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Publications ~ Spatial point process Thursday, October 24th 2024, 12:09

Publications about Spatial point process

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1 - Geometric Feature Extraction by a Multi-Marked Point Process .
F. Lafarge and G. Gimel'farb and X. Descombes. IEEE Trans. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 32(9): pages 1597-1609, September 2010.
Keywords : Shape extraction, Spatial point process, Stochastic geometry, fast optimization, Texture, remote sensing.

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Technical and Research Report
1 - An adaptive simulated annealing cooling schedule for object detection in images.
M. Ortner and X. Descombes and J. Zerubia. Research Report 6336, INRIA, October 2007.
Keywords : Image procressing, Shape extraction, Spatial point process, Simulated Annealing, Adaptive cooling schedule.

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