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Publications ~ P. Martel Sunday, June 30th 2024, 14:47

Publications of P. Martel

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	author = { Carlavan, M. and Weiss, P. and Blanc-Féraud, L. },
	title = { Régularité et parcimonie pour les problèmes inverses en imagerie : algorithmes et comparaisons },
	year = { 2010 },
	month = { September },
	journal = { Traitement du Signal },
	volume = { 27 },
	number = { 2 },
	pages = { 189-219 },
	url = { },
	pdf = { },
	keyword = { Inverse Problems, Regularization, Total variation, Wavelets }

	author = { Blanc-Féraud, L. },
	title = { Sur quelques Problèmes Inverses en Traitement d'Image },
	year = { 2000 },
	month = { July },
	school = { Universite de Nice Sophia Antipolis },
	type = { Habilitation à diriger des Recherches },
	pdf = { Theses/hdr-blancf-2000.pdf },
	keyword = { Partial differential equation, Restoration, Regularization, Gamma Convergence, Variational methods }

	author = { Aubert, G. and Blanc-Féraud, L. and March, R. },
	title = { Gamma-Convergence of Discrete Functionals with non Convex Perturbation for Image Classification },
	year = { 2002 },
	month = { September },
	institution = { Inria },
	type = { Research Report },
	number = { 4560 },
	address = { France },
	url = { },
	pdf = { },
	ps = { },
	keyword = { Generalised Gaussians, Classification, Regularization }

	author = { Jalobeanu, A. and Blanc-Féraud, L. and Zerubia, J. },
	title = { Adaptive parameter estimation for satellite image deconvolution },
	year = { 2000 },
	month = { June },
	institution = { Inria },
	type = { Research Report },
	number = { 3956 },
	url = { },
	pdf = { },
	ps = { },
	keyword = { Deconvolution, Regularization, Markov Fields, Likelihood maximum }

	author = { Jalobeanu, A. and Blanc-Féraud, L. and Zerubia, J. },
	title = { Estimation d'hyperparamètres pour la restauration d'images  satellitaires par une méthode MCMCML },
	year = { 1998 },
	month = { August },
	institution = { Inria },
	type = { Research Report },
	number = { 3469 },
	url = { },
	pdf = { },
	ps = { },
	keyword = { Markov Fields, Regularization, Variational methods, Likelihood maximum }

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