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Publications ~ Markov Fields Saturday, July 27th 2024, 03:07

Publications about Markov Fields

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14 Technical and Research Reports
13 - Estimation d'hyperparamètres pour la restauration d'images satellitaires par une méthode MCMCML.
A. Jalobeanu and L. Blanc-Féraud and J. Zerubia. Research Report 3469, Inria, August 1998.
Keywords : Markov Fields, Regularization, Variational methods, Likelihood maximum.
14 - Extraction des zones urbaines fondée sur une analyse de la texture par modélisation markovienne.
A. Lorette and X. Descombes and J. Zerubia. Research Report 3423, Inria, May 1998.
Keywords : Texture, Markov Fields, Urban areas, Entropy.

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Collection article or Book chapter
1 - Markov random fields in image processing, application to remote sensing and astrophysics.
J. Zerubia and A. Jalobeanu and Z. Kato. In Journal de Physique, EDP Sciences, Vol. IV (12), 2002.
Keywords : Markov Fields, Satellite images, Astrophysics.

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