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Publications ~ Metric Saturday, December 7th 2024, 22:38

Publications about Metric

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1 - Invariant Bayesian estimation on manifolds.
I. H. Jermyn. Annals of Statistics, 33(2): pages 583--605, April 2005.
Keywords : Bayesian estimation, MAP, MMSE, Invariant, Metric, Jeffrey's.

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3 Conference articles
1 - Removing Shape-Preserving Transformations in Square-Root Elastic (SRE) Framework for Shape Analysis of Curves.
S. Joshi and E. Klassen and A. Srivastava and I. H. Jermyn. In Proc. Energy Minimization Methods in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (EMMCVPR), Ezhou, China, August 2007.
Keywords : Shape, Reparameterization, Metric, Geodesic.
Copyright : The original publication is available at
2 - A Novel Representation for Riemannian Analysis of Elastic Curves in R^n.
S. Joshi and E. Klassen and A. Srivastava and I. H. Jermyn. In Proc. IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), Minneapolis, USA, June 2007.
Keywords : Shape, Metric, Geodesic, Prior.
3 - Riemannian Analysis of Probability Density Functions with Applications in Vision.
S. Joshi and A. Srivastava and I. H. Jermyn. In Proc. IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), Minneapolis, USA, June 2007.
Keywords : Probability density function, Metric, Geodesic, Reparameterization.

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