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Publications ~ Rare event Wednesday, July 17th 2024, 19:56

Publications about Rare event

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	author = { Lafarge, F. and Descombes, X. and Zerubia, J. and Mathieu, S. },
	title = { Détection de feux de forêt par analyse statistique d'évènements rares à partir d'images infrarouges thermiques },
	year = { 2007 },
	journal = { Traitement du Signal },
	volume = { 24 },
	number = { 1 },
	note = { copyright Traitement du Signal },
	pdf = { },
	keyword = { Gaussian Field, Rare event, DT-caracteristic, Intensity peak }

	author = { Lafarge, F. and Descombes, X. and Zerubia, J. and Mathieu-Marni, S. },
	title = { Détection de feux de forêt à partir d'images satellitaires IRT par analyse statistique d'évènements rares },
	year = { 2005 },
	month = { September },
	booktitle = { Proc. GRETSI Symposium on Signal and Image Processing },
	address = { Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgique },
	pdf = { },
	keyword = { Rare event, Forest fires, Gaussian Field }

	author = { Lafarge, F. and Descombes, X. and Zerubia, J. },
	title = { Détection de Feux de Forêt par Analyse Statistique de la Radiométrie d'Images Satellitaires },
	year = { 2004 },
	month = { December },
	institution = { INRIA },
	type = { Research Report },
	number = { 5369 },
	address = { France },
	url = { },
	pdf = { },
	ps = { },
	keyword = { Forest fires, Gaussian Field, Rare event }

	author = { Jermyn, I. H. },
	title = { On Bayesian Estimation in Manifolds },
	year = { 2002 },
	month = { November },
	institution = { Inria },
	type = { Research Report },
	number = { 4607 },
	address = { France },
	url = { },
	pdf = { },
	ps = { },
	keyword = { Rare event, Bayesian estimation, Invariant }

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