. Descombes and J. Zerubia. Revue Française de Photogrammétrie et de Télédétection (SFPT), (194): pages 2-15, 2011.
Keywords : processus ponctuel marqué, RJMCMC, Simulated Annealing, SEM, pseudo-vraisemblance, extraction d'objet..
11 - A Marked Point Process for Modeling Lidar Waveforms.
C. Mallet and F. Lafarge and M. Roux and U. Soergel and F. Bretar and C. Heipke. IEEE Trans. Image Processing, 19(12): pages 3204-3221, December 2010.
Keywords : Clustering algorithms, Image color analysis, Image edge detection, Image segmentation, Monte Carlo Sampling, Object-based stochastic model.
12 - Geometric Feature Extraction by a Multi-Marked Point Process .
F. Lafarge and G. Gimel'farb and X. Descombes. IEEE Trans. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 32(9): pages 1597-1609, September 2010.
Keywords : Shape extraction, Spatial point process, Stochastic geometry, fast optimization, Texture, remote sensing.
13 - A formal Gamma-convergence approach for the detection of points in 2-D biological images.
D. Graziani and G. Aubert and L. Blanc-Féraud. SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, 3(3): pages 578-594, September 2010.
Keywords : points detection, curvature-depending functionals, divergence-measure fields.
14 - Régularité et parcimonie pour les problèmes inverses en imagerie : algorithmes et comparaisons.
M. Carlavan and P. Weiss and L. Blanc-Féraud. Traitement du Signal, 27(2): pages 189-219, September 2010.
Keywords : Inverse Problems, Regularization, Total variation, Wavelets.
15 - Variational approximation for detecting point-like target problems.
D. Graziani and G. Aubert. COCV: Esaim Control Optimization and Calculus of Variations DOI: 10.1051/cocv/2010029, August 2010.
Keywords : points detection, Biological images, divergence-measure fields.
16 - Insertion of 3D-primitives in mesh-based representations: Towards compact models preserving the details.
F. Lafarge and R. Keriven and M. Brédif. IEEE Trans. Image Processing, 19(7): pages 1683-1694, July 2010.
Keywords : 3-D reconstruction, Graph-cut , Shape extraction, urban scenes.
17 - Extended Phase Field Higher-Order Active Contour Models for Networks.
T. Peng and I. H. Jermyn and V. Prinet and J. Zerubia. International Journal of Computer Vision, 88(1): pages 111-128, May 2010.
Keywords : Active contour, Phase Field, Shape prior, Parameter analysis, remote sensing, Road network extraction.
18 - Unsupervised line network extraction in remote sensing using a polyline process.
C. Lacoste and X. Descombes and J. Zerubia. Pattern Recognition, 43(4): pages 1631-1641, April 2010.
Keywords : Marked point process, Line networks, Road network extraction.
19 - Structural approach for building reconstruction from a single DSM.
F. Lafarge and X. Descombes and J. Zerubia and M. Pierrot-Deseilligny. IEEE Trans. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 32(1): pages 135-147, January 2010.
20 - Shape Analysis of Elastic Curves in Euclidean Spaces.
S. Joshi and E. Klassen and W. Liu and I. H. Jermyn and A. Srivastava. IEEE Trans. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 33(7): pages 1415-1428, 2010.
Note : to appear
Keywords : shape analysis, elastic deformations, Riemannian elastic metric.

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