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Publications ~ S. Teboul Wednesday, July 17th 2024, 20:19

Publications of S. Teboul

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1 - Variational approach for edge preserving regularization using coupled PDE's.
S. Teboul and L. Blanc-Féraud and G. Aubert and M. Barlaud. IEEE Trans. Image Processing, 7(3): pages 387-397, March 1998.

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2 Conference articles
1 - Active contour models for segmentation and reconstruction on medical images.
S. Teboul and L. Blanc-Féraud and G. Aubert and M. Barlaud. In Asilomar Conference, USA, November 1998.
2 - Real-Time 3D vizualization for medical images reconstruction and segmentation.
F. Diard and S. Teboul and L. Blanc-Féraud and M. Barlaud. In IEEE Image and MultiDimensional Signal Processing, Autriche, July 1998.

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