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Publications ~ Inverse Problems Saturday, July 27th 2024, 02:26

Publications about Inverse Problems

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2 Articles
1 - Régularité et parcimonie pour les problèmes inverses en imagerie : algorithmes et comparaisons.
M. Carlavan and P. Weiss and L. Blanc-Féraud. Traitement du Signal, 27(2): pages 189-219, September 2010.
Keywords : Inverse Problems, Regularization, Total variation, Wavelets.
2 - Blind deconvoltion for thin layered confocal imaging.
P. Pankajakshan and B. Zhang and L. Blanc-Féraud and Z. Kam and J.C. Olivo-Marin and J. Zerubia. Applied Optics, 48(22): pages 4437-4448, August 2009.
Keywords : Blind Deconvolution, Confocal microscopy, Inverse Problems.
Copyright : Optical Society of America

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2 Collection articles or Books chapters
1 - Deconvolution of images.
J. Idier and L. Blanc-Féraud. In Bayesian approach to inverse problems, Ed. J. Idier, Publ. ISTE and John Wiley & Sons, 2008.
Keywords : Inverse Problems, Bayesian approach, Image procressing.
Copyright : ISTE Ltd
2 - Unsupervised problems.
X. Descombes and Y. Goussard. In Bayesian approach to inverse problems, Ed. J. Idier, Publ. ISTE and John Wiley & Sons, 2008.
Note : to appear.
Keywords : Inverse Problems, Bayesian approach, Image procressing.
Copyright : ISTE Ltd

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