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Publications ~ Markov Fields Thursday, October 24th 2024, 12:09

Publications about Markov Fields

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2 Articles
1 - Supervised Segmentation of Remote Sensing Images Based on a Tree-Structure MRF Model.
G. Poggi and G. Scarpa and J. Zerubia. IEEE Trans. Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 43(8): pages 1901-1911, August 2005.
Keywords : Classification, Segmentation, Markov Fields.
2 - fMRI Signal Restoration Using an Edge Preserving Spatio-temporal Markov Random Field.
X. Descombes and F. Kruggel and Y. von Cramon. NeuroImage, 8: pages 340-349, 1998.
Keywords : fMRI, Restoration, Markov Fields.
Copyright : published in NeuroIMage by Elsevier ||

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3 PhD Thesis and Habilitations
1 - Méthodes stochastiques en analyse d'image : des champs de Markov aux processus ponctuels marqués.
X. Descombes. Habilitation à diriger des Recherches, Universite de Nice Sophia Antipolis, February 2004.
Keywords : Markov Fields, Stochastic geometry.
2 - Analyse de texture dans l'espace hyperspectral par des méthodes probabilistes.
G. Rellier. PhD Thesis, Universite de Nice Sophia Antipolis, November 2002.
Keywords : Hyperspectral imaging, Texture, Classification, Markov Fields.
3 - Analyse de Texture par Méthodes Markoviennes et par Morphologie Mathématique : Application à l'Analyse des Zones Urbaines sur des Images Satellitales.
A. Lorette. PhD Thesis, Universite de Nice Sophia Antipolis, September 1999.
Keywords : Texture, Segmentation, Markov Fields, Mathematical morphology, Urban areas.

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3 Conference articles
1 - Classification bayésienne supervisée d’images RSO de zones urbaines à très haute résolution.
A. Voisin and V. Krylov and J. Zerubia. In Proc. GRETSI Symposium on Signal and Image Processing, Bordeaux, September 2011.
Keywords : SAR Images, Classification, Urban areas, Markov Fields, Hierarchical models.
2 - A comparative study of three methods for identifying individual tree crowns in aerial images covering different types of forests.
M. Eriksson and G. Perrin and X. Descombes and J. Zerubia. In Proc. International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS), Marne La Vallee, France, July 2006.
Keywords : Region Growing, Marked point process, Markov Fields, Object extraction, Tree Crown Extraction.
3 - Textural Kernel for SVM Classification in Remote Sensing : Application to Forest Fire Detection and Urban Area Extraction.
F. Lafarge and X. Descombes and J. Zerubia. In Proc. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Genoa, Italy, September 2005.
Keywords : Support Vector Machines, Learning base, Markov Fields, Forest fires, Urban areas.
Copyright : IEEE

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14 Technical and Research Reports
1 - Tree Crown Extraction using a Three States Markov Random Field.
X. Descombes and E. Pechersky. Research Report 5982, INRIA, September 2006.
Keywords : Markov Fields, Tree Crown Extraction.
2 - Noyaux Texturaux pour les Problèmes de Classification par SVM en Télédétection.
F. Lafarge and X. Descombes and J. Zerubia. Research Report 5370, INRIA, France, December 2004.
Keywords : Support Vector Machines, Classification, Forest fires, Urban areas, Learning base, Markov Fields.

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